Unedited (Please point out mistakes if you find them)
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"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Noah teases, taking in my appearance. I sigh in agreement and take a seat at the bar.
"You could say that," I rub my face in an attempt to get rid of the sleepiness. He slips me my usual order with a look of sympathy. I gratefully take it and begin sipping.
He walks around the counter and takes a seat next to me. "What's going on?"
"The same as usual."
He pats me on the back and sighs. "Harry stuff?"
"Yeah. I don't know why I'm so bothered, but I find myself being irritated by the smallest things. Things will be good one day and bad the next."
"You just need to have more sex."
I near spit out my drink. "What?" I squeak, my face bright red.
He shrugs. "Better to be blunt. We both know it's true."
"No," I defend. "Sex is only used as a distraction. Besides, we're in a weird place to just randomly have sex."
He raises his brows. "Y'all need an occasion to have sex? You're in a relationship."
"Yeah... I mean you're right. But, I guess it just feels weird. Plus, we don't have any alone time anymore. I don't know, it's just super complicated."
The door to the cafe opens, ringing a bell. I don't pay much mind to it until I feel a presence next to me. Noah's jaw is open wide, staring at the seat next to me.
I slowly turn to see Zayn himself. He gives an infamous smirk before shrugging his arm around me.
"How'd you find me," I groan, banging my head against the counter. I can't help but feel annoyed. This is the one spot I have by myself. Even though Harry knows about it, I doubt he remembers it or thinks much of it.
After a silence, I lift my head up to find a starstruck Noah.
"Oh, Noah, this is Zayn," I say nonchalantly while contemplating banging my head again.
Zayn gives him a small wave.
"Uh, can I get you anything?" Noah stutters, abruptly standing up and walking around the counter.
"A hot latte please," he replies. The barista begins working on his drink, giving us a couple minutes alone.
I expectantly stare at him, waiting for an explanation.
"You're not hard to find," he grins, ruffling my hair. I groan, knowing that doesn't answer my question. "I wanted to check up on you. How are you? What happened last night?"
I decide to explain last night's events. I tell him about the bruise and kitchen event, leaving out that I'm terrified to be around my soulmate because of unrequited feelings.
"Fuck," he whispers under his breath. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be," I sigh. That's the same response I've been getting for a while now and I'm sick of it. I gulp, hoping I don't regret my next words. "Zayn, if you're truly my friend, I need you to do something for me."
"Anything for my girlfriend," he teases, his coffee being placed in front of him. "What do you need?"
"I need you to help me avoid Harry for as long as possible. I can't do it on my own."
His, and an eavesdropping Noah's, brows furrow in confusion.
"Whatever I'm going through, I need time to comprehend. I need time and space away from him, especially with Trina around," I explain. "The only way I can even figure out the problems between us is if I distance myself."
There's a slight pause before he nods. "It'll be hard, but I think we can," Zayn smiles reassuringly. "Are you sure?"
No. "Yes."
"Okay, I'll try to help."
"Thanks, Zayn," I smile, giving him a side hug. "Also, I'm begging you, please don't tell anyone else about this place."
He assures me he won't, earning a narrowing of eyes from Noah. "Marsh, quit ruining potential business."
"Oh, hush Noah. You only want celebrities here to gawk at them," I retort.
He turns a slight shade of pink. "So? It's good money."
"I won't let you exploit my friends," I laugh. "Find your business elsewhere."
Zayn seems relieved that I'm acting normal, and I'm relieved things aren't weird between us anymore. After the whole soulmate fiasco, I was scared things would be tense between us. He seems to be fine though.
My phone rings and Harry's face flashes across the screen. Both boys glance to the device, then me. I bite my tongue and pick up the phone. "Hello?"
"Baby," he sighs on the other end. "Hi. I'm so sorry. We need to talk about everything."
I roll my eyes. Of course, he wants to talk when I decide I need space.
"Yeah, we do. Just not now. I'm going to be super swamped with work for a while, so it's not the best time."
"Oh" is all he says. "When do you think you'll be free?"
"Uh, I'm not sure. Maybe it's for the best anyway? You could take Trina back to California or something." I bite my lip as I suggest this. I don't trust her in any way, but it'll keep him distracted.
"I'm not doing that," he says bluntly. "I'm staying here."
Him and his stubbornness.
"Okay, well, maybe focus on her for a little. I'm just busy."
"Okay," he finally sighs. "But please talk to me when you free up. I really miss you."
"I miss you too," I smile sadly before hanging up.
Zayn warily eyes me. "You want him to leave with her?"
"It would make my life hella easy," I confess.
He nods like he understands. "Well, don't worry. I'm here for all your needs, sexual and not."
My eyes widen and I smack him on the arm. Noah smirks and wiggles his eyebrows at me.
"Okay," I stand up, grabbing my cup. "I think it's best that we leave. Noah, I'll see you around." I grab Zayn's arm and drag him out the cafe.
He notices my outfit and realizes that I jogged here. "Do you want a ride?" He gestures to his rental. I decline and start on my run home. It helps me clear my head.
Coming home, I immediately head to the kitchen and make myself a smoothie. I pull out all the fruits I'm using and let them defrost before putting them in our blender.
Sipping my drink, I take a seat on the couch. I have work in a couple hours so I don't want to do anything else.
After finishing and showering, I prepare for work, physically and mentally.
Drew meets me outside in his car. I'm forever grateful that he gives me rides when needed, usually no questions asked.
"Hey Ellie," he grins when I get in, strapping the seatbelt on.
"Hey Drew. Thanks for the ride."
We start on the trip to the mall. I look down at my arm and see the mark has mostly faded. It's hard to tell unless you already know it was there from before.
Thank god. The looks I've been getting from strangers made me wanna curl up and die.
"What time does your shift end?" I ask as we pull into the closest spot.
He puts the car in park and thinks about it. "I think seven. You?"
"Ugh," I groan. "I'm closing, so I'll be off by nine."
"Shit, that's a long shift. Do you want a ride home?"
"No," I respond, not wanting to inconvenience him more. "I'll figure something else out. You don't have to wait." He gives me a wary look, as if he's unsure about it. I reassure him I'll be okay and he finally nods in agreement.
"Let's go in before we're late."
I feel weird knowing months ago we'd stay in the car for as long as possible, making out. As more time passes, it's weird to think about Drew and I dating. Sure, we worked well together, but it was never anything more. I didn't love him.
"In a few months you'll be leaving here," Drew sighs dramatically.
"College," his face drops. "Tell me you didn't forget you're going to college."
I sheepishly smile. "It might have slipped my mind."
"Wow," he chuckles. "You're weird."
"So are you," I lamely retort. He snorts and starts working.
Work goes by quickly until it's his time to leave. The next two hours are grueling. The store is only open for one more hour, and then we take an hour to close.
Once Drew leaves, I work by myself, only talking with customers. We have a fair share of employees, but I don't click with most of them. They're mainly old people. Drew manages to befriend everyone, I don't know how. What am I supposed to talk about with grandma?
I notice commotion and a crowd forming in the mall. A teen is leaving to join and I stop her, asking what this is about.
"Apparently Trina Star is here with Harry Styles," she squeals before joining the rest of the crowd outside.
I shrink down. Why would he bring her here?
Pushing my nervousness down, I continue working. Even the older employees have gained interest, trying to peep at the chaos.
One of them approaches me. "You're young, sweetie. What's going on outside?"
"Um, I think there are two celebrities outside. That's why all the people are there," I explain nonchalantly. "Harry Styles and Trina Star. They're dating."
"Oh, I think I've heard those names from my grandchildren," she smiles. "You're not interested in meeting them?"
"Not really. I'm on the clock anyway."
She gives me a smile before returning to her own tasks for the night. The sensor beeps, indicating some entered.
A security guard is standing by the store entrance, keeping the crazed fans out. Harry and Bitchzilla walk in, hand in hand. My face falls.
Before they can spot me, I try sneaking to the backroom.
I make it without being spotted. After sighing with relief, I lean against the wall. I'm alone for moments before the door opens again.
"Dear, there's someone asking for you," the same employee from earlier informs me. I groan, not wanting to see him.
"Who?" I ask nonchalantly.
"A boy, he's tall and has brown curly hair."
Quick, think of an excuse.
"You know Marsha, that sounds a lot like my ex. He's been stalking me since we broke up, and now he's found where I work," I fake panic in my voice. "I can't believe him."
She looks worried for me. "Oh dear. What should I do?"
"Could you let him know I'm not in right now? And tell me when he leaves?"
She gives a sympathetic smile. "Of course. Should I call the cops?"
"No," I yelp quickly. "Don't worry about that. He'll probably leave when he finds out I'm not here."
"I'll let you know when he leaves. Security is right outside if we need him, okay? Don't be scared."
"You're a lifesaver," I grin, grabbing her hands. She leaves me alone in the room and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
I stick my ear to the door, eavesdropping on the conversation.
"That's weird, her friend told me she'd be working today," his frustrated accent rings through my ears.
"Well dear, maybe you should be asking her instead of her friends," Marsh's sweet voice scolds.
I can just imagine his frustrated face. "I always do, but she wouldn't tell me."
"Maybe there's a reason for that. You know, you should start taking a hint. It's not good to show up to your ex's workplace, especially with your new girlfriend. What would she think?"
"Ex?" Harry's voice raises in pitch and I have to hold back my laughter. If I had known Marsha was going to expose him like that, I would have made another story. "She's not..."
"It's okay son," she responds reassuringly. "We all make mistakes. Just treat your new girl better than the last."
I begin giggling and have to cover my mouth. I wish I could see his face right now.
"I think it'll be best if you don't show around here anymore," she continues. "We're closing soon anyway."
It seems that he's taken the hint before I hear him call for Trina and grumble some harsh words before the sensor goes off. I pull away from the door and attempt to control my smile.
Marsha comes back in and I pretend to be all flustered. "How'd everything go? Is he gone?"
"He's gone. We're closing soon so I doubt he'll be back tonight."
"You're so sweet to me Marsha."
"Of course! No woman should have a stalker. I just hope he doesn't stop by anymore."
"Me too," I dramatically sigh. I peep out to make sure he's truly gone, then step out. I start my closing tasks, working fast. The quicker I finish, the earlier I go home.
Another coworker and I finish five minutes early. Everyone else has gone home and it's just us. I watch as they lock the shutters and double-check it's secure. Then we go our separate ways without saying a word.
I pull out my phone and plug my headphones in. I have to walk home, just like old times.
Once music is blasting through my ears, I start the journey.
I grip my key in between my fingers as I walk home as a defense precaution. It's my only form of safety, even though I'm not walking through a sketchy area. I'm used to the walk, even at night. Yet, I always get a bad feeling in my gut. Better safe than sorry.
The familiar street seems foreign at night. I stay hyper-aware of my surroundings, but maybe not as much as I should.
A hand shoots out and grabs my arm. All memories of that night come back into play and my lip quivers.
"It's just me," a voice reassures. I turn around, still gripping my key, just in case.
Harry looks over me, a serious expression on his face. I rip out my headphones and sigh.
"You fucking scared me!" I yell, hitting him on his chest. "Jesus, I thought I was going to be murdered."
"I called your name a million times! You had your headphones in," he points to the wire dangling from my phone. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize."
My anger softens at the sight of him. I look around to see if we have any unwanted company.
As if he senses it, he answers for me. "The driver took her home."
I nod, hiding a smile from him. So much for space.
"Why were you avoiding me?"
"Huh?" I ask innocently.
"I stopped by and was told you're not in, even though you're clearly leaving from work." He amusedly smiles, waiting for my response.
"Hmm, I don't recall."
He rolls his eyes and grabs my wrist, pulling me in some direction. We stop walking and he pushes me against the tree trunk, standing flush in front of me.
"You don't recall? Maybe I should remind you," he smirks before his lips connect to my neck. My knees weaken at the touch and I grip onto his shoulders for support.
He pushes even closer to me, his groin rubbing against me. His hot breath fans on my neck, making my whole body warm. His wet lips meet my weak spot and I nearly collapse.
"Still don't remember?"
I'm too breathless to respond. He smirks against my skin and moves up to my jawline. I moan his name, not being able to handle anymore.
"Fuck," he moans, his hard member pushing against me. Guess I'm not the only one excited.
"Harry," I whisper. "If we're not going to get the job done then we should stop."
"First tell me why you were avoiding me," he continues kissing me.
I can't focus with his mouth all over me. I grab his face in an attempt for him to stop. He looks at me with awaiting eyes. "You just ambushed me. I wasn't prepared."
"Normally you'd be happy if I surprised you."
"Well, yeah, but you had a crowd following you, not to mention Trina..."
He glances around before turning his attention back on me. "Fuck it, how far is your place?"
"Huh?" I ask, still in a daze. He chuckles before meeting his lips to mine. I eagerly accept the kiss, hungry for more.
"Your place, how far is it?" He rests his forehead against mine, both of us trying to catch our breath.
"I guess it's fifteen minutes by walk."
He nods and backs away, lacing his hand with mine. I lead the way, trying not to seem too eager. "You really need to get a car," he says under his breath.
"What a shame my teacher bailed on me," I grin, earning a kiss on my head. He swings our arms back and forth as we walk slowly.
Part of me wants to run home, but I know it'll knock the breath outta me.
We reach the front of my complex and he stops me from going inside. Instead, he kisses me feverishly, as if he's been holding off. I return the urgency, missing his taste.
Everytime we kiss, it feels like it's the first time. The electricity never fades.
As we continue, the sexual tension only grows. I finally pull away, only to open the door. The lights are off in the living room. We rush to the bedroom and I lock the door behind me. Our lips reconnect, but this time I'm encouraged to wrap my legs around him.
He carries me to the bed, our lips never disconnecting. After gently laying me down, he begins undressing. I do the same, lying only in my bra and underwear.
Not to sound kinky, but it's a major turn on when Harry takes those off.
He hovers over me in his naked glory. We kiss for a minute, not wasting time with individual acts. He somehow manages to slip my panties off and I kick them off.
He effortlessly slides into me. I let out an initial gasp, remembering how it feels.
"Wait!" I yelp, stopping him. "Condom."
His eyes widen and he pulls out. "Fuck, I forgot. Hold on." He rolls of the bed and picks up his jeans. He fishes around for his wallet and finds a condom inside. He wastes no time sliding it on and joining me on the bed again.
"Sorry," he apologizes again before going inside me again. I moan at the instant pleasure.
"Faster," I plead, not being able to take the slow pace. He teases me, going even slower. "Harry," I groan.
He grins before speeding up. I ball the sheets under my fists and arch my back. The pleasure is overwhelming.
Just like that, I'm empty. He slips out of me and I pout, missing the feeling already. "Why?" I whine.
He grins before slipping in two fingers, catching me by surprise. I yelp at the sudden touch.
Harry continues this for a while, but eventually switches to using tongue. I gasp and moan his name. My hands tug at his curls out of instinct and my legs reflexively attempt to close.
"Relax baby," he says, holding my legs open. When he feels me tense, he stops. "I just missed the taste of you."
I nod, waiting for him to continue. I'm so close to climaxing.
He slips back in, his dick harder than ever. I'm assuming the hair-pulling had a part in this.
"Ellie," he moans from the back of his throat. Hearing his breathy voice is enough for me to come undone. I moan his name as I come, tensing then falling into a blissful state.
He finishes right after me, spilling into the condom. He collapses next to me, not wanting to crush me with his body weight.
I turn to face him, taking him all in. His hair sticks to his sweaty forehead. His skin glistens in the minimal light.
"I missed you," he laughs, pushing his hair away from his eyes. His tone changes to be serious. "We need to talk."
"We do this every time," I laugh. "I was just talking about how sex is a distraction..."
He props himself up on his elbow, giving me his full attention. "Oh? With who?"
"Not important." I pat his chest. "We do need to talk though."
Someone jiggles the door handle and I quickly cover myself with the sheets, Harry joining me. The door swings open, even though I'm sure I locked it.
Zayn and Audrey stand at the doorway. Her eyes are wide, while Zayn gives me a disapproving look. "Really El? Didn't we just talk about this?"
I make an awkward expression. Welp. This is embarrassing.
"Talk about what?" Harry directs his question to me.
"Yeah, El, what did we talk about?" Zayn taunts, obviously not happy with me. I don't blame him either. I'm such a hypocrite.
Audrey smirks. "Why don't we let these two get dressed and then we'll have a civil conversation outside." Zayn reluctantly nods before following her out.
I groan, laying my head on the pillow and staring at the ceiling.
"You didn't lock the door?" Harry huffs, getting up to get dressed.
"I thought I did," I mumble, doing the same. I attempt to fix my hair, but give up and tie it in a bun instead.
He looks a little hurt that I didn't wear his shirt instead of the PJs on me, but I just figured he'd rather want to be fully clothed outside. Instead of putting it on, he tosses it on the bed and walks out shirtless, his jeans hanging low from his waist. I sneak up behind him and pull them up. He rolls his eyes but adjusts them so they're not revealing as much.
"Okay, let's get this meeting started," Audrey says eagerly, patting the spot next to her.
I grin before forcing her off the couch. "I think you'll enjoy this conversation by eavesdropping from your bedroom door."
She pouts but trudges to her room. Something tells me this conversation isn't going to be pleasant and I know her commentary will just make it worse.
I take a seat between both the boys, keeping an equal distance from them. Harry's irritation can be sensed, resulting in him pulling me toward him. I don't fight it, mainly because I don't have any reason not to.
"Now, what were you guys talking about earlier?" He asks sternly.
Zayn acts the complete opposite, very nonchalant. He does send occasional glares to me though, obviously not very proud of my weak moment. "It's not my place to tell."
Harry expectantly looks down at me, waiting. "Well," I begin, not even knowing how to say this politely. Then I look over at Zayn, deciding to explain myself. "Well, you see, I was leaving work and he stopped me on the walk home."
"You were walking?" His voice is laced with concern. "You could have called me!"
"Why would she call you?" Harry aggressively asks. "I'm right here."
I hoped the conversation wouldn't loop back to this. Both of them face me, waiting.
"Okay. But please know I mean this with the best intentions okay?" I look up at Harry, who nods to keep going. "I told Zayn to help me stay away from you."
His brows raise in surprise. "Why?"
"I just-"
"Wait," he stops me before looking at Zayn. "Why do you always feel the need to meddle in my relationship? First, you tell everyone that you're dating her, and now this? Piss off dude."
"Harry," I warn. "He's just trying to help, okay? Believe it or not, he has good intentions." I glance at Zayn, who seems irritated. "I think Harry and I need to talk alone."
"This is exactly what you told me not to do," he points out, getting up anyway. "Both of you need to sort your shit out. Ellie, stop letting insecurity rule your life and Harry stop being such a dumbass and taking shit literally," he yells before storming out, slamming the door behind him.
Both of us are taken aback by his harshness, but that's a later problem.
"Well, I guess we should get into it," I awkwardly rub my thighs. He nods, making me start. "So what I was saying. I don't know, I feel like I need space away from you to relax. Little things are piling up and my irritation levels keep rising without giving me a chance to cool down."
"Have you noticed a common trend? You always ask for space and it never solves any of our fucking problems."
"Well, maybe if you gave it to me, we'd see that, right?" I snap and pull away from him, sitting straight.
"Why do you have the stupid idea that you can't be near me to solve your issues? It's a team effort."
"Because of this..." I gesture between us. "Whenever we're together, I get so fucking distracted it's pathetic. When you're near me, all my judgment's clouded."
"We have so much shit to work out..." he sighs, leaning back. "Okay, we'll go through each one and talk it out like mature adults."
"No sex until the burden's lifted," I add, earning a frown from him.
"Deal," he sighs. "Okay, hit me with the first one."
"Trina," I reply with no hesitation. "Out of all people, why her?"
"Well, I guess mainly because it would be the least suspicious? She fits the type of girls I'd be around."
"Makes sense. Does she know about this arrangement?"
"No," he scoffs.
Shock covers my face. "What? She doesn't know this is fake?"
"If she did, who's to say she wouldn't expose us? I couldn't risk that."
"Have you..." I start, definitely not wanting to finish.
"What? Have sex? Does it seem like I've been having sex lately?" He exasperates. "We have kissed though. Mainly in public."
I don't like the idea of them kissing, which brings me to my next point. "Okay, other than the fact that you chose the bitchiest person on the planet, I know I said that I'm okay with this, but I'm not. I'm really not. I tried to be selfless, but I can't stand her. You should honestly just go with LA or New York because I can't stand to have you so close yet so unattainable."
"I'll stop it," he says with hesitation.
"Harry, you need it though."
"Fuck Tom for even suggesting it. Nothing is as important as you. I'm stopping it."
"But-" I object, only to be cut off.
"No buts. What about after her, huh? I date someone else? It's an endless cycle that won't stop until I make it. That's the end of this topic."
"Okay," I sigh, unsure of how I feel. On one hand I'm happy he's letting her go so quickly. On the other, I'm a little annoyed he's putting me over his career. It makes me feel shitty that he has to choose. "Um, I guess we should also talk about that night."
"Right," he tenses, obviously uncomfortable. If I could, I'd avoid the topic as well, but I can't. "I don't know if you know this, but I have anger management issues sometimes."
"You don't say?" I say sarcastically.
He ignores my comment. "Not for dumb shit and honestly, it takes a lot to piss me off. If I'm that mad, then lord help the poor man's soul." His eyes gaze deeply into mine. "For you Ellie. Anyone hurting you makes me pissed as fuck. I can't even stand the thought of it."
"There was so much blood," I shudder at the thought. "It's sweet and all, but I need to know you can be controlled. I don't want you killing anyone."
He angles his body toward me, grabbing my hands into his. "That's the thing though. You do control me. The fear on your face is the only thing that could make me stop. Fuck, you looked so scared that night."
"I won't be there every time," I whisper.
He defeatedly sighs. "I know. I'll figure it out, I promise."
"And I'll try not to get into dumb situations," I smile, feeling a little better already. We're far from being okay but he's trying and that's all that matters. He laughs and kisses my hands.
"What's next on the list?"
I rack my brain, thinking of everything that's been bothering. Besides going to college, I can't think of anything. Then I remember a pestering thought. "Do you think soulmates need to be together?"
Hurt flashes on his face. "What? But I thought things were looking better. Why would you want to leave?" His voice cracks, showing his sadness but panic.
I violently shake my head. "No, no. It's just a thought that's been bothering me."
His brows furrow. "I don't give a shit about others, but I know I need you baby. I wouldn't be able to survive without you. I don't even wanna think about that."
Relief floods over me. "Good. I feel the same way. It's just something that Za... nevermind." I almost slipped up and revealed his secret.
Just like that, all the tension seems to be lifted. "Are you feeling enlightened?" He teases, seemingly lighter.
I nod, I truly am. "It's been all my issues. What about you?"
"There is one thing. Why doesn't your mum know about us?"
I thought he didn't notice. "It has nothing to do with you," I say quickly. "I don't want her to feel bad, ya know? It's not fair that I found mine but she never found hers."
"She's your mum though. She'd never feel like that."
"I know," I sigh, leaning against him. "It's dumb, but I don't want to hurt her."
"Okay, well if you decide to tell her, let me make a good first impression."
"She'd love you, trust me," I laugh.
"Did she like Drew?"
I mull over it for a minute. "I don't know actually. She never met him. She's busy, okay?"
He chuckles, pulling me in closer. "Are we good?"
"I think so. If I have any other issues, I promise I'll tell you instead of distancing myself."
"Good girl," he pats me on the head. "Now, more sex?"
"Someone's horny," I tease before turning around and straddling him on the couch.
I lean in and kiss him. "Only for you babe," he says between kisses, making my heart swell.
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