@CastielNovak You all are the sweetest. Thank you for all of your kind words. I will be quite busy in the upcoming weeks but I hope you all stick with me
"Bail is being set at $10,000. Case dismissed," judge Turner yelled, slamming his gavel down against his desk. It knocked loudly and everyone stood from their chairs.
An officer stood to assist Dean out a back door. Cas, Sam, and Gabe looked at each other and proceeded to exit the big, wooden doors. "Sam, may I talk to Gabe alone for a minute?" Sam nodded and walked outside. He pulled out his phone and put it up to his ear after a few clicks.
"What's up, Cassie?" Gabe said, removing a butterscotch candy from his suit pocket.
"What did you tell Sam about me?"
"Nothing, really. He called me, crying, saying he had no way he could afford any sort of bail for Dean. I said I knew someone who might be able to help," Gabe answered. "Why?"
"Does he know my name?" Cas asked, voice deeper and slightly more threatening.
Gabe responded, "Probably."
"Probably? Did you ever outright call me 'Cas' or anything?"
"What's going on? You've been weird lately," Gabe inquired, not answering the question.
"Gabriel! Please," Cas pleaded.
"Uh - no. Not that I can remember. Why?"
Cas sighed deeply, closing his eyes briefly in relaxation. He opened them again and fixed his eyes on his brother's. "So, I might have told Dean that my name is Jack. And that you're my best friend instead of brother... and that I am not a painter."
"Cassie!" he exclaimed, smacking Cas's arm with the back of his hand. Cas shushed him and looked around frantically. "Why? I thought we agreed on you two never talking again!"
Cas exhaled and a blush crept upon his face. "Well, we were talking at the restaurant. And then, he had to fix my car when it broke down..."
"Okay, so you're telling me you decided that befriending him is the best option? C'mon, Cassie. You may as well be sucking his dick already!" Gabe flailed his arms in annoyance and turned away from him.
Cas scoffed. "I wanted to appear normal. He would get suspicious if I rejected talking to him!"
"No," Gabe started, "he wouldn't. We agreed you'd ignore him. That's why I was so hesitant on calling you. But, I hate seeing Sam upset."
The two stopped talking and stood there glaring daggers at one another. "We should go pay Dean's bail."
The process was long and agonizing. It took nearly eight hours for Dean to be released. The shock on his face was evident when he came out of a back hallway and saw Cas, Sam, and Gabe sitting there. "What are you guys doing here?"
The three stood. Gabe started first. "Oh, you actually saw me this time! How was jail?"
Dean glared at the smaller man. He, then, turned his attention to Cas. "Jack? What are you doing here?"
"I paid your bail," Cas answered bluntly.
Dean's eyes widened and he immediately turned to Sam. "Sammy, a word."
The two taller brothers moved a few steps away. Dean was the one mainly doing all of the talking. Sam barely talked or looked at his brother.
They eventually came back to the group. Dean motioned with his head towards the door and they all followed. He abruptly stopped, turning straight into Cas right behind him. "Sorry!" Cas exclaimed, as if on instinct. He was still traumatized from high school where he had to apologize for bumping into people.
Dean looked down at Cas and blinked once with furrowed eyebrows. "Watch where you're going."
Cas was taken aback. Did he really just blame me for bumping into him? He shied backwards and kept his mouth shut. His head was pointed towards the ground and he stared at the white line of a parking spot.
"Did you drive Baby here?" Dean asked.
Sam responded, "Yeah, Dean. How else was I supposed to get her here?"
"Wow, Deano. Didn't know you had a kid. Why didn't you name her?" Gabe whispered the last part.
"I don't have a kid. Baby is the name of my car," Dean retorted. They continued to bicker for a few more moments before Cas walked off and towards Gabe's car. "Jack? Where are you going?"
Dean jogged toward Cas and stopped in front of him. "I'm going home," Cas said, looking directly into Dean's eyes. He took a deep breath, now trapped in the forest of Dean's eyes.
The two looked at each other again and all of Cas's inhale was full of Dean's alpha scent. He didn't want to admit what that did to his body. The two were stuck there, imprisoned in their gazes. It wasn't until Dean opened his mouth to speak that Cas unfroze. "Well, I can have your car done by tonight. You can hang out in my apartment upstairs or in the garage with me for the time being until it's done."
Cas couldn't resist. He knew he should. And he tried to. But, it was as if his body didn't care what his brain thought. "Sure," he squeaked out. He suddenly became very nervous and took a step backwards.
He turned to tell Sam and Gabe of their plans but the two were already gone. Cas looked back in his original direction and peered around the Adonis in front of him to see Gabe's car had disappeared.
"Oh, they left," he thought out loud. Dean chuckled and made his way towards Baby.
"This is Baby. She's my life's work. Be careful with her. She's put up with a lot," Dean said, tapping twice on her hood before opening the door and getting in. Cas opened his door and climbed in, following suit.
Dean started her up and her engine growled. He put her in reverse and backed out of the spot. They drove in silence for a few minutes, nothing but Lynard Skynard could be heard. The air was thick and full of tension. The close proximity made Cas trapped with the Alpha's scent and he shuffled in his seat uncomfortably. He pulled the side of his trenchcoat over his lap.
Dean increased the silence by turning off the radio. They sat there for another moment before Dean opened his mouth to speak. "I guess I owe you an explanation," he suggested.
"No - you do not. I-I apologize, may I roll down the window? It is rather hot in here," Cas said. He was sweating and was hoping Dean couldn't smell the omega.
"Yeah, no problem." He paused as Cas opened the window all the way. He leaned towards the fresh air in the warm night. The air pressure inside Baby was being thrown off so Dean opened his window as well.
"You do not need to give an explanation, Dean."
He scoffed. "I know I don't. But you just shelled out 10k to bail my ass outta jail so you at least deserve to know."
"Okay," he responded in a small voice.
Dean took a deep breath. "I was fourteen. Me and Sammy were walking to my dad's work after school. We always went there on Mondays. Anyway, Sammy asked me a question so we stopped walking. I heard people walking up behind me so I moved us over." He stopped to take another deep breath. "It was a girl and a guy. Maybe in their twenties. I don't know. I was young." He paused again. "Long story short, they stabbed Sammy. My dad heard the commotion and ran to help us. I was too busy fighting the guy off to realize the woman had stabbed my dad." He stopped again. Cas looked over to see Dean shaking slightly with every breath. Tears formed at his eyes and threatened to spill out. "They caught the girl but the guy ran off. They never caught him. Not until last night."
Cas put his hand on top of Dean's wrist and squeezed lightly. "You caught him."
Dean smiled as tears fell down his face freely. You wouldn't be able to tell he was crying unless you looked at him. It was baffling how quiet he was. "Yeah, I did."
Cas removed his hand from Dean's wrist and sat forward. The windows down helped mask Dean's scent so he calmed down.
A few minutes later, they turned down the road with HP and Dean's shop. He pulled Baby into the driveway and groaned. "Your friend stole my parking spot."
Cas smiled and Dean put Baby in park. The two exited the car and made their way towards the front door. All of the lights in the garage were off and the door was shut considering no one was there.
"I figured everyone could have the day off since I didn't know what was going on," Dean commented.
"The shop. I have employees but I didn't know what was going on so I gave them the day off."
"Oh," Cas finished.
Dean was right; Castiel was thinking about where everybody was. The taller man unlocked the door and walked through, Cas on his heel. He closed the door and they made their way up the carpetted stairs. Dean unlocked that door, too, and led them both inside.
Cas looked around the apartment and his eyebrows were raised. "Very nice place you have," he said to the green eyed man.
Suddenly, a crash came from a room to the left. "Gabe!"
"That wasn't even my fault! I was moving the blanket!"
Cas and Dean shared a look and exited the apartment.
They went down the steps and to the left through another locked door. It led into the garage. "There are chairs over there if you wanna sit and read a magazine or something while I do this," Dean announced, motioning to Cas's car.
"What happened to the other one?" Cas pointed to the empty spot where a car was two days previous.
"I finished it?" Dean concluded.
Dean walked to the garage door and opened it in one swift motion. It was slightly on the hotter side so Dean removed his jacket. He moved some stuff around on the tool desk before going in a back room and grabbing a creeper.
Cas went on his phone as a diversion. He was observing Dean and the fluidity of his movements. He clearly had practice. Dean's muscles pressed up against his flannel and his pecks were outlined by his undershirt.
Dean looked his way, checking in on him just like he used to do when him and Sammy did anything. Castiel dug his nose into his phone and acted completely oblivious to Dean's movements.
He decided to stop being a creep - for the time being, at least. He couldn't deny the undesirable attraction growing for the attractive mechanic. A bit snarky, yeah. But, Cas knew Dean was entirely heterosexual.
He decided to stalk himself on social media once again. He looked through his tags.
@Fight_Those_Fairies @CastielNovak i just want you to know i will ALWAYS support you. you brighten my day every time i get a notification you post. Much love from Germany!
@HayleyDBZ @CastielNovak what's more important is how are you? You havent checked in in a while about anything except a few very vague posts
He smiled as he read through them both. He liked and commented a heart under each, purposefully not mentioning how he was. He felt okay for the time being but constantly had the urge to look over his shoulder.
Castiel had gone through the past few days worth of mentions and was beginning to form a headache. He looked up to ask for a beer and saw a sight that nearly made him fall over. Even while sitting.
Dean had stripped his flannel and the undershirt. He was left in his brown, rugged leather boots and a pair of jeans that fit him well. His body glistened with sweat. Not the sweat that beaded and rolled, though. Just enough to condensate on his skin and make him glisten. A true Adonis. Not to mention the sun shaped tattoo upon his chest.
Castiel looked down and noticed it had been two hours already. "Uh," he choked out, his body missing the hints to calm down.
"What was that?" Dean questioned, turning his head and putting his ear closer. He thought he didn't hear correctly.
But he did. Castiel's brain had officially 'error'ed. He knew by this point he should just say something. "How old are you?"
Dean looked confused. Not that kind of something! I meant something about the car or Sam or Baby. Of course, I pick the one question that comes off as gay as possible. And, I already knew the answer. If I was going to ask a stupid question, I should have chosen a better option.
"I apologize, that was weird."
"No, Jack. It just caught me off guard. I'm twenty-three," he said. He turned around and grabbed a dirty rag to wipe the grease off of his hands. "How about you?"
Cas put his phone back in his pocket as he responded, "I'm twenty-one. Twenty-two in September."
Dean threw the rag back down on the tool desk. "Well, here's my treat. Since you paid my bail so kindly - thank you for that, by the way - I'm gonna take you out tonight."
Cas was perplexed. His 'Dean is not gay' theory was dissolving rapidly. "You do not need to do that, Dean," Cas said, standing from his seat.
"I'm going to go shower and then we're going. It's this nice bar a few blocks away called Lucky's. You look like you could be a good wingman." Dean shut the garage door. He opened the door to the stairway and motioned for Cas to go through.
Cas had to pass by holding his breath. Dean smelled like BO but it appeared to make his Alpha scent way stronger.
As Cas made his way up the steps, he thought to himself, If I am going to try and be friends with him, I am going to need nose plugs. This was going to be hard.
Hi my sister wanted me to upload this asap and i did too. Also the 'hard' pun was intended😉
This is my third update in 24 hours and i am on a SPREE. I am proud to say i love my book. I can't wait for the tea to start spilling! So much drama is gonna happen in this book and a lot of angst but hey, that's life.
Anyways im gonna go write chapter 12. Make sure you all vote, comment a shit ton, and share this story around. I love you all!
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