Y/n and eleven sat on the floor crossed legged, hand in hand both with blindfold pressed against their eyes, eleven wore a top that y/n gave her which was a yellow top with patterns drawn on in black with black braces crossing at the front and her black parachute pants. Y/n wore a white top with a tank top underneath, the bottom of the shirt tied at the bottom and wore her ripped mom jeans.
Eleven again wiped her nose, and y/n rubbed her eyes before the dark room surrounded them finally, and from afar someone was sitting on a bed. The girls looked to each other in that realm before steadily walking over, becoming familiar with the boys blonde ringlets.
"it just shows how careless you are with her powers-" y/n heard Mike yell, she pulled her blindfold off and let go of el's hand, tapping her arm. She let go of her blindfold.
"What's going on?" El asked, looking towards the door, the girls looked to each other.
"I don't know," y/n shrugged and eleven stood up.
"Come on," eleven said and y/n got up just afterwards.
"-so can we please come up with a new plan because I love her and I can't loose her again," mike exclaimed loudly, the two girls looked to each other, y/n giving her a smirk before she opened the door, the two girls stepping out.
"What's going on?" Eleven asked, looking at the tension between everyone.
"Nothing. Nothing." Mike quickly spoke, rubbing the bridge of his nose, his eyes glued to the ground. "just a family discussion," he added, looking back up to the girls.
"Oh, right," y/n nodded.
"We found him," eleven announced, everyone alerted.
"Found who?" Nancy asked, her hair was greasy and dangling against her face.
"Billy," y/n responded, and Max eyes widened a little more.
The TV was blaring with static, the girls once again hand in hand, a box of tissues just beside eleven and they had blindfold across their eyes. Everyone waiting for a response.
Eleven and y/n were in that void again, walking towards Billy, the two barely making it towards his bed before eleven took off her blindfold and y/n was looking at nothing but blackness, she then slid off her blindfold.
"What's going on?" Nancy asked, seeing Eleven was in a panicked state.
"Staying in his room," y/n replied, she placed her hand on El's shoulder. "Do you need a drink?" She asked as El nodded her head vigorously. They got up, y/n guiding el towards the kitchen for her to grab a glass and fill it with water, sloppily drinking it, y/n sitting on the kitchen counter, waiting for her friend to finish her drink.
"And that's not normal right?" Nancy, who wore a sideways striped black and pink top and black parachute pants, questioned Max who wore blue lycra shorts and a blue striped tank top.
"Billy staying in his room in the 4th of July? No, that's not normal," she responded, shaking her head.
"He wants us to find him," will announced, standing up behind the couch, he had a black top with a red collar and red strip running across the chest.
"Yeah that's what I'm afraid of," Nancy huffed, crossing her arms. "if we go to Billy, then the rest of the flayed will know where we are," she told the group
"It's a trap I agree," mike who wore a black top with a yellow collar and green stripe running across the chess with blue shorts. "we'll be ambushed,"
"We won't be surprised," Lucas added, he wore his karate kid shirt, it was a tank top with Chinese symbols across it with red hems of the shirt and he wore black shorts too. "we'll know that they're coming and we kick their flayed butts.
"You mean el will kick their flayed butts," max responded to Lucas, his grin disappearing.
Y/n looked back to eleven who was gazing at the box of lucky charms, she jumped down from the counter and furrowed her brows.
"El what's up? Are you hungry?" She asked and watched el shake her head.
"Dream circle," she quietly replied.
"You mothers dream circle?" Y/n asked, El placing the box down on the counter, shaking her head, looking at y/n in the eye.
"Billy's dream circle," she told her as y/n kitted her brows more.
"What about it?" She questioned.
"It can help us to the source," she whispered and watched as u/n nodded, the girls looking back to the group.
"It's too risky," mike argued.
"Yeah and unnecessary," Nancy included. "killing the flayed won't stop the mind flayer," she explained. "we have to find out where it's spreading from, we have to find the source," she ordered, both girls moved to the living room.
"Billy knows it," y/n spoke up, everyone turning around to look at her.
"He's been there, to the source," el added in with the gentle tone in her voice.
"Yeah but-" mike tried to include before being interrupted by El.
"It's a trap I know, we can't go to Billy, but I think there's another way a way for me to see where he's been," eleven worded out carefully, y/n nodded proudly.
Lucas, y/n and Will all stood in kitchen side, the boys looking through the book of contacts and company's, y/n finished the last bit of her water, feeling refreshed.
"Are you sure about this?" Will asked, watching as the girl rinsed the glass and put it away.
"Yeah, I'll be fine," she smiled, drying off her hands.
"Put what if you come across something really weir-" he asked her again, but she immediately cut him off.
"Will," she spoke. "it'll be fine, im only going to protect eleven," she said, strutting past him.
"And that's why-" he spoke up again, y/n went to say something again, turning around only for Lucas to speak.
"Will," Lucas cut in. "She's a fighter, you heard it yourself, she's gonna be fine," he explained to his friend, holding onto his shoulder, Will huffed looking to y/n who only smiled at him and headed back to El.
Oh me God lads im back from Disney land and let me fucking tell you I'm never going on a drop ride after tower of terror actually Fuck off of you think I'll step foot in one again.
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