14It's okay, Samoose
@CastielNovak I officially don't like strip clubs.
Gabe drove in silence. Sam sat in the passenger seat, left knee pointed towards the road ahead and right knee up against the door frame. He was dead quiet, his cheekbone resting on his fist as he watched the street lights pass by. It was after they had left the police station. Neither exchanged a word as Gabe drove to Sam's.
When they arrived, Gabe pulled in to the spot where a dark, old car had normally been. He sat there awkwardly for a moment as the music played on low, barely audible. After a few moments of the silence, Gabe wanting to ask Sam to talk about it but being too shy and Sam not knowing what to say, the taller of the two sat back and removed his seat belt. He exited the car, resulting in Gabe turning off the ignition and following him out. Sam unlocked both doors, not even stopping for the shorter man.
They entered the apartment and, as Gabe had already done previously, closed the door and locked it behind him. He slipped off his shoes as Sam kicked them off. He followed Sam into his bedroom and watched as he sat on the edge of his bed. He put his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees. "What, Gabriel?"
He felt guilty. He knew he was intruding but he wanted to make sure his crush was okay. He didn't want to see his Samwich upset. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"About what?" he asked, looking up and making eye contact.
Gabe gulped. He was shocked he even got this far with Sam, considering how awfully embarrassing their first encounter was, but the fact he was standing here, staring him in the eye as he tried to comfort him, had him baffled. He was shocked. "How you feel," he continued.
"There's nothing to talk about," he grumbled, shoving his face back into his hands.
"Yes, there is." He took a few strides and sat on the bed next to Sam. He pulled gently on his arm, removing his head from his hands. He looked at Gabe again.
"What is there to talk about?" he inquired sarcastically.
Gabe groaned. "Please, don't be difficult, Sam. I want to help you. If that means using me as your verbal punching bag, then go for it. I don't want you upset. Stop being sarcastic and just talk to me."
Sam pulled back, sitting up straight. "What do you want me to say? That I'm upset? Well, I am. Of course I am. My dad was murdered right in front of me by two awful people. And I was stabbed, Gabe. Stabbed. Do you even know what that feels like?" He paused to look Gabe in the eye once again. He shook his head. "The pain is nothing compared to finding out one of your father's murderers was still out there."
He looked down at his hands and he fidgeted with them. A tear rolled down his cheek and his bottom lip quivered. Gabe didn't know what else to do other than to hug his Samwich as tight as he could. Sam wrapped his arms around Gabe's torso tightly.
"I still remember everything they said to us. The guy called Dean and I "Moose" and "Squirrel" as if we were animals. I don't even get it," Sam said, rubbing his thumb soothingly along Gabe's arm.
"Wait," the man with the sweet tooth interrupted, "he called you 'Moose'?"
"Yeah," he replied, pulling his head away from its resting spot on Gabe's head to wipe a tear off his shoulder. The shorter man looked up at him with puppy eyes. "Why?"
He debated on continuing. The last thing he wanted to do was upset his Sam but he knew he should know. "You remember how we met?" Sam sniffled, mouth slightly turning upwards at the corners. "And you remember that stupid game where I tried to get everyone to guess your name?"
"Gabe, where are you going with this?"
He took a deep breath. "Sam, I remember everyone knowing your name except for one guy. That one guy called you 'Moose'."
It took a few moments for reality to sink in but when it did, it all came crashing down upon him. He was sobbing uncontrollably and Gabe had to hold him upright with his hug. The two squeezed each other tightly.
"It's okay, Samoose. Let it all out," he cooed, rocking him gently. He was used to comforting Castiel or Anna after they had a bad day.
The two of them knew what Gabe had meant. That John's murderer was most likely stalking the boys - or at least Sam - and had even taunted him. Sam wasn't even paying attention during that, too fixated on the cute, short, energetic man on stage.
"Oh, God, do you want me to stop calling you Samoose? I didn't even think about it."
Sam shook his head and a sob escaped him. "No, don't. I like it," he said, smiling at Gabe through the tears.
It was now Sam's head on Gabe's chest, his arms lightly wrapped around Gabe's torso as he breathed. His body continued to shake as he silently cried. Gabe whispered sweet nothings and pressed little kisses on his temple. Sam's head rested on Gabe's forearm. Gabe felt a small pool form on his pants. He pulled Sam up to a sitting position. "Hey, talk to me. What are you thinking about?"
Sam sniffled and used his palms to wipe his eyes. His long eyelashes were heavy with tears. He sighed, slouching in his position and staring off at the floor. "Dean lied to me. He told me they caught him, " he trailed off, sniffling again.
"I'm sure he was just protecting you. Honestly, I've done the same thing to my little sister. She doesn't deserve to feel scared all the time. You can't blame him for trying to not worry you," Gabe said truthfully.
Sam groaned. "I don't need protecting! I'm nineteen! I'm a legal grownup. I can handle it."
Gabe put his hand on top of Sam's. It was warm and comforted the crying man. "But imagine you then. You were, what, thirteen?"
Gabe's heart broke a little more. "Exactly. You were so young. You had just lost your dad and been injured yourself. Dean probably just wanted you to feel safe."
Sam nodded, a tear dripping off his chin onto his bedsheet in between his legs. He looked up at Gabe and smiled. Gabe smiled back. It was a heartfelt moment, one the both of them would remember forever. Sam moved his hand so Gabe took his back. Sam looked down and grabbed Gabe's hand, interlocking their fingers. "Thank you, Gabe."
He nodded and blushed. "Of course. Anytime."
A serene silence overcame them. Gabe went off on his own thought trail about his past. Sam squeezed Gabe's hand to get his attention. "You said you have a sister? What's she like?"
Gabe smiled at Sam's effort to know about his life. "Yeah. Her name is Anna. She's sixteen and has red hair. She's paler than me, uhh I don't know what else."
Sam snickered. "You don't know that much about your sister?"
"I do!" Gabe exclaimed. "What do you wanna know?" He used his free hand to reach in his pocket and pull out a butterscotch candy. He used his teeth to untwist the side of the wrapper and pulled it from the wrapper with his teeth.
"Okay, candy man, what is it like having a sister?" Sam said, noting the candy Gabe just ate.
Gabe shrugged. "She's annoying, sometimes. She'll come up to me to show me all of these hot guys - she knows I'm pan - and expect me to just bring them home so she can meet them. So far, not even one of the guys she showed me lives in Kansas."
Sam chuckled. "Really? When I first met you, Dean asked me if I liked dick."
Gabe burst out in laughter, pulling his left forearm up to cover his mouth. His eyes were squinted shut. "So you hadn't come out to him yet when that happened?" he said through his laughing fits.
Sam shook his head. "Nope." He lifted his and Gabe's connected hands and flipped his over, Gabe's on top. He kissed the top of it and put it back down casually, caressing Gabe's thumb soothingly with his own. Gabe blushed heavily.
Honestly, Gabe wasn't exactly the most experienced person. In fact, he wasn't at all. He'd never even had his first kiss. He'd had his fair share of crushes before but never had enough courage to tell them. He was always made fun of in school because he was 'weird' so he just kept to himself.
"Thank you for bailing Dean out today," Sam said. "Who was that anyways?"
Gabe panicked slightly. Did he keep Cas's secret or tell the truth? "So, you know how I said I lie to Anna to protect her?"
"Don't lie to me, Gabe. He bailed my brother out of jail. I deserve to know. I want to thank him."
Gabe sighed. He was terrible with secrets. "You can't tell Dean. Ever. Not unless we say so." Sam nodded. "That was my brother, Cassie. His name is actually Castiel but I call him Cassie. He owns the painting studio across the street and he's filthy rich."
"Oh," Sam started, "that's why you gave me that look when Dean said Cassie." Gabe nodded. "What qualifies as filthy rich?"
"Enough to buy that studio and a five bedroom house with a bathroom attached to each bedroom." Sam's jaw dropped.
"And why can't Dean know?"
Gabe shuffled in his seat uncomfortably. "Let's just say the first time Dean and Cassie met, they didn't meet on good terms. He wanted a fresh start and kind of, maybe, told Dean his name was Jack."
"Gabe! Oh, my God. Dean deserves to know!"
"Please, Samwich," he begged, squeezing his hand tightly. "I told you this in confidence."
Sam sighed. "Fine, okay. But why can't Castiel just tell Dean who he is?"
"It's.. it's personal." Gabe pulled his hand away and picked at his fingers nervously. Gabe was an Omega, too. He wouldn't risk his own safety let alone Cas's. Not even for his super tall crush.
"I'm sorry for prying," Sam said, grabbing Gabe's hand again and kissing it. Gabe blushed. "How about some Netflix?"
Gabe nodded and Sam stood to grab the remotes. He then flopped down on the bed and faced the television. He clicked the power button for the TV and switched his Play Station on. He clicked his profile and scrolled over to the Play Station Library. He clicked on Netflix, logged in, and put Criminal Minds on.
Gabe fumbled with the blanket after he had climbed under. He was yanking on it to pull it over his torso but the big oaf on the bed next to him was laying on it. Sam realized he was struggling and attempted to lift his body off of the blanket. This recoiled, seeing as Gabe was harshly pulling it, and his hands flew. The blanket pulled and his hand smacked Sam's beside lamp on the floor.
"Gabe!" Sam yelled.
"That wasn't even my fault! I was moving the blanket!"
Hi i went away for the weekend and i left my notebook for this book at home so i needed a filler. I hope you guys enjoyed a little sabriel.
Im still sick and rn im trying not to barf on my way home considering it's a three hour car ride. I still have half an hour left so i spent three and a half hours on this chapter. It's kinda short but yeah
I hope you all are enjoying this story as its piping up! Destiel and Sabriel fluff next chapter so stay tuned!
I love you all so much thank you for the support. Make sure you comment, vote, and share! I love you all hope you enjoyed the chapter
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