STOP! Read the warning first!
Warning: Explicit sexual content. Don't read if you are under 18 years old!
A/N: I've published this eons ago on Since I don't have a shimayu themed cover for it, I had waited. But since I've updated a new One-shot, I am going with a placeholder cover.
The pic tp the story is fanart that was inspired by this story by miiyunaa, (Thank you!^^)
Now have fun reading!
Winter's fall
How did he end up like this? What had exactly lead to this special moment on an average day?
Right now he was towering over her.
She lay under him
The look of her eyes made him choke on emotions. She was so beautiful.
Her soft blond hair grazed the fingers of his right hand that supported his weight. His left hand traveled down her body over the exposed silky skin of her side at a savoring pace.
A tender sigh left her.
He slowly sunk down to her. Burning the image of her lying under him with smoldering eyes into his memory and capturing her lips in a searing kiss.
It was cold outside. Coming to its end, winter was pretty harsh, blowing freezing winds across the landscape and covering everything within its reach with frost and snow.
But that didn't keep Mayura and Shimon from meeting outside, walking through the village leading to a small park and enjoying the fresh air as well as each other one's company.
Talking about this and that, they cherished the few moments they had to themselves.
Looking at her now, he admired her in silence while she told him about the latest tasks bestowed on her as the head of the Amawaka clan. He could still remember a time, when she seemed more often sad than happy. He could still remember a time, when she wasn't talking so freely about what was on her mind. A lot of things had changed since they had started dating.
He could still remember the day they got together, as if it happened a moment before this.
For months he ignored his feelings for her. Trying to bury them under his coat of composure, he once had tailored himself when he was younger for reasons like this. Yet, a part of him had known he was fighting an useless battle. While his feelings deepened it had become more and more difficult for him not to notice them. The sight of her smile would make his heart jump. A look of depression would make his heart clench in pain and her beauty caught in an unconscious moment used to plant flutters in his belly.
He had started to hate himself for harboring such feelings for his student and colleague. Thus, it had caught him even more by surprise, when he learned that she returned his feelings.
That one significant day he had scolded her for being absent-minded and unfocused at training. She had shied away more frequently the sessions leading up to this one, but he had blamed her behavior on her lack of self-esteem for it.
He hadn't expected for her to answer with anger at all. She had called him an impassive deficiency orator.
Shocked he had replied, he wasn't insensitive but was interrupted by her on-going speech about his incapacity to show emotions. At the end of her speech he had stared at her in wonder and fear.
Tears had gathered in her eyes, threatening to fall before she mumbled, that she wished she hadn't fallen for him.
A muffled noise had rung in his ear as he'd walked – stumbled? – towards her and sealed her lips with his.
Warmth filled Shimon now as the memory of her bright eyes reflecting her emotions came to him. His lips started to tingle at the revived reminder of their first kiss, which had been filled with as much despair as hope.
Walking besides her now, he looked at her. She was beautiful. A more than just pretty blond girl that had no idea of her qualities. She was warm, smart, kind and caring. He didn't know when he had fallen for her. But he couldn't recall a time not loving her any longer.
Suddenly she shifted her big blue eyes on him and looked at him in curiosity. "Shimon? Are you alright?"
He nodded and turned his gaze ahead. It was a common ritual for them to go for a walk together to get away for a while from their responsibilities. To spend some time together, not training, not working, not exorcising. The silence of winter in the village surrounding them made him feel as if they were alone while they entered a small park. "I just thought about the time you confessed to me."
He felt her pulling at his arm, linking her own between his and his body. "Aaand?"
Because he loved to tease her once in a while – actually to get even with her – he felt playful. A corner of his lips rose and he threw a glance at her. "Nothing."
Mayura stopped moving, her arm slipped out of his hold as he continued walking. Amused he made a few steps farther ahead. When he did not hear a sound from her, he stopped.
Before he had the chance to turn around, something hit him all of a sudden in the back with a dull thump.
He turned around and saw Mayura smiling wickedly at him. Crumbles of snow were dropping from her gloves.
Sweet revenge was on his mind, when he pulled his hands out of the pockets of his trousers and bowed down to collect a fist full of snow to pay her back.
Forming a small ball, he heard her squeal.
Immediately he looked up and saw her running behind a tree. Feeling challenged Shimon started to follow her at the fastest pace he was able to procure due to the snow hemming his movements.
It was a race, she couldn't win and they both knew.
He chuckled at her happy giggle, when he was almost within reach.
Puffy clouds surrounded her face at her exaggerated breathing as she kept on running in the ankle deep snow.
Just a second before he was ready to fling the ball of snow at her back, she tripped.
Without a second thought he threw himself at her and he blocked her fall by turning their bodies in midair.
The sudden impact of her weight pushed the air out of lungs as they hit the ground.
Raising his head, he saw her's resting motionless on his chest. Worry overcame him.
When he reached for her head, he heard a bubbly giggle leave her.
Soon she started roaring with laughter and looked up at him. Her face shone in joy. Her laugh was infectious and he joined her as they lay on the cold ground.
After a while Mayura caught herself. Soft chuckles left her as she leaned over him.
Her beauty left him speechless, choking on a chuckle. He bathed in the warmth emitted by her sea blue eyes.
Almost unconsciously he leaned over to her, stretching his neck to its limit.
She met him halfway, pressing a peck onto his lips.
He replied by pressing his lips fully onto hers. Burying a hand into the softness of her hair, he pulled her head closer.
By now he had gotten used to her kisses. The embarrassment about the emotions that rose in him were deafened by their frequent appearance.
It hadn't always been like this. When they started dating, he had felt so often ashamed about the width of his feelings, especially for that inappropriate desire, which usually twisted his stomach in anticipation.
Nowadays he grabbed onto the whole palette of emotions rushing though him. And he embraced them fully in this moment, as he slowly started to nibble on her lips she openly offered to him.
She welcomed him in a deep kiss, after he pushed her lips open.
The small moan that left her, send his nerves on fire. He shuddered and ended the kiss before he would be too aroused to stop.
Opening his eyes, he was welcomed with a dreamy gaze and cheeks softly painted in a light red. Shimon knew he would never be tired of drinking in the sight of her.
Breaking out of the day dream, he sat up, taking her with him. "I could use some hot tea now." He heard his voice was rough with emotions and cleared his throat. "Shall we warm up at your place?"
She smiled brightly and nodded at him. "Hn."
Raising to his feet, he felt the cold wetness of the legs of his trousers on his skin and his backside. It was a nasty feeling, which he did not like at all. But he hadn't thought about the consequences of smooching in the snow with Mayura earlier and the bigger part of him thought it was absolutely worth it. So he didn't dwell on the feeling of his cold and wet trousers clutching onto his skin.
Reaching out a hand for her, he helped her to her feet and mustered her. The stockings below her knees were also soaked in melted snow.
Still holding onto her hand, he pulled her with him and lead the way towards the Amawaka estate.
On the way she complained about his fast pace but was silent when he replied – rather harshly, he would admit it – he didn't want either of them to catch a cold.
When they finally reached her home, they had freed themselves from their jackets and scarfs in the genkan (1) and hung them up to dry.
After removing his headphones, he waited for her to bring him a pair of dry trousers. She returned with the ironed piece of clothing and an excuse for its average style. He told her it was fine either way and started an unintentional discussion on, who should use the bath first. Of course, because he was raised with an high consciousness of manners and chivalry, he had insisted on her taking a bath first. Mayura succumbed and went to take a quick bath.
Later, when Shimon had returned from his bath, they sat on the ground in front of the Kotatsu (2) in the main room while both sipped on ocha (3) tea. He shortly wondered, why everyone else left the room, when they probably sought the heat from the table as much as Mayura and him. But when Mayura reported to him the latest news at school with an happy smile, he couldn't care less.
Feeling cozy because of the warmth of the tea and the table in font of them, he had leaned over to her. Her arm grazing his chest emitted a comfortable heat. Shifting closer he had leaned over and nuzzled her neck.
A small gasp left her. He loved the sounds she made. His heart fluttered with love and his stomach twisted with desire. More animated he let his lips travel over silky skin of her neck.
Leaning back into him, she sighed. Her tender voice stroked his manly pride.
He had often wondered, how she was able to do that. Making him feel a roller-coaster of emotions by simply sighing and gasping.
Her soft hair was still slightly wet from her bath and grazed his face tenderly as his lips moved to the back of her neck.
"Shimon." His name left her lips in a shallow breath.
Swallowing down the feeling of heat and desire pooling in his gut, he turned his head away.
Shaking fingers clenched into a fist and he tried to control the raging beat of his heart.
It wasn't like he didn't knew the feeling of her smooth skin or the gentle touch of her fingers on his. They had already been there. Been there once at this stage, petting each other in careful motions above the waistline until he felt like he was floating. Perhaps they would have continued their lover's play back then, if a knock in the door hadn't interrupted them, leaving them both breathless and shivering with need.
It wasn't like he hadn't heard her velvety voice sighing his name before. But she was making it more and more difficult for him to restrain himself. The phyical part of their relationship had tormented him for months now. The last few dates had always ended up like this. With her teasing him with passionate kisses and him trying to compose himself.
And she was doing it now again, as she snuggled herself into the pit of his arms, especially since he was still busy fighting down the arousal flooding through his veins and making his trousers too tight.
Another soft sigh of her was enough for him to give up the fight. The need to press his lips against her's was flooding over him like a wave.
Putting his cup of tea away, he raised a hand to her chin. Gently he pulled her face towards his. Shifting she placed the cup of tea next to his and turned her body around.
Coming face to face with her, he recognized the desire swimming in her eyes that contradicted the blush on her cheeks.
It was inevitable. He kissed her at her silent plead.
Carefully he pulled her closer and embraced her with his arms.
One of her hands traveled his chest upwards to his shoulder, circling it and playing with the soft strands of hair in his neck.
Their lips moved in an intimate dance as they opened up to each others counterpart. His tongue met her's and he couldn't hold back the groan that broke out of him.
They continued their passionate kiss, while his hands slowly grazed her lovely form. He teased them both by caressing the underside of her breasts.
Mayura shifted closer and was almost sitting on his lap now.
It was too much. Shimon knew he would loose himself now, if he didn't take a break. His heart beat was drumming fiercely in his ears as he interrupted the kiss for air.
Hard and bothered he stared at her while he slowly stared to regain consciousness. Suddenly the reality of their misbehavior was coming to him: They were making-out in the official living space of the Amawaka's like horny teenagers!
Heat rose to his face. He felt ashamed for disobeying common manners so easily.
Tearing himself away from the comfort of her proximity and leaning back, he closed his eyes and sighed. He would need a cold shower now. Maybe the bath in the snow earlier hadn't been so bad at all.
A pull on his shirt broke him out of his musings. He opened his eyes and came to face with white trousers. Lifting his head he saw Mayura standing on her feet. She looked on the ground seemingly insecure, wearing a dark blush on her face.
He felt the pull of her fingers on his shirt again and started to raise on his feet at her command.
She grabbed onto his hand and pulled him after her.
Crossing the halls of the Amawaka estate in a quick pace, he recognized the way she lead him in silence. With fresh heat rising to his face, he trailed behind as she was heading to her own room.
After they entered her private chamber, she turned around and shut the shoji (4).
Nervousness was a silent veil enclosing them both.
He had been in her room before. It was a bright room with a very feminine touch that was fitting her perfectly well. But back then they had just started dating. Being drunk on love but innocent with desire. Now it was different. He understood the destination she had set for them, when she had pulled him out of the living room.
A shaking breath left him and he swallowed down his anxiety. "Are you sure about this?"
She turned around. Anxiety, love, need. Her eyes were darkened with storm of emotions within her. "I am." She crossed her hands and held them in front of her chest, diminishing the impact of her words. He knew it was a habit of hers out of nervousness.
Shimon made a step towards her. He knew, he wanted her. He wanted her body and soul to be his. He had woken up so many nights turning in his bed dreaming about the first time they would make love. But he wouldn't do anything, she wasn't sure about.
"Don't- Don't you want to?" She raised a delicate eyebrow at him. The feelings she displayed a moment before were replaced with sadness, disappointment and shame.
"It's not like that." He slightly waved his hands in front of him to emphasize his point. She shouldn't think that. Especially when it was so far away from the truth. "It's just that -"
How should he continue his explanation? He felt silly talking about it. And even more silly because he couldn't talk about it. "Let's just -" He clenched his hands into fists, scolding himself for acting like an insecure teenager.
With freshly gained control over himself, he raised his now firm voice again. "Let's just forget about it. We're just seeing how it goes. No pressure, okay?"
Mayura smiled anew and nodded. Her smile was strained though.
He made another step towards her, feeling more self-conscious than ever.
Trembling fingers reached for her.
Wetting her lips, she moved towards him, too. A deep blush was still decorating her face.
Swallowing down his anxiety he mustered her. She looked stiff and uncomfortable.
When they were a few centimeters apart, he couldn't take the tension anymore. He grabbed onto her shoulder and pulled her into a gentle hug.
She felt tense in his arms and he kissed her on her hair, breathing in the jasmine smell of hers, tainted with an hint of vanilla.
Brushing a hand over her back, he felt her slowly start to relax within his embrace.
He wouldn't want to force her to do something, she felt not ready for. But he wouldn't want her to force herself either.
Slowly he caressed her and sought the side of her neck with his lips.
She was reacting with a sigh and a firm grab on his shirt.
Arousal spread to him again as he kissed her neck, starting to lick and nibble at it, while she spurred him on and on with the noises she made.
The need to kiss her lips was too strong to withstand. He stopped his ministrations on her neck and pressed his lips onto her's.
When the kiss deepened, he again traced her body with his hands. He moved his hand to the side of her breast. His finger tips grazed the side of her soft flesh.
He interrupted their kiss and watched her searching for any signal of doubt, while his hand slowly circled her breast, tickling her erected nipple. Her eyes fluttered shut and she sucked in a harsh breath. A shiver ran over his back at the beauty of this image.
His other hand started to fumble with the hem of her shirt. He bowed down to her stomach. Pushing the shirt away Shimon followed the exposure of new skin with his lips.
Desire spread through him while he discarded the piece of clothing, leaving her just with her bra covering her breasts.
He felt like burning as he saw the beauty of her but a greed to see more was eating on his common sense. Totally lost to the emotions he felt, he pushed the left cup of her bra to the side and caressed her nipple.
She hissed. It was music to his ears and he felt reduced to his need and instincts.
Bowing down he took the just recently exposed nipple into his mouth sucking on it and being granted a low moan of hers.
He felt her fingers crossing his hair and holding onto it.
As he continued to lick and suck on her nipple, she started to move her body into his direction.
He shifted his weight on his feet as he felt the need to press himself against her.
Their position didn't allow it though.
Breaking away he looked at her. Her half lidded eyes shone in a dark blue like a sea at a stormy night. Her upper body was bare to his sight except for one cup of her bra covering the breast he neglected so far.
His mouth felt dry as he stared at her in amazement.
Breaking out of his stupor he took her hand and lead her to the bed.
Carefully he started undressing her, stripping her out of the clothes that hid the whole of her sight.
She took his breath away. She was the most beautiful creature he'd ever lain his eyes on.
Shyly she crossed an arm over her breast and the other over her most intimate place. A soft red tinted her cheeks.
He dropped a peck on her lips and smiled at her. Unable to form words, he wanted her to know how beautiful she was to him.
With a soft smile she reached for the hem of his shirt.
He helped her undress him.
Feeling nervous about the first time being naked in front of a woman, he looked away. The heat of embarrassment rose to his face.
Suddenly he felt the warm touch of her lips on his chest.
Looking down he watched her lift her head again and look at him with a gaze filled with love.
His lips met her's again almost unconsciously.
As they moved down onto the bed, their mouths began an intimate dance.
They started to caress each other, savoring the new emotions they shared. Taking their sweet time they explored the bodies of each other.
Little by little Shimon was swept away in passion and he pushed himself against her.
A groan left him at the feeling of her warm skin against him. He bowed his head to the breast he had not treated yet and began to lick her skin wrapping up the soft flesh.
Another moan left her as she buried a hand into his hair again.
His right hand crossed her body. Gliding over her stomach and abdomen, searching for the place she was warm and wet. Finally he reached his destination and slid a finger into her wetness.
A shocked gasp reached his ears, followed by a trembling moan. She clenched her fingers in his hair to a fist, pulling at it almost painfully.
Inexperienced in this new terrain, he rubbed his fingers against her as he started to suck onto her nipple.
Another moan left her and she heaved her hips against his hand.
He continued his treatment feeding both their needs by pleasuring her.
When she moved her hips more furiously, he stopped the kiss on her breast and looked up at her face.
She bit her lips. Kami (5), help him.
Even if he would have wanted to he couldn't hold back the moan that broke out of his throat at the marvelous scenery in front of him.
A new urge was driving him now. The urge to watch her rise.
He concentrated on the movement of his fingers now. Testing, where she was reacting the most on and what motion made her quiver.
Soon he got the idea of it and repeated the slow thrust of his fingers into her.
Now she began to squirm under him. Obviously, he was doing it right. Pride and arousal filled him as he watched her come undone bound to his will. Moans and gasps left her until she rose her hips in a sudden heave and trembled under him. Slowly he diminished the motions of his hand and watched her settle down again.
Amazed and mesmerized he dropped small kisses all over her body. Watching her had made him reach a new level of arousal. He couldn't keep the love and the desire, he felt, apart. When he reached to kiss her lips, she slightly opened her eyes.
The dreamy gaze was disturbed by the tears in the corner of her eyes, making him worry that he unintentionally hurt her. But when she smiled brightly at him, he recognized the tears being those of happiness.
For a short time he stared at her in wonder. At this moment she wasn't the petite girl he had chased in the snow a few hours ago but a woman in love.
The look of her eyes made him choke on emotions. She was so beautiful.
Her soft blond hair grazed the fingers of his right hand supporting his weight. His left hand traveled down her body over the exposed silky skin of her side at a savoring pace.
A tender sigh left her.
He slowly sunk down to her. Burning the image of her lying under him with smoldering eyes into his memory and capturing her lips in a searing kiss.
Shimon moved his body between her legs and pushed her them apart.
For a moment he felt nervousness and insecurity rising in the back of his mind.
Doubt tormented him and tried to push away the desire within him. Was it really right to do this?
Uncertain about their current situation, he looked at Mayura again and the last spark of doubt or anything between them fizzled out. With smoldering eyes she waited for him to sink into her and he glady replied to her wish.
Carefully he entered her. He remained still to give her time to adjust to him, although his need yelled at him to bury all of him inside her.
When she rose her hips he slowly started to move. The feeling of her enveloping him wholly was enough to make him groan loudly in pleasure. Never would he have expected it to be like this.
Rocking in and out of her at a slow pace, he began to kiss her again, muffling the sounds of pleasure coming from both of them.
Feeling her walls flutter around him, he felt an electrical wave running up and down as he continued to thrust into her.
Knowing he wouldn't be able to hold on much longer, he savored every second, holding onto the utter joy rushing through his body every time, she enclosed all of him.
Riding on the wave of pleasure, he increased the speed of his thrusts. A groan broke him out of the kiss as he was reaching for the peak. He felt her brushing one hand over his back and the other holding onto his shoulder as if she wanted to comfort him. With a last gaze at her under him, he shuddered and stumbled over the last level of pleasure. His back gave in as he fell.
When he regained consciousness, he noticed that their bodies were still connected. At least, he had managed to fall not directly onto her.
Exhausted he turned his head to get a glance at her face.
Mayura smiled at him, her eyes shone with happiness and love as she brushed his hair out of his face with a gentle stroke.
Shimon smiled back and moved to get them into a more comfortable position.
After he broke their connection, he repositioned both of them on the bed and covered them with the blanket that had crumbled under them due to their recent actions.
As the ability to think returned to him almost fully, he thought about what they did and what consequences it might have. Before he could start a discussion with himself he felt her lips being pressed softly against his cheek.
She softly breathed, "Shimon... Love..."
He pulled her into a close embrace which she answered with a tight grip on him. Bedding his head into her blond hair with those unique green ends, he sighed.
Never had he felt like this before. This happy and relaxed. He figured this feeling, this proximity, this love between them was worth all costs.
And as sleep clutched on his mind, he thought, he wanted to hold her for the rest of his life.
Suddenly the sound of a small sneeze disrupted the sweet silence. When he looked up at her, he tried to send her a scolding gaze for catching a cold because of her playfulness earlier. He miserably failed though, as she looked innocently at him.
(1) genkan - It is the entrance area where you leave your outdoor footwear.
(2) Kotatsu - A heated table to heat up the surrounding space. Actually, winter and heating in Japan is quite an interesting item. It's so different from our way of living. I recommend you to look it up.
(3) ocha - Japanese term for green tea.
(4) Shoji is the name for those typical Japanese doors with translucent paper over a frame of wood .
(5) Kami means god/ deity. It's not referring to a special god but is a general term.
A/N: What do you think?^^
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