Everything Will Be Okay
Enjoy! :)
"We came storming in right out front of The World," Spot continues first thing the next day, the sixth day since Race ended up here, as if nothing happened. "And all different types of people, rich folk, factory workers, newsies, all were there too. Your face lit up once again as you saw me and I couldn't stop the huge grin on my face. As we approached you guys, you ran up to me and hugged me. I was so surprised. It was a brief hug, but that doesn't mean it didn't mean anything. Jack said he was gonna talk to Pulitzer with Davey. He wanted us to relatively monitor the crowd. Waiting for him to come back...that was nerve-racking. Then, they came back. We were all silent, waiting for what he had to say. He put the little kid, Les, I think, Davey's brother, on his shoulders and shouted..."
Spot pauses for dramatic effect. "He shouted, 'WE BEAT HIM!' And I thought I had heard noise at Irving Hall, but now we had more people cheering. So many people."
He smiles at the memory. "And we won, Race! We actually won! We were both smilin', then you hugged me again and I never wanted to let go. But we had to break apart, because then, Teddy Roosevelt himself came by. Everyone was shocked. Our man Denton was explaining to Jack how he got him to come and other unimportant stuff, but I couldn't pay attention to what he said, because you and me were behind him, gawking at the sight of Teddy Roosevelt not that far away. Jack got to ride with him in his carriage, finally going to Santa Fe." Spot sighs.
"Jack came back, though. Quicker than I thought he would, but I knew he would come back. Davey and his sister and his brother were all so sad to see Jack leave, you would have thought he was bein' taken away to be executed. He came back to them, and our two favorite idiots Jack and Davey finally admitted their feelings for each other."
Spot chuckles at that, as he remembers what happens next.
"Then I got to ride in that fancy carriage. Granted, I would nevah leave Brooklyn, so I wouldn't have gone too far anyway. You, however, thought that I was plannin' on goin' somewhere. As I was wavin' to everyone, you ran to me, jumped on the carriage, and pulled yourself in. You landed with a splat on the ground. I asked what you thought you were doin', and you said you were comin' along for the ride. I told you I was only goin' to Brooklyn, and all you said in return was, 'oh.'" Spot laughs. "You then looked like you were plannin' on jumpin' out, and I said, 'wait. I still want you here if youse wants to stay.' And you did. We talked all the way back to Brooklyn. The journey was better than the destination. Especially since once we did get to Brooklyn, you had to leave soon after you arrived. Ya didn't want Jack to get too worried about you."
Spot goes silent a little. He doesn't know what exactly to say anymore. He's gone through the whole story of the strike. There isn't too much to tell.
"I'm sorry, Race," he apologizes. "There's not too much more to tell you. It's been five months since the strike. Not too much has gone on since. I just don't want to get silent now, because I know that right now, the conversation is one-sided, but if I won't talk, there won't be a conversation at all. I'm pretty sure there's a lot I can tell you. I'll think of something."
Spot thinks in silence for a couple minutes. He then realizes that throughout that whole thing he was holding Race's hand. He lets go for a moment to stretch his fingers. Then he goes back to holding his hand. The silence kills him.
Then he has a story to tell. "Here's a memory for you, Race. One night, sometime in between the strike and now, you came late at night to Brooklyn. I confronted you, asked what you were doing in Brooklyn at that time of night. You smirked and said, 'Gee, Spot. You found me so fast it's like you was waitin' fo' me.' I had nothing to say to that. We talked some more, but you never said why you were in Brooklyn. We went on the rooftops, and looked at the stars. You named a lot of constellations. You showed me the Big Dipper, and Little Dipper, and a few others. we saw a couple of shooting stars, and you would get so excited when you saw one. There was one we both saw, and it was huge, and you was shakin' my shoulders yelling, 'Spot! Spot! Ya see that?! Ya see that?!' and I laughed at how excited you was and how you were truly in your happy place. I don't know what time it was, but you were finally getting sleepy and you rested your head on my shoulder. I was worried that my shoulder was too stiff, but I didn't want to let go of the tension in case I moved you, but I knew it was okay when you said, 'I like this better than falling asleep back at the lodge.' I don't know how much longer I stayed awake, or how much longer you stayed awake, but I rested my head on yours and we were holding hands and we fell asleep like that, on the roof, under a starry night sky."
Spot sighs happily. "I gotta say, Race, that was one of the best nights of my life. We woke up at dawn with the sun in our eyes. We didn't say much, just waited for the other to be fully awake. We couldn't stop smiling at each other. When I finally spoke, I said, 'I think I really like you, Race.' Your smile got slowly bigger and you said, 'Yeah, I really like you too, Spot.' we didn't know quite what to do. We talked a little bit more, though there wasn't too much to talk about. Then I realized you forgot to tell Jack and the others where you were going the night before. You left, and told me to meet you at Sheepshead by noon."
Spot smiles. "The rest is great, Race. We keep seein' each other more n' more, and when we finally told the newsies that we were together, Blink an' Mush and Jack an' Davey announced their relationships as well. As if they weren't obvious already. It was still great to know that we were not alone."
Spot looks down. He can't stop the sadness from swelling up in him, and the anger as well, sadness and anger that Race is not awake to hear all these things.
He can't stop it.
He lets a tear fall. It hits Race's arm.
Everything will be okay.
He hopes.
Like I said, it gets better, I promise. The last chapter will be up before tomorrow. I think. It may be a tad bit after midnight, but oh well. Climax is coming. Spot and Race deserve to be happy together. Jack and David and Kid Blink and Mush as well. Tell me what you guys think! Maybe I'll do some more editing on author's notes and other stuff later, once I figure out how posting on Wattpad works. I kinda just jumped into it haha. Well, until later.
Please. No slurs, profanites, or hate in the comment section.
~Your Beloved Author (who hopes that their story will be read and well liked)
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