"Oh my gosh, Ellie," a loud voice shrieks from my room. I wake up in a panic, finding the source. Audrey stands at the foot of my bed, looking horrified. "I know I said he can sleepover, but have some decency!"
I groan, pulling my pillow from under my head and chucking it at her. She laughs in response, catching it effortlessly. I, however, close my eyes and pull the covers to my face.
"I mean," she continues, "you're cute and all, but for Christ's sake, cover your man up."
I jolt up, very aware that Harry sleeps in only his boxers. I peer over at his side, seeing him on top of the blanket, sprawled out.
Out of instinct, I take my part of the blanket and toss it on top of his limp body. Audrey, who is now snickering, tosses my pillow back to me.
"I have to say, he packs quite a package." She giggles, walking out the room.
My face goes red. Before I can throw the pillow at her again, she's out and closes the door behind her.
Thank goodness he's asleep. I'm absolutely mortified.
I crawl out of bed and adjust my shirt. I'm in Harry's t-shirt, finding it oddly comforting. I like when I wear his clothes. He most definitely likes it aswell.
Audrey is in the kitchen, humming as she makes something on the stove. I scrunch my nose at the burning smell.
"Ah, sleeping beauty. About time you rejoined civilization," she mocks, not even turning back to look at me.
I roll my eyes, aware she can't see me. "Kinda hard not to wake up when there's all this screaming going on."
"Harry doesn't seem to mind," she says, with a smirk in her tone.
I walk closer to see a couple of eggs in a pan. Well, it was eggs. Now it's more like a burnt crisp.
"Whatcha making there?" Amusement is laced in my voice.
She scoffs. "Eggs, duh."
"Mhh, have fun eating that," I cringe. "I'll probably pick up some breakfast or something."
"Suit yourself," she shrugs. I pat her on the back, knowing she's trying her best. She usually has maids and such to take care of her. She never learned how to cook.
I, on the other hand, have no excuse. Cooking was never on the agenda, so I never bothered learning.
Before Harry wakes up, I slip back into the covers, making sure I lock the door. I don't want anyone interrupting my quality time.
I stare at Harry's sleeping figure. His chest slowly rises and falls. He looks so sweet when he's asleep, so innocent.
Like an angel.
I start to touch his face. I slowly trace my fingertips over his jaw. His hand shoots up and grabs mine, eyes wide open.
"Shit, you scared me," he huffs, letting go of my hand.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to wake you," I bite my lip nervously.
He sits up and runs his hand through his messy hair. "It's okay. Good morning." He flashes me a lazy smile, which makes my heart flutter.
"Good morning," I smile back. He leans in for a kiss, but I stop him. "I have morning breath. I should brush."
He laughs and shakes his head. "I don't care Ellie." He brings his head closer to mine, but I move to the side, giving him the cheek.
"No, trust me, it's gross."
Determination flashes in his eyes. Before I know it, I'm pinned under him. He smirks, looking down at me. His curls almost cover his eyes.
He dramatically lowers himself, lips puckered. I squirm under him, refusing to be kissed.
"Harry, no!" I squeal.
He doesn't listen and swoops down, his lips meeting with mine. I refuse to kiss him back.
"C'mon El," he pouts.
I shake my head, not wanting to talk with such a small proximity.
He rolls his eyes and gets off of me. I'm a little disappointed with the sudden lack of warmth, but shake it off.
"I'm brushing," I announce before entering the bathroom connected to my room. He follows me in, standing behind me.
I complete my whole morning routine, including brushing.
When I'm washing my face, I see Harry grab my toothbrush and put paste on it. Before I can object, he begins brushing his teeth.
My jaw drops in shock, then it changes to disgust. "Ew! That's so gross!"
He spits in the sink. "Not really, we've kissed a million times." He continues brushing.
I cringe, not appreciating the gesture. I wasn't a germaphobe, but sharing toothbrushes was something I wasn't too keen on.
"Note to self, buy Harry his own toothbrush," I mumble to myself before walking out. When he's done, he follows me back into my room.
"So," he plops on the bed, "what's the plan for today?"
I begin changing into day clothes. I toss his shirt over to him, which he catches swiftly.
"No idea. Maybe grocery shopping?" My face drops after mentioning this. Would he want to come with me? There was a big chance we could be spotted.
He senses my hesitation and stands behind me, rubbing my arms up and down. "We can go," he says, his chin resting on my shoulder.
My eyes light up. "Really? What if someone sees?"
He chuckles into my ear. "Ellie, we aren't doing anything illegal. Besides, the media wouldn't expect me to be in Florida. If a couple of fans see us, it doesn't seem suspicious. I am technically your boss."
"Ex boss," I add.
"Right. Anyway, it wouldn't be weird. Besides, I want to go with you."
My heart flutters once again. He wants to run errands with me. This is the first of many future trips.
"Okay!" I say a little too eagerly. He amusedly smiles at my enthusiasm. Realizing how desperate I sound, my face flushes. "G-go change or something," I mumble.
He removes himself from me and goes to change into yesterday's clothes.
"We should maybe stop at my hotel to pick up new clothes."
I nod in agreement.
When we walk out of my room, hand in hand, Audrey shoots me a glace.
"Hello, lovebirds," she chimes.
I look over at her eggs, basically charcoal at this point. I make a face.
"Yes, they're as bad as they look," she sighs, noticing my look of disgust.
I laugh, patting her on the head. "It's okay. Maybe stick to cereal."
She groans, getting up to toss her food in the trash.
"Harry and I are going to the supermarket," I inform her. She looks at me with hopeful eyes, and I regret telling her.
"Can I come? Please! I'll be good, I promise," she pleads.
I mentally groan. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. Harry shoots me an amused smile, but doesn't give his input.
"Sure," I grit out of my teeth. Usually, I wouldn't mind her coming, but I wanted some alone time with Harry out in public. Kind of like a date.
She doesn't catch on to my harsh tone. "Great! I'll just go change!" She bounces back to her room.
I turn to face Harry with an apologetic look. He shrugs, knowing I wouldn't be able to say no.
We sit on the couch as she gets ready. Fortunately for us, she doesn't take too long.
When we reach the parking lot, there's a small debate on whose car to take. We eventually decide on Harry's, considering we have to stop at his hotel first.
I smile when I see his rented Range Rover come into view. It's crazy how I accidentally managed to order his favorite car in England. He seems to be thinking the same thing because he has a small grin on his face.
We pull up to his fancy hotel. It's the same one he stayed at last time. Audrey seems to recognize the place and nods in approval.
"If you want, you can go up with him. I'll stay in the car... like a dog," she guilts me.
I roll my eyes. "No, stop. I'll stay with you, your highness. Besides, Harry's a big boy. I think he can choose his own outfits."
He sends me a small pout, but doesn't argue. Once he's out the car, I turn to face her in the backseat.
"Listen babe, until plan Drew starts, I'm not letting you have what I want," Audrey says, explaining her sudden clinginess.
My jaw drops in shock. I thought she was being oblivious! She planned this whole intervention?
That little snake.
"Just tell him about Harry," she reminds me.
"You're the worst," I mumble. "Okay, fine. Soon."
"Soon doesn't cut it. Tomorrow. We're all going to a party. I'll distract Harry so you have some alone time."
She's really on top of it.
Before I can object, Harry is walking back to the car in a new outfit.
She gives me a sly smile before dropping it.
"Hey," Harry smiles, hopping into the car. "Ready to go?"
We both nod. I'm annoyed by Audrey's sudden plan. Why does she have to ruin everything between Harry and me? I mean, I get it. She just wants me to stop avoiding telling the truth, but it still sucks.
"Where are we going?" Harry's smooth accent fills the car.
"Target!" Both us girls say at the same time. He chuckles and takes the car off park.
I direct him the whole time, not wanting to worry about GPS. I'm a terrible navigator, so it isn't much help. Eventually, Audrey takes over for me.
We finally arrive at the big store. I beam up at Harry, super excited to come to one of my favorite stores. He smiles back, grabbing my hand. At first, I'm reluctant, but I realize he's right. It's not that big of a deal.
Aud clears her throat, but we ignore it. She swoops in on my freehand and links her hand through mine. To some people, we may have looked like a polygamous couple. I cringe at the thought, but don't release my grip on either.
Even though Audrey can be annoying sometimes, she's my best friend and I wouldn't change it for the world.
Eventually, we do have to let go. I'm in charge of driving the cart. Audrey follows in the front, while Harry hugs me from behind and also helps push the cart. At first it's cute, but his strides are much bigger than mine, making me trip multiple times.
He lets go and just walks besides me.
"Oh, I need to buy a toothbrush!" I chirp, suddenly remembering the purchase.
Audrey gives me a questioning look, but realizes why when Harry has a smirk on his face.
"Wow, a toothbrush for him already? Might as well move in," she teases, leading us to the section.
I groan, knowing I'll never hear the end of the teasing.
"Choose wisely," Audrey tells Harry, gesturing to his options. His hand stretches to grab one, but I smack it.
"I'm getting the new one because mine has your germs on it," I scrunch my nose in disgust and choose a yellow brush.
Audrey gives another suggestive look but doesn't make any verbal remarks. Harry puts his hands up in surrender, letting me decide.
"Where to next?" I ask, knowing I still have a million things to buy.
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