Morning approached the land, the shining light, spreading across the streets of Hawkins, some birds tweeting sweetly to the winds sway, whilst some people were waking up bright and early. Joyce on the other hand, ready for work, had already woken up Jonathan and he cooked the breakfast.
"C'mon will, up and at em!" She sing clapping her hands down the corridor to wake up will. "(Y/n)?" She asked me, I laid asleep on wills bed but suddenly woke up to her voice.
"You okay?" I asked. A shocked expression written across her face.
"Where's will?" She asked, holding her weight in the doorframe.
"Bathroom?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders, we walked away.
"Johnathan, add a spare plate!" I heard her yell when she left and a door open. "Will, honey?" She asked. "What are you doing?" She asked again, a shirt pause occurred but will spoke up.
"Peeing?" He asked himself, I couldn't help but laugh a little, then getting up and taking my clothes. "Are you gonna use the bathroom to get changed?" He asked, walking inside the room whilst I took my clothes.
"Uh, yeah, sure," I agreed, holding my clothes and walking off to the bathroom, locking it behind me. I rested the items of fabric over the sink, changing my t-shirt into my blouse, my pants to my skirt, tied the cape up and slid on the boots. I looked inside the small mirror, scrunching my nose at the reflection.
I unlocked the door, looking left and right, then running to wills room. He and joyce paused.
"I'm gonna get kick out from school wearing this," I annouced, joyce nodded.
"Want me to find another skirt for you sweetie?" She asked, putting down the roll of tape, I nodded.
"If you can," I said, she walked past me and jogged to her bedroom within minutes later she came back holding I similar black dress I wore to wills funeral.
"You left your dress here from last time you stayed," she said handing it to me.
"You're a lifesaver," I said, quickly taking the dress and running into the bathroom, locking it again. Taking off my whole costume and slipping on the dress. I have to admit, at least I won't look like a prostitute.
I grabbed all my belongings from the tilted floor, walking into wills room, stuffing my costume in the packet and taking my bag then running into the dining room, and gathered around to eat breakfast.
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