Blake tightly squeezes my hand as he shoots me a playful grin. My heart thuds in my chest and my hands sweat with nerves. Blake tries to tug me closer to the incubator, but I hold my position for a split second. Blake's strong hold on my body causes my shoes to skid across the ground. We get closer to Ivan and I instantly melt. The fear begins to trickle away as love and adoration consumes my body.
"You can hold his hand," says Blake.
As an example, Blake reaches through the incubator and strokes his little arm. Ivan twitches from the gentle touch.
"I'm afraid," I admit.
"Of what, breaking him?" jokes Blake.
"Yeah." I nod my head.
"Baby, you won't break him." Blake hooks his arm around my waist and kisses my head. I feel his chest vibrate against my shoulder. I can't believe he's laughing at me.
Blake doesn't understand what this feels like. I've spent so much time talking to my tummy, then a few hours gazing through a window while we waited on news. Being so close, to the point where I can reach out and touch him, to stroke his perfect little fingers or hold his hand.
This moment feels surreal. I'm afraid if I reach out and touch Ivan, this moment will shatter into a million pieces. Then I'll be left alone and afraid. I'm terrified of losing him and this perfect moment.
"I'm right here," whispers Blake. "We're not going anywhere."
"Okay." I nod my head.
Slowly, I shuffle closer to the incubator and bend down so that I'm on his level. I look through the clear plastic for a moment and just watch. I put my arm through the incubator and stroke the back of his arm. His skin feels soft against the pad of my finger. I trail my finger down his arm and hold his hand. Ivan wraps his fingers around my finger and gently squeezes it.
"Aw," I whisper. "He's so precious."
"He." Blake pats my shoulder. "He won't break. We're still here."
"Shh." I jab my elbow into Blake's side which earns me a pout and a laugh.
Blake grabs a chair from beside the far wall and brings it to the incubator. I slide it across in my direction and then points to it.
"Thank you." I smile.
Taking a seat, I lean forwards and poke my arm back through. I stroke his cheek, his other arm, and then I grab Ivan's hand again.
Blake grabs his own seat and pulls up beside me.
"You, my little man, are causing your mumma and I a lot of stress," says Blake in a playful tone.
"I don't think you're supposed to tell our baby that!" I whack Blake's shoulder and frown at him.
"You're our little fighter and you're doing a good job." My eyes scan over the machines with worry. I knew it was too early. But there was nothing we could do, this little miracle insisted on being born. I don't know what is so important, but here he is.
Blake sends me a sad pout before turning towards Ivan. He leans in and whispers something to Ivan. Probably a note about how mean and hormonal I can get. It's true, though.
"How about this?" Blake gazes over his shoulder. "I'll tell you the about the moment I first laid eyes on your enchanting mother."
Being referred to as a mother feels right. I still can't wrap my head around this mother concept; our child. A bundle of Blake and I right before us. Finally, I can see what Blake alway rattles on about.
"Hm, I'd like to hear this too," I agree.
"During the first week of school, I met a whole load of people. So many faces, names, and teachers to remember. I clicked with a group of friends and they showed me around. Pointed out people and their stories. We walked down a hallway and I saw her, your beautiful mother."
"Hm." I blush.
"She was laughing about something. Head back, long brown hair wafting through the air. She was smacking your Uncle Kyle's shoulder over something, I don't know. I remember getting goose bumps running down my arms, along my legs, and across the back of my neck," he says. "I felt nervous."
"And Blake Rivers is never nervous!" I giggle.
"Hmm, just around your mumma." Blake softly kisses the back of my hand.
"Then why did you wait so long?" I ask.
"Because I thought you'd never love someone like me," says Blake. "And then I thought you were taken too."
"I asked about you, nobody seemed to know a thing. Sometimes we'd pass in the halls and sometimes I didn't see you at all. Then I met Tori and she convinced me I was the man for her. We dated, fought, and then I realised things weren't right. She left and that put everything into motion."
"And then I mysteriously became the girl with a name?"
"Hm, I heard trickles of information here and there. Drama student, a miss fortune, and then childcare student. The pieces of the puzzle seemed to fit perfectly."
"A miss fortune, hey?"
"I didn't know much. Logan was a surprise," he explains.
"Why did you come close?" I ponder on the reasons for a moment. People always warn you to stay away from bad people. It's instinct to be curious, oddly enough. Smarter to stay away from problem people. It's weird to think I'd be classified as a problem. I'd been the typical nice girl my whole life. Now I'm the teenage parent, unsure of herself and her feelings.
"Everyone comes with baggage, Ava. We're all broken in some way or another. That never mattered to me."
"What about Tori?"
"She might not be my forever, but she meant something to me at the time. She also gave me a beautiful gift named London."
"That's nice." I smile.
"I will always love you both, no matter what." He squeezes my hand.
"You bloody better, mate. I went through many hours of painful labour to bring us this beautiful gift." My mind flickers back. The labour is a blur but I remember the release, the moment they lifted him up and I saw his beautiful face for the first time. Everything was worth it.
"And I might have a broken hand," he adds.
"Your hand is fine," I brush off. "I might have a broken vagina, and I'm not complaining about it." Blake bursts into laughing which manages to wake Ivan. He wiggles his feet and clutches onto my finger. He looks around the room before closing his eyes once more.
"I'll give you a tip, Ivan, you'll always hear about how you ruined your mother's body." Blake chuckles. "My mother's been telling me that for years." I sit back and hold onto Blake's body so that Ivan can sleep.
"How are our parents?" I ask.
When they rushed Ivan away to intensive care, I wanted to alone. Blake and I sat in silence waiting. I saw my parents in passing on the way to see Ivan in his room, but no words were exchanged. I couldn't find a thing to say and I didn't want to hear anything, not until I know things would be okay.
"Fine," replies Blake. "They're in the waiting room."
"What did you tell them about Ivan?" I ask.
"What they needed to know," he says. "Don't worry about them, I'll take care of it.."
Without hesitation, I knew Blake will always be good on his word. He'd take care of us forever because he really does love us.
The door wings open and the doctor shuffles inside. He sweeps his long white coat to the side as he walks towards us. He takes the clipboard attached to the incubator and reads through the notes jotted down. The grim look on his face doesn't make me feel hopeful in the slightest. Then I glance at Ivan and my feelings change.
"What's the news?" asks Blake.
"Nothing new, I'm afraid." He looks over the stats on the machine before walking around to stand beside us. "His lungs are weak and it's very difficult for him to breath."
"And?" I clutch onto Blake's arm.
"It's a sensitive case."
"Just spit it out," I say. "What are we looking at?" The truth hurts but we need to face it.
"It's a wait and see case. Each passing day improves his chance of survival, though."
"Okay," replies Blake. "We'll wait with him." The doctor nods his head and then swiftly exits the room. I turn to Ivan and grab his hand.
"You listen here buddy, you will pull through!" I scold him. "You've yet to truly experience this wonderful world. You can't leave me now." Blake wraps his arm around my waist and tugs me to his chest. I nuzzle my face into his chest as his cotton shirt soaks up my tears.
"I'll be okay, Ava, it has to be." He rubs his hand up and down my back. As we break apart, I notice the water dwelling in his green orbs. I grab his face in my hands and press my forehead against his.
"He will be, okay? I can feel it in my bones."
Blake tightly wraps his arms around my waist, so much, it hurts. I gently brush away the stray tears leaking down his cheek. He nuzzles his face into my hand. I keep holding his head in my hand. The silence is heavy and almost suffocating.
He leans back in his chair and I snuggle into his chest. We gaze at Ivan as each moment seems fleeting.
"Story time?" I offer.
"Hm," Blake mumbles. "That could be interesting."
"Is this where we talk about the embarrassing moments?" A small giggle escapes my lips.
"Sure." Blake nods his head. "How about the time you peed your pants?"
"Oi, how about you try having a baby press against your bladder?" I point out.
"Fine." He chuckles. "How about the time we made Ivan?" Blake suggests.
I push away from Blake's chest and laugh. He shoots me a cheeky wink which leaves me biting my lip. A blush forms on my cheek as I settle against his chest.
"Time or times?" I ask.
"Those were good times, Ava," he says. "Don't you think?"
"Are you asking because of your old age or because you want a boost in your ego?"
"Fine." Blake rolls his eyes. "But do you think Ivan needs another brother or sister?"
My body aches at the thought of having another baby, but a family, that would be nice. Not right away, of course. That would be crazy!
"In the very far, distant future, possibly." I shake.
"Ah, so you might get a sibling. Hopefully, another boy to keep your sister in check. Help me chase those rotten boys away from her." His comment makes me laugh.
"I don't think I ever want you to go near me again."
"The Rivers genes are strong." Blake chuckles. "Now you should get some rest."
The mention of rest sends a yawn rippling through my body. I let my eyes drift to a close as I listen to the sound of Blake's heart.
"Will you wake me if something changes?" I ask.
"I will, I promise." He kisses the top of my head.
I snuggle in close and let myself drift off. Sleep is a beautiful escape to freedom.
A beep, a shove, and then a colossal amount of noise shakes me from my slumber. I jolt upright and look around. I notice the beeping machines and then I hear the door slamming against the wall. I scramble to my feet and hold onto Blake's hand.
"What's happening?"
"I don't know."
A string of people rush into the room and towards the incubator. One stays behind and touches my arm. I flinch back from her cold touch.
"You both need to leave." She points towards the door.
"No, I need to stay." I shake my head. "Please let me stay."
"Come on, Ava." Blake tugs on my arm.
"Blake, no," I shout. "I'm staying." I turn my back to Blake and watch them work on Ivan. The machines beep and I have no idea what any of it means.
An arm hooks around my waist and I'm lifted into the air. Both arms wrapped around me feel like steel, it's impossible to struggle away. I kick my feet and claw the air with my fingers. I try to get out of his grip but my efforts aren't great. Blake drags me out of the room while I scream out for Ivan.
The door is shut and the curtains are closed. We're left in the hallways alone and afraid.
I turn to Blake, anger bubbling inside of me.
"Why did you do that?" I shout. "Why did you take me away from him?"
Without words, Blake pulls me to his chest and holds on tightly.
"Why did you make me leave?" I beat my hand against his chest. The anger is coursing through my body, but as my hand hits his chest, the frustration leaves my body. Once more, I become numb.
We don't say anything, we just wait.
The door eventually swings open. Everyone shuffles out and disperse down the hallway. All that remains is the doctor. With one hand tucked into his pocket, he stands before us, a grim look on his face.
"I'm sorry."
"No," I scream. "You're wrong."
Blake's arms tighten around my body. It's only when my knees hit the ground that I realise I'm no longer standing. Blake falls beside me, his heart as heavy as mine. I felt defeated, crushed, ruined. I clung to him in ways I never thought I would.
As I clung to his body, it feels like we've broken away. Two pieces of driftwood floating nearby. Close enough to touch, far enough to lose yourself in the great abyss. Except, I don't want to be saved this time. I couldn't be.
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