32- Trash Mouth
---- 12:12 PM ----
The ravenette kept his eyes fastened out the window, the mystical portal appearing and dispersing chaotically with no rhyme or reason; oddly beautiful. Yet remained nonsensical, knowing explaining it to his peers would only make him appear manic. They would all think he was crazy!
His eyes never left the purple portal but no one else seemed to notice it scanning the room; the teacher continued teaching the material while students took notes; none disturbed from the rays illuminating them. Was this a dream? Sure seemed as such!
Pinching his cheeks, the boy felt his touch. The small amount of pain caused by the pinch ensure him this was not a dream. But why would he see that and why now? Nothing else would suggest this was a supernatural place... But Mike thought back to a week ago, when the curly haired boy suddenly barged into the room screaming about something similar: although that was UFO'S... could it be related? Surely not, right?
Mike ruffled his hair not noticing when the lesson had ended. The teacher already left the room for lunch. The ravenette didn't want to get up from his desk, not until he was sure what that thing in the sky was, but reluctantly looked up seeing his friends crowd his desk.
"Are you okay?" The brunette questioned scrunching his face
"Y-yep!" Mike answered, deciding to speak to Dustin to ask if this was the same thing as his alien crap! Lifting himself up to hear the chair scrape against the floor the party skipped to the cafeteria. The group jested with bright smiles on their faces, reaching the food court and taking a seat on the table; in three's the group got their food, saving the space for the others.
First Max, El and Dustin brought their lunch, returning after a few quick minutes allowing the remaining boys to wait in line to pick a meal lined out practically like a buffet; many assortments of food decorated perfectly to set the mood of the cafeteria. Mike did everything on autopilot: buying his lunch along with Lucas and Will until they reached the tables again, trays in hand.
The group began eating, light-heartedly making conversations as the ravenette contributed nothing using the whole lunch fastening his eyes on the small boy. But this time it wasn't a look of endearment, rather remembering a conversation he overheard the other day:
As he thought back to over a week ago; from what he heard the curly haired boy rampaged around the class about aliens. He remembered walking into high school that day; it was a Friday morning, and the weather was mellow as the spring weather transition to a summer's day; the ravenette slumped through the halls making his way over to the classroom as two figures charged toward him.
He could spot who they were; seeing Will in front dragging a confused Dustin behind him, aggressively passing him on the way. He was perplexed but decided to raise an arm exchanging formalities but before a reply they already passed, causing him to scoff rolling his eyes slugging a few more steps at how rude that was.
Before he was able to enter the class, he stopped dead in his tracks. The situation coming off as very suspicious deciding to follow them; after all, the rapidly changing Will was at the height of his suspicion at that time, thinking he would allow Will a chance but this event placing a doubt in his mind.
Turning around, carefully keeping his distance from the two boys, he trailed the pair to the familiar rooftop that he had spent many afternoons in peace listening to music, to reflect on life and to sleep during the busy school day. Deliberately, he leaned on the door frame cracking the door slightly ajar so he could hear the conversation between the two. Wanting to understand what was so secretive? Very suspicious indeed!
The ravenette could remember the words spoken although at the time it sounded ludicrous; consisting of Will merely telling Dustin how they were 'in a comic' and how he 'wasn't from here'; whatever that meant! But now it was clear to Mike: very clear. He had been noticing weird coincidences recently; ever since Will had changed there was a shift in his life; or more accurately everyone's lives as his peers began to subtly change: like Lucas and El becoming less reserved and attaining interests in hobbies they never mentioned before.
"It all makes sense!" Muttering under his breath. Passing out of his thoughts as the puzzle pieces finally aligned; fitting into its place but a surge of frustration building up within. Mixed with curiosity and anger, Mike sought after the boy who had all the answers... good old Will Byers. Determined to uncover his realisation, he stunned the small boy by placing a hand on his shoulder, feeling him flinch under the touch. "Will! We need to talk!"
"Why?" The brunette tilted his head startled by the urgency in Mike's voice "Is something wrong?"
"Oh definitely" The ravenette said firm, his voice portraying a hint of anger
"Umm okay..." Will mumbled feeling Mike's hand move away from his shoulder to his arm dragging him back to the classroom; his friends confused including Lucas with a scowl on his face.
Mike scanned the hall before shutting the door taking a deep breath ensuring the area was empty "Are we really in a comic?"
"Excuse me?" The brunette questioned,
"Are we in a comic?" The ravenette repeated his words stern
"No..." Will lied, wanting to know the context; how did Mike know? Did he overhear something? Or did Dustin tell him? But he wouldn't believe something like that... of course not! The Mike he knew was a sceptic, asking questions before concluding. Will needed to learn more "What would give you that idea?"
"Bullshit!" The ravenette spat, "I heard you and Dustin talk about it... and I just saw a literal portal in the sky"
"... So you do know" The brunette sighed, dropping his clueless façade "Yes Mike... we are in a comic!" admitting to the fact before the situation escalates more then it needed.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier? We're supposed to be friends!" The ravenette complained, hurt by the fact he was kept in the dark of his own reality.
"I'm sorry" Will mumbled "I was protecting you, and besides if I told you that earlier would you have believed me?" raising an eyebrow judgmentally
"Maybe I would have!" Mike muttered barely audible; not knowing if he actually would. There is always one friend who you would believe if they had an outlandish theory... and that person was Will. He wouldn't just believe it because he had a crush on the small boy but rather the vibe he gives off.
"No, you would not have!" The brunette deadpanned "It's an outlandish claim!"
"So, what are you gonna do about all of this?" Mike asked calm crossing his arms
"What do you mean?" Will questioned confused
"Are you just gonna live here forever?" The ravenette asked
"No... I'm going to go home eventually!" The brunette answered but his voice wavering to a whisper "I just need to figure out how to do that first" scratching the back of his neck
"So, you're just gonna leave?" Mike crossed his arms while furrowing his eyebrows in frustration; his demeanour suddenly changing. The room surrounding with a thick tension. "After everything that's happened here... you want to leave?" with slight disappointment mixed into his voice
"What?" The brunette took a step back, why would the ravenette be so pressed about this? Not even Dustin was distraught over the notion, in fact offering his support to help the small boy, "It's not that simple Mike! I need to go home eventually; I do have a family!"
"What about us?" Mike whispered, his face falling
"What about us?" Will repeated
"You've made so many friends here! What about all of them? El, Max, Dustin, Lucas!" The ravenette counted the names on his fingers swayed by his own emotions "Don't you care how they would feel if you go?"
"But I don't belong here, do I?" The brunette reasoned
"Well, I wish you didn't come here to begin with!" Mike's anger blinded him to Will's valid reasons; his own crush being taken away from him so shortly after figuring it out, fuelled his arguments, unwilling to accept Will's decision. In his frustration, he said hurtful things, accusing the brunette of being a bad friend and abandoning them.
Will, hurt by Mike's words, felt a mix of anger and sadness undeserving of being treated this way. Despite his desire to fight back, he took a deep breath to maintain his composure. "Mike... I will be going home... And that's final" His voice wavering, attempting to get his point across.
The room fell into silence, the weight of the words falling deep into the air. The ravenette felt a mix of anger and disappointment, unable to comprehend why Will would want to leave the place that has made them all so much happier. So, without another word, the taller boy turned on his heel, stomping away from the class needing the time to reflect over the revelations he had just learnt.
The ravenette took a deep breath roaming the school before taking a seat on the bleachers, resting his head in his hands; a million thoughts passing by. He detested the way he just acted; it wasn't very becoming of him; only acting selfish in fear of losing Will. This was nothing about the crush he had on him... it was the fact that he didn't know what would happen once Will leaves. Would the story continue without him? Or will the character -and by proxy his friends- cease to exist? The questions scaring him, hanging heavy in his head. Burying his head deeper into his arms, he heard footsteps approaching expecting it to be Will or Dustin or even possibly Lucas, slightly raising his head to see the owner...
Richie stood tall with a goofy grin plastered on his face, coming close and taking a seat beside "Hey Mikey, Mikey, Mikey" jokingly repeating the nickname, placing an arm over the ravenette adjusting his thick rimmed glasses with the other hand.
"What do you want Richie?" Mike rolled his eyes ducking away from the boy's arm
"Why is it that I always 'need' something?" The boy replied with a pout playing on his face "Can't I just want to talk to my dear cousin"
"Richie this is getting weird even for you!" The ravenette scrunched his face "What did you come here to say?"
The sarcastic boy sighed placing a hand on his head "I come bearing advice"
"Then I don't want it!" Mike rolled his eyes
"Don't you even wanna know what it is?" Richie cooed, knowing his advice would definitely peak Mike's interest.
"Nope!" The ravenette scoffed getting up from his seat annoyed, doing a few small stretches before trotting off
"Are you sure?" The sarcastic boy shouted
"Very sure!" Mike answered not even bothering to look back
"It's about Will!" Richie shouted, a small smirk on his face seeing the ravenette stop dead in his tracks, flipping around on his heel.
Mike's ears perked. "W-what about him?" attempting to come off casual.
"I was just thinking, Doesn't Will look very kissable? Don't you just wanna smooch him?" Richie wiggled his eyebrows attempting to get a reaction from the ravenette as he walked over resting an elbow on his shoulder
"What?" Mike spoke stern, his voice holding a hint of anger within, hearing the brunette being spoke about in such a way; causing a jealousy wriggling deep.
"Not for me of course!" The sarcastic boy stood up straight "I have my eyes only on my Eddie-Spaghetti!" waving his hands around "I'm talking about for you!"
"For me?" The ravenette blinked crossing his arms "Why would I care if he is kissable or not!" denying any sort of feeling he had toward the small boy to 'trashmouth' Richie
"Oh, I see that smirk on your face..." Richie cooed "You like him!"
"No... I don't" Mike lied
"Sure..." The sarcastic boy rolled his eyes "I can give you advice on how to get him!"
"You needed Will's help to get Eddie!" The ravenette jested
"Thats just a technicality!" The sarcastic boy smiled "Trust me! I know a lot about cheesy pick-up lines"
"Like?" Mike deadpanned
"'Are you a Band-Aid? Because I scratched my knee falling for you!'" Richie spoke, excitedly showing off his newest flirty line.
"As much as I appreciate you taking time out of what I assume is your very busy day..." Mike slinked away from Richie's elbow "I really wish you didn't" whispering the last few words "Why do you care anyway?"
"Well let's just say I'm repaying a favour! And you should be lucky... you got the Richie Tozier love guru advice" Pointing both thumbs at himself
"Oh, how very lucky" The ravenette deadpanned
"All I want to say is..." Richie paused for dramatic effect "Will likes if your direct with him! Don't beat around the bush"
"How do you know so much about Will anyways?" Mike furrowed his brows
"I'm friends with him! Uh Duh!" The sarcastic boy rolled his eyes
"Are you close with him?" The ravenette whispered
"Close enough" Richie squinted his eyes, nodding "And if you want to be closer to him... then ask him out!" Winking before leaving. Like a Pheonix, imparting his wisdom before disappearing.
"What the hell?" Mike furrowed his brows left utterly confused by the interaction.
---- 2:33 PM ----
Hours passed and Mike couldn't shake Richie's persistent words of encouragement out his brain. Every time he saw Will, the situation from earlier became heavy in Mike's mind; placing his head in his hand beginning to wonder if Richie was right... Maybe he should ask Will out. But would the brunette want it that way, after the earlier confrontation?
The ravenette understood he reacted poorly; before he could even think about asking Will on a date, he needed to find a way to apologise. He sighed; it wasn't correct of him to get angry earlier; if put in the same position he'd want to go home too.
The bell rung, the students leaving the class but Mike sat idle in his seat not even acknowledging that fact until a hand waved over his face, "What is wrong with you today?" Lucas shook his head, disappointed at the lack of attention the boy was giving to himself.
"Yeah, you seem so out of it dude!" Dustin added
"Oh umm... it's nothing" The ravenette mumbled but from the corner of his eyes noticed the brunette skipping out of class along with El and Max, a bright smile on his face as though he wasn't affected by the earlier fight. Mike jumped up from his seat, rushing over to the trio leaving his friends confused; Lucas watched on as the ravenette marched over to the small boy wishing he had the same capabilities. He said they would have a fair chance at romancing Will but so far, it seemed as though he was losing.
Mike however finally approached the trio in the corridor. Out of breath, he collected himself making his presence known seeing them turn around. Before he opened his mouth, he took a deep breath "Will... can we speak in private?"
"I don't know... can we?" the brunette questioned; his voice annoyed not wanting to start another fight.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I shouldn't have said what I did! I was being stupid!" The ravenette soaked in remorse anticipating a positive reaction from Will, noticing the slight changing expression of the small boy, casting his gaze to the confused faces from the girls.
The brunette was a forgiving soul "It's fine!" he replied without a second thought. He thought it over, realising that coming to terms with being a comic character must be Earthshattering for a highschooler and the way must have manifested itself into anger earlier.
"We can talk alone!" Will uttered motioning for the two girls to walk off
"I need to do more to apologise" Mike raised his arm to the sky
"No, it's really fi-" The brunette shook his head considering the earlier fight as water under the bridge.
The ravenette cleared his throat plucking his courage "William Byers?"
"Yes...?" The brunette whispered furrowing his brows confused over why his full name was said
Thinking back to the pick-up line Richie had told him he sighed "Are you a Band-Aid? Because I'd get on my knees for you!" incorrectly saying the line he was attempting to repeat, causing his brain to go into full panic mode.
"What?" Will's eyes widened, taken aback from the connotations
"I mean you on your knees! I mean scratch on my knee" the ravenette stressed upon saying the wrong words again hoping the small boy didn't think he was being manic after just apologising. In that moment he appreciated Richie for his ability to confidently flirt and speak his mind.
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" He seethed under his breath as the words refused to flow out his mouth; he bit the bullet; the pressure that Will might disappear and go home one day fuelled his confidence, his drive, his urgency.
"Do you want to go on a date with me?"
2927 Words
Stay Safe <3
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