**Bakura's P.O.V**
"Try all you want pharaoh but you'll never find your partner again" I laughed and moved to lean against a tree, I saw that the ring was pointing ahead, so he was on his way "never again"
"Is that so Bakura" and angry voice came from the shadows, I spun around to see a spiky haired individual standing there and shadow magic radiated from him
"Why hello there" I did a small bow "I guess my stupid host told you where I was then" Yami gritted his teeth
"Tell me where he is!" he screamed and the shadows strung out and grabbed a hold of my arms "answer the question!"
"What's going on?" A small timid voice spoke up "what are you doing to my love?" I started to snigger then it turned into full blown laughter
"Do you see that pharaoh, he's mine" the shadows disappeared and I walked over to MY Yugi and gave him a hug and kissed his cheek "it is fine my dark one" he giggled
"Okay that's good" he turned to Yami and stared at him before falling over and clutching his head in pain, Yami was instantly by his side rubbing circles into his back and whispering words of comfort, I moved to stop them but of course the shadows came back, Yugi gave a whimper and his image flickered between dark and light appearances.
**Yugi's P.O.V**
"YAMI" I screamed as the shadows pressed into my chest, the image showed him hugging me as Bakura tried to get closer "YAMI HELP ME" I looked down at me body and saw that it was disappearing into the darkness, I tried to move my legs to escape, but I was stuck.
"Yugi I know your in there fight my Little One" Yami whispered to the other me, I gave another scream as the darkness pressed closer to my body "fight it Aibou"
"I can't" I screamed back, even if he couldn't hear me "its to strong!" I dug deep and focused on all my good memories, going to Burger King with Joey, watching old romantic movies with Yami, light started to break through the darkness, my appearance started to change back to normal, suddenly it was me hugging Yami not the dark
"Yugi is it you" he asked quietly and I let out a pitiful sob and tightened my grip on him.
"Yami, it hurt so much" he buried his face into my hair and started to cry him self.
"Yugi I'll never let the darkness take you again" he said in a strong voice "never"
"You just had to have him for yourself then pharaoh" Bakura's voice rang out "I won't let him go that easy" I looked up and saw Bakura standing there pure rage was etched into his face, something grabbed me and pulled me out of Yami's grip, I let out a cry of pain and tried to stand up.
"Yugi!" Yami yelled moving to grab me but his hand just fazed through my arm, I looked at my body and it was turning to smoke, I gave a scream of terror as the rest of my body faded away.
**Bakura's P.O.V**
"Now he's mine forever" I laughed and grabbed the jar which now contained Yugi's soul "and nothing will stop me" Yami was staring at the spot where Yugi disappeared, suddenly someone grabbed the jar out of my hand.
"I'll take that" I shaggy blond said angrily before punching me "and you can have that" I fell over holding my cheek before letting out a snarl.
"Joey!" Yami exclaimed, he stood up and Joey handed him the jar.
"Yami what is this" Joey asked and Yami was looking at the jar taking in every detail, the smoke that was trapped inside it moved around before swirling into an image of Yugi crying in a corner, Yami looked over at me before throwing the jar down.
"NO" I yelled as it shattered into a billion pieces and the smoke turned into Yugi who looked up with red puffy eyes and gave a hiccup, Yami moved to grab him and pulled him away from me before kissing Yugi senseless "you bastard you just wanted him for yourself!" I screamed.
"Yami" Yugi whispered looking up at him with his adorable eyes.
**Yami's P.O.V**
"I love you Yugi and nothing will ever hurt you again" I waited for him to push me away or reject my feeling but it never came.
"I love you to" came the small answer, Yugi was looking at the ground but I forced him to look at me, before grabbing his lips with mine, he let out a small squeak before relaxing and returning the kiss, after a minute we broke away for air and I stared lovingly into his beautiful amethyst eyes.
"You just couldn't let me be happy could you Pharaoh" Bakura spoke up getting up of the ground "all the small things that I have are gone" his eyes where filled with rage "watch your light for he will be mine" Yugi let out a whimper and I pushed him closer to my chest.
"You will not touch my Aibou" I growled holding him close to me.
"Yeah no one hurts my best bud" Joey said crossing his hands "now get out of here before I beat your ass so hard you'll be seeing stars for days" Bakura have me one last glare before sprinting off "you okay Yug" Joey asked moving closer to him, Yugi gave another hiccup
"It was scary and everything was so dark" he buried himself into my chest again "I wanted my Yami" Joey looked at me with a sad smile.
"Where here Yug" Joey said softly putting a hand on his shoulder "everything's going to be fine" Yugi just shook his head.
"The darkness with whispering bad things, and the way I looked" he gave a small cry "what if I stayed like that and you cringed every time you saw me, what if I became the darkness, what if" I put a finger over his mouth and leaned in to kiss him, he happily obliged.
"No matter what happens to you Yugi I will always love you" I whispered "and of the darkness did take you, I would turn the world upside down to find you" he gave a small smile "I'll never let you out of my sight again"
Sorry I've been focusing on other works so I haven't had time to write this story
Also Bakura is going to get his revenge and things are going to go down
I'm sorry Yugi-chan!!!!
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