Harry's P.O.V
I spent weeks trying to find her. It's so damn hard. I'm even thinking about her as I walk back to my hotel, eating this ice cream.
I looked insane telling my private investigators that I need them to find a girl with brown hair and green eyes. Maybe I am crazy.
As I'm beating myself up, it hits me like a bus.
That girl from the ice cream shop looked familiar. She was at the same concert, near, if not next to the girl, my soulmate...
And she was ordering two ice creams.
The chances are slim, but she could be there.
I turn back and run as fast as I can. My grip tightens on my ice cream cup.
Once I go back to the store, I see the girl at the window. I don't dare to go inside, because my heart wouldn't be able to handle it. I definitely wasn't expecting to see her tonight.
I stare, looking to see if she's there. All I see is a back towards me. The girl definitely has brown hair.
She laughs and tucks her hair behind her ear. For a slight moment, she turns her face towards me and I see her.
She's beautiful.
Even more beautiful than I remember.
My heart is racing.
I duck behind the building as I try to calm down.
Why hasn't she tried to find me? I'm easier to find than she is. Surely, she would have wanted to... right?
I can't rest until I find out more about this girl.
When she, and presumably her sister, walk out, I manage to trail a good twenty feet behind them. I don't want to scare them, thinking I'm a stalker.
I also don't want to be pepper-sprayed.
Once they stop at a doorstep, I watch in awe as my soul fumbles with her keys. She is so beautiful. Clumsy, but beautiful.
Her sister teases her about being a klutz, and she laughs it off.
My ears ring with her giggles. My knees go weak, and I lean against the neighbor's fence.
By the time I peak at them again, they're inside.
My soul, she's indescribable.
I make my way back to my hotel.
I didn't realize how stalkerish I seemed until it was the next day and I had the urge to go back.
And I do.
This time, I wear a full disguise. When I nonchalantly walk past her house, I see a shiny red car sitting in the driveway.
I keep my distance but watch like a hawk.
She walks out of the door and my breath hitches in my throat.
When happens next fills me with rage, jealousy even. A dude steps out of the car, opens the door for her, and slaps her ass as she gets in. She giggles as he shuts the door.
"Fuck," I whisper under my breath.
I've never been one to be jealous. In fact, all the relationships I've been in ended because of me. I've just never felt that connection to anyone. I've never felt that longing before.
She's different though.
And she's taken by the looks of it.
I call my private driver and tell him to come as soon as possible.
The car sits in the driveway for a while, and I don't even want to know what they're doing. My car shows up before they even leave the driveway.
I sit in the car, waiting for them to make a move.
I'm 100% a stalker now.
You may have heard the one line from our hit song.
"You're insecure."
That's how I feel right now. Sitting in this mall parking lot really makes a man think. If my - said - soulmate wanted to see me, she would have. I'm not a hard man to find. Any fan could find my location easily, her sister included. The media's always around. I'm very easily trackable.
She, on the other hand, is very hard to find.
My heart is racing while I'm sitting in this damn car.
"Sir, would you like to go inside?" The driver gestures to the door of the shopping center.
I sheepishly smile, "Yes, thank you. I won't be needing a ride home so you can take the rest of the day off."
I get out of the car and begin my way to the entrance.
Okay, there are plenty of stores here. If I don't find her, fate doesn't want us together.
I try to justify my acts with fate. It's the only way I can explain why I've been stalking her.
Little did I know, fate will do everything to push soulmates together.
Based on the way she dressed, I doubt she worked at an expensive store. She seems like the type to utilize store discounts.
I make my way to the mall directory and search the stores. Nothing really captures my eyes.
Maybe she works in food?
I find the directions to the food court and begin searching. The great thing about America is that there are so many free food samples.
Not being recognized is a hard task. Teenage girls are everywhere. Since my big break in One Direction, I risk being seen by many.
Even parents of those once crazed fans.
I keep a low profile while sweeping from one restaurant to another. I keep my hat lowered to cover my face. Don't stop, don't talk to anyone, don't cause a ruckus.
I finish the circle of fast food places with no success. Either shes working in the back, or in another store.
Then I hear it, a magic sound. My soul's laugh.
My head snaps around so fast, and I see her.
She's sitting at one of the tables, gobbling down a horrendously large hot dog. She's laughing as she's pretending to suck a dick.
Honestly, kinda impressed at her gag reflex. My pants tighten and I stop myself from having more perverted thoughts.
I peer around her and see the same prick that drove her here. Maybe she doesn't work here and was just visiting.
I'm so dumb. Why did I assume she worked here? Of course, she's on a damn date.
I feel a shift in mood in her. She sits up a little, and I'm assuming her soulmate senses are tingling. Mine sure is.
Instead of awkwardly standing and having the risk of being seen, I grab a quick bite without ever taking my eyes off her, just in case she disappears. It's a little painful, considering she's all flirty with him.
Once they starting throwing their trash away, I get up quickly, ready to follow. I can sense her apprehension from here. She keeps looking back as if someone was following her.
Technically I am.
I duck away every time she glances back.
Suddenly, my worst nightmare happens.
"Oh! My! God! You're Harry Styles!"
Spotted by a group of girls.
Before I could keep track of her, she disappears and I'm surrounded by a group of teens.
Fuck, another spoiled attempt.
Stardom comes with a price. I couldn't be mean to these poor kids. They don't know they just risked me a happy life with my soulmate.
It's fine, I'm used to being mobbed.
I plaster on a smile and begin attending to the group. I take pictures, sign autographs, and talk. They're surprisingly chill. I ask one of the girls where she got her shoes. They were a neat pair of boots that had patches sewn into them. Something I would wear.
She appreciated that I noticed them. "Oh wow! Yeah, I got them from a store here actually! A Goodwill, it's like a thrift store. I don't know if they have them in England."
I thank her and the whole group and go on my way.
Now I'm hopeless. I don't see her anymore. She's long gone. My one chance of running into her is gone.
I wander around the mall for a little longer. What should I do? Find her or give up hope?
There are so many stores in this damn mall, it would be crazy to find her. Especially when she's on a date, she'll probably go to so many stores.
My heart deflates with the thought of not seeing her. All this work and it's useless.
A big sigh leaves my lips and I'm left alone with my thoughts. I figure that I could shop for myself.
A higher-end department store is nearby and I decide to check it out. A stunning blond girl approaches me with wide eyes.
"I promise I'm not a crazy fan, but you're Harry Styles right?" She stares at me.
I smile back, "yes love."
She backs off. "Okay, cool. Uh, if you need any help, feel free to ask. My name is Audrey."
I feel relief knowing she isn't going to attract attention and that she's not really a fan. Her bright blue eyes watch me and I wander around the store. I feel slightly uncomfortable with her gawking over me.
I glance over and give an uncomfortable smile every time we make eye contact. She doesn't take my hint, and keeps staring. Must not have a lot of customers.
I decide to bail from that store quickly. The offputting employee really dampers my mood. She sends a small wave as I exit back into the mall.
As I'm trying to find the exit, I remember what one of the girls said. There was a thrift store in this mall, and from the looks of it, they had some pretty neat stuff.
I decide to try it out. At least I'll leave with some sick clothes. Maybe.
I find the big blue 'Goodwill' sign flashing at me. I enter without a second thought and take in the neatly organized store.
Having the ability to see color is breathtaking. The store itself is color-coordinated beautifully.
My heart begins to beat furiously. She's here. I can feel it.
My eyes scan around the room, looking desperately.
She's walking out of a backroom with a huge pile of clothes. Without wasting a moment, I walk in front of her.
She drops the pile of clothes on the table and we lock eyes.
"Hello love."
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