Chapter 2 - Calum and Jadyn
*Meekle Clifford's Point Of View*
"J, what are you doing?" I asked, walking towards one of my best friends.
Jadyn smiled brightly before saying, "I'm just talking to the new kid. His name is Luke, an-" I cut her off mumbling a "we've met". Luke gave me a weird look I couldn't decipher; I wasn't good at that stuff. J frowned and walked closer to me, knowing not to be near the blonde at the moment.
"Your hair keeps changing from red to green," Luke mumbled.
My friends never point out what color my hair is, no one really does. Calum told me a long time ago it was because my emotions were already display and they didn't want to make me anymore uncomfortable, and it kind of upset me at the time. Now, I just wish this fucking kid would take the hint.
Jadyn glared at him slightly before smiling at me and taking off her beanie, revealing short blue hair. She then placed her beanie on my head, which I was grateful. After making sure it fit snugly and didn't show my hair, she turned back to face Luke. "Now it won't bother you."
"Right. Awesome." Was his response.
She poked his cheek and then my cheek (she has an obsession, I don't understand). "Have you met Calum?" Jadyn asked Luke, draping her arms over both of us. When Luke shook his head, Jadyn jumped up and started spouting out facts about him. "He's got really squishable cheeks ("Aleister Crowley, the ones on his face, Michael!"), he's Kiwi and has really nice tanned skin. Also-"
"Are you in love with me or something?" Calum put his arms around her waist. Luke gave me another look I couldn't figure out and mouthed "isn't that your girlfriend?" I almost laughed, that would never, ever happen. When I shook my head he slightly smiled, which made my brain go ????. He then asked "his girlfriend?" whilst pointing at Calum. I shook my head again, that one wasn't as laughable, but I know they would never. He nodded.
"Yes, completely and utterly." She kissed his cheek and pretended to faint. Jadyn chuckled and tried to get out of Calum's arms stating, "Nah, mate, but you wish."
"Definitely." Calum winked.
When she finally got out of Calum's arms, she stood next to Luke. "This is Lukey. Mikey and Lukey don't seem to like being around each other very much. Shall we force them to become," she pretended her hands were exploding and did a weird dance, "fRiEnDs?" And honestly, I don't understand how she has friends.
"Wow, thanks, brat," she said sarcastically, whilst running her hands through her hair. "Y'all are fucking dipshits." Her voice faded as she walked away from the group.
As Jadyn left, Calum and Luke started talking about something I wasn't paying attention to, but it made me upset that 1. My enemy was talking to my lover and 2. I wasn't invited into the conversation, even though I had no right to be jealous, and 3. All that ran through my head was Mine mine mine.
Thinking this worried me. What worried me even more was the fact that I didn't know which two of them I was talking about.
Because that's when I remembered. I know Luke.
I'm sorry for putting a lot of Jadyn and Cal, and not enough Muke. It won't always be like that, I promise. It'll also get longer (not as long as my dick though, sorry). I thought this introduced Michael's two main friends more. I don't know.
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