im back bitches.
I rode my bike down the arcades, putting my bike in the rack. Stepping away and adjusting my denim, acid washed jacket over my shoulders, waiting for my friends, leaning against the bike rack.
"Miss (y/l/n)!" I heard someone yell my name, I looked behind my shoulder watching three familiar bikes come down the road.
"Ayy, amigos!" I yelled back, they rode up to the bike stand parking their bikes in. Dustin at the far end in his usual, surprising not yet suffed hat, his curly hair folded underneath the hat. His body had defenetly hit puberty, he's changed.
Lucas, in the middle, wearing a jacket he got of his mom from this years birthday, taller, looking quite older.
Then there was mike, his hair grown a lot more, slightly taller, same old vans shoes from last year.
Two car horn noises were made behind me, I turned around seeing joyce park with will in the front seat. He waved small and we all waved back to him.
"You guys go in and get started on dragons lair, I'll go get munchkin," I told them, sliding my hands into my pockets, heading over to Joyce's car.
Will jumped out, closing the door behind him, smiling bright.
"Bye joyce!" I waved towards her, she waved back and I linked my hands with will.
"You alright?" I asked him, he nodded, keeping hold of his smile as we walked into the arcade, meeting with the boys as they inserted a quarter into the arcade machine. The sparkly logo appearing in the screen, music playing in the background. I went behind will and wrapped my arms over his shoulders, watching; over his right shoulder and he still had hold of my hands.
"Run you knobhead!" I yelled.
"To the left," will yelled over me.
"Go, go, go!" Mike also added, raising his voice. Dustin voilently pressed the button to run from the dragon, princess daphnie squeal when she watched the 'hero' try run from the dragon.
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Dustin yelled at all four of us, slamming his fist on the game when he watched that he lost the game. "Son of a bitch, this over-priced piece of bullshit," he yelled, kicking the machine and slamming his fists on the game.
"You may have lost this round, dustin, but until then, princess dalphine will still be mine," Lucas told Dustin, pointing at the the animated character that squealed again when she appeared on screen.
"Ew, she looks like a slut, I bet you'd both be too much of a pussy to ask for a drink with her at a bar," I scoffed, rolling my eyes, will chuckled.
"Yeah, besides at least I've still got top score on centipede and dig dug," Dustin sighed.
"Are you sure about that?" Keith, the acne-covered, Cheetos eating staff member asked dustin.
"Sure about what?" Dustin replied back, Keith smirked, taking a bite out of a Cheeto from his large packet. "Oh, no, no, no, no," he chanted, rushing past kids, pushing them aside, finding the game. The rest of us ran along, looking at the game behind him. "No! No-o!" He yelled in the building as he read the scores.
"751,300 points!" Will practically yelled the top score, we all read the name.
"That's impossible," mike annouced, huffing at the score.
"W-Who's madmax?" He turned to Keith and asked him. Keith bit onto his cheeto slowly.
"Better than you," he replied, dustin instantly put his middle finger up, and will spoke up.
"Is it you?" He asked quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.
"You know I despise dig dug," he told us, taking another bite of a Cheeto
"Then who is it?" Lucas asked, jumping in all the questions everybody's been trying to ask.
"Yeah, spill it Keith!" Dustin added after lucas.
"You want information, then I need something in return," he smugly smiled holding his slightly eaten cheeto against his cheek as he spoke, putting another one in his mouth and crunching on it harshly, turning towards mike.
"No! No way! You're not getting a date with my sister," he told Keith. Lucas groaned.
"Mike, c'mon just get him the date," lucas begged mike, mike raised his brows.
"I'm not prostituting my sister!" He yelled back.
"Yeah mate this is an arcade, not a strip club," I added, both mike and will nodded.
"Yeah don't get him the date, cause he's gonna spread that nasty ass rash all over your family," he told mike.
"Acne isn't a rash and it isn't contagious you vesting wastoid," Keith argued back.
"Well if you lay off them Cheetos then and drink more water that so called acne can go away," I told him.
"I can kick you out of the building," he threatened. Holding a cheeto inside the bag.
"What for trying to hook up with a girl who doesn't like you, and calling kids wastoids, yeah knobhead, doing a great job aren't you?" I fired back, rolling my eyes, looking at will... who was outside.
I quickly walked out, opening the door and heading out to him.
"Will?" I asked, he stared at the sky, breathing heavily, his body almost shaking. "Will?" I asked again, and I heard mike yell too.
"I think he's having another episode," mike told me and walked to will. "Will?" He asked, ready to grab his shoulder but suddenly jerked around.
"You okay?" I asked, standing closer to the to him, he stared but up to the sky.
"Yeah, I just need some fresh air," he replied, glaring at the sky.
"C'mon, it's your turn up on dig dug, let's go get that top score back yeah?" He told will, linking his arm around wills neck, as he looked towards the sky.
"(Y/n), you coming?" He asked, I nodded.
"Yeah in a bit, Keith's pissed me off," I told him.
"Oh, please?" He begged, I rolled my eyes grinning.
"Fine," I gave in, walking back inside the building.
I'm going to change the cover, don't worry, it's just for now.
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