Jimin's hands were shaking when he heard his pager go off. It was a nurse paging him for room 207 who was in a very critical condition.
The last surgery he had did not go too well. The patient had bad past medical histories and previous surgery complications. So when he was paged while taking a quick nap in a random abandoned room, he ran as fast as he could to arrive at the scene.
By the time he got there, Yoongi was already there with a defibrillator. The patient was on the bed with his chest exposed and various nurses were surrounding him.
Yoongi looked so panicked. The fear on his face was unmasked and that made Jimin more nervous. He had never seen him this way.
In bad situations like these, Yoongi always took them with calmness. At the moment, he was pale, shaky, and his breathing was so hectic.
Jimin looked over at the patient's vital signs and saw that the patient was flatline. No heart activity. A defibrillator wouldn't recharge his heart. It was useless. There was no way to bring him back to life.
"Dr. Min—Dr. Min that's not going to—" he reached over to touch him, but Yoonto flinched angrily.
"I'm the resident here! I know what's best! You're only an intern! I know what's fucking best!"
Jimin swallowed down the knot in his throat. He knew the anger wasn't directed at him. It was the adrenaline from the moment so he didn't take it to heart.
"But sir, he's flatline and the defibrillator only works on certain occ—"
Before he could even finish his sentence, Yoongi charged the defibrillator. "Everyone clear!" He screamed.
They followed his instructions and seconds later he shocked the patient's chest waiting for heart activity. When it didn't work, he dropped the shocking pads and went straight to CPR.
All the nurses looked back at Jimin. They all knew this patient was long gone and that his heart wouldn't start again.
Jimin slowly approached Yoongi and softly placed his hand on top of his. At this point he was sweating and the panic on his face intensified.
"Dr. Min, he's not coming back." He softly said.
"No, no, no, no," he kept whispering as he kept pushing. The only thing that was heard was the beeping machine along with Yoongi's heavy breaths.
"Please beat. Please beat. Please, please,"
"Dr. Min." Jimin said, pulling his hand away.
Yoongi looked up at Jimin finally realizing that everyone was staring at his psychotic breakdown. His eyes were enigmatic, but the heartbreak was peaking through.
He finally stopped doing CPR and rubbed his forehead wiping the sweat. He looked down at the patient's body and his breath hitched
"Time of..." Yoongi's voice sounded too choked to even get the words out. He swallowed down harshly attempting to push through his emotions. "Time of..."
"Time of death 23:34." Jimin said. He knew that Yoongi didn't want to call the time.
Yoongi glanced at him for a brief second before walking out. The medical staff around them still looked startled. It seemed that this was also their first time experiencing this with him.
Jimin headed out of the room in search of Yoongi. He had already made it down the hallway into the little room where he usually napped.
Thankfully, Jimin had seen Yoongi disappearing before otherwise he'd be in the unknown. He put his hand on the doorknob and slowly opened it.
Yoongi was on the bed with his arms and legs spread open. The bed was pretty small, but he somehow still managed to fit perfectly.
Jimin thought about leaving him alone, but something deep down told him that Yoongi didn't want that. So, he slowly took little steps towards him hoping that he didn't make it worse.
Once he was next to him, he noticed how heavy his chest was moving. Just as he was reaching for him, Yoongi abruptly sat up. He covered his face away from him too embarrassed at his emotional breakdown.
"Yoongi?" He whispered.
"Leave me alone." He responded still burying his face into his hands.
"I know it sucks to lose patients. I don't like it either. It's not the first patient we lose and it won't be the last. Sadly, death is part of our job and we have to live with that. I know it hurts. It hurts me too." He quietly said as he sat next to him.
Yoongi let out a small cry curling himself into a small ball. He sounded mortified and scared. His position was so childlike it revealed how vulnerable he truly was.
Up until now, Jimin had only seen the smiling joking side of him. This was different. It was pulling on Jimin's heart strings tearing them apart. He didn't know how much pain it caused him to see Yoongi this heartbroken.
"It's been so long since I've reacted this way. I thought I was over it." He cried still with his face buried in his knees.
Jimin slowly put his arm over his back to reassure him. He wasn't sure if Yoongi was comfortable with his touch, but he seemed to ease a little more and didn't pull away.
"What you went through with your husband was very tough. I can see why this triggered back memories. It's okay to feel this way. You're human so don't stop yourself from feeling."
Without warning, Yoongi straightened up and wrapped his arms around Jimin. The sudden acting almost made them lose their balance and fall back.
Jimin managed to stop them from falling back. He wrapped his arms around him too feeling his warm breath and wet tears against his chest.
"Don't leave me. Ever." He whispered in a pleading way.
"I wasn't planning on it." Jimin whispered back.
Yoongi kept crying against his chest. It was loud, without a filter. Jimin could tell that he hadn't cried in so long because of this and it shattered his heart.
It was evident that the pain he carried inside was too much for him to handle on his own. Jimin held him tighter and closer to him if that was even possible. Their bodies were basically glued to one another.
"Your embrace makes me feel like I have the entire world's love." He mumbled as fat tears streamed down his eyes.
"You are loved. Very much. By me, by your patients, by your friends." He reassured.
Yoongi closed his eyes, feeling his heart racing again. The panic sunk deeper in his stomach as he held Jimin tightly.
"Yoongi, look at me."
He shook his head, unable to do so. He was embarrassed at his childish needy behavior, but he needed to be comforted. Maybe he'd regret it later, but at the moment he didn't.
"Please." Jimin's voice was so sweet. So soothing that he couldn't deny his command. It was pure honey.
Yoongi slowly looked up with a red face. His blush deepened once he noticed how close he was to Jimin's face. He let go of his scrubs and suddenly felt guilty for ruining his perfect attire.
"I'm sorry. I wrinkled your scrubs."
"I don't really care about that right now." He admitted.
Yoongi started weeping again and Jimin wiped the tears as they fell. It was inevitable because the more he wiped away, the more that came along. The helplessness Jimin felt for not being able to comfort him was too debilitating.
"I wish I could make you feel better. I wish there was something I could do. I wish—"
When Yoongi crashed his lips against him his breath hitched. The kiss was a mixture of sweetness and saltiness from his tears.
Jimin couldn't help himself and return the kiss he had been longing to steal for so long. He cupped his face and kissed him like the world was ending. Like there wasn't any worry or concern in the world. Like it was just them two and no one else.
The kiss got heavier, and the clear need for human affection deepened the emotion behind it. Jimin was needy, needy to touch him. To feel him.
All of him.
And he did, he ran his fingers down his neck, softly caressing his soft skin. Then his broad chest, down his abdomen right behind his navel.
He could feel Yoongi breathing heavily as he also felt all over Jimin. They didn't realize how much they've been craving this until now.
Jimin slowly pulled away before things got too carried away. He wanted this more than anything in the world, but not while Yoongi was hurting. Not while he was suffering and grieving.
He wanted to touch him, feel him, and make love to him when Yoongi was healed. When he was happy and okay with himself, he was willing to wait. As long as Yoongi allowed it.
Yoongi felt his painful storm diminish. It was drizzling now and there were rainbows everywhere. Or maybe it was just Jimin's lips.
Kissing Jimin was kissing more angel than human.
"Say you'll stay with me. No matter what." Yoongi breathed shakily. Jimin savored the closeness and closed his eyes briefly.
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