11| Arianne
Arianne ignored Sam, the frazzled volunteer, hanging over her shoulder and ran her finger over the list of vendors. "I don't see the Screaming Sriracha truck on here. Are you sure they signed up?"
He wrung his hands together, his frantic energy setting Arianne's teeth on edge. "That's what they said. Went through one of the seniors. What do we do? Should I tell them we can't find them on our list?"
"No! The owners are David and Ally Wong. They won that reality cooking show a couple of years ago and have over a million Instagram followers. I don't want them to think we're unprofessional." Arianne flipped to her map and searched for an open spot. The police had sectioned off only a certain amount of space on the street, and it was currently filled to the max.
The flap of the tent whipped open as Morgan marched in. "I need to borrow you for a moment."
"Not right now. Do you know any place we can park a twenty-six-foot truck?"
"What about the parking lot?" Morgan asked.
"It's full."
"Have the volunteers move their cars. They're taking up a whole row."
"That might work." Plus, it was parallel to the street where the food trucks were lined up. She ordered Sam to hunt down every person with a car and make them move it within the next five minutes. "And send Amanda to re-assure Screaming Sriracha. I don't want them leaving."
"You done? Good." Morgan grabbed her elbow and hustled her outside, swinging Arianne around, so they faced each other. Shaking her shoulders, she asked, "Why did you not tell me you have a hottie dangling on the line?"
Arianne shook her back. "I don't have anyone dangling. Hottie or not."
"What about that grade A, verifiable man meat that came here specifically for you?"
Arianne pursed her lips, going through the list of guys she knew. The only possibility could be.... "Garrett? He's here?" she whispered, a flutter deep in her stomach.
"So you do know." Morgan nudged her like a proud mama who's daughter just won a gold medal. "I ran into him about an hour ago. Why didn't you tell me you had someone?" She leaned in, a conspiring twinkle in her eye. "Or is this some secret tete-a-tete you don't want anyone to know about?"
The idea of a secret rendezvous with Garrett of all people made Arianne want to laugh. It'd be pretty hard to get it on when both parties were celibate. "You've been watching too much Scandal."
"What I'm watching is you avoiding the question." Eyes narrowing, Morgan stepped back. "I've never seen you squirm over a guy before. If you don't like someone you straight out say it."
Because Garrett wasn't just any guy. He was an experience. Every emotion reverberated off him, amplifying until a person drowned in it. "He's a friend. Nothing more."
"A male friend doesn't come alone to this event for the sole purpose of seeing you."
"Jordan came."
"Jordan doesn't look at you like you're a yummy cupcake he wants to devour."
A warm feeling spread through Arianne. "You're being ridiculous. We're not like that."
"So Garrett's free?"
"As a bird."
"And you wouldn't mind if I took a crack at him?"
She knew what Morgan was doing, and she wasn't going to let it bother her. She wasn't. But the idea of Morgan seducing him into her bed had Arianne saying, "He's not a horse to be tamed. He deserves more than that." Because Garrett wasn't into meaningless sex. When he decided to be with someone, it would mean something. "There's a depth to him that guys our age don't have. And sure, that depth is like a volcano waiting to bury you, and you'll have to fight through all his baggage to reach the top, but once you do, it'll all be worth it because now that volcano is yours and he'd feel as much for you, as you do for him."
Shocked silence reigned down as Arianne realized what she'd revealed. "I m-mean not t-that I—"
Morgan began singing, "Garrett and Arianne sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G—"
She slapped a hand over Morgan's mouth. "Not another word. I mean it." Morgan glared, a gargled sound escaping through her fingers, but Arianne didn't release her. "I'm invoking the roommate cone of silence. Nothing leaves your mouth, especially to Garrett or your friends." If Morgan thought Arianne liked Garrett, she'd recruit all her friends into playing matchmaker, and if that didn't work, she'd lock them in a room and throw away the key. That's what kind of friend she was, and Arianne loved her for it.
Morgan had a big heart, but most people didn't see it. They couldn't get past her big mouth, tats, and affinity for fishnet stockings, which was a shame because Arianne had witnessed Morgan giving up her bus seat to an elderly lady and making funny faces at a crying child. It was why Arianne saw Morgan as chartreuse. Of course, Morgan had been appalled when she found out her color.
"Green?!" Morgan cried. "I am not a green!"
"Chartreuse. There's a difference." It was fifty percent green and fifty percent yellow which summed up Morgan's dual personalities perfectly.
"I demand a recount," Morgan insisted. "I'm bold. I'm sexy. I'm a fiery red or a seductive purple."
"You are what you are," Arianne teased to which Morgan gave her the middle finger.
"No interfering, okay?" Arianne asked, dropping her hand.
"Fine," Morgan grumbled. "No interfering. But I retain the right to kick his ass if he hurts you in any way. You should talk to him though. He came to see you. Hold on." Morgan rushed into the tent and came out with her makeup bag. She made Arianne hold it as she rummaged through.
"This isn't Friday night at the mall. I'm here to work," Arianne said.
Morgan took hold of Arianne's chin and held her in place, applying shimmery gloss and a peachy blush. "You're here to volunteer. I think you can take off a few minutes to flirt with your man."
"He's not mine," Arianne denied as Morgan slipped off her glasses and dabbed concealer under her eyes. "I don't even know where he is."
"His box is by those trees across from the tent." Morgan fluffed Arianne's hair and put her glasses back on. "Perfect. Now stop making excuses and go get him," she said, slapping her ass.
She glared at Morgan over her shoulder even though Morgan was right. It wasn't that she didn't want to see Garrett. She did. So much so that it scared her, and when things scared Arianne, she tended to put it off until the opportunity passed.
Nerves plagued Arianne as she approached. The last time she saw him, he'd been punching holes into the wall. Had he gotten her note? She kept expecting him to reach out, but when all she got was radio silence, she figured her gesture hadn't been appreciated. So what did it mean that he was here now?
Her breath hitched as the sight of him hit her squarely in the chest. God, even as he tried to squish himself into the box, nearly folding in half, he looked gorgeous as hell. He winced as he shifted side to side. She bet the icy ground had soaked through his box and jeans.
She flagged down a volunteer and tore off a garbage bag from the roll he was carrying. Swallowing, she walked up to Garrett with far more confidence than she felt and held out the bag. "You might want to use this."
His jaw went slack with surprise. "You're here."
"I'm here," she confirmed with rueful amusement. "But you knew that. Isn't that why you came tonight?"
His forehead wrinkled, then understanding dawned. "Your roommate told you. I should have expected that." Taking the bag, he said, "Thanks, but what am I supposed to do with this?"
"Tear it so it's one big sheet and put it under or over the cardboard so you don't get wet."
He crawled out of his box, his knees cracking. Letting out a satisfied groan, he stood and stretched. "I will never complain about being cooped up in the backseat of a car again. Compared to this thing, it's a luxury hotel."
She gently kicked the side. "Is this the biggest we had?"
"I got here late so all the good ones were taken." He ripped open the seams of the garbage bag and laid it under his box. She could see a slight wet spot where his butt had been.
"Do you want another one for inside?" she offered.
"Nah. I'm tough. I can handle a little water."
That may be, but it was only going to get colder and wetter as the night progressed. "I can get one, no problem."
A wicked glint entered his eyes as he moved closer, his arm rubbing against hers. "Are you worried about me?"
The light from the stage streamed in at an angle, highlighting the harsh angles of his face, and plunging the rest in darkness. They were close enough that she could see every detail even that one stray freckle right above his lip. She had a strange urge to kiss it. "I worry about all the participants. I don't want to wake up tomorrow to find an icicle instead of a body."
"So your concern is purely platonic."
Her mouth went dry as he tucked strands of hair behind her ear, his fingers following the curves all the way down to her earlobe. He stroked her skin absently, almost like he didn't know he was doing it, and murmured, "Your ears aren't pierced."
She cleared her throat. "Uh, no. The plan was to get them pierced when I turned eighteen with my mom."
"But you didn't." He gave one last caress before letting go.
Sorrow pierced her heart for all the things she'd never do, for all the plans thrown into the trash. "No, I didn't."
"Is she gone?" he asked softly.
A humorless expression crossed her face. "No. It was my choice not to get them done. Not with her. Never with her."
"Then I'm sure it was for a good reason."
A lump formed in her throat at his instant faith. She wished her father had reacted the same way. His accusations hollowed out their relationship, but it also hollowed out something deep within her. Something that made her Arianne. When she came to Eason, she thought she could find herself again—be Arianne—but after a few months, she realized the damage was irreversible. This was her new normal. So she embraced the emptiness, letting it become a friend instead of an enemy. But now there was someone as kind as Garrett trying to be in her life and it didn't seem fair to fool him into believing she was something she wasn't. "I-I...there's stuff that happened back home and...um...."
He cupped the sides of her face and smiled sweetly. "Hey, it's okay. Stuff happened back home for me too. I get it."
Arianne saw that he genuinely did which made it worse because he was checking so many boxes on her list and they could never be anything more than friends. "It's not that. I mean, yeah, it is, but I told you before nothing can happen between us."
"And what if I want to change that?"
Her heart drummed in her chest. Wrenching herself away, she exclaimed, "Garrett! You can't change the rules when we agreed."
"That was then. This is now. And things have changed. Like the fact that you came to my game. You left me that note." His tone was equal parts knowing and imploring.
Refusing to feel embarrassed, she lifted her chin. "So?"
"Come on, Arianne. There's something between us. Always has been."
"You make it sound like we've known each other for years."
"To quote you, 'So?' My parents fell for each other almost instantly. It happens."
Alarmed, she backed up. "No one said anything about falling. We barely know each other. You have to admit that."
Garrett bit his lower lip like he was debating something. Then he looked upwards and muttered something under his breath. Worried, Arianne laid a hand on his arm, expecting him to admit he was wrong, but then she got the shock of her life.
Putting his hand over hers, he said, "Look, I can't explain it but something happened the other night, and I realized being with you gives me peace. Something I haven't had in a long, long time."
Blood rushed out of her face, leaving her ears ringing. "T-There must be a-a mistake or...."
"It's no mistake. Ever since Spencer's death, I've been plagued with these...these...." His face contorted with anguish as he fisted his shirt over his heart and pounded. "These demons and I haven't been able to sleep or do anything, but when you gave me that note...." The tension in his face eased, replaced with an expression so tender, Arianne felt it down to her bones. A fierce longing ripping through her, the force so great it left her gasping.
"What's wrong?" he asked, his gaze frantically roving over her.
"N-Nothing." She couldn't tell him the truth. Not when he poured his heart out, and she could never ever return it despite wanting to. "Who's Spencer?"
His body went so still she thought he'd been petrified. "I-I've never told you?"
She shook her head. "You've never mentioned him before." Although paired with the knowledge of what happened on the bridge and his reaction to Spencer's name, she had a good idea. She bit back a yelp as he squeezed her hand so hard she thought their fingers might infuse.
"He is—was—my older brother."
The enormity of his loss hit Arianne like a ton of bricks. "I'm so sorry, Garrett," she said, but the words felt inadequate, so she wrapped her arms around him, and let him know through her hug how sorry she truly was.
He pulled her in closer, and let his head rest on top of hers. She could hear his heart beating, the pace growing quicker as he inhaled deeply, almost as if he wanted to soak her in. It made her feel treasured, wanted, and for a girl starved for affection, it was everything, but despite all that she kept herself rigid, not wanting to get too comfortable because she had demons also and they followed her to every conversation, and to every relationship she had.
"Ari," he murmured, her name rolling off his tongue like a luxurious treat meant to be savored. "I—
He was interrupted by Sam who ran over, his eyes wide with worry. "Ari, sorry to bother, but I need your help."
Garrett scowled at the guy, his expression so fierce, the guy stumbled back. Arianne petted Garrett's chest, soothing him. "What do you need Sam?"
"There's a problem with one of the trucks."
Again? "And you can't handle it?"
"They want to speak to you."
"Fine." However, when she tried to pull away, Garrett's arm tightened. "I have to go," she whispered.
"I don't want you to."
"You don't always get what you want," she said, emphasizing the double meaning.
His face turned as vehement as his tone. "I do."
She looked away, not sure what to say. "Garrett, this isn't the time—
"Then when? Set a time and I'll be there."
Aware of keen ears perking up, she said, "Sam, why don't you wait for me by the tent okay? I'll be there in a second." When they were alone, she gently pushed against his chest until he reluctantly dropped his arms. "Listen, I—"
"I'm not taking no for an answer. You mean something to me. I'm not letting that go."
"Garrett, I'm not some magic cure-all. I have my own demons."
"We can work through them together."
"Can we table this topic for now? I really do have to go see about the problem. I'm in charge of this thing."
"You promise we'll talk about it later?"
She held up her pinky and waited until he hooked his pinky around hers. "Promise," she said, shaking it.
"Guess I better go back." He looked pained as he glanced at his cardboard box like the mere thought of getting back in there was torture.
She hated thinking of him cramped in that box all night. "Jordan's here. He has a whole mini-compound set up with his friends." She wondered why Garrett wasn't with them especially since the friends were all baseball players.
Garrett's spine stiffened. "Good for him."
She hesitated, but went on, "He has extra room." But Garrett just shrugged and climbed into that damn box. Obviously, he'd rather suffer than ask Jordan for help. Stubborn man. She couldn't leave him like this. "Why don't you use my box? It's bigger."
"What about you?"
"I'll take yours."
"No way. Trust me you don't want to be next to the boom boom room." He motioned to the empty box beside him. "They're gone now, but once they come back, it'll be like being in the middle of an orgy." His eyes turned sly as he suggested innocently, "I have a better idea. We could share yours."
"You'd like that wouldn't you."
"I'm only thinking about you," he said, his dimples showing.
She rolled her eyes but found herself charmed. "My box is by those boulders on the far side of the park. It has a big A marked on a side with a cone and streamers taped on top." Courtesy of Morgan to make it look like a unicorn.
"You'll come visit me?"
"When I have time." Ignoring his smug smile, she went to find Sam and promised herself she wouldn't fall any deeper with Garrett. She couldn't. For his sake.
*Bonus Contest* Did you know spending the night in a box is a real fundraiser? My college did something similar and it's a real eye-opener to the struggles homeless people deal with on a daily basis. Check your local volunteer centers to see if they have anything in your area and share your experiences in the comment section!
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