"Eleven," mike spoke, dropping his candle stick.
"Mike," Eleven replied, they both quickly moved closer and embraced in a tight hug, starting to cry in each other's arms.
"Is that?" Max asked, looking at dustin. I was still resting on him as my legs were still numb from dropping in the ground really hard. All three of us nodded and she looked back to the scene.
"I called you every night," he spoke pulling away, smiling brightly. "Every night for-" he was quickly cut off by el.
"353 days,"she spoke. wait?
"I heard," she said.
"Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you was okay?" He asked. She pouted her mouth a mouth a little when Hopper interrupted.
"Because I wouldn't let her," he spoke, his gun still in hand but at his side. Walking towards her. "What the hell is this? Where have you been?" He asked, a small angry tone in his voice.
"Where have you been?" She replied back more angrily. Hopper quickly embrace her before they fired anything else. Mike was suddenly angry as he was pushed away.
"You've been hiding her," he said. "You've been hiding her this whole time!" He yelled pushing hop. Els and hop pulled away and he gripped into Mike collar.
"Let's talk, alone," he said, pushing mike away from him. Eleven sighed an shoved her hands in her pockets, searching the room. I limped forwards and she notice me, her eyes quickly lit up and she rapidly pulled me in a hug.
"(Y/n)!" She almost yelled, I could feel tears almost prick in my eyes as I could feel her shake a little, the strong smell of cigarettes beaming off her.
"Eleven, look at you," I said pulled away, looking at her short hair that her about reached the bottom of her head. "Your hair your clothes, you look great," she smiled but quickly frowned.
"You could see me couldn't you," she said, dabbing the clotted blood from my nose. I furrowed my brows and looked to her, suddenly picturing the hallway at school, the jane dream, the bus dream and just recently.
"I think so," I spoke, she sadly smiled and hugged me again.
"I'm sorry for hurting you," she apoligized.
"No biggy, but is your name really jane?" I asked, she giggled a little and nodded.
"I don't blame her I blame you!" We heard mike yell. Eleven pulled back and looked to where the hallway started.
"He's okay he's just upset that he's hid you away from him," I told her, lifting up the mood a little.
"Me too," she said sadly, still looking at the direction that the telling came from.
"Um eleven?" Lucas asked, her attention focused to him, then Dustin, I moved aside and let them hug for a while.
"We missed you," lucas said as they peacefully hugged.
"I missed you too," she replied,
"We talked about you pretty much everyday," dustin said, pulling away, eleven suddenly doing a double take at him, shoving her thumb into his mouth. He back away quickly.
"Teeth," she said quietly.
"What?" He asked.
"You have teeth," he said a little louder, dustin chuckled and knew it was the right movement.
"You like these pearls?" He asked, she smiling a little but then purred making her give him a confused look and a pathetic look off me and Lucas.
"Eleven?" A girls voice popped up. "Hi, I'm Max," the ginger girl held out her hand for eleven to shake, eleven looked at it for a second then cold shouldered her, walking over to joyce. I squeezed through Dustin and Max to watch them.
"Hi, hi sweetheart," joyce said as she hugged her, rubbing her back and smoothing down her hair, smiling as the younger girl looked at her seriously.
"Can I see him?" Eleven asked, she stopped fiddling with her hair and nodded, her smile fading. Joyce nodded and escorted her into Johnathans room.
Max still looked defeated. Hopper and mike came out of Joyce's room and back into the living room, hopper wondered to the telephone and left Mike wiping the bottom of his eyes leaving the red and puffiness shown.
"You alright bud?" I asked, he nodded sadly and smiled weakly.
Joyce walked behind El as she slowly walked to the dining room table. Looking at the message: ' C L O S E G A T E'.
"Youve opened the gate didn't you?" Joyce asked, pointing at the note in the table. "What if we got you back there would you be able to close it?" She asked, looking towards eleven. El looked at the carbboard letter disgusted slightly but a look in her eyes showed that she was stronger than before. way stronger.
I missed Wills birthday opps, happy birthday anyways dude, more chapters on the way and more exciting ones
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