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I mindlessly play with Harry's hair as his head lays in my lap, his green orbs never leaving mine.
"Did you make any money while gambling?" I bite my lip and avoid eye contact.
I feel him shrug against my legs. "Not really."
My eyes desperately look for something to fixate on. We're having the college talk and I can't seem to spit it out. He expectantly looks at me, wanting to end the tension.
"So," I wring my hand through his curls. "About the future..."
"What about it?"
"So, I got into college." I anxiously wait for his reaction. He sits up, nearly hitting me in the face. A huge smile covers his face. He pulls me into a tight hug, rocking back and forth.
"Congrats! Why didn't you tell me before? Where?"
I'm overwhelmed by his reaction and questions. I freeze for a minute, processing. "Wait, you're happy?"
He pulls away, matching my bewildered expression. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Uh," I think about it. Why wouldn't he be? "The distance I guess? I don't know."
He chuckles, pulling me into another hug. "Baby, we've done distance before. What school?"
"University of Florida," I squeeze out in breaths. He realizes he's hugging me to death and loosens his grip.
"Sorry," he sheepishly apologizes. "Wow, I have no idea what that is, but I'm so happy!"
I laugh. Of course he doesn't. It isn't an Ivy league or mainstream school, but it's one of the best in Florida. "It's about two hours from here."
"Two hours? That's nothing! Oh gosh, I'm so proud of you. Look at my little scholar." He playfully pinches my cheek and I groan, swatting his hand away. "I have to tell everyone!" He slides off the bed and pulls out his phone, no doubt to brag about me.
Part of me is glad he took it so well. Why was I even worried in the first place? All those small doubts have disappeared.
I lay on the bed in absolute bliss. My life can't be more perfect. I have my soulmate, the man of my dreams. I'm going to college to make a better life for myself. Sure, there are some wrinkles here and there, but overall I'm content.
I hear glimpses of Harry's conversations. "Yeah, dude, one of the top schools in Florida! She's so fucking smart." I wonder who he's talking to, but I don't ask. I find myself sporting a silly grin, unable to hide my happiness at his compliments. He glances at me and smiles before focusing on his phone call again.
I slip out of the bedroom. I suck at compliments. He doesn't even notice, so focused on telling ALL of his friends.
Audrey smiles at me as I enter the kitchen. I grab an orange and sit beside her at the table. My hands anxiously peel the fruit.
"Are you okay?" Her vision is focused on my hands and the way I'm barbarically tearing the poor fruit apart.
I nod, momentarily putting the orange down. "Yeah, I told him about UF."
"How'd he take it?"
"Pretty well actually. Now I feel dumb for waiting so long to tell him."
Audrey smugly smiles, knowing she was right. She urged me to tell him, but I was way too chicken to, avoiding confrontation at all costs.
I let out a long sigh and resume peeling my orange.
"What's wrong?"
I momentarily debate telling her. I've already burdened her with all my problems. Then again, it seems unfair to keep her on edge.
"Does your life ever feel so perfect that you think it's too good to be true? Like it'll all come crumbling down?"
Her eyes are sympathetic. "Ellie, I think your life is so fucked up sometimes that you can't believe good things happen to you." She places a hand on top of mine as a reassuring gesture. "Stop being paranoid, okay?" She pulls her hand away and I notice she steals one of my slices.
Her words make sense, but I can't help the anxiety bubbling in my gut.
An ear-piercing shrill wakes me up from my slumber. A body stirs next to me, showing his definite annoyance. I sit up and search under my pillow for the noise. Once it's in my hand, I put the phone to my ear and yawn into the microphone.
"Ellie? Is that you?"
"Yes, mom." I don't even try to hide my annoyance. Who else would it even be?
She doesn't speak for a minute, but I hear a lot of background noise on her end. After a pause, the interference is gone. "Sorry, I was just stepping out. I need you to do me a big favor. Can you please pick up your sister from her cheer practice tonight? It ends at five."
"Why can't you?" I attempt to rub the sleep out of my eyes. The clock on my bedside table reads 9:08, meaning it's a decent hour to wake up.
My mom tsks on her side. "I'm working and her friend's mom ran into an emergency so she can't pick her up. Please? Take Audrey or Drew."
"And why can't she walk?" It's a cruel question. The school is pretty far in terms of walking. I always rode the bus or got a ride from Audrey.
My tone makes my mom snap. "Listen, all I'm asking for is a little help. It's the least you can do after living under my roof for eighteen years."
"Fine," I sigh. "I'll do it."
I can practically envision my mom's smile. "Perfect. Okay, I have to go. I love you!" She hangs up the phone before I can respond.
After the disturbance, I'm unable to sleep. I roll out of bed and give a harsh glare to the sleeping boy. How come his peace wasn't disturbed?
I debate going on a run. I usually prefer to go around sunrise, but there's no harm in going now. The weather is not too hot yet, so I'll beat the heat.
Before I can talk myself out of it, I change into athleisure. I lace up my running shoes and quietly escape out the front door, not even bothering to lock it.
My feet pounding against the concrete gives me a sense of peace. I never knew I'd miss the sound of running. I don't even wear headphones today, completely immersed in my surroundings.
The cafe comes into view and I walk in casually. Only one head snaps toward me and I'm not met with a usual smile. Instead, Noah's sporting a frown.
"Hey, you," I cautiously laugh. He's definitely mad at me and I can't pinpoint the reason.
He narrows his eyes at me before heading to the backroom. His coworker, whose name I forgot, greets me at the register. She doesn't even ask me what I want. She's the one who makes the superior coffee, so I'm selfishly glad Noah's being curt with me.
She awkwardly inputs my order in the register. "Um, I know he doesn't usually charge you for it."
"Oh, please." I pull out my wallet and slide her a ten-dollar bill. "Here, and keep the change," I say it loud enough for Noah to maybe hear. When he doesn't saunter out the backroom, I sigh. "Do you know what's gotten into him?"
She shrugs apologetically. I smile anyway and take a seat at my usual spot. She quietly slips me my cup and goes to attend another customer. I put my head down on the counter. My head hurts from the lack of sleep and my ringtone keeps playing in my ear.
No wait, my phone's actually ringing.
I lift my head up and slip the device out of my pocket. Whoever invented leggings with pockets is a definite Godsend.
Harry's name and picture flashes on the screen. I was sure he'd be asleep still.
"Yello," I chirp into the phone, cringing as I do. Who says that anymore?
It's amusing to Harry though. He chuckles through the phone and asks me where I am. I let him know I went for a jog and am currently at the coffee shop.
I know he doesn't like me hanging around Noah, but he's clearly not a threat, so I ignore his "orders" or whatever.
"Ellie Marsh, you son of a bitch!"
I awkwardly laugh. "Uh, Harry, I'm gonna have to call you back. Bye!" I hang up before he can protest.
Noah slaps a crisp $10 bill right in front of me. "What's this?"
"Money? Jeez, Noah, you'd think you'd know what that is considering you work at a store."
He doesn't appreciate my humor. "I'm just a little confused as to why your money is sitting in my cash register."
I knew Noah wouldn't be happy that I paid, but I thought his stubbornness would win him over. I figured he wouldn't talk to me.
"Did she make you pay?" He gestures to his nameless coworker, who seems to be oblivious to this mess. "I swear to God..."
"No," I snort. "Noah, I paid myself, okay? I didn't realize you'd be so offended."
"Yeah, I am." He sends me a wicked glare. "Ellie Belly, I don't want your money. Please, it literally offends me when you pay."
What is up with everyone hating when I spend my own money?
I soften a little. "I'm sorry. You were mad at me! What was I supposed to do? Besides, I felt weird not paying."
"Don't mind her, she knows you don't, okay? Just don't do it again."
"Yes sir," I mock salute. "Why are you mad anyway?"
He gives me a look of disbelief. "You're joking... I told you I get worried when you don't show up for more than two days!"
"Noah," I sigh. "You worry too much. I'm not putting myself in any form of danger, okay?"
He opens his mouth to argue back but shuts it and redirects his attention to the door. The chime indicates that someone entered. I turn around, seeing what piqued his interest so much that he had to stop mid-thought.
A posh woman enters, exuding powerful energy around her. She lifts up her sunglasses and rests them on top of her blond pixie cut. Her eyes scan the cafe until they focus behind me. I turn around to see Noah, bright red. He looks like he's ready to run.
"Who's..." I begin, but am interrupted.
"Noah!" The lady approaches us - well Noah - and stops directly behind the counter. "How are you? Glad to see this place is busy as ever."
I awkwardly sit between them. I don't know who this woman is, but I can't imagine the conversation they're about to have. Noah's hesitant reaction is enough to tell me this woman's appearance is unexpected, and probably not wanted.
"Hey mother," he says between clenched teeth. My eyes widen at the realization. His mom!
Suddenly, the moment feels too intimate to be a part of.
She takes a seat at the stool next to me and places her handbag on the counter. The other barista stares at her in shock. His mom snaps her fingers to get her attention. "One mocha please."
The barista snaps out of her trance and quickly begins making the drink.
"What a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here?" Noah redirects her attention to him. He strains to get the words out and his body is tense.
She smiles, but it isn't motherly at all. More professional, like she's speaking to coworkers or clients. It has a sense of professionalism around it that's disturbing to show your own son. "Just thought I'd stop by and see the progress of this place. I can't believe it's still running." She laughs, but in a mocking tone.
I remember Noah telling me a little bit about his family. Just like Audrey's, his is loaded. However, they aren't the most caring people. They started this cafe as a pet project, and later advanced to bigger businesses. They were gonna close this place down, but Noah practically had to beg them to keep it open.
From her tone, it seems like she doubts her son's abilities. I glance over to Noah. He has a hurt look on his face, but he quickly masks it.
"Ha ha, yup! Running smoothly as ever," he says awkwardly.
His mom glances in my direction. "And who's this young lady?"
I'm about to tell her I'm just a customer when Noah pipes in. "This is my girlfriend." My eyes go wide in disbelief. He shoots me a silencing look and smiles at his mother. "Mother, meet Ellie. Ellie, this is my mother."
She doesn't hesitate in giving me a look of disgust. I take offense, but keep my mouth shut out of respect. "That's good. I'm pretty sure the Porter's were starting to think you're gay."
My jaw unhinges in shock. How could she say that so blatantly to her son? Besides, what's wrong with being gay?!
"Welp, I'm not." Irritation is clear in his voice, but his mom doesn't take the hint. "Oh, here's your mocha. Hope you don't mind it's to-go." I'm sure that was done on purpose.
"Yes, well, I can't stay long anyway. I just came to give you an invite since you haven't been answering our calls. We're having our anniversary party this Saturday. You need to be there." She carefully stands up and balances her bag and coffee. "Oh, and bring her too." Her eyes give me a once over before returning to her son. She gives him a smile and then walks out the cafe as quickly as she came.
"Wow... she's..." I choose my words very carefully. I know Noah doesn't like his parents, but I don't want to offend him.
"Intense? Yeah." He relaxes and walks around the counter. He sits in the same seat she occupied moments earlier and sighs. "Ellie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, it just slipped out."
A small laugh escapes my lips. "I don't know why you would. She obviously hates me already. Probably not the best candidate to be your girlfriend."
"She has opinions. A lot of them. She always judges the girls I bring home, so I simply stopped."
"Oh gee, she sounds delightful."
"A real ray of sunshine." He scowls at the counter, obviously deep in thought. "You don't have to if you don't want."
"And not get the chance to prove the Porters wrong? You're insane," I grin. He looks up at me, shock covering his face.
"You'd really pretend to be my girlfriend and put up with hundreds of snobby people?"
I playfully nudge his shoulder. "Of course. Believe it or not, I have a lot of experience in fake dating." He gives me a look but I don't elaborate further. "Just text me the details."
"Uh, what about your boyfriend?"
I grimace. I totally forgot about him. "Don't worry, I'll explain it to him." Noah nods, but I can't help but picture him with a black eye. Hopefully, it doesn't get to that point. Hopefully.
"Shit Ellie, you're a great friend."
I stand up and gather my things. "I know, I know. Now watch me be a great girlfriend too." I wink at him, earning a huge smile.
"You amaze me," he says as I leave. I laugh, loving how highly he thinks of me.
I check the time as I jog back home. There's still plenty of time until I have to pick up Lily from school. Sighing, I open the door and head straight for the shower. I peel the sweaty clothes off my skin and toss them on the floor.
The hot water feels amazing and I decide to wash my hair, just to extend my shower.
I wrap myself in my towel and step into the bedroom. Harry glances up from his phone, his brows raised and eyes wild. I find myself blushing, realizing I'm only in a towel in front of him.
I cover my embarrassment with the only way I know how: humor. "A picture would last longer," I say lamely. He smirks, not taking his eyes off me.
Annoyed, I grab my clothes out of the dresser and lock myself in the closet to change. He sighs and yells, "I've seen you naked before, what's different now?"
He scoffs but doesn't say anything else. I quickly change into jeans and a sweatshirt then use my towel to wrap my damp hair up.
"You're ridiculous," he laughs, standing behind me as I walk out. His arms wrap around my waist and he rests his head on my shoulder. "What's the plan for today?"
"Oh, I have to pick up Lily after her cheer practice today." I turn around in his arms to face him.
"That'll be fun. What time should we leave by?"
"We?" I snort. He looks offended by my reaction and I realize he's being serious. "You really wanna go to a high school? With teenagers?"
"Well, it would be after school, right? Not many people would be there."
I contemplate actually taking him. He has a point. The only people who'd be there would be for sports and it's easy to avoid them.
This could work.
"Okay," I smile. "You can actually go inside a real high school for once."
He pulls away from me. "Hey! I went to high school!"
"For how long buddy?"
He narrows his eyes at me but doesn't say anything else, proving my point. I smugly smile and pat him on the chest.
"I'll even show you around." I pull my hair out of the towel and move to my vanity. I start my hair routine, spraying and brushing it. I'm fully aware how close he is to me, but I act like my nerves aren't on overdrive.
My phone chimes and I get up to grab it, but Harry nonchalantly picks it up and hands it to me. Noah's name flashes across my screen and I read his message about the details for the party.
I push the party to the back of my brain. No need to stress about it now.
"You know, we've been spending an awful amount of time together..." I brush out my hair, wincing every time I hit a knot.
"Are you kicking me out?" I see his reflection put his hand over his heart in mock hurt.
I grin and put the brush down. My legs carry me over to him and I pull him into a tight hug. My head rests on his chest. "No. I just think it's a little suspicious, no? You haven't even mentioned going back."
Still in the embrace, he pulls me onto the bed. I sit in his lap, watching his expression carefully. "I have been putting it off."
"Why?" I furrow my brows. I had no idea he's not supposed to be here right now.
He lets out a long sigh. "Bad things always happen when I leave. Between us, I mean."
I mull over it and decide it's true. "Okay, well, it's always fixable. We've made it up until now," I joke, but I'm not feeling as light-hearted. In fact, his revelation makes me feel like a burden. "You should go. Don't hold back for me."
"But I don't wanna," he childishly whines.
"Let's change the subject," I plead. Just thinking about him leaving causes heavy anxiety, but the idea of me holding him back is somehow worse.
He furrows his brow but doesn't question my change. "You know, we should head out soon. I'm getting cabin fever. Let's eat and then head out?" I nod, grateful for the distraction.
"Are you sure you wanna come inside?" I nervously fiddle with my thumbs. We're parked at my old high school. Maybe it would feel more nostalgic if I was in college by now, but it feels like I've never left.
He reassuringly squeezes my thigh. "Yes, quit worrying. The parking lot is basically empty, there's no one here."
I nod and get out the car. Harry meets me on my side and we link hands. I dramatically take a deep breath before opening the main doors to my old school.
Just as I had expected, the hallways are empty. Not a single soul in sight.
A weight lifts off my shoulders. I drag Harry through my entire senior year schedule, showing him each of the classrooms.
"And this is where my locker is. I can't imagine the poor soul who has it now," I laugh, staring at the blue chipped paint.
"Let's just say I had a bad habit of forgetting my lunch in there. I'm sure it smells as bad as the cafeteria after a food fight."
The school's colors are blander than I thought it would be. It makes sense because not many high schoolers can see color, but I figured they'd make it easier on the eyes for the parents and teachers. If anything, it looks like a very unsaturated scene.
"You're vile," Harry teases. I lean against the lockers, feeling super nostalgic. High school wasn't anything special, but now that I'm gone, I kinda miss it. "You have any boyfriends in high school?"
"Nope," I pop the 'p' sound. "Drew was it, but even then, he didn't go here."
He smirks, approaching closely. I stand flat against the metal, my breathing hitched. "So, no one's ever kissed you against the lockers like this?"
I try to keep my calm, but my knees are week. He hovers in front of me, both arms on either side of my head.
My eyes close as he approaches closer. I feel his breath on my lips and I want nothing more than for him to just kiss me.
A slam is heard, followed by a choir of giggles. I open my eyes, panicked.
"Fuck," I whisper before grabbing his hand. I pull him into the nearest room and close the door behind me. A couple seconds later, the girls can be heard laughing as they walk past the closet. "That was close." I take a minute to steady my breathing.
"A janitor's closet? Very scandalous."
I glance around and realize where we are. It's a small closet mostly filled with cleaning supplies. There's a small window, which is the main source of light.
"So, since you had no high school boyfriends," he stalks me, lust in his eyes. "I guess you haven't experienced his." He backs me into the door. Our foreheads touch, his eyes blazing into mine.
I feel a little giddy inside, like a child. All my wildest fantasies are coming true.
Yes, I've dreamt about making out in a janitor's closet. Blame my Wattpad Fanfic reading days.
His lips finally meet mine and I basically leap into his arms. My legs wrap around his waist and he hoists me up.
I pull away to breathe and he starts kissing my neck. I moan when he reaches my sweet spot.
His lips find mine again. "We can't do this for long," he mumbles.
"Why?" My voice comes out whiney and high-pitched.
He gives me one more longing kiss then breaks away. "If we continue, I'll have to take you on the floor right here."
My face heats up, but with the limited light, I doubt he notices. "Oh."
"Yeah, oh." Amusement is laced in his voice. I unwrap my legs and he gently lets me down. I wipe the invisible dust off my jeans to compose myself.
I check my phone and see the influx of texts from Lily. I gasp and skim through them. "Oh jeez, she's out. We should probably go."
He opens the door and peeks out into the hallway, then gives me the all-clear. We walk out as innocently as we can, but I'm sure anyone can sense we were one second away from a quickie. Good thing there's no one here to judge.
"Do you want to sit in the car or something?" I ask nonchalantly.
"You don't think I should come?"
"I just don't know how gossipy these girls are," I bite my lip. I know we agreed to tell people, but I haven't done a good job on my end. Harry's friends and family know, but a limited amount knows on my side. My mom doesn't even know yet!
He seems a little dejected at my comment.
"You know, fuck it. Why not? In any case, it'll get Lily some clout. She's probably bursting at the seams from hiding it," I quickly add before I can change my mind.
He grins and pulls my hand in his.
I brace myself as we make our way to the football field. To my surprise, most of the girls are gone. Lily and her best friend sit on the bleachers.
Her friend looks up first. Her eyes squint to focus, then her whole reaction changes. Excitement lights her eyes as she violent slaps Lily's arm to get her attention. My sister shoves her away and then looks up to see what the excitement is about.
She keeps her cool as she runs down the bleachers, her friend hot on her trail. "Ellie!"
I smile and wave. Harry doesn't seem to be nervous. He keeps a cool demeanor, turning on his charm.
"'Ello Lily!" He grins, giving her a high-five. Her friend, who seems too shocked to move, watches with wide eyes.
"What is going on?" Her friend, Alex, squeals.
Lily looks at me as to ask for permission. I nod, giving her the silent agreement.
"Alex, this is Harry. Harry, this is my best friend Alex."
Her friend rolls her eyes. "I know who he is. I'm just wondering how he knows you!" She seems to realize he's standing right there and composes herself. "Hi, I'm Alex."
"So I've heard," Harry laughs. "Any friend of Lily is a friend of mine."
"Friend?" She squeaks, turning red.
Poor child just got friend-zoned by her favorite celebrity.
"Alex, Harry is Ellie's soulmate," Lily explains rather proudly. "But, you cannot tell a single soul, okay?"
"Who'd believe me anyway?" Alex responds in a dream-like state. Her gaze is fixated on Harry. I swear I see a little drool coming out of her mouth.
"Exactly. Do you need a ride home?" Lily asks before realizing it's not her place to offer. Before she can ask Harry if it's okay, a honk comes from the parking lot.
"No," Alex sighs, pulling her backpack on her shoulder. "That's my mom. Um, see you guys later. Bye Harry," she smiles at the last part. Lily smacks her as she walks to her mom's car.
"That was cute," I grin, pulling Lily into my side as we make it back to Harry's rental. "I remember when you were a little starstruck fan."
She swats me away and sighs. "I was a little weird, wasn't I?" She glances over at Harry. "I'm sorry, dude."
"No, I can't have my number one fan bailing on me. I thrive from your attention Lil, especially because I get none from her." He gestures at me before locking eyes with her. I narrow my eyes at the duo, but neither seems to notice.
"Rude," I mumble under my breath before climbing into the passenger seat of the Range Rover.
"What took you guys so long anyway?" She slides into the middle seat and buckles her seatbelt.
Harry and I share a look before saying "nothing" in unison.
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