Chapter 1
October 21, 2034
National City
Earth 3
"Skylar! Hurry up, you're going to be late!" Kara yelled across the house. Skylar did as she was told and quickly finished tying the laces on her new black converse. She slipped on her glasses and checked her dark wavy hair one last time before leaving her room. She stomped down the wooded stairs into the kitchen where her mother was sitting at the table.
Her fingers flied across the keyboard of the laptop as she continued to write. Skylar opened the fridge and grabbed the milk carton. She chugged it down as she stuffed an entire box of cheez-its into her back pack.
She set down the milk carton and grabbed two pop-tarts. "Don't forget your homework." Kara said handing her a blue folder and notebook. Skylar took the work and stuffed them into her back pack. She zipped up the bag and slung it over her shoulder.
"Has anyone seen my phone?" Barry asked as he trudged down the stairs into the kitchen. "It's in the living room." Kara answered. Barry grabbed his phone and went back to the kitchen. He stuffed a muffin into his face as he grabbed his jacket. "Where are my keys?" He mumbled. "On your dresser." Skylar and Kara said in unison.
"Bye Mom." Skylar said as she made her way to the door. "Bye hon." Kara replied. "Bye Dad!" She yelled across the house. There was a long silence before Barry shouted back "Bye sweetie!"
Skylar opened the door and stepped outside into the cold autumn air. She shivered and made her way down the porch steps. Skylar checked her watch. "Shoot!" She cursed. She hadn't realized how late she actually was. She jogged down the sidewalk and prayed that she have missed the bus.
She rounded a corner and caught a glimpse of the bus running away. "Wait!" Skylar yelled. The bus driver didn't hear her and kept going. "Stop!" She yelled with no hope.
Skylar stopped on the sidewalk and let out a flustered groan. Not again, she thought to herself.
She quickly glanced around, checking to see if anyone was watching. The street was dead silent, not a soul was in sight. Skylar tightened the straps on her back pack. She shook out her legs trying to release the tension. Taking a deep breath she readied herself for the rush.
Skylar took off in what started as a walk, into a jog which turned into a sprint. Then in a crack of electricity she was running hundreds of miles per hour. The wind rushed through her hair and lightning danced in her wake. It was a feeling that only a speedster could appreciate and truly love.
Skylar absolutely adored the rush and the adrenaline that came with the run. It made her feel more whole, as if something was missing while she wasn't running. Skylar had always felt that she didn't belong here, but what could she do?
Skylar hadn't been running for more than five minutes before the high school came into view. She slowed down and ducked between two empty busses and came to a halt.
She quickly ran her fingers through her messy hair, trying to tame the mess. After she was satisfied with her hair she adjusted the straps on her backpack. Skylar casually peered around the bus to make sure no one was watching. The parking lot was dead silent, not a soul was in sight.
She stepped out from behind the busses and made her way to the door. That's odd, she thought to herself. The parking lot is never this empty. Skylar pushed on the door to the school and stepped inside.
The halls were dark and quiet, too quiet. Skylar slowly made her way down the hall; trying not to let her shoes squeak on the floor. She peered into a classroom window, looking for any signs of life. The room was empty except for some backpacks and papers strewn across the floor.
She reached for her phone in her pocket when suddenly there was a loud crash at the end of the hallway. Skylar stayed calm and began to make her way in the direction of the sound.
Lights flickered overhead as she continued down the hall. The smell of sulfur grew strong as Skylar got closer to the noise. She came to a turn in the hallway and stopped.
Skylar slowly peered around the corner. What she saw chilled her to the bone.
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