Harry and I have never had a normal relationship. We never did the whole traditional 'dating' thing, and I'm glad.
I've stayed overnight with Harry a lot, which makes it much easier now. He's practically living in our apartment and I'm just glad I'm used to his routine. We don't clash when it comes to living.
Which is good to know when it comes to the future.
There I go again, thinking about the future. I hate when my mind wanders off. Maybe it's because I'm scared. Although my life has always been a mess, I've had a plan. After this gap year, I'm supposed to have enough money saved up for tuition. Then, I go to a community college because let's be honest, it's much cheaper. I can get my first two years done, and then transfer to a bigger university.
Harry doesn't play a single role in it. Of course, I'd want to get married. I don't really think I'd want kids, but that's beside the point. We would get married and live happily ever after. But that's the only part he plays in my future.
I can't decide if that scares me.
"Babe, if you don't come out of the shower in the next five minutes, I'm coming in there," Harry's playful voice echoes through the bathroom. I snap out of my thoughts and turn off the shower. I've been done for the past five minutes, but I needed some thinking time.
I wrap the towel around my body and leave the bathroom before Harry can barge in. Not that I would mind.
"Finally," he sighs at the sight of me. I roll my eyes and scurry to my closet to find something to wear. I settle with a pair of blue jeans and a black top.
He looks disappointed when I come out fully clothed. What a guy.
"Anyway, we have to talk," his voice follows me as I go back to the bathroom to hang my towel. I pretend like his words don't make me anxious when I walk out again. "Come here," he stretches his arms out and I walk into his chest, gripping on for dear life.
He sits down on the bed and pulls me into his lap. I keep my arms wrapped around him, nervous for what he's going to say.
"I do have to go back."
A weight has been set on my chest. I knew he'd have to go back eventually, I just didn't hope it would be so soon. I can't help the disappointment that settles on my face.
"I know baby," he stokes my back, gently rubbing it in a comforting way. "I wish I didn't, but I do. The world keeps turning, even though I quite enjoy this bubble we're in."
Even through the sadness, I smile. "Time really does freeze when you're here," I remark. He nods in agreement and kisses me on my forehead. "Thank you for telling me beforehand. When do you leave?"
I anxiously bite my lip, a terrible habit I've developed. His eyes darken at the sight. "Don't do that."
"What?" I innocently bat my lashes. Sure enough, his groin begins to harden. I stifle a giggle. He gets turned on by the weirdest things sometimes.
"This is serious," he glares. "Anyway, I'm leaving tomorrow evening."
"Oh?" I whisper, coming on to him. My hormones are racing today.
Being bold, I bring my lips to his neck, right on his sensitive spot. He groans out of pleasure and satisfaction plays on my lips.
"Don't do this," he says again. His voice is weak, too distracted by my kisses. I ignore his pleas and continue, moving my lips back to his. He gives in and kisses me back, no longer objecting. I can feel his pants get tighter.
In a way, it's cruel. I shouldn't be coming on to him, especially when he's not in a good place sexually. But, I would truly never do anything to hurt him. If we get too far and he wants me to stop, I will. This is just kissing after all.
"You make it so hard to leave," he mumbles against my lips. "Fuck, I never want to leave you."
I ignore the butterflies in my stomach.
We kiss for a while, and it gets to the point where we're lying down on the bed. I've begun to control myself. I know if I keep going, I'll just be sad when I don't get what I crave, but that's selfish. Besides, I know what's going to happen.
We eventually stop and I'm just laying on his chest. His breathing is still heavy. I find myself tracing patterns on his chest. He doesn't stop me, and I find him closing his eyes.
I go to roll off of him, but his arms catch me and hold me in place. "Stay," he whispers and I happily oblige.
I can't believe it's been a week since our last sexual encounter. Even then, it's been a hot minute since we've actually had sex.
Part of me is so damn horny. Just having him near me makes my hormones go wild. I truly have respect that he waited for me. I don't know how he did it.
But it's the worst. I want to have sex, but I respect him enough to back off. Then again, I try to get the most out of our make out sessions. It just sucks having to stop.
The worst thing is, I know he would please me. He would and could do other things, that don't involve his dick. But that seems selfish. I know he wants it too, at least physically.
I think he needs to talk about it with someone. Maybe not me, but someone who he's comfortable with. I've offered many times, but he keeps saying he's okay. I know he's not.
We stay like this for a while, me touching his body and him just lying there. I keep checking to see if he's asleep, but every time I go to move, his grip tightens. Don't get me wrong, I love staying with him. I just feel like I'm going to crush him with my weight. He doesn't seem to mind though, and I know I wouldn't actually do that.
I finally escape his tight grip somehow. He's dead asleep by now, so he doesn't complain. I do replace myself with a pillow, just in case he feels my absence.
After using the bathroom, I decide to go on a walk. I feel like I haven't been outside in so long, and honestly, fresh air sounds nice right now.
Just to my luck, the sky is cloudy and gray. I decide to walk anyway. It's Florida, it rains like every five minutes.
I mindlessly wander, finding myself in a well populated part of town. Thunder crashes and the rain starts. I groan and try to find the nearest shelter. A quaint coffee shop lies in the corner and I run in.
It isn't until I'm inside that I realize I'm soaked. I feel bad that I'm dripping over the floors, but there's nothing else I can do. I take a seat at the bar, hoping the employees don't hate me. Right away, a friendly smile greets me. The man places a mug in front of me and goes to grab the coffee pot.
"No wait," I stop him. "Can I actually do an iced coffee? With cream and vanilla please!"
He raises his brow at me, and brings the pot anyway. "I don't usually refuse customers, but I'm not going to serve you an iced coffee when you're soaking wet. You'll get sick."
"Okay, mom," I snort. He doesn't take offense, and pours the steaming coffee into the mug. "Cream and sugar?" I flash my sweetest smile.
He playfully groans but grabs the needed ingredients. I thank him and load up with the sugary substance. He makes a face, "Okay, Ms. Diebetes."
"Hey, you refuse to serve me my order! Should I call your manager?" I smirk, expecting him to get nervous.
"Do it, I've been dying to be fired from this hell of a job," he throws up his hands in an exasperated manner. I laugh at his attitude, and he joins in.
I glance around, hoping I'm not keeping him from his job. When I look around, the shop is basically empty.
Eh, he isn't missing much.
"That bad, huh?" I ask, referring to his job.
He shrugs. "It's ight. At least I'm getting paid. Besides, I get to meet plenty of pretty girls."
My breath hitches. I decide to ignore his blatant flirting. "Hmm yeah. Grandma over there is pretty cute, but I don't think you're her type. Besides, grandpa might beat you up." I gesture toward the sweet couple, minding their own business.
Amusement lingers on his face. "What, you don't think I can take him in a fight?"
I snort, "Definitely not. That man's packed compared to you." I take a second to scan his features. He isn't scrawny, but has the perfect amount of muscle. I can't tell if he's fit or not, because it's hiding under his apron. His hair is brown, but straight. It's on the longer side. He has a kind face, nothing too intimidating.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer."
"You wish. I was just checking to see if you could actually win in the fight."
"You'd lose within the minute."
"Oh?" He has a mischievous grin. He dramatically jumps over the counter and lands next to me. "Guess we have to find out."
My eyes widen as he smirks. He begins walking toward the old couple and I fear that he's actually going to fight him.
"Wait no," I squeal behind him. He doesn't stop. I anxiously watch him. He grabs the old lady's hand and plants a kiss on it. She visibly blushes and her husband laughs. The barista whispers something to them, and they both nod.
Once he turns around, I sigh in relief.
"He was totally fine with me winning over his wife," he grins. I roll my eyes at him. "What, jealous?"
"No! I really thought you were going to beat him up!" I cry before realizing how ridiculous that seems. Who in their right mind would punch an innocent old man?
His laughter echoes through the whole shop. "You're crazy. I'm not that mean."
"I don't know that," I mumble, taking another sip of the coffee. A shiver rakes through my body, and I realize how cold I really am.
"And you were going to get an iced coffee," the barista gives me a disapproving look. "Well, I'm sure your coffee's cold by now."
It was, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of being right.
"I'm fine," I mutter, taking another sip. It's still warm enough to enjoy.
The door jingles, signaling a new customer. His eyes linger on me for a second before redirecting his attention to the customer.
"Jesus, El! What the hell!" A familiar voice booms behind me. I turn to see Harry in a frantic state. "Why did you leave? Especially in the rain? Look at you, you're wet!" He quickly shrugs off his jacket and covers me in it.
His bad mood rubs off on me, and I find myself irritated. I look over at the barista, who gives me an amused look.
"Can I get you anything sir?" He politely asks. Harry orders a coffee and heads to the bathroom. Once he's gone, the barista turns to me. "He's a delight," sarcasm heavily laced in his tone.
I laugh. "He's just worried. In his defense, I did walk in the rain."
The boy laughs and nods. "Very true. You are kinda dumb."
"I'm kidding," he chuckles, putting his hands up in surrender. When the bathroom door opens, he begins working on Harry's order.
Harry takes a seat next to me. "Why didn't you at least bring an umbrella?" Concern is evident in his tone, but he's no longer upset.
"I didn't realize it was going to rain. Besides, a little water never hurt anyone. Lighten up," I playfully nudge him with my shoulder. "How'd you find me?"
"We're soulmates, remember? I can sense you."
I roll my eyes at his bullshit answer.
"Okay, I just saw this cafe and assumed you'd be here," he grins proudly. I smile back. He knows me so well.
"You better be nice, you're scaring my new friend," I gesture to the barista. I can see the jealousy set in his face, but don't pay any mind to it.
I'm allowed to have friends of the opposite gender.
I grab his hand and squeeze it. He softens a bit, but I find him glaring at the worker.
The barista, Noah his nametag reads, carefully places Harry's coffee in front of him. He goes to grab it. I elbow him in annoyance. "Thanks," he mutters before bringing his lips to the mug. I smile, satisfied with his manners.
"So, Ellie, is it?" Noah smiles, ignoring Harry's glare. "I pegged you more as a Karen type."
"Noah, is it?" I mock. "I pegged you more as a douche type."
"Haha," he sarcastically laughs. "Good one."
I flash him a smile and finish off my coffee. Harry asks, well demands, a to-go cup so we can leave. As much as I rather stay, I'm still wet and Harry's jacket isn't the warmest.
Noah reluctantly brings one, and then gives Harry his bill. "Did you pay already?" He asks me. I look over to Noah.
"This one's on me," he smiles and winks. I feel Harry tense next to me.
"It's fine, I'll pay," he says in a low voice.
I put my hand on top of his leg. "It's fine, I can pay," I tell the barista.
"Nope, it's my treat. I insist. Besides, I did scare the shit out of you earlier."
I smile and thank him. Harry tosses a ten-dollar bill and gets up quickly. He holds my hand and practically drags me out. I toss a smile and wave over my shoulder to my new friend.
He mouths "good luck" before I'm out the door.
"What was that?" Harry fumes as soon as we're out by his car. Luckily the rain has stopped. That's Florida for you.
"You know what. He was flirting with you!"
"So?" I scoff. "I can't control his actions."
"But... ugh. I don't like him."
I roll my eyes. "Your jealously's showing." His posture's still tense. "Hey," I walk closer and bring my lips to his. "Relax, I'm yours."
His eyes soften and he smiles. "C'mon, you're probably freezing."
I hesitate before getting into the car.
"What?" Harry asks, already in the driver's seat.
"I'm wet, it'll ruin the seats," I stare at the tan leather. I wouldn't normally care, but it's a rental.
"Don't be stupid, sit."
"No," I shake my head. "I'll walk. It's okay."
I begin my journey home and hear the car door slam. I half expect him to carry me to the car, but I'm pleasantly surprised when he walks next to me. "What?" He grins when he notices my staring.
"Nothing," I shake my head. I can't seem to get this silly grin off my face. He takes my hand in his and we walk, our arms swinging together.
Reality's going to smack me in the face tomorrow, but today I can enjoy Harry's company in our own little world.
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