"It's going to start pouring soon, we should go to the mall or watch a movie or something," max announced with a bored expression and her shoulders hung infront of her, her hair pinned to the side along with a white top with a blue collar and blue shorts, next to her stood eleven as she had her hair down and wore a plain blue top with stripes blue and white parachute pants. Y/n walking behind them in a striped red and blue shirt along with mom-jeans.
Thunder roared just above all of their heads meanwhile they walked down a long deserted road with a truck parked on the side of the road as the three girls walked by.
"You don't believe us?" Eleven asked as y/n looked to max too.
"I believe you saw some super weird stuff, but you said mike and y/n has sensed you there before right," max announced as y/n began to recall that night only for eleven to quietly nod. "So maybe it was just like that, maybe Billy sensed you two...somehow," she told them as y/n huffed, looking at her side and just took in the trees waving a round her.
"But what about the screams?" El then asked.
"Yeah I know but here's the thing," max responded only for y/n to turn and carefully watch Max's words. "When billys alone with a girl thy make like really crazy noises," max said as y/n held back a laugh.
"They scream?" El quickly asked.
"Yeah but like, happy screams," max then replied as y/n grinned.
"You're joking." Y/n said as Max only shrugged her shoulders unsure on how to explain these noises to el.
"Happy screams, what are happy screams?" Eleven asked again as y/n snorted and Max huffed, completely done with having to explain this awkward detail.
"It just, I'm gonna lend you my moms cosmo," max told el as she nodded.
"Ew gross," y/n said as max groaned and rolled her head back in annoyance.
The three came to the end of the pathway in front of a small home with lots of windows on the patio, they all stared towards it, max eyeing the road where his car would usually be parked.
"His cars not here," max announced, pursing her lips, turning to el and y/n. "You really want to do this?" She asked both girls before they quickly nodded and headed up to the home.
Max unlocked the door and headed inside, all girls heading through the living room after max closed the door and down the corridor to his bedroom which finally had no music blasting from the inside.
"Why do I feel like we're going to find all kinds of wrong in here," max asked herself as soon as she opened the door, stepping inside the cold room.
Y/n noticed the beer cans and female posters really resembling billys characters, not to mention the long mirror with hairspray and an ashtray at the bottom of it, clothes lying about and his bed undone.
Max walked inside as el and y/n stood still in the doorway, not wanting and too afraid really to touch anything.
"Ugh gag me with a spoon," max said and closed the draw filled from half naked woman on covers of magizines. "Come one there's gonna be nothing in here, let's look somewhere else," max announced as both girls nodded heading for the bathroom.
El stepped inside first and switched on the light. Y/n realised how much more colder this room was than Billy's bedroom. She looked to the bath and noticed ice packs floating on top of the bath water. Eleven recognises it too and walked over to it alongside y/n.
"Max," el said softly before max pinched the corner of the bag with her fingers.
"Ice, it's just ice," max said and held the plastic in front of herself. "It's probably for his muscles, he works out like a maniac," max announced with a grin to try lift up the mood but y/n felt like her head was about to explosion, her theory was correct.
"But he likes it cold," y/n said and looked at max who only squinted her eyes.
"What?" She questioned, eleven randomly opened the cupboard doors from underneath the sink, y/n's and Max's heads both turned and watched as eleven pulled up a box.
"El? What is it?" Max asked as the brunette pulled out a red fanny pack with the words 'lifeguard' written across it in capital white letters including a yellow whistle.
itchin' and burnin', itchin' and burnin' 💅😌✨
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