Jungkook yawned as he made his way to the nearest restroom. Who knew you could hold in your urine for so long?
He couldn't even think of the last time he had a chance to void. Nevertheless to think, but now that he was by himself the questioning fears circled his mind again.
Why was Taehyung so embarrassed of him? Was it his appearance? Did he regret abruptly pecking him? Was that why he had invited him to dinner so he didn't feel as guilty for bringing up his hopes?
Jungkook has always been so confident in himself and his looks. It wasn't like him to be so self conscious about himself especially over another man.
Now that he had switched rotations, he barely saw Taehyung. Only glimpses of him and by the looks of it he seemed to get along just fine with Namjoon.
Of course they would, they were literally the same person. And it's not like Jungkook was jealous or anything, he was simply hurt that Taehyung was doing just fine without him.
Whereas for him, all that seemed to occupy his free time was thinking about Taehyung. It truly felt ridiculous to like a person so much. This seemed like he was back in high school all over again. Except now he was a grown man and things were as easy as they once were.
The bathroom was empty when he got there. He quickly emptied his bladder feeling a sense of relief. There was some light cramping from holding in his urine for so long. While he was saving lives, he was endangering his bladder from exploding.
After he was finished, he headed toward the sink to wash his hands. The excessive hand washing was wearing out his hands and the soap wasn't previously moisturizing.
His face was hot and sweaty from running around for hours. He cupped his large hands and splashed cold water on his fiery face. The contrast of the cold and hot made his skin sting a bit.
"Oop!" He heard someone say.
Jungkook immediately opened his eyes and turned around to find a frozen Taehyung. He was awkwardly standing by the entrance with a bewildered expression.
"What?" Jungkook asked, a bit annoyed. Why was he acting like there were monkeys on his face when he was the one staring like that?
"Sorry—I should go."
"Are you kidding me?" He asked loudly.
Taehyung stopped and slightly turned his head towards him. "Excuse me?" He asked quietly. His voice made him sound smaller than he truly was.
Jungkook approached him with an accusing finger, "If you're embarrassed of me just say it. If you don't like men just fucking saying it. Don't ignore me and act like you didn't kiss me in the elevator because you did! You're fucking thirty something and you act like a child!"
"Well, I—I'm thirty. Just thirty."
He groaned, "That's all you got out of my speech?"
"We shouldn't be a thing! Residents and interns should not be dating. I like men. I—I like them very much and I—I can kiss them when they want. Uhh, with consent of course and it just occurred to me that I didn't ask for your consent when I pecked you. I should've asked but I also shouldn't have kissed you. If the chief ever found out he wouldn't consider me for an attendee position and—"
"Shut up."
"Oh. Well I—"
"Shut up." Jungkook said slower as he leaned forward. He grabbed his lab coat and pulled him towards him. Despite his big size, Jungkook moved him around like a rag doll.
"What's happening? What are you doing?" He shrieked.
"I like you, but if you can't handle being a grown adult I don't need you in my life. I'm not going to sit around and wait for you."
Taehyung didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth to say something, but Jungkook put his lips against his.
It was a slight quick peck. Nothing like the one he wanted to give him. When Jungkook let him go, he released a shaky breath.
"I'm just returning your kiss. It's only fair." He whispered as he walked out.
Taehyung stood behind trying to catch his breath.
"You're being vicious. Snap out of it." Jin said.
"Me? Vicious?" Yoongi asked.
"Yes. Stop looking at them like that. You didn't want to date Jimin so he moved on."
"I'm your friend here! You should take my side!"
"I'm taking Jimin's side because toying around with someone's feelings is not nice." He murmured, squishing his sandwich.
"You're talking about the sex addict aren't you?" Yoongi wondered.
"Oh you bet I am."
"Taehyung can you tell him—?"
"There's nothing going on between Jungkook and I!" He said dropping his wrapped up peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
When both of his friends looked at him confused, he picked up his food and stood up. "I never liked eating in the cafeteria anyways. I'm leaving." He apologized with a blushed face.
"Me too." Jin said.
"What? Where are you going? If I sit by myself I will look like a loser—hey!"
Yoongi had already stepped away from him not listening to what his friend was saying. He happened to catch up to Jackson who was throwing away his food.
"Hey! How are you? I don't really care. Come with me." He instructed.
"Mmm...I'm a little bloated right now so I don't know if I can—"
"Ugh. No! Not for that just follow me. Let's talk to Yuta and Jimin."
"Actually, I have five more minutes left of my break. I don't want to spend it talking when I can nap. Fixing bones is exhausting."
"I'll give you five bucks!" He quickly offered.
"Ten? Fuck. Okay. Come on, come on."
They approached the laughing duo. Yoongi put down his tray a little too harshly making them both look up abruptly.
"Hey guys! Hey. Can we eat with you?"
"Oh. Umm...sure." Yuta responded with a smile.
"I've already eaten." Jackson whispered.
"Shut up and sit down." He whispered back.
Jimin was shyly looking down at his tray of food. It was so weird to be sitting in between both of them. His heart rate kept going up.
"So, it's like the first time we can all get a quick lunch huh?" Yoongi asked, trying to spark a conversation.
"Yes. I was just telling Jimin that. Hopefully this weekend we get some free time."
"Free time? For...for what? I mean if I may ask." He said taking a bite of the sandwich.
"We're going on a date. Mini golfing. That's the plan." He grinned.
Yoongi accidentally bit his tongue and winced. He avoided looking at Jimin who was now looking. "That's lovely. Wow. I love mini golfing. It's been so long since I've gone out."
Yuta awkwardly scratched the back of his head, "Yeah...I mean do you...do you guys want to come?"
"Ah! We would love to!" Yoongi quickly replied.
"I have plans already." Jackson mumbled barely audibly.
"I'll make it twenty." He quietly responded.
"Fuck. Okay." Yoongi whispered.
"Great. I will text you the details. I'm going to go ahead and head upstairs. You can stay a little longer if you want." Yuta told Jimin.
"Perfect. Thank you." He replied with a smile.
Yoongi turned to Jackson, giving him a look to go away. He frowned, "But you said to stay with—"
"I'll see you later." He interrupted, basically shoving him away.
"Sheesh. Excuse me. You have gorgeous lips by the way." Jackson winked.
When he was gone Jimin cleared his throat. Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek, "Sorry for ruining your date. I should've kept my mouth shut."
"It's fine. The more the merrier huh?"
"Yes. Indeed." He said taking another bite.
"Well, at least we'll have fun. I'm going to go ahead and go." He picked up his food tray and walked away.
Yoongi swallowed the food in his mouth. The iron taste overpowered the sweet one. Just like going on a double date.
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