Unedited :)
"Ugh," I groan, grabbing yet another tissue. "I hate this."
"Damn, who knew you could sound even sexier?" Harry grins, handing me a small cup full of medicine.
I cringe. "Ew, you know I'm sick, right?" To prove my point, I blow all my snot into the tissue, then toss it in the trashcan next to my bed. I take the cold medicine like a shot, quick and easy. The thick liquid takes a minute to slide down my throat, and I reach for a glass of water to help. The cherry flavor burns at my throat, worse than alcohol.
"You shouldn't have ran out in the rain," he scolds, taking the cup and placing it on the bedside table. I send him an appreciative smile and rest my head on the mountain of pillows. Everything hurts. There's a dull pain in my sinuses and my entire boy feels weak.
"I'm sorry," I sniffle. "I didn't mean to ruin our last day together." I can't help but pout. I'm so stupid. I wish I didn't act like an idiot and get sick. We could have been doing something more fun than having Harry nurse me back to health.
I picture Harry as a nurse. I giggle as the image pops into my brain. He'd be wearing one of those sexy costumes girls wear on Halloween, not scrubs like a normal nurse. Yet, he'd still manage to look good because he always does.
"What's so funny?" His voice is laced with amusement as he warily eyes my face.
"I think the meds are messing with me," I giggle. He doesn't question it, and I'm glad. I can't imagine explaining the image to him. Maybe he'd actually wear it...
"You should rest," he crawls into bed, regardless of my protests.
"You'll get sick and then you'll get everyone on the plane sick!" I argue. He doesn't care. He presses his lips to my forehead before snaking his arms around me. I bury my head in his chest. Even though I don't want him to get sick, I do appreciate the warmth he gives off.
"Tell me when you're leaving," I mumble before sleep takes over me.
Harry's P.O.V
I stare at her cute face. Is it even possible to look cute when you're sick? She does, she always looks cute.
Her red nose and rosy cheeks suit her. I take a moment of appreciation for my ability to see color, something that wouldn't be possible if I never met her.
I kiss her forehead and she stirs in her sleep. She doesn't wake up and I let out a breath of relief.
My phone buzzes again and I'm so close to throwing it out of the window. I'm sick of my damn manager calling me over and over again. I'm already coming back, what more does he need?
"Shit, Harry turn it off," she groans before turning around, her back facing me. I freeze for a moment, hoping she didn't wake. When her breathing evens, I relax.
I realize I should probably answer his damn call so he can stop bothering me. I climb out of the warm bed and step into the hallway. El mumbles something from the bed but goes back into a deep sleep.
"What," I snap into the phone.
I hear a light chuckle. "Someone's in a mood," Tom, my manager, says lightly. He's seen worse, so I guess he isn't affected by my attitude.
"You would be too if your damn manager called you a million times. Christ, do you know how to take a hint?" I try not to be too loud. Sleeping beauty needs her rest.
"Well, maybe I wouldn't have to call so much if you just picked up your damn phone."
"What do you want?" I say flatly.
"I just want to make sure you aren't bailing. You're not the most reliable person nowadays."
I see his point, but I'm still annoyed. I have been super sketchy lately. It's not fair to him, he's only trying to do his job.
"Where are you anyway?" Tom asks. Yeah... I haven't really told anyone where I've been hiding, except the boys. I honestly have no idea how much he knows. He knows that I've found my soulmate, but I can't tell if he knows it's Ellie, or even if I've been seeing anyone. He did look smug every time she was around in England though...
"Does it matter? I'm coming back tonight anyway." Part of me doesn't want to share where I've been. I like having a sliver of secrecy when it comes to Ellie. I really don't want to fuck things up with her, and God knows I've done some fucked up things in the past. If she finds out, she'll surely leave me. I can't have anyone exposing my secrets like that.
Tom sighs, "Whatever. You're right. I better see your ass back here by tomorrow. Or else the phone calls won't stop."
I hang up without saying goodbye. That man really knows how to push my buttons.
"Damn, I'd hate to be the person on the other end of that phone call," a voice says from behind me. I turn around to see a certain blond smirking at me.
"He's an ass," I huff.
"You sure you're not the asshole?" Amusement covers her face. I can't help but grin. She's right, I am an ass.
"Yeah, you're right. We both are."
She laughs and nods in agreement. Her face turns somber and I can tell the conversation is about to change tones.
"This is so gross and I'd never ask for your help, but I'm desperate," she says solemnly.
I gasp. "You want my help? It must be pretty fucked up."
She rolls her eyes, just like her best friend. "Don't push it." We both walk toward the couch. I casually sit on the long piece and she tensely sits on the chair. I can tell she would rather die than ask for my advice. "Okay," she sighs as if she's bracing herself.
"Jeez, we're going to be here all day." I laugh, trying to break the tension.
She sends me a harsh glare and I back off. "When Ellie hated you..."
"She didn't hate me," I snap, knowing exactly what she's referring to.
"When she hated you," she continues, slightly smirking, "what did you do to help your case? To make you seem like the nice guy, not the scummy cheater?"
"Did you cheat on someone?" I ignore her harsh remarks. All that matters is that I didn't cheat and Ellie knows that.
"No, fuck no!" She answers quickly. "No, gosh. I just meant with Drew. He really really hates me."
I lean back, flashing a mischievous smile. "Well well well."
"Harry, I mean it."
I take time to bask in my advantage. "I don't know Audrey, you did try to make mine and El's relationship hell."
"You know, this is stupid." She stands up from the couch and goes toward her room. I stop her by grabbing her wrist.
"Sorry, sorry. I'm done. I'll help." I soften. Audrey is starting to grow on me. Sure, she can be obnoxious and a major cock-block sometimes, but I know she's a genuine friend. Besides, she's getting Drew off of Ellie's dick, and by all means, that's fine by me.
She hesitantly sits back down, waiting for me to tease her more.
"Well, it was hard. She did hate me, and I've never seen her like that before. I think the biggest thing is getting over your pride." As much as I'd hate to admit it, Audrey and I are both similar. We both have a lot of pride, even though we don't like to show it. "That's the first step. After that, you have to prove you aren't who they think you are. For me, it was proving my loyalty. It was hard because she wasn't even willing to listen. You just need to try your hardest without suffocating them."
She nods and processes my words. Her mind seems to be moving 100 kilometers per hour.
"From what I'm seeing, Drew doesn't like you because he thinks you're a rich snob. You just have to show that you're not as materialistic as he thinks. It should be easy because you two just need to spend more time together. Alone. Take him on a date or something. Women equality, right? Make the first move."
She laughs at my last remark. "I guess. Maybe we could do a double date or something?"
I furrow my brow. Did she not just hear me? "Audrey, I said alone. Maybe something less tense than dinner. But you guys need to be alone. I know Ellie, and she won't hesitate to cut in. Besides, as long as she's there, he won't focus on you."
She winces and I regret bringing that last part up. At least I know Ellie doesn't feel the same way about Drew, and she only cares about me. I shouldn't have rubbed her soulmate's crush in her face like that.
"Sorry," I apologize. I'm shocked that I do, it's so out of character for me. Ellie must be rubbing off on me.
"Never thought I'd hear those words come out of your mouth," she snickers. I give her the finger, which makes her laugh harder. "Thank you, seriously. You actually gave good advice. I'll try."
I simply nod and get up from the couch.
"That's it? No 'you're welcome'?" She calls from behind me. When I don't answer, she laughs. "You're so weird, Styles."
The bedroom door creeks open and I silently curse this place. An apartment this new and nice shouldn't have such loud doors.
"Hey," I kneel next to the bed. She doesn't move an inch. Just staring at her makes me want to just back into bed.
I almost do, but then I remember Tom's smug face. I can't give the bastard the satisfaction of being right.
"Hey," I try again, poking her cheek. She's burning up and I just wish there was something I could do for her.
Her eyes flutter open and her brows furrow. I'm relieved because I know she'd kill me if I left without saying goodbye.
"I'm leaving," I whisper.
"Hmm?" She asks before processing what I said. She shoots up and winces at her fast motion. I laugh at her cuteness. She's wrapped in her blankets and has a confused look on her face.
I pull her in for a hug. She tries to hug me back, but her hands are trapped under the blanket. She rests her head against me instead.
I breathe in her hair one last time. I don't know when I'll be back, but I hope it's soon.
"I'm going to miss you so much," I whisper in her hair. She shivers, and I'm not sure if it's because of me or her sickness.
"Me too," she sniffles. If I didn't know she was sick, I'd think she's crying. "Call me when you reach, okay?"
"Of course baby."
We eventually pull apart and I have to force her to stay in bed. She insists on at least walking me out, but she really needs rest.
After I grab my bags, I turn around to see her asleep once again. I whip out my phone and take a quick picture of her.
The drive to the airport is tedious. There's afternoon traffic, which barely gives me enough time to return the rental and go through security. When I'm at the gate, they've started boarding.
I sit in my first-class seat, wondering if Ellie's ever sat here. I doubt it. She definitely doesn't seem like the type to, especially because it's so unnecessary. A small smile comes to my face as I reminisce about the time I bought her a first-class ticket and she refunded it for economy. Only she'd refuse an offer like that. I make a mental note to bring her one day. I would love to see her shocked face. She'd complain about how expensive it is, but I know she'd secretly love it.
I love her so much.
A small smile forms on my lips when I realize that I'm so in love with her.
More of a filler chapter but we got a small glimpse of Audrey's and Harry's friendship. What're your guys' opinions?
QOTD: What's one movie that always makes you cry?
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