Will sat down on the edge of his bed, his hands flatly resting in his knees and he looked forward.
"It's like I feel what the shadow monsters feeling," Will began, glaring at his wall, as mike wandered around the room, gazing at the upside down looking vines. "See what he's seeing," his voice began to break a little. I sat cross legged on the floor besides his feet dangling off the bed.
"Like in the upside down?" Mike asked, moving away from stroking the drawing and sitting aside of Will on his bed, his toes of his shoes touching the ground since he was slightly taller.
"Some of him was there," Will replied, his eyes were glued to the wall, he stared them down as if it were a stare competition. "Some of him is here," Will continued.
"Here like, in this house?" Mike asked, looking at his room.
"In this house and," Will paused, his brows furrowed and more tear shimmered in his eyes. "In me," his voice broke, his tears in control of his time of voice, showing that he was gonna break. "It's like he's reaching into Hawkins, more and more," Will added, looking like he was battling the wall. "And the more he spreads the more, connected to him I feel,"
"And the more you see these now memories," mike added, looking at the ready eyed boy sitting next to him.
"At first I just felt it, at the back if my head, I didn't even really know he was there," he stopped and a tear fell from his pale cheek. "It's like when you have a dream, and you can't remember it until you think really hard?" Will said, squinting his eyes, trying to show his expression as another tear fell from his other eyes ad soaked into his jumper which was already mixed with sweat. "It was like that, but now it's like now I remember, I remember all the time," he stopped and looked to me quickly, holding his his hand out, I raised my arm and linked my finger tips with his, stroking the back of it for reassurance.
"Maybe, maybe that's good," mike said softly.
"Good?" Will asked him idiotically, looking at him finally rather than the wall or me.
"Just think about it Will," he started. "You're like a spy now, a super spy!" He announced, raising his brows underneath his black fringe. "Spying in the shadow monster, if you know why he's seeing or feeling, maybe that how we can stop him, maybe all this is happening for a reason," he continued, looking around at bedroom, again.
"You really think so?" Will asked, looking back at mike.
"Yeah, yeah I really do," he said softly to the boy as he looked away. He looked back at the wall and to the drawing he's managed to keep from Halloween eve, when he secondly saw the shadow monster. Me and mike both looked to it too.
"What if, he figured out we're spying in him?" Will asked, another tear slowly creeping down his cheek from his left eye and sniffed. "What if he spies back?" He questioned, looking deeply at the drawing.
"He won't," mike said strongly.
"How do you know?" Will asked, the corners of his mouth curving in. Mike placing his right hand over wills right.
"We won't let him," mike told him, Will continued to stare at the drawing with tears still in his eyes that began to fall rapidly down his face. I quickly got to my feet and walked over to hug him, I felt mikes long arms, wrap over us as we shared a group hug.
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