30- Out The Window
---- Friday 7:54 PM ----
The sound of a distant whistle filled the air; students huddling around, counting all the bags they had brought. Will was one of them; checking and double checking his bag every few minutes worrying he had left something back at the cabin, constantly needing to reassure himself that he in-fact had everything.
The children only had mere moments before the train arrived. The past week had come and gone quicker then Will would have imagined; the best part of the comic was over for him and now he had to go back to the comic high school. He wasn't completely opposed to it... it would somehow be calmer than his days here.
Upon thinking back to his past few days here, he had gotten more done than he ever had back in Lenora; he went on a first date with a guy (...even if it was horrible), made friends and come out to them. That was the part the brunette was the most elated about, never envisioning to come out to anyone let alone his friends, filling him with confidence.
"CHILDREN!" Mr Clark alerted, breaking him out his thoughts but the boy felt a sharp pain in his forehead; great! He had a headache and needed to be on a stuffy train for multiple hours. Will rubbed his temples, the sharp pain subsiding but still lingered planning on falling asleep on the train so he would be knocked out for the majority of the journey.
The brunette took a seat on the bench surrounded by multiple bags as to his right El and Max playfully argue over 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'. Why? No clue, they were discussing strategies for the game as the doe-eyed girl attempted to refute the logic with her own: saying the best thing to do, is simply to cheat... how would one cheat in rock paper scissors? Will questioned to himself but kept his eyes on the railway tracks waiting for the train to arrive any moment now. Looking to his left however, he could see the trio of boys rushing over. Mike's face lit up from afar.
Will left early with the two girls as the boys decided to take a long-time packing, and since he was ready, agreed to unwillingly help El with her many bags.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin walked over, their faces a mix of excitement and exhaustion spending the past week in an unfamiliar cabin among friends ending as they approached the station. Another spike hit Will's head allowing him to wince from the pain. The ravenette noticed sitting beside him "Are you okay?"
"Yep... My head just hurts" Will answered, a smile playing on his lips
"Do you want me to tell Mr Clark?" Mike raised an eyebrow
"I'll be fine!" The brunette shrugged "A little headache never hurt anyone"
"No but-" The ravenette tilted his head
"I'm fine Mike" Will playfully rolled his eyes "No need to be so dramatic" but a thought popped into the small boy's head as he rummaged through his bag pulling out a box, "Before I forget... Take one!" holding out the travel sickness medication he brought on the way here.
"Oh... you kept that?" Mike furrowed his brows
"Of course, I would" Will threw his hands in the air "What else am I gonna do? Throw them away?" giggling in a mocking tone raising his eyebrows "I'm just doing this, so you don't get grouchy on the train"
"I do not get grouchy!" The taller boy chuckled
"Oh, I think you do!" The brunette mocked
"I don-" Mike spoke
"Hey Will!" Lucas interrupted dragging his bags over, seeing the brunette wave answering back
"Don't I get a 'hello'?" Mike pouted
"We literally came here together..." The athletic boy jokingly deadpanned causing the ravenette to sulk down in his seat.
Lucas, noticing the small boy clutching his forehead asked "How are you?"
"I'm fin-" Will attempted to answer
"He's got a headache" Mike cut off speaking aloud
"Oh my God! It's literally not that deep!" The brunette threw his hands in the air taking a sip from his water, feeling his headache return from the irritating smell that came from the smoke of the surrounding trains. He tried not to let it show; he had just said it didn't affect him, so he had to act at least for a few minutes that he was not affected.
Lucas rummaged through his messenger bag; prepared for every situation sensing the small boy was lying he opened his medkit, "I know you say you'll tough it out, but we both know your head is hurting" extending a hand with a singular painkiller within. Looking down at the small boy, Lucas smiled urging the brunette to take it.
Will sighed accepting the pill popping it in his mouth swallowing it with a single gulp, staring back at the athletic boy "Thanks Lucas" a wave of gratitude washing over him. Sometimes it's the smallest gestures that mean the most.
Suddenly the train rolled into the station as Mr Clark stood in front giving the final speech before the doors opened, able to sneak in a few last words before students rushed pass him wanting a window seat.
The 'party' grabbed all their bags as Max and El led the way, picking the seats for the group jumping on the cushioned booth, with only place for two others on the other side of the table. Mike threw his suitcase onto the shelf seeing the small boy struggle to bring his own bags as Lucas helped scurrying behind dragging one of Will's carryon luggage's with him.
"Do you need help putting those up?" The ravenette tilted his head
"That would be great! Thanks!" Will smiled passing one bag for Mike to place on the shelf while Lucas placed the other neatly atop of the suitcases ensuring it doesn't fall. The brunette remained grateful to both boys; he wasn't weak by any means, in fact he was decently strong but had no clue how to properly lift the luggage cases without damaging himself as people push pass him as they tried to get around, all in a rush to find their own seats.
"See! All better!" The athletic boy chuckled
"STUDENTS TAKE YOUR SEATS SO WE CAN TAKE ATTENDANCE!" A teacher shouted from the other side of the train cabin, a hand cupping his mouth so his voice would be amplified further. Mike and Lucas exchanged a glance, seeing only two seats left at the table the girls had chosen. Max and El sat on the opposite side already taking silly pictures of one another.
Both boys wanted to sit next to Will, giving them an advantage of being able to get closer to him; neither backing down "Will do you want to sit next to me? We could take pictures of the whole journey" The athletic boy suggested holding his camera up.
"No! Sit next to me... What if I need another travel sickness pill?" The ravenette pouted
"I don't think Will would want to sit next to you, if you throw up..." Lucas scrunched his face
"But I don't think he wants to take pictures all the time... His head's already hurting!" Mike fought back; the confrontation was not an angry one as the tension did not escalate more than a debate between friends; both boys standing their ground adamant of sitting next to Will but refused to slander their opponent on respect of their unbreakable friendship.
"Oh my God!" Max rolled her eyes cutting off the two boys, "Umm asshats how about asking Will who he wants to sit next to?" shouting from her seat annoyed of the bickering
"Yeah..." Mike answered
"Will?" Lucas questioned "Who do you want to sit next to?"
Both boys turned their attention to him; the brunette pondered for a moment scanning their faces, seeing the curiosity in both their eyes; he couldn't choose. It was clear their intentions where genuine but wished they hadn't put him in that position, but before he could open his mouth a voice broke the situation.
"Actually, I want to sit next to Will!" Dustin, who had been abnormally quiet this whole time finally spoke; his usual enthusiasm contagiously tugged a smile on the brunette's lips appreciating the curly haired boy's help to this situation. Dustin pushed pass the two boys shuffling onto the seats across the aisle on the singular seating table right next to the window.
"Sorry guys" Will sighed, not wanting to be in the middle of choosing between friends "I actually think I'm going to sit with Dustin" casting an apologetic gaze toward the pair.
Mike and Lucas wanted to protest, but knowing they couldn't out the crush they had-on Will for the time being; sulked away, taking the seats opposite Max and El as the ravenette rested his head on the window annoyed.
Will took the seat opposite the curly haired boy, across the aisle from the rest of the group, surprised by his sudden appearance but grateful "Thanks for helping me Dustin"
"Eh don't mention it!" The curly haired boy nonchalantly shrugged "The other would have complained the whole trip if they didn't sit next to you" giggling at his own joke
"I guess!" The brunette smiled; he had a suspicion of Mike's crush but without explicit conformation the small boy decided not to confirm nor deny its existence; currently in a limbo state with that information. But Lucas? Why would Lucas complain if he was unable to sit next to him? But his thought cut out as Mr Clark counted students taking attendance with a grin.
"Dustin and Will" He muttered to himself, ticking their names off on the clipboard then turning around to the remaining four members of the group. "Max, El, Mike and Lucas" doing the same routine he always did.
"C'mon guys" Mr Clark cheered toward Mike and Lucas "Why are we sulking? Hawkins isn't that bad!"
"We're not sulking..." The athletic boy answered "He's just a bit travel sick" pointing at the tall boy next to him
"Oh okay... If you need a sick bag, you know where I am" Patting Lucas on the shoulder before walking off, counting more students on his clipboard.
Will watched the interaction but cut out his viewing as Dustin tapped his arm, hunching over the table as if to tell a dark secret... Was this why he was so quiet today? The seriousness in his face scared the brunette as he brought his ear close listening to the words Dustin wanted to say.
"Have you finished the comic?" The curly haired boy whispered
"What?" Will blinked
"This comic?" Dustin repeated "Have you finished reading it?"
"All the chapters aren't released yet!" The brunette protested, knowing that the last chapter he read before he came here was not the final one
"Yes! Yes, it is..." The curly haired boy remained adamant, reading the comic over the past two days and finally reaching the end last night.
"Oh really?" Will scrunched his face, if the book had finished it meant the chapters had been getting updates as he was here in this comic world. Perhaps time worked the same in both universes? With everything going on the small boy had no time to check constantly for updates.
"Will..." The curly haired boy's voice seemed more serious "You die at the end!"
"HUH!" Will shouted alerting the attention of surrounding students including his friends across the aisle. Upon realising his voice quietening to a mere whisper from embarrassment "How?"
"Mike kills you!" Dustin said
"And that's the final chapter?" the brunette reaffirmed
"Basically" The curly haired boy shrugged
"B-but that doesn't make sense!" Will rambled trying to physically make the puzzle pieces in his mind connect "My character was getting better... why kill him?"
"That's what I don't get either... it was a rash decision" Dustin announced
"How do I die- I mean my character?" The brunette questioned, resting his elbows on the table
"He pushes you off the building- Disney villain style" The curly haired boy chuckled attempting to lift the mood
"How original" Will rolled his eyes, slumping back in his seat
The conversation quickly changed as they settled into their seats on the train finding the optimal position. Will found himself gossiping with Dustin, engaging in lively discussions about Dungeons and Dragons, sharing tips, and reliving memorable campaigns. Their laughter echoing through the train compartment, drawing the attention of other passengers.
Meanwhile, Lucas and Mike sat across from Will and Dustin, exchanging occasional glances. Initially, they felt jealous observing the genuine connection between them, but over the ride their envy transformed into happiness for their friends.
The athletic boy nudged Mike, a small smile playing on his lips. "You know, Mike, as much as I wanted to sit next to Will, it's nice to see him having such a great time with Dustin. They really get along." His eyes softening as he lifted his camera up to his eyes, taking a picture of them secretly.
The ravenette sighed feeling his disappointment slowly fading away. "Yeah, Will deserves to enjoy his time, even if it's not with us."
As the train continued on its journey, the initial sombre attitude the two boys brought to the train transformed into a bright atmosphere embracing the joy emitting from their friends.
---- 11:43 PM ----
With a few hours of the train journey already behind them and the time approaching midnight; most of the passengers were asleep. Snores littered the train with hushed whisperings being apparent from where Will sat. He popped his headphones in listening to Music, his headache now fully subsiding but leaving him wide awake unlike the rest of his friends, resting his elbow on the window.
His attention turned to the boy softly snoring in front of him. Dustin had his head leaning on the window, his mouth hung open, obviously exhausted from the trip, had fallen asleep and seemed as though he was enjoying his little nap
He turned his attention to his left, seeing Max laying her head on El, both fast asleep sharing a blanket huddling close together; only illuminated by the florescent lights of the train cabin. Both at peace with the situation being a support for one another remaining comfortable.
Lucas was most definitely a graceful sleeper causing the brunette to chuckle under his breath as the athletic boy was sleeping exactly how he expected; remaining completely straight resting his head back with his arms crossed, obviously dosing off after a short while.
Finally, Will could see Mike; the only one of his friends who was wide awake; his eyes open staring out the window, the boy pondered possibly what could be on the ravenette's mind at this moment in time? Why wasn't he asleep? Did he feel travel sick? He hoped not, but with no way of communicating his questions over, he shrugged turning his attention back to his own window; his head heavy with more pressing matters.
The brunette couldn't shake the thought of his character dying... even though he knew he was a separate entity to the character despite taking his place. The small boy kept lost in thoughts. To him it didn't make sense; why kill off a character in such a way if they no longer posed a threat to the heroine?
Considering in the comic, the brunette's character became less important as the chapters progressed; only there to cause minor, non-lethal conflict but the rest of the time providing representation as he developed a relationship with Richie.
But another reason for this confusion was the lead up to the death... it was given no prior build up: it just happened. Will breathed deep, if he continued thinking he would lead himself into a never-ending rabbit hole of questions averting out his spiralling thoughts counting streetlamps and gazing at the passing scenery to keep his mind preoccupied listening to the music playing from his headphones.
But someone had their eye on him. Although looking out the window himself, Mike kept stealing glances from the brunette through the reflection of the dark window. A soft smile gracing his face with every passing glance. But this time he was brave, keeping his gaze fixed on Will, seeing the soft glow of the moonlight cast a soft radiance on the brunette.
His peaceful expression causing Mike's heart to skip a beat. Feeling a warmth rise to his cheeks, his blush exposing his skin as the feelings he felt for Will harboured deeper into his very being; jittery as though this was his first crush and, in a way it was. He used to tell himself he liked El but slowly realising the way he felt toward her went no further then platonic. With the only reason he said he liked El was because he was a guy, and she was a girl... it was something he was 'expected' to do.
The ravenette couldn't tear his eyes away and why would he? Tracing the lines of Will's cheekbones, his fluffy hair and the rhythmic breathing of his chest, awaking a feeling inside of him to bring him comfort and peace. Mike couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to hold the brunette's hands, feel his warmth and exchange unspoken glances and words of affection.
His heart raced, noticing the condensation on the window's forming from the difference of temperature. Leaning closer to the glass, a thought planted itself in his head; his hot breath fogging up the pane bringing his hand up to the window and with a finger he traced...
2986 Words
Stay Safe <3
In case you were confused how they were sitting on the train i made this to help visualise
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