Epilogue + Farewell Author's Note
Race and Spot walk outside hand in hand, where they find Jack, David, Blink, Mush, Denton, and Medda. Everyone is smiling.
"Race!" They all exclaim and come up to hug him.
"Hey." Race smiles. "Tell me if I'm wrong, but I'm under the impression that all of you'se missed me."
Spot kisses Race's cheek. "We did. Well, at least, I did."
Race smiles back.
Jack slings an arm around Race. "Welcome back, Race." That's when Race sees the cigar that Jack is holding. It's the same one Race had in his pocket when he came into the hospital a week ago. How Race recognized it, Spot will never know.
"Hey!" Race says, pointing at the cigar, eyes wide. He seems to be recalling something. "That's my cigar."
Jack, smiling, takes off Race's cap and ruffles his hair. "You'll steal another."
"Come on, Race," Spot says. He holds Race's hand again. "We have a lot of catching up to do."
Together, they stroll out into the distance, happier than they've been for a long time.
Hiiiii! Thank you so much for clicking on this last page! That means that not only did you want more, you liked/love the story enough to continue on even when I wrote 'the end.'
So let me tell you how I thought up this story. It has two major parts. So first. I read somewhere that Mel Blanc, the voice actor for Looney Tunes for Bugs Bunny and many more, was in a coma, and the people around him would talk to him, and would ask, "Bugs Bunny, Bugs Bunny! Are you there?" And in his coma state he said in the Bugs Bunny voice, "EHHHH, what's up doc?" It saved his life. To me, that was wild. I also was thinking about Race being knocked out, and in a similar fashion being brought awake by singing King of New York. I thought of Spot breaking down when Race recalls "ain't I pretty?" and him just silently thinking "yes. yes you are." along with it starting him waking up with "look at me, I'm the King of New York" and then BAM! I got a story idea. So that's that history.
This isn't my usual writing style. This just popped up. It just felt right for this story.
Not writing from Race's persepctive killed me. Nearly any other Sprace story I write has it mostly from Race's perspective haha.
What was that I said? Other Sprace stories?
I don't know when, but I'm going to post more stories, Sprace and Javid and Blush. Other fandoms too. Which ones? Wait to find out ;)
I have nothing against the broadway musical Newsies. It's just that I haven't seen it. I've seen 1992 Newsies, loved it, discovered the fandom, and now I'm here.
So tell me what you all think! I thank you again for actually reading this story. Can't wait to see your comments and see you in future stories I post! :)
Until then!
(Edit: how on earth has it been two whole years since I published this??? I don't get it. So much has happened since then. I have so, SO many more stories posted here. Still, if you're here, reading this edit, two years after the initial publication of this story, thank you for still reading this story. I appreciate all of you. <3)
(Edit: Three. Three years. It has. Been 3 years. Since I published this. *sharp inhale* WHAT. All I have to say is that I'm so glad that people are still reading and enjoying this story! As this is my first published Sprace fanfic, that warms my heart deeply. Love you all <3)
Please. No slurs, profanities, or hate in the comment section.
~Your Author (who is feeling very proud of themself and should probably be doing something else before it turns to midnight)
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