Joyce walked through her houses front door, opening it slowly and searched the house quickly, realising no ones was in. I had the heaters that Johnathan carried so he could carry Will into the house.
"They're not in," joyce said.
"What?" Nancy said, jogging through the door and put the heater in her hands on the living room floor. Johnathan quickly went in too and took Will to his bedroom to sleep.
"We're gonna need to go find 'em," Joyce said, once johnathan came into the living room. "(Y/s/n), could you keep on eye on the house?" She asked me politely. I nodded, she smiled and walked out quickly, Nance and Johnathan joining after her. "Just give us a call on your radio to us, channel 7," she told me and I agreed she jumped in the passenger seat, johnathan starting the engine then driving out.
I closed the door and locked it behind me, went over to the back door, locked it too, going over to any windows and shutting them, even attempting to close the shattered window. Once finished with keeping all the house locked somebody drove into the drive way, it's lights peeking through the blinds.
I walked to the windows bending the blind to see through the window. The car wasn't fimilar, not anyone I knew personally. The engine stopped and the car doors opened, I stood back from the window and tried looking through the front door blurred window. Seeing a tall man along with three boys and a ginger haired girl, I walked back over the window seeing that it's was them, the group that left and now Joyce is off finding them.
I quickly unlocked the door, whipping it open, they all stopped in their tracks with possibly the same thought floating through their heads.
"Where the hell have you been?" I asked them, whisper-yelling.
"Told you guys," steve told them, mike gave his an evil stare and Lucas rolled his eyes.
"It ain't funny, Joyce, Johnathan and Nancy are out looking for you lot!" I told them.
"Oh my god, Will!" Dustin yelled, pushing past Steve an yelling inside the house excited to speak to his friend. I stopped him for getting inside and shushed him.
"He's sleeping, shut up," I told him, pushing him back and he stood there. "Right if you guys want to come in you have to be quiet and be prepared to possibly get yelled at, alright?" I told them, they nodded, even Steve.
I stood back and stood to the side, Dustin walking in first, Steve behind him, Mike, Lucas then max. Mike put down gasoline, Dustin, Lucas and Max all sat on the couch huffing, Steve put down his nailed bat and put a lighter on top of the TV stand.
"What have you been doing when out?" I asked staring at the lighter and at Steve.
"They forced me to go to the tunnels and burn them up," Steve said worn out, almost pissed but tired. I tutted and walked to the corridor, going to my bag in Wills room to get my super-com.
"Just get ready for some sort of punishment," I told them as I walked through the corridor, opening the door slowly seeing Will sitting in his bed, still with his moms jumper hanging over one shoulder. "Hey sleepyhead," I said, walking in and closing the door quietly behind me.
"Who was that?" He asked, rubbing his right eye.
"Steve, Dustin, Lucas, Mike and max," I said, going over to my bag in zipping it.
"Max?" He asked, slightly panicked.
"Yeah she knows about last year, Lucas told her," I said, taking out my super-com and zipping my bag up again. I pulled the ariel out and changed the channel to number seven. "Johnathan, Joyce, Nancy, anybody copy?" I asked listening to the static.
"Joyce, copy," she said, her voice threw the speaker scratched.
"You can come home now, they're back," I said.
"Okay, thanks (y/n)," she said and it went static, I pulled the ariel down and put the super com back it my bag. I turned around seeing Will laying on his side in his bed.
"I'll be back," I told him, opening the door and gone to then living room. Dustin had fallen asleep max had gotten off the couch and sat in the floor, leaning her head on her hand.
"Whose car was that you was driving?" I asked steve.
"It was my brothers and he didn't drive it I did, he was knocked out cold," She said, standing up and looking at Steve, who just looked at her and shrugged.
"What so you just passed out randomly?" I asked him.
"I was beaten up by her stepbrother, alright?" He raised his brows facing his palms to us.
"Alright," I told him and yawned, walking over I the window.
"(Y/n), head to bed, we'll wait for mrs.byers to come home, it's our fault afterall," Max said, holing my shoulder.
"No, I'm not tired," I said, the few that were awake stared at me.
"Suit yourself," she said and stood by the window watching as johnathan parked his car in the drive way and they opened to door. They didn't yell but warned them, punishment well there wasn't one, they were given blankets and stayed for the night, ringing their parents to inform them. Joyce headed into her room, Johnathan and Nancy went into his and I walked into Wills, he was lying down on his bed awake.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked he remained laying down and nodded. I grabbed the sleeping bag mike used a day or so ago. I slipped inside it and got myself comfortable.
"Goodnight," he said and looked down at me.
"Nu-night," I replied and felt my eye lids fall on me and I eventually fell asleep.
(y/n) = your name
(y/s/n) = your short name.
y'all we're almost at the end of this book but that also means snowball so it's lit you guys.
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