"Jimin? What are you doing here?" He shrieked horrified. His posture was still hunched over and very awkward.
"I was...I just got done puking. This is the only clean bathroom I could find." Jimin admitted embarrassed.
"What happened, are you sick?" Yoongi questioned concerned. He stepped closer towards him, his caring instincts kicking in.
"Yeah. I ate too much chili and chips at once."
"Yeah fucking chili is the worst. I go into anaphylactic mode. It's not good at all."
Jimin immediately softly pushed him away with widened his eyes. He rushed to the nearest sink and washed his mouth. The toothpaste was the beat he could find to rinse his mouth since he didn't have a toothbrush. The last thing he wanted was to endanger his life.
Yoongi looked up at the ceiling biting the inside of his lip. Having Jimin bent over in front of him was very tempting. If he moved it would only cause friction and that would make it even more awkward.
"I'm sorry. I don't even know why I ate chili. It was nasty either way. No offense to Taehyung." He said wiping his mouth with toilet paper.
"You don't have to apologize for eating chili. It's totally okay."
Jimin leaned against the wall almost beside him. He fidgeted with his fingers nervously, suddenly realizing how small the bathroom was.
"Are you okay? Besides the upset stomach." Yoongi asked, seeing how flustered he was.
"Nothing is wrong. I just feel a little sick." He admitted holding his stomach.
"Maybe we should get fresh air. It's a little hot in here." Yoongi whispered, unlocking the door. They headed to the room and Yoongi quickly approached the glass door that revealed the small balcony.
The air outside felt sticky, but somehow it was better than being in the bathroom alone with Yoongi. It's not that Jimin didn't want to, it was just too tempting to be in a close space with him.
They had both been drinking and the night felt young. Endless and careless. Jimin didn't want to have a wonderful night with Yoongi and for everything to rest back to normal the following day.
"You look better now." Yoongi said, leaning against the balcony.
Jimin reached over to grab his arm and gently pull him back, but in the end he restrained himself and stood still. Heights was one of his biggest fears.
"Yeah. I feel much better. I have to remember not to eat chili no more. I would hate to give you an allergic reaction."
Yoongi smirked as he leaned over the balcony some more. "The only way you could give me an allergic reaction is if you were to kiss me."
He started stepping back away and ended up stumbling. Jimin immediately wrapped his arms around his waist to catch him. The action was so natural and felt so right.
Yoongi's heart thumped loudly against his ears. Jimin's warm breath was hitting the back of his ear. It was minty from the toothpaste and it sent shivers down his spine.
Jimin's grip was right around him. The butterflies in his stomach traveled down his navel making him blush.
"You being so close to the balcony makes me nervous."
"Makes you nervous? What for?" He asked quietly.
"Heights scare me." Jimin whispered back. He slowly released his grip from around his waist and stepped back.
He'd be lying if he said he wanted to let go, but he didn't know how Yoongi felt about being touched by him. Their relationship was not defined. There were no clear boundaries.
It took a few seconds for Yoongi to turn around and face him. The blush in his cheeks was slowly fading. He smiled cheekily scratching the back of his neck.
"Jimin, you should tell Yuta to not leave you alone for so long. He might lose you."
"Lose me? Why—why would he? I can perfectly take care of myself. Is it because of the fear of heights? I don't want you to think that I'm a baby and—"
"Someone might steal you from him."
Jimin gulped down nervously. If only he knew that he had already been stolen by none other than him. How bizarre that he didn't know the effect he provoked.
"I don't think no one will try to steal me." Jimin laughed.
"I would." Yoongi blurted out loud before he could stop himself.
The silence that surrounded them was suddenly tenser than before. Their eye contact lasted longer than they thought it would.
"We should go inside. I'm starting to sweat." Jimin finally said, turning away from him.
The room was dark. The light from outside was the only one that shined. It was only visible enough that they saw their silhouettes.
"So do you want to lay down? It can help settle your stomach." Yoongi offered. His heart was beating too loud to hear Jimin's response, but when he slowly walked to the bed he followed behind.
The bed was soft. Too soft for Jimin's preference but it wasn't unpleasant. He was just used to sleeping on the hard beds or the changing rooms bench. To actually lay in a bed felt so surreal. Even when he had the chance to sleep at home he ended up falling asleep on his couch.
"His bed is comfortable. I hope he doesn't mind us laying on it." Jimin said briefly, closing his eyes. The softness was soothing and the background music was somehow comforting. Even if it was vile unknown music.
"Taehyung barely sleeps here. It's almost brand new. I'm sure he doesn't mind."
"He does have a nice house. Very elegant."
"Yes. Very elegant. So, Jimin?"
"Uh huh?"
"I saw Vernon flirting with Yuta and he didn't seem to precisely hate it. I don't want to be a snitch but I am going to be one because I don't want you to get hurt. I don't care if I end up in a ditch. You know they say snitches get stitches."
"That's great news!" Jimin exclaimed, opening up his eyes again. The sudden sleepy feeling had vanished and it had been replaced with excitement.
"It is?" He was very confused at his sudden mood change.
"Yes! I'm so happy for Yuta. I hope they end up dating."
"But Yuta and you are dating." Yoongi said confusingly, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Oh no. We broke up weeks ago. I wouldn't even say we dated. We only talked."
Yoongi could see that Jimin was now shifting his feet playing with them in the air. For some reason he felt offended that the news hadn't spread yet. There was no privacy at the hospital so he should've heard of it by now.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Jimin stopped playing with his feet and turned to look at him. They couldn't make out each other's faces, but he could just picture his face.
"You never asked."
"I guess that's true. Uhh...if you don't mind me asking why did you break up with him? Was it the trimming issue? He should know better than to shame your body! I will talk to him right now—!"
"No, no!" He shrieked, pulling him back. It was a bit too abrupt, good thing the bed was soft otherwise it would've hurt bad.
"Damn. You're strong." He gasped a little startled.
"I'm sorry. It's not about that issue. Trust me. I just didn't feel the same for him. We both wanted different things."
"Oh. Okay. I...I should mind my business."
"Well, it is your business. I am in love with you."
Yoongi inhaled and the saliva went down the wrong path. He started coughing and choking on his own breath. Jimin went into alert mode and helped him sit up.
"Yoongi, stick your finger down your throat! It will help get some air in!"
He shook his head and repeatedly put his hand to add some space between them. He didn't want to spit on him from the excessive coughing. Having him that close again would only make it worse.
Minutes later—which felt like an eternity—his lungs stopped fighting him. He took a deep breath and it hurt. His throat felt scratchy from the harsh hacking.
"I didn't mean to make you choke." Jimin apologized.
"You...love me?" He asked, puzzled. Hearing those words come out of Jimin's perfect lips had thrown him off guard.
His body felt warm and fuzzy, but his heart raced like he was in danger. There was fear and love lingering in his body. Along with a hint of lust. The amount of emotions he experienced in seconds had overwhelmed him.
What did he really feel?
"So much." Jimin whispered, scooting closer. He tested the waters by reaching over to place his hand against his thigh.
Yoongi's breath hitched at his touch. The loud thumping in his ears was overpowering the rest of his senses. It felt like he couldn't breathe.
"You love me?" He asked again. Why were his eyes suddenly filled with tears? Why did he want to cry? Had he really made himself think that to be loved was not possible anymore?
Jimin pressed his lips against his neck and kissed it. Though he couldn't see his skin he knew it would be red. As pale and milky as his complexion was it would leave the red tint behind.
"So much." He assured.
Yoongi didn't push him away as he slowly kept leaving a trail of wet kisses up his neck and face. It felt good to be wanted and to be loved. The butterflies in his stomach mixed with the anxiety made him sweat.
At this point, he could feel Jimin's warm breath on his ear. It was soothing and thrilling too. The emotions he felt within made his stomach clench.
"I would kiss you right now, but I would hate to give you an allergic reaction."
"There's always tomorrow." Yoongi said under his breath. Jimin smiled, resting his face against his shoulder.
"Tomorrow then."
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