Max, el and y/n all snuck into the showers of the swimming pool, they found a cupboard with spare equipment such as goggles, flippers and swimming caps, duck tape.
El grabbed the large goggles and duck tape heading towards the showers, max and y/n both switching the showers on to create background inaudible noise for eleven whilst she placed duck tape on the goggles, sitting cross legged with the photo of heather in front of her.
"El before you start," y/n interrupted sitting next to her whilst max had her yellow raincoat on still, el pushed hers to the ground. "I've been thinking, overthinking last night why I saw into the void with you, and why it felt familiar," she paused as both girls looked at her waiting for her to continue. "Last year I was able to look at wills episodes mostly because the mind flayer wanted me next, one time I saw him in a void, the same void as yesterday," she took a breather. "What I want to try to do is join you, and if it works again, I think that means my theory is true," she stated and el nodded, max furrowed her brows.
"So if that doesn't work?" Max asked.
"Then there would be nothing wrong with Billy and heather is simply missing," y/n told her and watched her ginger friend nod. Eleven stared at the picture for an odd ten seconds, then wrapped the goggles across her head and opened out her palm, y/n noticed and held onto it, el gripping onto it.
"What do you see?" Max asked as y/n opened her eyes, hand in hand with el still.
"A door, a red door," el announced and y/n felt a weight lift off her shoulders knowing her theory was incorrect. She noticed her breathing quicken and suddenly her surroundings were black and the same bathtub from max and Billy's house had ice filled to the top, el and y/n turned to each other and back to the tub.
Heather appeared from the water with her hair pulled back, breathing heavily in her red lifeguard swimsuit her cold, freezing hands gripping against the bathtub side.
"Help. Me," she announced, shivering through her chattering teeth and blue lips before her body went through the bottom of the tub as her hands covered her head.
Eleven and y/n both fell into the bathtub, mist beginning to evaporate as the girls were splashed with cold water watching heather get dragged further and further down into the ground her arms out waiting for the two girls to save them.
The girl stretched out her arms, screaming out for her name underneath the water, bubbles circulating to the top, as they watch the red swimsuit get smaller and smaller until the little dot became nothing.
Eleven whipped off the goggles and y/n immediately let go of her hand having the biggest need to cough, she covered her mouth as she did so and stood up, pacing at the wet floor whilst max helped reassure el who was sitting there with her head in her hands, breathing uneasily.
"It's worked?" Max asked, in a state of shock before y/n and eleven nodded, max sat back upright as y/n had her hand over her mouth feeling her hot breath against her skin.
"It worked when heather turned up," el said, still holding her head as y/n looked out of the window watching rain chuck down outside feeling her chest rise up and down but soon slow.
"I thought it wouldn't work," y/n told the girls. "I thought we'd be dealing with something different because I saw nothing but then I saw heather get dragged and...ah geez," she said and let out a long breath.
"We need to find that house, the mailbox," eleven said, sitting up. "It might lead us to where Heather is," she finished and y/n nodded as max looked at them, feeling both glares against her skin and nodded afterwards, eleven grabbed her raincoat and left along with the others, running out of the pool without the teenage lifeguards spotting them.
can somebody show me where boris tell theo he loves him in the goldfinch please I beg I cannot find it anywhere
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