We came back inside, will ripped off the page of his drawing he did earlier and quickly grabbed a black crayon from his 120 crayon pack he had from 3 years ago. He roughly drew a recreation of outside the front door, clouds gathered together and spider looking creature hovering above. He grabbed a orangeish red crayon and started drawing lightning bolts.
"This is what you see?" I asked when he put the crayon he used on his desk.
"Everytime," he replied, forming his lips in a line. "Please don't tell the boys, they wouldn't understand!" He begged.
"That's locked, and the key's been thrown in the bin," I told him, he smiled. "C'mon, let's get to bed early so we can get up early enough to get dressed for tomorrow," I suggested.
"Wait you've got a costume?" He asked, looking around the room.
"Yeah, I went down town today with mike, and we picked out an outfit," I watched as the jealousy rose in his eyes. "We saw max down in the same shop, she got a Michael Myers costume, the freak," I said, them watched as the jealousy settle down a little.
"Can I see it?" He asked, I nodded, grabbing my bag, aggressively zipping the bag open to reveal the boots and the costume.
"Oh shit, I forgot makeup," I said, looking inside the plastic bag. "Whatever," I said, opening the packet and taking out the clothes. The blouse, the cape then the skirt. Lying it down on his bed, from top to bottom.
"Isn't that gonna attract other boys?" He asked me, looking at the pencil jury and boots.
"Maybe, however, they're are gonna be so jealous that the famous will byers is dating this gal right here," I told him, folding the clothes back up and instead of putting them inside the bag, I put them beside underneath my bag ready to get changed into, for the morning.
"I'm tired," will wined, rubbing his eyes.
"Let's go to bed then!" I suggested, getting inside the bed, tucking myself in. Will, turned off his lamp, blindly searching the bed and slid under the covers.
"Nuh-night, munchkin," I said, kissing his forehead.
"Night, blue bird?" He asked himself, I chuckled.
"Sure," I agreed, smirking in the darkness.
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