10- Catch
"I think I'm about to do something stupid" Mike simply stated watching the figures of the two boys get smaller in the distance.
"Stupid?" Dustin huffed "Like what?" furrowing his brows he crossed his arms as Mike sighed walking away to find the brunette, scowling.
"Hey! What about the cafeteria? MIKE?" Dustin screamed pouting, waving his arms around
Will on the other hand walked all the way to the other side of the high school dragging the athletic boy into the library "Thanks Lucas! You're really helping me a lot"
"No need to thank me!" Lucas spoke soft "I hope this will make you stop talking about Mike" he sarcastically rolled his eyes
"You must be sick of it, huh?" Will questioned knowing he could be annoying when he hyper fixates on a topic aiming to hear as much as he could about the ravenette's life so he understood why Mike was acting the way he was today.
The brunette continued shuffling in his seat rambling on. "It's just that sometimes when I get on one topic, it's all I-" Will abruptly stopped "I'm rambling again aren't I?"
Lucas nodded but continued observing the smaller boy with a bashful smile; enjoying the soft voice of the brunette tilting his head to scan his features. He wanted to know how the smaller boy's mind worked seeming so different this week that it caught his eye. "Sorry! I'll try not to speak" Will held both hands up.
The small boy sat in his seat unable to sit comfortably on the chair shuffling; attempting to find the perfect sweet spot laying his head on the table "What would you like to do in the future?" He blurted unable to keep quiet for too long
"What?" Lucas casted his eyes to Will
"When you're studying so hard like this, the possibilities are endless" Will counted different high-paying jobs on his fingers.
"I've never thought about it before..." The athletic boy looked down frowning, he didn't really know what he wanted to do in the future. Sure, he enjoyed all his subjects equally but none of them were something he would be happy doing for the rest of his life. "What's yours?" He questioned wanting to hear Will's answer.
"Mine? I've always wanted to be an artist" The brunette smiled
"You like art?" Lucas straightened his back
"I love it! I'm not like that great, but it's really fun" Will explained trying not to ramble
"Could I see you draw something in the future?" The athletic boy stuttered
Will nodded happy to share his interests with someone almost making him forget that he was in a comic causing his lips to curl upwards "Why do you want to be an artist?" Lucas questioned
"It makes me happy! If you have no idea what to do... try doing something you really like!" Will grinned looking deep into Lucas's eyes "And if you need help finding your passion let me know, okay?" placing a hand on the athletic boy's shoulder
"Will!" The ravenette exclaimed stomping over to the table seeing the small boy no longer in his seat as though he had disappeared.
"Where the hell did he go?" Mike muttered furrowing his brows, scanning the area but the brunette was smart, crawling under the tables reaching the door to peak his head through the doorframe. He sighed deep not knowing why the ravenette was chasing him around today, staring at him and asking personal questions.
"Good job Will! You did good" He mumbled to himself placing a hand on his chest "He won't chase me tomorrow right?" resting against the wall seeing El from the corner of his eyes on the second floor with Max nowhere to be seen.
"Oh El!" He waved but she didn't hear from the top, abruptly stopping upon seeing two familiar boys walk opposite her carrying a bottle of cooking oil
"This seems familiar" He muttered under his breath
Will watched them from the bottom of the stairs. In the comic the boys planned to 'accidently' drop oil on the steps dropping the doe-eyed girl down the stairs. He didn't understand why this part of the story needed to happen but none-the-less rushed over; the squeaking of his shoes hitting the ground filled the hall. Troy and James chuckled but Will knew that the consequence of her falling would cause her to gain a concussion and be carried to the school nurse by Mike.
The duo poured oil all over covering every step before running away a safe distance to watch the events unfold as James took out his phone to record this tragedy prolonging the humiliation.
Will couldn't stand around and do nothing even if she would inevitably be fine. He made his way over screaming to alert El before she was able to get any closer, stopping at the foot of the stairs. "El don't move"
"What why?" She tilted her head confused
"Umm" He looked up at the soaking wet steps, not knowing how to explain it was oil dropped on the floor
"Umm... The floor is wet!" The brunette knew that the plot would still happen but didn't want her to get hurt; aware this would be changing the canonical story but he didn't care of the consequences of it.
"Oh... Don't worry I'll be careful" El smiled still unmoving
"NO!" Will panicked raising a hand "J-just stay there and I'll help you"
"Okay..." El furrowed her brows confused, not understanding why her brother was acting like this over a little bit of water, seeing him tiptoe; slowly inching up the steps. Will extended a hand out to her preparing to carefully transport her down the stairs. The oil dripped down the steps so he had to be careful. And just when he was almost at the top, he saw Troy seethe with anger as his plan would be thwarted again. Unexpectedly Troy emerged leaving James to push the doe-eyed girl hoping it would take the brunette with her: Two birds with one stone.
El screamed feeling someone behind trip her, she fell forward onto Will who quickly directed her out the way allowing her to grab the banister. But upon attempting to do the same his hand slipped unable to maintain a steady grip. The brunette panicked as his head hit the floor feeling the lights spinning around him.
The last thing he remembered was El screaming as a cluster of footsteps surrounded him.
1088 Words
Stay Safe <3
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