"Dr. Kim?"
Namjoon and Jin both turned around at the same time to face the nurse. She immediately became flustered at the intense stare.
"Sorry. I keep forgetting that you both have the same last name. Dr. Kim Namjoon?"
"There's a lady asking to speak to you. She's down the hall by the elevator."
"Oh. Okay. Dr. Kim, is it okay if I....?" Namjoon asked, turning to him.
"Yeah, yeah, go on. That's not a problem." Jin responded. He continued to read his patients chart in full detail. He was a perfectionist after all.
Once he was finished analyzing the paper in front of him, he looked up expecting Namjoon to be back.
The chart was so long and extensive that he should've been back by now.
Or maybe Jin was just impatient. Just when he was about to make some more time by scanning the chart again the pair by the elevator caught his eye down the hallway.
The lady who Namjoon was speaking to was hugging him and before stepping in the elevator she kissed him.
Well at least that's what it looked like from where he was standing. Or was she whispering something in his ear? Jin raised his eyebrows slightly confused, but quickly looked away once his intern turned around.
A few seconds later, Namjoon was in front of him again. The sweet scent lingered in the air. It had to come from the girl he was hugging.
"Sorry Dr. Kim. I didn't think it would take that long." He apologized while shoving a piece of paper in his pocket.
"That's not a problem. If you want visiting hours you can tell her to come during your lunch break. You won't always have the privilege to get fifteen minutes for lunch once you're a resident." He chuckled.
"It won't happen again sir and I'll keep that in mind."
"That's fine. I mean it. We aren't really that busy at the moment. Is she your sister?" He asked. One of his weaknesses was his nosiness. He never knew when to shut up.
Namjoon was writing down something on his notepad. He didn't seem annoyed at the question and he proceeded to respond calmly. Even though it was quick, the cursive was legible and gorgeous. Nothing compared to Jin's chicken hand writing.
"No. I don't have any siblings. She's a girl I occasionally hook up with."
"Oh! I...wow...uhh...okay." Jin felt a smirk spread on his face. He tried to hide his amusement, but was unsuccessful.
Namjoon looked up, feeling him stare, "May I ask what's so amusing sir?"
"Nothing, nothing. It's just that..." he chuckled a little, "I...never mind."
"No, no, please continue." Namjoon responded, shifting all his attention to him.
Jin sighed resting against the furniture. He crossed his arms across his chest as the nonchalant Namjoon stood there waiting for the conversation to continue.
"It's just that we've spent about four hundred and eighty-eight hours together in ten days and when you spend so much time with a person you get an idea of what they're like. You're so formal and quiet. I just don't see you as the type of person to have hookups."
"Are you implying I don't have sex?"
Jin raised his eyebrows, "Well—I—no it's not what I meant."
"I have sex," Namjoon confidentially stated. "I have lots of sex." He added.
Jin smiled once again at his bluntness, "I wasn't trying to imply that, but thanks for letting me know."
Namjoon felt his face get hot and his hands sweaty. He cleared his throat looking away from his stare. It was the first time Jin had made him so nervous.
"Oh. Well, I must've misinterpreted you. I'm going to check on the patient now."
"Yeah, yeah, go on." Jin said. As soon as Namjoon walked down the hallway he chuckled, pulling out his phone.
"I'm about to remove a gallbladder. This better be important." Yoongi murmured.
"Oh it is! The gallbladder can wait a few seconds. Guess what your precious intern just told me?"
"So I'm assuming you either gave me the wrong number on purpose or you just ignored my message." Yoongi said, putting his arm on the wall leaning in towards Jimin who was now cornered into a wall.
"I—what?" He asked, startled.
After receiving the message he ignored all eye contact with his resident. Luckily, in the hospital there was barely any free time so ignoring him wasn't a problem.
Jimin clenched the anatomy book tighter to his chest. Feeling his stomach erupt with butterflies. Yoongi was too close for him to think straight.
"It's been officially twenty-nine hours since I sent you that message and still no reply. Not that I'm counting or anything."
"I—I didn't know if it was a trap or not." He finally admitted biting the inside of his cheek.
"A trap? Really?" He questioned crossing his arms over his chest. "Do I really look that evil?"
Jimin almost impulsively said yes, but caught himself before saying it. Instead he shook his head, "No! You? Evil? No. Maybe sleep deprived—wait I didn't mean it like that. I mean look at my under eyes. They're dark as shit. Wait, not actual shit but—"
"You're a blabber aren't you?"
"Maybe." He responded sheepishly.
Yoongi smiled and the butterflies in his stomach flooded to his throat. He quickly swallowed them down in hopes to drown them.
"What's that?" Yoongi wondered, pointing to the book in his hands.
"Oh it's a...book. Gosh, that was a dumb reply of course it's a book. I—I'm trying to refresh my memory. I knew better than to do the move I did during the gallbladder removal. It could've been fatal. I'm sorry." He sincerely said. That was another reason he had been avoiding him.
Yoongi was finally letting him practice doing things during surgical procedures. In the last one he helped, he cut too deep and almost ruptured the infected gallbladder which would have made the patient septic.
"You've already apologized. Twenty times to be exact. I was there and took control of it. It was a mistake any of us could've made. Plus, books help you learn to an extent. You have to actually practice and visualize doing the procedure. How about I give you a little private lesson?"
"A...a private lesson? Oh. Okay. Well, I don't know if we will have time." He nervously replied.
Jimin attempted to control his impetuous thoughts. Yoongi had this smirk plastered on his face that fucked with his psyche.
"Our shift is almost over. I know a room where I can show you some stuff."
"Dr. Min, the patient in room 200 is refusing to take his medicine unless he speaks to you." A tired nurse interrupted the intense eye contact.
Jimin relaxed a little. He didn't realize how tense his body had unconsciously gotten when Yoongi was inches away.
"So you're down for a private lesson or what?" He asked, turning back to him.
Jimin immediately agreed, unable to decline the offer. Not only was he eager to learn, but to have some alone time with Yoongi was a plus. He was so mesmerizing to look at.
Yoongi smiled and then turned around heading to the tiny nurse who was a few feet away. He patted her shoulder and sighed.
"Alright Dahyun, let's go tell this man that if he doesn't take his medicine his kidneys will shut down."
Once he had disappeared Jimin felt like his soul finally returned to his body.
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