Josse has lived here in this orphanage for two months. In two months kids are adopted. Josse is still here. A new Young girl Named Alyssa now fills the empty bed in Josse's room. Now you reader, may be asking.. Why did I the narrator skip so much precious time in her story? The last two months were the same. Nothing ever really changes with Josse. She's not hiding powers. She's Just another little girl. If she was so important...
Why would I be here instead of with my family right now. Josse was thinking a lot about this lately. It riddles her mind and makes circles around her as if the lingering question doesn't want to be solved.
Today more families are coming. Today Josse will watch someone go away from this Place. No one ever believes it's their turn to leave, till it is.
Josse began to walk to the kitchen with Alyssa right behind her left shoulder. Alyssa always walks close behind her. Josse never tells her to move. Josse knows it's for comfort, she can feel Alyssa's steady breaths as they arrive, Josse looks around the quiet kitchen. Not many people are in it at the moment. She checks the clock on the stove to see it was 6am. Two hours till new adopters Come. Two hours till she will have to listen to confused kids wonder why it wasn't their turn.
It Always hurt Josse to see other kids like this. She looks to the counter and carefully starts to climb it. One wrong footstep and she falls. Josse knows this, it's always lingering in the back of your mind. The same message, 'one wrong move' is all her mind shouts. The pessimistic voice in her head is ignored as she puts her foot on the counter and shifts all her upper body up there aswell. She has her quiet little smile to herself as she tells Alyssa, "I did it." She whispered it so she wouldn't wake anyone.
She picks up an apple for herself before turning to her ginger friend. "What do you want to eat Alyssa?" She questions.
"Maybe a pear?" Alyssa said.
You could tell she was thinking, she always acted like this on adoption days. On these days Alyssa can't stop her 6 year old smile from showing all day. Josse is convinced it's a contagious smile. Whenever Alyssa smiles she can't help but want to smile back. Everyone else in the orphanage feels the same. Alyssa is such a dreamer, always off and about at night telling Josse on what her and her new family would do.
I never have the heart to add an 'if' to her statments about getting adopted. Josse Climbs down as graceful and gently as possible. Waking someone would not end well for the two. Sure they have been caught before. Always looking like a deer caught in headlights. Wide eyed and surprised.
Josse ate her Apple as she watched Alyssa eat her pear.
"I wonder what the people are like Alyssa." Josse was curious as to what exactly was racing through her friend's extroverted mind.
"I bet they're happy Josse. " Alyssa's eyes light up like they always do when she knows the answer to something. "Maybe they write, or read a lot. I bet they dye their hair!" Alyssa continued to list every optimistic event possible.
Josse loved it when Alyssa was excited. As I've mentioned before Alyssa's excited Green eyes were wide and more thoughtful by the second as Alyssa went on about something. By this point Josse wasn't listening to her friend. All her words jumbled together in Josse's mind till they stopped making sense. She could hear distinct words like, 'Friendly.' One stood out quite a lot to Josse In particular. She heard a slight fast mention of a word people avoid around here. 'Gay.'
She stopped Alyssa before she could rant about the thought that The people, or person. Was a criminal and that we would become their partners in crime. Josse always loved Alyssa's fast paced thought train. Her friend was like waves crashing against a rock. Lots of little waves and little slashes. Only the waves were her thoughts and the crashing was her words. Same idea honestly, Josse liked to see people like the rain. Alyssa's thoughts and smile were the same Bright Orange as always. Never ever Darkened or Uncertain like Josse.
She began to Throw away her Apple as She spoke to Alyssa "Let's get dressed." She threw away her Apple.
Soon after her finished Apple was followed by a half eaten pear. All that talking Alyssa did must've made her forget to finish. 'Never mind that now' Josse sighed to herself. Rolling her eyes.
She held Alyssa's hand through the dark hall back to their room. This is how it always was. Josse could see better in the dark. All those thoughts and ideas in Alyssa's head tend to make her forget where she's going. It always makes Josse smile when she sees the intangible orange that Alyssa always has when she is excited.
Josse went to the wardrobe. Opened the very bottom drawer, and picked up two dresses. She was always sure That Alyssa had her very favorite dress on every adoption day. Alyssa would twirl around in excitement and the dress twirls right with her. Josse would watch as Alyssa's twirling dress would attract parents to her. Josse liked to watch how easily Alyssa Trusted. Maybe they saw different colors. When they talk, but Josse knows little girls need their parents. Josse always tries to make Alyssa stand out.
The pretty girls in the well lit dresses were always picked first. Josse understood why. They stand out. They are ready to leave. Smaller girls in the Faded colors sunk to the background against the more vibrant shades. Rain and sunlight never did clash well. Always one standing out more than the other. Which do people prefer? The sunlight of the brighter dresses of course. Doesn't matter how rotten the girl acted if they're in a beautiful dress.
Before Josse could go on any longer in her thoughts, Alyssa had asked for her dress. Josse smoothed it out and looked at it. The Velvet Dress is a soft, dark, fading green. She Picks up the fine velvet and hands it to Alyssa before going to get her own.
Josse's dress was similar to Alyssa's. A velvet brown dress with laces on the bottom. A small lighter tone, yet matching headband to go with it. She laued them down and went to look for Alyssa's Green headband as well. Now yes She knows the outfits are similar. That's their point. If they look the same. Then they may be adopted together. It was one of Alyssa's ideas. Josse never argued with them if they had any sort of small shred of logic.
Once they were both dressed and has brushed their hair and teeth. Josse went to the closet, she looked around the small storage area for a game to play with Alyssa. They Spoke.
"I hope I'm adopted Josse I really do." Alyssa says as she moves her piece to another blue square.
"I hope so too Alyssa." Josse reassured her friend as she rolled the dice.
"I wouldn't mind if they were criminals you know Josse?" Alyssa inquires.
"Yes I know what you mean. A family is a family no matter what right?" Josse knew Alyssa wasn't ever one to go deep, but she could try to understand the way her friend did.
"Yeah kind of."
"I win." Josse says, breaking the small moment of brief silence.
"No fair! Rematch?" Alyssa leaned over the bored excitedly already setting back up the pieces.
"You're on." Josse began to stack all the cards back as she smiled. Maybe today won't be so terrible if she has Alyssa to keep her company.
Hello Skies! Thank you so much for reading. I was thinking of a question some of you may have. How do you pronounce Josse? It's actually Not pronounced 'Jaws' It's pronounced Like Josie 'Joe si' If you have anymore questions feel free to PM me I will be happy to clear anything up about the story. <3
All right that's all for now I'll see you soon skies.
- Jamie
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