Chapter 2
Down the hallway was a large swirling blue portal. Skylar stepped around the corner, facing it head on. The portal was almost hypnotizing as if it was begging her to step through. Skylar couldn't resist the urge, she took a step toward it causing her shoe to make a loud squeak on the tile floor. She grimaced at the sound. Her parents had always taught her to not let her shoes squeak when there was potential danger. Apparently the sound could alert the enemy that you were nearby.
There was a crack of electricity behind her. Skylar whipped around to see a monster standing behind her. No, not a monster, a man. He wore a black suit with a backwards lightning bolt, the mask he wore was ripped at the mouth as if it was sewn shut. Skylar stood frozen in place as the monster man approached her.
"Where is the Flash?" His voice was haunting. Skylar held her phone behind her back, pressing the distress signal repeatedly.
"Who are you?" She asked firmly, trying not to show any fear. The man approached her, Skylar took a few steps back drawing closer to the portal. The portal was only a few feet away now, Skylar could feel the pull of it's vortex. Not wanting to get any closer, Skylar stood her ground as the monster stood mere inches from her.
"Zoom." The man answered. In less than a split second Zoom's hand was vibrating rapidly. He lowered his hand in an attempt to go through the girl's heart. Skylar knew this trick, She sped to the opposite corner of the hallway to avoid the deadly hand. Zoom's dark eyes widened at the teenage speedster.
Skylar's green eyes crackled with electricity. She ran towards the speedster as fast as she could head on in an attempt to fight up close. It was a horrible mistake. The speedster merely stepped aside, revealing the portal behind him. Skylar tried to stop, her heels dug into the tile making a screeching sound. She fell on her thighs in an effort to stop. She slid on the ground trying her hardest not to slide into the portal.
"No!" Someone yelled. Skylar looked up just in time to see her father running to grab her hand. Skylar reached out, but the momentum of her speed earlier was too much. The portal sucked her inside with a bright light. The last thing she saw was the fear in her father's eyes and it all turned to chaos.
The vortex trapping Skylar urged her to run. She felt the pull on her body as it tried to tear her apart. Skylar didn't fight the urge to run, she ran as fast as she possibly could. The agony her body felt faded away as she continued to run faster and faster through the swirling portal. She didn't know where it would take her, but she knew it would be safer than this.
"Come on." She urged herself. "Faster!" Skylar pushed herself to run faster than she had ever ran before in her entire life. She screamed in an effort to run faster, there was a bright light approaching her. "Almost there!" She thought to herself.
In an instant, Skylar passed through the light and she was falling. She let out a loud grunt as she landed on something hard. Skylar strained to open her eyes against the bright light. Once her eyes adjusted, she realized she was on the ground. The room surrounding her appeared to be a laboratory of sorts. There was a round Desk with computers all over, standing behind the desk was a man and a woman.
The woman had red hair that went past her shoulders. She wore a blue sweater and nice pants. The man had tan skin and dark hair that almost came to his shoulders. He wore a graphic t-shirt with a galaxy on it.
"What the hell?" He yelled. He appeared to be a college student. He stood from the desk, staring at the teenage girl who had materialized from the portal. Skylar stumbled to her feet.
"Where am I?" She asked. Skylar struggled to keep her balance and stumbled against a chair. The woman with red hair rushed to her side, steadying Skylar until she regained her balance.
"Take it easy, you're in Star Labs, Central City." Said the woman with red hair. "How did you get here?" Skylar took a seat in the chair, struggling to clear her head.
"I ran through a portal." Skylar answered hesitantly. "I'm sorry, what Earth am I on?"
The man approached Skylar carefully. "Earth 1." he answered. "My name is Cisco. This is Caitlin, we work here."
"What's your name?" Caitlin asked.
"Skylar." She answered. "Wait..." she knew those names. Cisco and Caitlin. Where did she know those names from? Skylar stood from the chair, trying to wrap her head around the familiar names. She paced the floor whispering the names to herself, trying to recall where she had heard them before.
She stopped, realization slapping her in the face. Skylar looked up at the people standing before her. Cisco and Caitlin! They were friends of her dad before he came to Mom's earth. Cisco and Caitlin both had confused expressions.
"You all were friends of my dad." She said quietly. "You're just like he said you'd be."
"Who's your dad?" Caitlin asked quizzically. Skylar walked closer to the people who had saved her father's life so many times.
"Umm," Skylar started. "My name is Skylar. Skylar Irene Allen, and I am the daughter of Barry Allen; the fastest man alive."
There was a long silence between those in the room. Caitlin and Cisco seemed to be in shock.
"That's impossible." Caitlin muttered.
"Are you a time traveler by any chance?" Cisco asked. What shook her head.
"I'm from Earth 39. My dad was transported there 18 years ago where he met my mom."
"18 years ago?" Caitlin had a look of shock on her face. Cisco shook his head in denial.
"No, that's impossible. Barry hasn't been missing for that long." He stated confidently.
"How long has he been gone?" Skylar asked.
Cisco was silent. "2 weeks." He stated solemnly.
"Time must pass differently on my earth. I'm 16."
"How do we know that you're taking the truth?" Cisco spat. "How do we know that you're not one of Zoom's spies?" Skylar stood frozen in place.
"Because," Said a new voice. Standing in the doorway was a tall thin man. He had black messy hair and glasses. "She's telling the truth."
His voice was cold as ice. He slowly approached Skylar, staring into her crackling green eyes.
"Harry, what are you talking about?" Cisco asked, confused by his statement. Harry was now standing a few feet from Skylar.
"Look at her." He stated gesturing to Skylar's face. "She has the same eyes, same hair, they even share a similar bone structure." Caitlin and Cisco said nothing, examining every aspect of Skylar for the pieces of Barry.
"You still don't believe me." Skylar said breaking the silence. She scoffed at the people her dad called "the smartest people in the city". "Watch this."
Skylar zipped around the room at the speed of sound, showing off her speed. She stopped before her audience who said nothing. They clearly weren't surprised by the her gift.
"Fine." Skylar said annoyed. She pulled her phone out of her pocket, surprised that she was able to hold on to it. "Please work on this dimension." The phone powered on with a ding. Skylar smiled as she flipped through pictures until she found the one.
"There." She said, holding up the phone for all to see. The picture was of Skylar and her parents. Skylar and her parents sat on a tree stump in the front yard of a house. Barry leaned his head against Skylar's with a goofy grin. Kara sat on Skylar's opposite side, holding Barry's hand.
Caitlin picked up the phone from Skylar's hand to examine it more closely. Cisco peered over her shoulder.
"Well it looks real." Caitlin said. She handed the phone back to Skylar. "Look I'm sorry, we just... don't believe you."
Skylar's heart felt like it had been shattered. The only two people who could possibly help her get home, didn't believe her. Skylar felt tears well up in her eyes. Not wanting to be embarrassed, she stormed out of the room. Tears gushed down her cheeks as she ran down the hallway at a half run half walk.
Caitlin and Cisco called after her, begging her to come back. Skylar didn't listen, she continued down the never ending hallway until she came to an elevator. She clicked the button on the elevator and the doors opened with a ding. Inside was a larger man with dark skin, he wore a black suit jacket and a tie. His detective badge caught Skylar's eye, it read "Detective Joe West".
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Author's Note:
This chapter was not posted correctly the first time. Please reread
What up fam?! It's been a while hasn't it. I haven't even touched this story in almost a year now. Phew! Wow! To be honest I don't know why I stopped. I really kinda like this story, I mean it has over 80 views so I guess you guys like it. Anyway, I hope to do more "regular" updates in the future so stay tuned!
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