Dr. Owens had come in after will woke up, he got Will to sit up ad have more pillows behind him to keep him sat up. Joyce, Bob, Mike and I were also asked to stand around the bed, I asked to stay closer however he refused, pissing me off a little so I stood by mike, my left foot facing out wards and my hands tangled in a knob near my stomach. Mike stood with his hand in his pockets and his right leg bobbing slightly. Bob and Joyce were almost hugging and Hopper stood besides them, taller than anybody in the room, also in the same blue outfits as Joyce and Bob.
Owens shone a torch in his eye, flicking the switch off and putting in into his lab coat pocket.
"Do you know your name?" He asked, still fidgeting with his little torch and dropped in inside the pocket.
"Will," he replied bluntly, wires snake over his hair that was put back an exposed his forehead, a wire stuck onto his hand and they layed ontop of each other over the thin blanket Will was wrapped with.
"Full name?" Dr Owens asked.
"William Byers," Will answered, he looked at Owens soullessly.
"Do you know who I am?" He asked. Will looked forward and tried to remember however nothing came through.
"A doctor?" He answered. Dr Owens nodded.
"Have we met before?"
"I don't remember,"
"You don't remember me?" Dr Owens asked and Will shook his head lightly. "Okay, how about this guy here?" He asked, pointing over to mike. Me and Joyce were already alarmed that he wasn't going to ask who were, not Bob because we already got the answer to them questions. Will slowly, looked to the boy infront of him, Mike gave Will a small wave and smiled weakly, putting his hand back in his pocket.
He blinked a couple times and kept his mouth closed, nothing seemed to hesitate to come out and say it's mike.
"It's alright, take your time," Dr Owens reassured, putting his left hand on Wills right shoulder.
"That's," he started. "That's my friend," he continued, looking blankly at Mike just like he did at Owens. "Mike," mike immediately smiled and Joyce happily looked down and to Mike, they shared eye contact and quickly lost it when Mike also looked towards me and smiled.
"What bout me kid?" Hopper spoke up grinning behind his beard. "Remember me?" He asked. Will quickly looked to him, analysed his face an shook his head. Hopper put his hand on his hips and his grin slowly faded. "They tell me you saved me last night, remember that?" He asked, the grin fully changed into a frown and Joyce quickly did too. Will again shook his head.
"Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked, Will slowly looked back at Dr. Owens. "About what happened?" He continued. Will looked slightly confused but more angry than confused.
"I remember..." he started, and scrunched his nose. "They hurt me," he stopped, Joyce quickly fidgeted to cover her mouth but Bob steered to rub her arm.
"You mean the doctors?" Owens asked, his chin tilting to his knees. Will shook his head.
"No," he quickly replied. "The soilders," he continued, looking at the doctor infront of him with disgust inside of his brown eyes.
"The soldiers hurt you?" He asked, Will didn't flinch.
"They shouldn't have done that," he told him, his temper began to boil. "It upset him," he continued, beginning to raise his voice. Owens moved his ear in a north west direction.
"You say they upset him," Owens started, opening the folder that was sat in the bed, taking out a photo of what some of the doctors had taken of this morning. "Is that him?" He asked, passing the photograph and Will gently held it his his tiny fingers. Will worryingly looked at the photo and a little towards me, I knew what he was trying to say in his eyes, but he was worried it could cause harm, I nodded and he slowly turned to Dr. Owens again, nodding, Owens nodded back and looked at the photo in Wills hand. He then took the photo gently from his hands, putting the photograph back in the blue cardboard folder.
"Now we're going to try something," he said, looking at Bob and Joyce. "It's gonna seem a little odd at first but I think it's going to really help what going on here," he then took his glance of Joyce then back at Will. "Is that okay?" He asked, putting his Han on his shoulder.
"Okay," Will nodded.
"Go ahead boys," Dr Owens told the three doctors that stood inside the room throughout the interview. They left and soon later returned with a wheely table with a metal yet glass box placed ontop of it. Everyone inside of the room stood in a clump beside Owens, apart from Mike and hopper, they sat on a table.
"Now Will, I want you to let us know if you feel anything," the doctor instructed Will hovering his hand over his shoulder and then nodded to the doctor, he switched the lighter on in his hand making the busen burner like thing in other set a light and cast a blue flame, he put his sliver lighter in his pocket.
With both hands he held the object above the box, I could slightly see what was inside the thing which was a piece of the upside down, one if the crawling earth vines. It screeched and curled up slightly.
"You feel anything?" He asked Will, the boy lifted his chin a little and his heart rate in the the monitor beeped a bit faster.
"A little sting," he replied, you could hear he was hurting in the tone of his voice.
"It stings where?" Owens asked, looking over at the other doctor.
"It my...chest," he answered, holding onto his chest, his breathing hick ended. Joyce quickly began to rub his shin, telling him it's okay as the beep monitor quickened and so did Wiills breathing. Owens nodded again slyly and the doctor evilly lowered the object towards the vine with bubbled and curled up more, screeching a little louder.
"How about now?" He asked, his hand remained in the air.
"It...burns!" he almost yelled, clutching onto his chest.
"Where?" He again asked.
"Argh...everywhere!" He yelled, his eyes widening and he leant forward a little, the heart rate monitor beeped faster and I had the need to quickly go and reached from the left of Dr Owens, and stand beside Will in a panic, he instantly, grabbed my hand and gripped into it tightly.
"Okay that's enough," Joyce begged, Owens nodded again and the doctor pushed the object towards the vine a little more. Will started to kick slightly and fidget forwards, gasping for air, the heart monitor beeped, faster and faster. "That's enough!" Joyce yelled. "Stop it!" Hopper quickly jumped off the table and held his hand out over Wills chest stretching his hands out to the doctor.
"You heard the lady stop it!" He yelled, slightly spitting and the doctor lifted the gas object, turning it off and putting it aside. Will slowly relaxed, his breathing eased and the beeping slowed.
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