@CastielNovak My friend forced me to have a party. It is very weird.
It was May 25th. The Novaks were throwing a huge house party and cars lined the nearby three blocks. All of Castiel's siblings were there along with Charlie. It was a costume party, Gabe's way of hiding Cas's fame and making sure people don't get too close.
"What am I supposed to do?" Cas said awkwardly, eyes glancing around the room.
"Dance! Obviously. Have you really never been to a party?" she exclaimed.
"No, I haven't. Why is it so loud? There's so many people." He looked around. Gabe had picked out Power Ranger costumes: Cassie being yellow, Luci red, Anna pink, Gabe green, Raphael white, and Michael black. Michael wasn't even related to them but he'd lived with them for so long, he was basically family.
Charlie was dressed up as Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. "Cmon, Cas." She picked up a clean red solo cup from its spot on a rack and poured him a Long Island Iced Tea. She handed him the cup. "Drink this."
"Charlie, that was not the purpose of this party." He took the cup cautiously and sniffed it.
"Oh, so you would rather me set you up? Male or female?" Charlie grinned at him before looking around the crowd.
"No. I just was not planning on drinking alcohol." He looked around the room through the sea of costumes. He breathed in casually but the smell of pine and spicy apples overwhelmed him. "Do you smell that?"
"Smell what?" she asked.
That is so weird, he thought to himself. "You do not smell a burning foresty candle?"
"No?" Cas sighed. Charlie then perked up, her eyes stopping on someone elses. "Hey, I'm sure you can find yourself a nice Alpha here. Go look around while I go get my flirt on."
Cas rolled his eyes. She is so much like Gabe. He slipped a straw in his cup and up through the bottom of his mask. He walked through the people, deciding to go investigate the smell. Castiel saw Sam with his brother and walked towards them. Sam was wearing all brown with the moose headband Gabriel had bought him and his brother was wearing a Batman costume without the mask.
"Hey," they said simultaneously.
Cas tilted his head to the side slightly. "Hello. Do you guys smell something like spiced apples or woods?"
The two Alphas looked at each other and shrugged before facing Castiel. "No, sorry. Are you one of the Novaks?"
He nodded slightly. "Yeah."
"Oh, well do you know where Gabe is?" Sam asked.
"No, but he is wearing a green suit like mine. He is probably out back setting up a prank with the hose."
"A prank?" Sam asked curiously.
"A trick you pull on-"
"I know what a prank is," Sam said, cutting Cas off. "Does he pull them often?"
He laughed. "Constantly."
Sam smirked. "Looks like I gotta trick the trickster." He then departed, leaving Cas and Dean to the music.
"Sorry about him. He has been dying to prank someone other than me all the time. I'm Dean," he said, sticking his hand out.
Cas froze. "Uh, I wouldd rather not say my name. Considering my family's publicity and such."
Dean put his hand down. "Nah, it's cool, buddy. I'll just call you bee."
Cas tilted his head and made a weird face under his mask. "Bee?"
"It was a nickname Sammy used to call the yellow power ranger since we always forgot the name." They both laughed and Cas sat down on the couch next to Dean. "So, how many of you guys are there? I keep seeing a bunch of you around."
"Six, including me and my brother's boyfriend."
"Jesus Christ, that's a lot. All I got is Sammy."
The two looked at each other before Cas continued, "Are you wearing cologne?"
Dean replied, "A little. Why?"
"The forest-like smell is really strong here and I thought it was you." Cas inhaled again.
"You can smell it over your cologne?" Dean looked taken aback.
"I am not wearing any cologne, Dean," Cas tilted his head again.
Dean looked at him oddly. He leaned forwards towards Cas's neck and scented him. Cas did the same, drawn in by the scent radiating around him. He let out an involuntary whimper as the tip of Dean's nose brushed against his skin. "Fuck," Dean lightly groaned.
At Dean's curse, Cas abruptly leaned back and moved further away in shock. Oh no, he has figured out my scent. It's different. This cannot go well. "Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom," he said, running off upstairs.
Dean's eyes followed him, speechless because he was in shock. He had no clue who this person was other than one of the Novaks. And he certainly didn't know why the Novak smelled so amazing.
Shortly after, Sam walked back in. "I couldn't find Gabe," he lightly pouted. Dean, on the other hand, was still stunned. "Dean?"
"Yeah, Sammy?" he asked, taking his gaze away from the staircase.
"You okay?" Sam asked his brother.
"Do you know who that was?"
"No. Uh, one of Gabe's brothers, maybe?" he shrugged.
Meanwhile, Castiel had dragged Gabriel upstairs with him. His brother had been muttering small questions. "What are we doing? Cassie? What's wrong? What happened?" He didn't get a response.
Once they reached Cas's room, Gabe shut the door. When he turned back, he saw his brother on the ground with his mask off.
He was looking down at his hands as he fidgeted. "Dean scented me."
Gabe looked at him, surprised. "Well you had your scentblockers on, right?"
"Yes, I put them on this morning."
Gabe stopped and thought for a few seconds. "Maybe get stronger scentblockers or longer wear. If he can smell your scent, chances are other people can too."
Cas peered up at him warily, "But he touched my neck... he was close. Gabe, he is going to know what I am."
Gabe was shocked. He didn't know what to say or do, considering Cas's fame. "Well, he doesn't know who you are. Forget about him."
"How?" Cas leaned forward, slightly raising his voice.
"Even though you're a celebrity, people don't know about us. You rarely ever post pictures or even tweets. You don't even have any videos of you speaking so he couldn't recognize your voice." Gabe crossed his arms confidently.
Cas looked back at the ground, thinking over what Gabe had said. "Okay."
The green power ranger stretched his hand outwards towards the 'bee' on the floor. The 'bee' took the hand and pulled himself upwards. They both left the bedroom before making their way back downstairs.
Dean was sitting on the bottom of the steps, thinking about the yellow power ranger. The wooden stairs dipped as Gabe and Cas stepped down them. This caused Dean to stand up abruptly. "Bee!"
Cas inwardly screamed with social anxiety but continued walking away. He didn't even spare him a glance. Dean, of course, followed. Cas was holding back every urge to turn around and scent him again. But, he knew he could never let the fact that he was an Omega out into the world.
Omegas were shamed because of a popular CEO who went by the name Naomi. She used her status of Omega to persuade people to do what she wanted. Since then, any Omegas are publically shamed and excluded. Cas didn't bother to know each and every detail about the matter except the cold hard facts: he'd be ruined if he was found out.
He was gaining followers like rapid fire since he opened his new business. He was earning over 50,000 followers by the day. This had Castiel stressed to impress his now near 4 million followers. The added pressure of his identity sunk into his stomach and made him feel nervous and panicky.
Cas left his house with Gabe and Dean following closely behind them. They only walked out onto the porch for fresh air but Cas snapped.
"Stop following me. I forgot I had cologne on and I went in the bathroom to check because the scent you described was the same as one of my colognes. You invaded my personal space and did not even ask for consent to scent me. Just because you liked my scent, Dean, does not give you the authority to stalk me. If that is what your plan is, then leave."
Dean stood there, baffled. Bee had freaked out on him because he was curious? Well, curiosity did kill the cat, he thought to himself. "Okay," he responded and walked off towards Baby. He called Sam and said, "We're going to The Roadhouse, I need a beer."
Cas watched as Dean left and sighed. "This whole lifestyle is stressful."
Gabe looked down at his phone and then put it away before he began to speak. "C'mon, we're going out for a drink. You could use one."
"We are still in our costumes." The shorter brother groaned in annoyance and halted his movement.
"Let's go change and get going then."
Hi it's literally been 67 days aka over two months and im tired asf about to go take a nap. My favorite author madsmeetsmisha told me i need to update so here it is. Some intense sabriel not next chapter but the chapter after and a bit more of destiel so stay tuned!
Remember to vote and comment any ideas or your thoughts on each chapter. Please share the story around, too. It'd mean the world.
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