Will sat down at his desk with another piece of paper placed on the desk, scribbling blue and black crayons onto the piece of paper. He stopped and placed his blunt blue crayon on the desk.
"Is that where he is?" Joyce asked, looking at the drawing, of a path with two ways to lead, left or right.
"I think so," will replied, putting his hands on his lap. Joyce took the paper and searched through the house, holding up the sheet up at certain places seeing if it matched up.
"Over here!" Mike yelled from the kitchen, me and Joyce quickly jogged to where stood, pointing at the fridge, Joyce put it over the two sheets that were already taped against the door, she took two stripes of Sellotape and stuck it at the top two corners.
"Now where is that?" Joyce said, looking at the drawings. Wheels were heard being parked up the driveway, and a door unlocked, opening and closing. "Shoot, bob," she muttered to herself and quickly walked up to the front door.
She stood outside and closed the for behind her, leaving us three to stand around and wait. We all sat at the table in the kitchen waiting for joyce to come back inside so we can figure out this place.
The door unlocked, Joyce and bob both walked inside, bob holding a pile of board games. He looked at the room and Joyce lead him to the corner if the living room, also waving at us to come up to them.
"Huh," bob spoke up, looking at the drawings. "And you drew these all yourself?" Bob asked Will, he and Joyce nodded. "Why exactly?" He asked.
"I told you the rules, no questions," Joyce reminded. He nodded to Joyce and looked at the drawings again. "We just need you to figure out, Bob," she spoke as she walked off to the kitchen but paused when Bob didn't follow her. "Bob," she spoke up again, grabbing Bobs attention and waved her hand towards her. "Over here," she said and walked into the kitchen. Bob gave his pile of board games and puzzles to mike. He put them down at coffee table and continued to walk behind Bob, including me and will. Joyce grabbed a red crayon and harshly drew a cross where we needed to find hopper. "Where this is," she said and stood back.
"That's the objective, find the X," mike told him as he looked at the pattern on the drawings.
"Yeah, what's at the X, pirate treasure?" He asked, smirking to Joyce.
"Bob," she said, a serious tone crept into her voice. "No questions," she continued, looking at him seriously.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" He whispered, Joyce walked over to him and he held her waist. "Hold on guys," he said as they walked into Joyce's bedroom.
The three of us sat at the table inside of the kitchen, staying silent mainly wanting to hear the couples conversation.
"That's lake Jordan," bob said, walking out of Joyces room, holding hi hands out to a section of the drawings. "And if that's lake Jordan, then you'll probably find, yeah!" Bob clicked his fingers. "That's uh, sattless quarry," he remembered, pointing to another section of drawings. "And if you just follow it naturally, it moves to lakenoll river, and there it is," he smiled, pointing at the shape to Joyce and she tilted he read as she remembered. "Okay so the lines aren't roads, they act like roads, and they act like roads cause you'll see they don't go over water, and that's the giveaway, that's the giveaway," he spoke, slapping his thighs when he finished. "Hah!" He laughed in excitement. "Don't you get if it's not like a puzzle, it's a map," he said walking into the kitchen, near the sink, oven and kitchen cabinets. "It's a map of Hawkins!" He said and looked over to Will. "Right Will?" He asked, smiling.
He looked at Bob shocked, then looked towards me and mike as if, 'what'.
I was dancing to the never ending story cause it's a BOP
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