I love feeling your closeness
Zhan just nodded to Ms. Wang and slowly walked to the room still feeling dizzy. Yibo took water bottle from freezer and filled glass.
"son, did something bad happened?"
"someone recognized him, maybe they weren't intended to harm him, but Zhan got very scared. i don't think his mental state is stable mom"
"don't worry, i'll look after him"
"mom" Yibo lowered his head - i want to do it, let me be with him.
"ok, as you wish my dear" a little smile appeared on aunt's face.
Zhan was sitting on the sofa, with wide open eyes looking to nowhere.
"do you feel better? here drink cold water" yibo sat next to him, leaving no distance between them "i'm sorry"
"for what?"
"for leaving you alone, everything what happened was my fault, actually i left to buy something for you"
"really what?" Zhan's face brightened in seconds from curiosity.
"you're like kid" smiled Yibo and took little bracelet from his pocket “this is called "bond", if you tie it on someone's wrist, you'll be able to feel, when they're in the danger and need your help“ Yibo gently tied bracelet around Zhan's wrist and kept his hand in his palms “but there is one condition“
"which one?"
"I'll tell you later"
Yibo suddenly felt heaviness on his shoulder, Zhan's soft hair was touching his cheek, Yibo moved a little down to make Zhan feel more comfy.
"I'm going to lend your shoulder for a while" whispered Zhan and very soon his calm breath made Yibo realize he was already asleep. Yibo took Zhan's slim body in his strong arms and walked to the bed, Zhan was light like feather, Yibo looked down to see his angelic sleeping face, Zhan's rosy lips were parting a little in sync with his breath. Yibo couldn't express how strong was desire to kiss him. he swallowed so hard and forcibly moved his eyes off from Zhan.
Yibo put him on the bed and slowly started unbuttoning his shirt, Zhan's milky neck looked too attractive, he couldn't help but bent down and planted soft kiss on it. Yibo blushed on his own action. he was willing to get closer and closer to Zhan but was his feelings going to be accepted?
"stay with me" Yibo was going to leave bed, when weak voice reached his ear. Zhan was holding his hand, trying to make him lay down.
"Zhan, i'm already here. not going anywhere"
"no i mean, sleep here with me"
how could Yibo say no? he lay next to him, but at the very corner, almost felling on the floor.
"not like that, i want you to hold me a little it's cold" mumbled Zhan and Yibo couldn't realize when his waist got trapped in Zhan's arms. he just felt Zhan's head resting on his chest, making him feel too uneasy.
"it's too fast"
"your heartbeat Yibo, are you nervous about something?"
"you're teasing me, you already know the answer"
"tell me"
"i won't, by the way your room is already arranged, why do you still stay here?"
"you want me to move there?"
"no, i just want to hear reason you stay in my room"
Zhan looked up and sweetly smiled at Yibo “cause i love this, i love sleeping here, feeling your closeness“
Yibo giggled with total satisfaction and closed his eyes “good night Zhan ge-ge, sweet dreams...“
"sweet dreams bo-di" Zhan made himself more comfy in Yibo's tight embrace and peacefully fell asleep.
Zhan was walking on the sand again, feeling the heat under his bare feet. he and Yibo promised to come here after he was done with his classes but Zhan got bored and decided to come alone. he sat down and dialed mom's number
"mom, yes it's me your Zhan-Zhan. how are you doing? what about dad?"
"my precious one, we're worrying about you to death. are you eating well? sleeping well? i'm dreaming about you every night. miss you so much"
"mom, my dear mom" Zhan's voice started shaking, his vision got blurred cause of tears "i'm really fine, i can't visit you but trust me i'm doing well"
"don't read and listen to them. you're living treasure Zhan-Zhan, never forget that. be strong and faithful, light will come in your life again"
"mom i think ..." Zhan smiled, remembering someone's face "it's already with me, take care ok? kiss dad for me, i'll visit you as soon as possible. love you so much"
Zhan walked toward to the sea, water touch made him feel great. he didn't realize how deeply he had went in already, sudden heart pain made Zhan very dizzy, he tried to move his hands but there was no energy left in his body anymore.
"Yibo save me" was his lasts words before drowning in the water...
Know i'm very bad 😅 feel free to comment 😊
see you in next chapter 😉❤️
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