The idiot's lantern
(Effie's 50's style outfit)
Blue- sad
Red- Angry
Green- Disgust/ill
Rainbow- Happy
Neutral- Purple
Fear- Orange
Embarrassed- Pink
Surprise- Yellow
Hatred - Black
Pain- White
Since we left the parallel world I hadn't left my room, I was still freaked out by that freakish power I seemed to have. I was also upset at finding out Mickey had decided to stay in that world, I had begun to see Mickey as an older brother so it hurt that he would want to leave us. It just seemed that whenever I started to care for someone they ended up leaving, dying or getting hurt. I didn't stay in my room the same length as I did for Reinette, mainly because after the second day I was slumped at my desk lazily drawing in my notebook when I heard the door open.
"Come on Effie, you are not staying in here again" I just moaned in response to Rose's statement unable to say anything. "Look, I can't understand what your going through with this power but you know both me and the Doctor are here for you"
"Yeh but for how long?" I muttered under my breath. I had spoken quiet enough that Rose hadn't heard me.
"The Doctor says he is taking us somewhere you'll like to cheer you up" I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Wear 50's style clothes" With that hint I raised my eyebrow but raised my head from my hand and got up to my wardrobe and put on my outfit. When I entered the console room the Doctor sent my comforting smile and I shot him a reassuring one back. We soon arrived and Rose and myself left the TARDIS, Rose was wearing a pair of pink high heels a pink dress and a denim jacket she also had a pair of pink sunglasses in her hand. As we stood outside Rose yelled inside the TARDIS to the Doctor. "I thought we'd be going for the Vegas era, you know the white flares and the, grr, chest hair." The Doctor poked his head out of the door his hair in a Teddy boy quiff making me smirk at the sight.
"You are kidding, aren't you? You want to see Elvis, you go for the late fifties. The time before burgers. When they called him the Pelvis and he still had a waist. What's more, you see him in style." My eyes widen slightly at seeing the Doctor riding a scooter out of the TARDIS. He puts on a pair of shades and a white crash helmet. "You going my way, doll?" He asks Rose making me roll my eyes, they were so into each other.
"Is there any other way to go, daddy-o? Straight from the fridge, man." I began to cringe at the two.
"Please, please, to much cringe" I moaned holding my head. This made the two chuckle.
"Oh well, me, mum, Cliff Richard movies every Bank Holiday Monday." Rose gets on the scooter and puts on a pink crash helmet and I just fit behind her and just hold onto her.
"Ah, Cliff. I knew your mother'd be a Cliff fan." My grip tightens slightly as we set off. We ride down the streets before I actually wonder where the Doctor brought us to apparently cheer me up.
"Doctor, where are we actually going to?" I ask from the back.
"Ed Sullivan TV Studios. Elvis did Hound Dog on one of the shows. There were loads of complaints. Bit of luck, we'll just catch it." My eyes widen and turn rainbow but yellow dominating it more so at the surprise. I had loved some of Elvis's songs especially Hound Dog.
"And that'll be TV studios in, what, New York?" Rose asks.
"That's the one." The Doctor said nodding. My brow furrowed at the sight of a red London bus as it drives past the end of a road. We stop next to a red post box I look up to the top of the buildings and see lots of Union Flag bunting.
"Ha! Digging that New York vibe." Rose laughed.
"Well, this could still be New York. I mean, this looks very New York to me. Sort of Londony New York, mind." The Doctor says trying to defend himself, I chuckle at this.
"Why does this seem to keep happening to you Doctor?" This just made his shake his head and give me a playful eye roll.
"What are all the flags for?" Rose asks. I noticed a man delivering what seemed to be a television to someone.
"Why don't we go and ask him?" I said making the other two look. We arrive to the old looking man as he finishes his business.
"There you go, sir, all wired up for the great occasion."
"The great occasion? What do you mean?" The Doctor asks.
"Where've you been living, out in the Colonies? Coronation, of course." The man said giving us a incredulous look.
"What Coronation's that then?"
"What do you mean? The Coronation."
"It's the Queen's. Queen Elizabeth." Rose informed the Doctor making me realise he definitely got the date wrong.
"Oh! Is this 1953?" The Doctor exclaimed.
"Last time I looked. Time for a lovely bit of pomp and circumstance, what we do best." I smiled at this actually agreeing with him.
"Look at all the TV aerials. Looks like everyone's got one. That's weird. My nan said tellies were so rare they all had to pile into one house." Rose pointed out making me thrown in confusion.
"Not around here, love. Magpie's Marvellous Tellies, only five quid a pop."
"Oh, but this is a brilliant year. Classic! Technicolour, Everest climbed, everything off the ration. The nation throwing off the shadows of war and looking forward to a happier, brighter future." This made me smile until we heard a woman yelling down the street.
"Someone help me, please! Ted!" We look to each other before running to see two burly men in black suits bundle a person in the back of a car with a blanket over his head. "Leave him alone! He's my husband! Please."
"What's going on?" The Doctor asks.
"Oi, what are you doing?" At the sound of a new voice I turned my head and instantly froze my eyes turning a deep pink. A teen boy about my age, well if I was human, with brown hair stood looking towards the police man.
"Police business. Now, get out of the way, sir." The police man said pushing past the teen.
"Who did they take? Do you know him?" Rose asked the boy.
"Must be Mister Gallagher." The boy answered, when he spoke my heart skipped a beat but it almost stopped when he finally looked at me making me quickly look away, unbeknown to me Rose seeing me doing this and my eye colour making her smirk. The car that had the police in began to drive away. "It's happening all over the place. They're turning into monsters." Despite my eyes still being pink I raised my eyebrow at this.
"Tommy! Not one word! Get inside now!" A man standing in a doorway yelled to Tommy.
"Sorry. I'd better do as he says" Tommy looked to me again before turning to leave. I watched as he entered the house and closed the door.
"Effie, come on" The Doctor's voice snapping me out of my trance as I quickly hopped on the moped. "All aboard!" As we sped through the roads my eyes turned green as we took sharp turns and bends. Until we came to a stop in a small market area. "Lost them. How'd they get away from us?"
"Surprised they didn't turn back and arrest you for reckless driving. Have you actually passed your test?" Rose asks raising her eyebrow but he didn't answer.
"Men in black? Vanishing police cars? This is Churchill's England, not Stalin's Russia."
"Monsters, that boy said. Maybe we should go and ask the neighbours." My eyes widen at this I can't lie I kinda wanted to see him again but I didn't want to get attached to him if he was just going to die like everyone else. As I was in my thoughts I nearly fell off as the Doctor turned the scooter around and sped back to the house. When we got to the house I almost felt nervous hoping it didn't show in my eyes. When the door finally opened the Doctor and Rose in unison spoke with cheery voices.
"Who are you, then?" The man who had yelled at Tommy earlier asked, quite rudely.
"Let's see, then. Judging by the look of you, family man, nice house, decent wage, fought in the war," The Doctor muttered before pulling out his psychic paper and held it out to the man. "therefore I represent Queen and country. Just doing a little check of Her forthcoming Majesty's subjects before the great day. Don't mind if I come in? Nah, I didn't think you did. Thank you." With that we all pushed our way into the building as we entered the living room my eyes turned pink again seeing Tommy, despite me trying to change them to purple. "Not bad. Very nice. Very well kept. I'd like to congratulate you, Mrs?"
"Connolly." The woman answered.
"Now then, Rita. I can handle this. This gentleman's a proper representative. Don't mind the wife, she rattles on a bit." I glared at the man my eyes having a bit of green mixed with red at the disgusting man.
"Well, maybe she should rattle on a bit more. I'm not convinced you're doing your patriotic duty. Nice flags. Why are they not flying?" The Doctor asked.
"There we are Rita, I told you, Get them up. Queen and country." The man began to bark at his wife.
"I'm sorry." The woman began to apologise.
"Get it done. Do it now."
"Hold on a minute." The Doctor tried to intervene.
"Like the gentleman says."
"Hold on a minute. You've got hands, Mister Connolly. Two big hands. So why is that your wife's job?"
"Well, it's housework, innit?" I scoffed at this.
"And that's a woman's job?" I asked in disgust towards the man.
"Of course it is." He said glaring at me slightly. Before I could argue even more with him the Doctor spoke up.
"Mister Connolly, what gender is the Queen?"
"She's a female."
"And are you suggesting the Queen does the housework?"
"No. Not at all."
"Then get busy." He finishes handing the union flag bunting to Mr Connolly making me smirk.
"Right. Yes, sir. You'll be proud of us, sir. We'll have Union Jacks left, right and centre."
"Excuse me, Mister Connolly. Hang on a minute. Union Jacks?" Rose interjected.
"Yes, that's right, isn't it?"
"That's the Union Flag. It's the Union Jack only when it's flown at sea." I raise my eyebrow at hearing this fact from Rose.
"Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, I do apologise."
"Well, don't get it wrong again, there's a good man. Now get to it!"
"Right then! Nice and comfy, at Her Majesty's leisure. Union Flag?" The Doctor asked the last bit towards Rose as they sat on the sofa, I just so happened to sit next to Tommy after Rose placed me in front of her next to him, I smiled gently towards him, knowing my eyes were dark pink by now. "Anyway, I'm the Doctor and this is Rose and Effie, and you are?"
"Well, sit yourself down, Tommy. Have a look at this. I love telly, don't you?" The Doctor asks.
"Yeah, I think it's brilliant." He then looks down and looks at my eyes. "Are your eyes pink?" I look down quickly embarrassed but nodded.
"Y-yeh, they are kinda" I wondered what he was going to say.
"That's kinda cut- I mean cool, kinda cool" I look to him quickly feeling my eyes deepen in colour as I felt Rose gently nudge me.
"Keep working, Mister C! Now, why don't you tell me what's wrong?" The Doctor said seriously towards Mrs Connolly.
"Did you say you were a doctor?" The woman asks.
"Yes, I am."
"Can you help her? Oh please, can you help her, Doctor?" The woman asked on the verge of tears.
"Now then, Rita. I don't think the gentleman needs to know" The man interrupts but the Doctor doesn't even look to him.
"No, the gentleman does."
"Tell us what's wrong, and we can help." Rose says as the woman then bursts into tears making Rose go over to her and comfort her. "I'm sorry. It's all right. Come here. It's okay."
"Hold on a minute. Queen and country's one thing, but this is my house! What the?" The man throws the bunting on the ground I could see the anger rising in him making me slink down, memories of my old foster homes rising. "What the hell am I doing? Now you listen here, Doctor. You may have fancy qualifications, but what goes on under my roof is my business."
"A lot of people are being bundled into-" The Doctor started before Mr Connolly interrupted.
"I am talking!" This made me jump back my eyes turning orange before I felt a hand on mine, I looked down and saw Tommy's hand on mine as he slightly glared at this dad.
"And I'm not listening! Now you, Mister Connolly, you are staring into a deep, dark pit of trouble if you don't let me help. So I'm ordering you, sir! Tell me what's going on!" At this point we heard thumping from upstairs.
"She won't stop. She never stops." Mr Connolly says fear in his eyes.
"We started hearing stories, all round the place. People who've changed. Families keeping it secret because they were scared. Then the police started finding out. We don't know how, no one does. They just turn up, come to the door and take them, any time of the day or night." Tommy speaks up still holding my hand comfortingly, the Doctor notices but just carries on knowing this wasn't the time to mention it.
"Show me." Tommy led us upstairs to a closed door as he opens it I notice that the room is pitch black as we enter.
"Gran? It's Tommy. It's all right, Gran. I've brought help." He turns the light on and my eyes turn yellow and widen in shock, in front of us is an old woman with no eyes, nose or mouth.
"Her face is completely gone." The Doctor mutters walking up to her. "Scarcely an electrical impulse left. Almost complete neural shutdown. She's ticking over. It's like her brain has been wiped clean."
"What're we going to do, Doctor? We can't even feed her." I placed a hand on Tommy and unconsciously sent him a calming feeling to make him feeling better making him jump slightly and look down to me, making me look down shyly. Suddenly, the downstairs door was broken down.
"We've got company" Rose says urgently.
"It's them. They've come for her!" The woman said frantically.
"Quickly. What was she doing before this happened? Where was she? Tell me. Quickly, think!" The Doctor asks as he grabs Tommy's shoulders.
"I can't think! She doesn't leave the house! She was just-" Before Tommy could answer the burly men from before burst in making the Doctor back up towards the old woman.
"Hold on a minute. There are three important, brilliant, and complicated reasons why you should listen to me. One-" Suddenly the burly man punched the Doctor in the face.
"Doctor!" Both me and Rose yell going over to him. I start to lightly slap his face trying to wake him up. As Rose leans over him the Doctor suddenly sits up, nearly giving Rose a Glasgow kiss.
"Ah, hell of a right hook. Have to watch out for that." I follow after the Doctor as we pushed past the Connolly family, as I look to Tommy I quickly talk to him.
"Don't worry, Tommy, we're gonna help your gran" This made him smile, which in turn made my heart skip a beat. I climbed on the scooter behind the Doctor as he yelled for Rose.
"Rose, come on!" She was taking forever leaving the house. "Rose, we're going to lose them again!" He sighed before he started the engine up.
"What about Rose?" I asked him.
"Don't worry she'll be fine" I quickly grabbed him as we sped off. We ended up seeing the back of the car enter a secret entrance in the Market stall. "Oh, very good. Very good." We get off the scooter and he uses the sonic screwdriver to open a small door in the big gates. In the yards, we see the two burly men padlock a wire door and walk off. We go towards it and the Doctor unlocks it, upon entering it I gasp softly at the sight of a large group of blank people, who are occasionally clenching their fists. I jump in fright as a pair of searchlights hit me and the Doctor.
"Stay where you are." The burly men had sat me and the Doctor down in an office in front of the office who had spoken to Tommy earlier. "Start from the beginning. Tell me everything you know."
"Well, for starters, I know you can't wrap your hand around your elbow and make your fingers meet." I raised my eyebrow at this.
"Is that true?" I asked before trying it, huh what do you know, that is true.
"Don't get clever with me. You were there today at Florizel Street, and now breaking into this establishment. Now you two connected with this. Make no mistake." The man said.
"Well, the thing is, Detective Inspector Bishop."
"How do you know my name?" Bishop asked.
"It's written inside your collar. Bless your mum." Bishop sheepishly tucked his collar in as I chuckled. "But I can't help thinking, Detective Inspector, you're not exactly doing much detective inspecting, are you?"
"I'm doing everything in my power." He argued.
"All you're doing is grabbing those faceless people and hiding them as fast as you can. Don't tell me orders from above, hmm? Coronation Day. The eyes of the world are on London Town so any sort of problem just gets swept out of sight."
"The nation has an imagine to maintain."
"But doesn't it drive you mad, doing nothing? Don't you want to get out there and investigate?"
"Of course I do. But, with all the crowds expected, we haven't got the man power. Even if we did, this is beyond anything we've ever seen. I just don't know anymore. Twenty years on the force, I don't even know where to start. We haven't the faintest clue what's going on."
"Well, that could change."
"Start from the beginning. Tell me everything you know." I chuckled at this sudden turn of the tables. Bishop brought out everything they knew and we looked over everything on the table.
"We started finding them about a month ago. Persons left sans visage. Heads just blank."
"Is there any sort of pattern?" I asked looking towards him.
"Yes, spreading out from North London. All over the city. Men, women, kids, grannies. The only real lead is there's been quite a large number in-"
"Florizel Street." The Doctor inputted.
"Found another one, sir." One of the large men said bringing in another person but at the sight of the pink skirt my heart stopped, no ,no, no, why?! Why does this keep happening?!
"Rose." The Doctor muttered.
"You know her?" Bishop asked.
"Know her? She-" The Doctor couldn't even finish his sentence, I knew they were close and this was killing him seeing her like this. I placed a hand on his arm comfortingly even as tears pricked my eyes.
"They found her in the street, apparently, over by the Square, abandoned." My eyes turned red at hearing this.
"That's unusual. That's the first one out in the open. Heaven help us if something happens in public tomorrow for the big day. We'll have Torchwood on our backs then, make no mistake."
"They did what?" I asked anger in my voice.
"I'm sorry?" Bishop asks.
"They left her where?" I hissed my eyes turning more and more red.
"Just in the street."
"In the street. They left her in the street. They took her face and just chucked her out and left her in the street. And as a result, that makes things simple. Very, very simple. Do you know why?" I hissed getting angrier and angrier the Doctor placing a hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down.
"Because now, Detective Inspector Bishop, there is no power on this Earth that can stop me. Come on!" I said storming out, followed by the others. The Doctor grabbed my hand.
"Effie, I know your angry, I am but we have to have a level head if we are talking to civilians." I glared slightly.
"I'm sick and tired of the loved ones in my life getting hurt and I can't do anything to help them!" I said the black smoke starting to come out of my eyes.
"Effie, you need to calm down, before someone gets hurt" I then see the smoke and gasp shaking slightly before taking a few deep breaths.
"I'm sorry, I'm just tired of people leaving" I said before he pulled me into a hug.
"Don't worry we're going to get Rose back" I smiled softly before following him and Bishop back to Tommy's house, where the Doctor knocked on the door. Tommy, opened the door and looked slightly surprised to see us.
"Tommy, talk to me. I need to know exactly what happened inside your house." The Doctor asks seriously as Tommy shuts the door behind him.
"What the blazes do you think you're doing?" Tommy's dad hissed pulling the door back open.
"I want to help, dad."
"Mister Connolly-" I speak up in the most calm voice I could muster at this point.
"Shut your face, you, whoever you are. We can handle this ourselves." The man hissed at me making me jump back slightly.
"Don't talk to her like that" Tommy quickly spoke up glaring at his father making my eyes turn pink. But Tommy's dad just glared back more intense.
"Listen, you little twerp. You're hardly out of the blooming' cradle, so I don't expect you to understand. But I've got a position to maintain. People round here respect me. It matters what people think."
"Is that why you did it, dad?"
"What do you mean? Did what?"
"You ratted on Gran. How else would the police know where to look, unless some coward told them"
"How dare you!" He yelled making Tommy slink back into the doorway. "Do you think I fought a war just so a mouthy little scum like you could call me a coward?" Tommy swallowed the lump in his throat and stood taller.
"You don't get it, do you? You fought against fascism, remember? People telling you how to live, who you could be friends with, who you could fall in love with, who could live and who had to die. Don't you get it? You were fighting so that little twerps like me could do what we want, say what we want. Now you've become just like them. You've been informing on everyone, haven't you? Even Gran. All to protect your precious reputation." I couldn't help but smile at Tommy, slightly wishing I could of been that brave with my foster parents and told them what I thought.
"Eddie is that true?" Tommy's mum asked entering from behind the door.
"I did it for us, Rita. She was filthy. A filthy, disgusting thing!" My eyes widen at the mans sudden outburst.
"She's my mother. All the others you informed on, all the people in our street, our friends."
"I had to. I, I did the right thing."
"The right thing for us or for you, Eddie?" She then looks to her son. "You go, Tommy. Go with the Doctor and Effie and do some good. Get away from this house, it's poison. We had a ruddy monster under this roof, all right, but it weren't my mother!" With that Rita slams the door in Eddie's face as he yells after her.
"Tommy?" I say offering my hand he takes it and I pull him over to Bishop, the Doctor following us. Around us people are setting up tables for the street party as the Doctor turns to Tommy he asks him.
"Tommy, tell me about that night. The night she changed."
"She was just watching the telly."
"Rose said it. She guessed it straight away. Of course she did." He said running his hand through his hair. "All these aerials in one little street. How come?" He asked.
"Bloke up the road, Mister Magpie, he's selling them cheap."
"Is he, now?" Bishop asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Come on!" The Doctor yelled as I absentmindedly grabbed Tommy's hand and ran in his direction. When we got to Magpie's shop the Doctor smashed the door window.
"Here, you can't do that" Bishop tries but the Doctor shoots him a death glare shutting him up.
"Shop! If you're here, come out and talk to me! Magpie!"
"Maybe he's out." Tommy suggested.
"Looks like it" I agreed looking around at all of the televisions. The Doctor pulled out a portable television.
"Um, correct me if I'm wrong but that shouldn't be invented yet, right?" I asked making the Doctor nod.
"Yeah, your right Effie. This isn't right. This is very much not right." He then licks the side of it making me cringe in disgust my eyes turning green. "Tastes like iron. Bakelite. Put together with human hands, yes, but the design itself. Oh, beautiful work. That is so simple."
"That's incredible. It's like a television, but portable. A portable television." Bishop says in amazement. The Doctor raises his sonic screwdriver and in an instant all of the televisions switch to life each with a different face mouthing the words 'help me' again and again.
"Gran?" Tommy asks looking towards an old woman's face, I suddenly see Rose's face and walk up to it instead of mouthing the same word she is mouthing. 'Doctor, Effie'. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look to see the Doctor looking to Rose's face.
"I'm on my way." I hear the door from the back open and my eyes turn red at the sight of Magpie.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"I want my friend restored, and I think that's beyond a little backstreet electrician, so tell me, who's really in charge here?" The Doctor hissed storming up to the man.
"Yoo hoo! I think that must be me." I looked towards one of the televisions with a woman on. "Ooh, this one's smart as paint." She said looking towards me making me take a step back.
"Is she talking to us?" Bishop asked.
"I'm sorry, gentlemen, miss, I'm afraid you've brought this on yourselves. May I introduce you to my new friend." Magpie introduced us.
"Jolly nice to meet you." The woman said with a sickeningly sweet smile.
"Oh my God, it's her, that woman off the telly." Bishop gasped.
"No, it's just using her image." The Doctor corrected making Tommy look to the Doctor and back to the woman asking.
"What? What are you?"
"I'm the Wire, and I will gobble you up, pretty boy. Every last morsel." My eyes turn red and I take a protective step in front of Tommy. "And when I have feasted, I shall regain the corporeal body, which my fellow kind denied me." The black and white image transforms into colour.
"Good Lord. Colour television!" Bishop exclaimed in surprise.
"So your own people tried to stop you?" I asked in amusement making the Wire glare at me.
"They executed me. But I escaped in this form and fled across the stars."
"And now you're trapped in the television." I summed up with a smirk.
"Not for much longer."
"Doctor, is this what got my Gran?" Tommy asked.
"Yes, Tommy. It feeds off the electrical activity of the brain, but it gorges itself like a great overfed pig, taking people's faces, their essences. It stuffs itself."
"And you let her do it, Magpie." Bishop says glaring at Magpie.
"I had to. She allowed me my face. She's promised to release me at the time of manifestation."
"What does that mean?" Tommy asked.
"The appointed time. My crowning glory." My eyes widen in realisation.
"Your going to use the coronation!"
"For the first time in history, millions gathered around a television set. But you're not strong enough yet, are you?" The Doctor asks mockingly. "You can't do it all from here. That's why you need this." He says holding the portable television. "You need something more powerful! This will turn a big transmitter into a big receiver."
"What a clever thing you both are! But why fret about it? Why not just relax? Kick off your shoes and enjoy the Coronation. Believe me, you'll be glued to the screen." In a flash an bright light hit me grabbing onto my face. I felt a burning pain surging through me making me scream in pain. "Hungry! Hungry! The Wire is hungry! Ah, this one is tasty. Oh, I'll have lashings of him! Delicious!" Just when I started to feel like I was fading away I heard fear in the Wire's voice. "Ah! Armed. He's armed and clever. Withdraw! Withdraw!" I suddenly felt my energy come back to me as I slumped to the floor. After a few minutes I felt someone shaking me, quickly opening my eyes I see a worried Tommy gently shaking me.
"Effie, come on you have to wake up" I slowly rubbed my eyes.
"What, did I miss?" Tommy helped me up and we left the shop with the Doctor.
"We don't even know where to start looking. It's too late." Tommy exclaimed slumping his shoulders.
"It's never too late, as a wise person once said. Kylie, I think. The Wire's got big plans. It'll need. Yes, yes, yes, it's got to harvest half the population. Millions and millions of people and where are we?" The Doctor said looking around.
"Muswell Hill." Tommy answers.
"Muswell Hill. Muswell Hill! Which means Alexandra Palace, biggest TV transmitter in North London. Oh, that's why it chose this place. Tommy?" He says looking to us before running back into the shop.
"What are you going to do?" Tommy asks as we follow him.
"We're going shopping." We begin to rummage through the parts until Tommy yells to the Doctor.
"Is this what you want?" He lifts up a large valve making the Doctor nod.
"Perfect! Right, I need one more thing." He hands me and Tommy a collection of parts and runs outside we follow him back to the TARDIS and wait outside until he runs back out. "Got it. Let's go." We run all the way to the control room in Alexandra Palace, I fell back a few times but all in all I managed to keep up with the two fairly well. Once, I held Tommy and the Doctor set up everything he turns to us. "Keep this switched on. Don't let anyone stop either of you two. Everything depends on it. You understand?" We both nod as he exits taking a coil of copper wire. We keep maintain the device when suddenly the valve blows up we look to each other as I start looking around for a spare part.
"Effie, catch!" I turn to Tommy as he throws me a replacement valve I grab it mid-air and replace it. I take a deep breath as a red electricity goes into the device. Tommy joins me by the screens as the national anthem starts.
"What have I missed?" We both turn to see the Doctor.
"Doctor!" We both exclaimed.
"What happened?" Tommy asks.
"Sorted. Electrical creature, TV technology, clever alien life form. That's me by the way. I turned the receiver back into a transmitter and I trapped the Wire in here." The Doctor answered as he pulled out a VCR. "I just invented the home video thirty years early. Betamax. Oh, look. God save the Queen, eh?" We smiled as we watched the coronation of the Queen. Once, it had finished packing away everything we walked Tommy back to the yard where his gran was being kept.
"Oh, it's my grandson, Oh, son!" His gran yells as Tommy runs towards her hugging her as I see Rose. I run to her and hug her the Doctor joining us in a group hug.
The three of us walk down the street the party in full swing, as we walked we just talked, Rose speaking up.
"We could go down the Mall, join in with the crowds." Rose suggests.
"Nah, that's just pomp and circumstance. This is history right here." The Doctor says with a smile.
"The domestic approach." Rose says with a smirk.
"Will it, that thing, is it trapped for good on video?"
"Hope so. Just to be on the safe side though, I'll use my unrivalled knowledge of transtemporal extirpation methods to neutralise the residual electronic pattern." Even I give him a confused look at this.
"You what?" I asked confused making him smirk.
"I'm going to tape over it." I roll my eyes at this.
"You could of just said that"
"Just leave it to me. I'm always doing that." Rose says with a smile. My eyes turn pink again as Tommy walks up to us, smiling and leans against the table next to me.
"Tell you what, Tommy, you can have the scooter. Little present. Best, er, keep it in the garage for a few years though, eh?" We see Eddie leaving the house in his overcoat with a suitcase.
"Good riddance." Tommy mutters.
"Is that it, then, Tommy? New monarch, new age, new world. No room for a man like Eddie Connolly." The Doctor asks.
"That's right. He deserves it."
"Tommy, go after him." Rose says nudging him.
"What for?"
"He's your dad."
"He's an idiot."
" Of course he is. Like I said, he's your dad. But you're clever. Clever enough to save the world, so don't stop there. Go on." He seems to think for a minute before turning to me.
"Effie, will you still be here if I go talk to my dad?" I was stunned for a second but then nodded.
"Ye-yeah I'll still be here" This made him smile before he ran after his dad. Once he disappeared around the corner Rose turned to me handing me a drink. As I began to drink she spoke up.
"So the pink eyes again?" I nearly chocked on my drink.
"Wh-what do you mean?" I stuttered.
"Effie, the last time you had pink eyes, it was with Reinette" I looked down blushing. "Both me and the Doctor know what this means." I sighed.
"I know but, I can't do much about it I know that we were born in the wrong decade, plus he has to stay here"
"Who says that?" The Doctor says speaking up.
"Wait, are you saying he can come with us?" I ask getting a bit excited.
"As long as he wants to, but Effie, maybe just see where this goes, I don't want you to fall head over heels like last time just to get your heart broken" I nodded and agreed. As the night went on Tommy came back looking a bit angry. He explained how his dad had basically said he didn't want anything to do with him. Once, I had calmed Tommy down I asked him about travelling with us which he was surprised by.
"I'd love to come but, what about my mum"
"Don't worry about that Tommy" We look back to see Tommy's mum behind us. "Like, I told you before go do some good with the Doctor and Effie" Tommy hugged his mum tightly before they went to his house to pack some things, once they had done their farewells I showed him around the TARDIS and had explained why my eyes change colour which he thought was interesting. That night as I laid on my bed the sight of the amulet from my mum caught my eye making me smile as my eyes turn pink.
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