Harry being in his downtime is perfect for us. Sure, we had a lot of stuff to do when I first arrived, but these last few days are pure bliss. I barely have any tasks to do.
"How's my favorite gal?" Niall chirps, barging into my room.
"Niall," I groan. "How'd you even get in?"
He pulls out a keycard. "Amazing things you can do when you're famous."
I scoff. He's the last person I'd expect to take advantage of his fame.
"Surprised the lad isn't in here with you. You two are inseparable." He looks around the room and his eyes fixate on my suitcase. "What's this doing out?"
I groan internally, pulling the blankets over my face. "He's in his room if you want to see him," I refer to his first statement.
I feel the bed dip as he takes a seat. "Ellie, are you leaving soon?" He slowly pulls the covers down so my face is revealed. "Does he even know? I thought things were going well."
I sit up, not wanting to answer and face the inevitable truth. "Niall, you can't tell him."
"He doesn't?"
I shake my head. "Well, I mean my contract is almost up. He just doesn't know what we're doing to do after."
"What are you going to do?" He asks quietly.
I curse the staff for giving him a key. "I don't know," I whisper, "I just need to go back home. It feels like a lifetime has passed here."
Niall sighs and nods. "I get that. It can be tough being away from your family." He gives me a sad smile. "You have to tell him."
"If I do, he'll come with me. It isn't fair to him to leave his life behind. I don't want that for him. I don't want to hold him back." Before I realize, tears fall down my face. Just talking about being away from him has my heart breaking. Stupid soulmate bond.
Niall reaches over and hands me a tissue. Someone knocks and announces, "Love, I'm coming in."
I quickly wipe my tears and put on a fake smile. Niall stares at me in disbelief, not changing his solemn expression.
"Oh Niall, didn't know you're here," Harry smiles before looking at both of us. His smile falters when he senses the mood.
"Yeah, some dumb person gave him a keycard," I fake laugh.
Harry's brow furrows, but doesn't push it. I playfully hit Niall's arm, begging him to look happy. He takes my hint and puts on a fake smile.
"Why Harry, are you jealous of me and El's relationship?" Niall jokes.
He seems to be very confused. "Babe, what happened?"
"Oh, right. Well, I asked a staff perso-" Niall begins.
"Shut up." Harry groans, approaching me. He takes a seat next to me. He pulls my head into his chest, cradling me. "What's wrong?" He whispers in my ear.
"Nothing," I say nonchalantly. "Just tired maybe?"
"You don't cry when you're tired."
He's right. "Girl problems," I give a wry smile. Niall cringes, but I can tell Harry doesn't believe me.
Right away, he pulls away from the embrace. "Niall, tell me why she's sad."
I shoot him a helpless look, hoping he doesn't admit it.
He makes a 'zipping my mouth shut' gesture.
Harry threateningly approaches the blond. "Tell. Me."
I see Niall gesturing to my suitcase. It takes Harry a moment to catch on, but his face goes blank when he sees it.
Thanks a lot, Niall.
"Okay, I'm just going to go. Ellie, I'm putting the key here. Uh... hope we can still stay friends," Niall scurries out of the room before shit goes down.
I mimick my earlier actions, cowering in the covers. I can feel Harry's disappointment from here. The bed dips again, indicating he's sitting on it. I peek out to see him sitting, his head in his hands. He lets out a frustrated sigh.
"I guess we should talk about this," he mumbles through his hands. I nod, not realizing he can't see me.
When he finally looks over at me, I feel my heart break. His eyes are filled with such intense sadness.
"Don't," he interrupts. "I'm going to talk."
I nod, letting him take charge.
"I know that being with me is shitty. You deserve someone who can love you 24/7. You deserve someone who takes you on dates in public. You deserve a real relationship. It's not fair to you."
I wait for him to add a 'but' to his statement, but he makes it worse.
"So," he continues, "I'm going to let you go. I've been so selfish. You don't deserve this."
Tears fall down my face again. It was one thing when I was the one choosing to leave, but it hurts that it's going to happen regardless.
He grabs my face and wipes them away. "I've made you cry so much, haven't I?" He whispers. "I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry." A tear escapes his eyes but he quickly wipes it away.
I don't know what to do. I want to be with him so badly, but it wouldn't work. I just wish I hadn't hurt him in the process.
"Harry," I whisper. Our eyes meet for a brief second, but he quickly gets up.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he gives me a sad smile before leaving my room, leaving me alone.
I let the tears fall freely. If this is what I wanted, why does it hurt so badly?
The next day is torture. Harry acts cold with me, as if we never had a relationship. I'm just his personal assistant.
"Ellie, would you mind grabbing that for me," he'd say, not paying any attention to me.
I would do as he says, trying not to draw attention. Truth is, I was hurt. Every so often, I had to hide just to stop the tears.
When our day was finally finished, I was relieved. Happy that I don't have to deal with this anymore.
My contract was officially over.
I'm packing my bag, making sure I've grabbed everything. A white garment bag swings from my closet, the last thing in there.
Before I leave, I ask the hotel staff to deliver the dress to Harry's suite. They happily oblige, and I turn in my hotel key, as well as the extra I had for his room.
It's about 2 am when I head out. The country is dark and quiet, everyone sleeping. My taxi pulls up and I put my bags in the trunk and pile in. The man barely acknowledges me and asks where I want to go.
"The airport," I inform him. He nods and begins driving.
I take one last glance at the hotel before it's out of sight.
The ticket rests in my purse, but I take it out to double-check the information.
6 am, Delta airlines, Basic Economy.
Ugh, coming here in a private jet and leaving in a commercial airline really sums up my trip.
The fluorescent lights from the airport can be seen a mile away. When the man pulls the taxi to the curb, he gets out to help me with my bags. I thank him and exchange the money for my bag. He blankly stares and drives away when I'm on the sidewalk.
The poor man had to come at two in the morning, so I don't blame the attitude.
I anxiously wait at the check-in desk. Since it's super early, all the kiosks are off. The attendant smiles and scans my information.
"Ah, Ms. Marsh?" She looks up. "It seems your flight has been upgraded to first-class!"
"I don't want it," I say flatly. Her face drops, confused at my actions.
I mean, who would turn down first-class?
"Just to clarify, it's already been paid for," she says slowly to makes sure I understand.
I nod, "can you just refund whoever gave the money? I'm fine with basic economy."
She nods and begins to furiously type on her computer. "I'm going to slide you a seat with extra legroom. This one's on the company. You might be our first guest to deny first-class." Her reassuring smile makes me feel like everything is okay for once.
But it's not.
"Thank you," I say, grabbing all my documents.
"Have a nice trip." She hands me my ticket and waves goodbye. I go through security, which is rather quick. Of course, it's because it's the middle of the night.
I search the whole airport for a coffee store. I find a 24/7 Starbucks across my gate and praise God. I definitely need coffee today, especially after the day I just had.
As I wait in line, I scroll on my social media. It seems the entire airport has the same idea about coffee. The line is incredibly long, with only a few workers.
"I have a tall medium roast for Harry!" The barista calls out.
My heart stops beating for a minute and I hold my breath.
That's his order, that's his name.
I discreetly look over at the recipient to see the man of the hour, smirking at me. He takes the coffee without ever looking at the barista.
"Next," the cashier calls out. I snap out of my stare and order my usual drink. I then head to the counter area, taking a seat at a barstool. Someone sits next to me, and it doesn't take a genius to guess who.
"You didn't think I'd let you get away so easily, did you?" Although I don't look at him, I can already tell he has a cocky smirk on his face.
"How'd you know?" I ask, keeping my focus on the baristas making coffee.
He scoffs, "it's not that hard to find out." His voice softens, "I'm sorry El. I am being selfish. I don't want to leave you. I acted like such a dick because I was mad. Then Louis calmed me down and explained. I needed to see your side as well."
Shock covers my face as I look over to him. "What? You're apologizing? For what?"
His chuckle vibrates throughout his body. "I just explained. You really need to start paying attention."
I roll my eyes. "I'm sorry too. I'm such an overdramatic bitch sometimes and forget others have feelings too."
"Can't argue with that," he says, amused. I playfully hit his arm. "Do you forgive me?"
I nod, seeing his dimples form with a smile. "And you, me?"
He enthusiastically nods as well. "Of course. You have nothing to be sorry about. So, does that mean you'll stay?"
Oof, I knew this would happen.
"Harry..." I sigh. "I can't. We definitely need to talk about our future, but right now I need to go back home."
His shoulders slump in disappointment. I feel bad, but it's what I need to do.
"Alone..." I add before he assumes I'm inviting him to come with.
"Fine," he huffs like a child.
"You're being immature," I tease to lighten the mood. He just sticks out his tongue in response.
His phone gets a text and his face goes blank. "Why did I just get a text that I've been refunded?"
I smile shyly.
"Ellie, why do you have to be so stubborn all the time?" He groans, threading his hand through his hair.
"Ellie, I have an iced vanilla coffee with cream!" The barista calls. I get up to grab it, but Harry holds on to my wrist.
"I'm just getting my coffee," I say. He sighs and let's go. I pat his arm before going to the counter and grabbing my drink. For a minute, I think about ditching. However, I can feel Harry's eyes glued on to me.
I decide against it and head back to him. He smiles contently, leaning in closer to me.
"How'd you know I was leaving? Like, really, not some cryptic answer."
He smiles sheepishly. "I guess the staff was too eager to deliver my 'package' so they returned the dress then. I assumed that meant you're leaving."
Some people can be really incompetent. What kind of customer service wakes up their guests that late?
I slowly sip on my coffee, Harry staring at me.
"We are now boarding flight 34 to Florida, United States on Delta airlines." An all-call is made.
I purse my lips. "Well, that's me."
He sighs, holding on to my hand. "Do you really have to go?" He gives me his best puppy dog eyes.
"You can always come visit," I smile reassuringly. His eyes light up, probably already planning his next trip.
"The boys will be upset you didn't say bye."
I laugh. "True, bring them with you one day." I hop off the barstool and grab my bag. Harry follows me to the gate, but we have a little time before my group is called.
His hands touch my face and I reflexively move away. "We're in public," I hiss.
"Love, I don't know when I'll see you next time. Besides, at this point, I don't care."
Before I can argue, his lips come crashing toward mine. We make out for a solid minute before I realize. I pull away, slightly out of breath. He smirks, obviously proud of the gesture.
"Bye Harry," I go on my tippy toes and give him one last peck before turning around and walking toward the gate. Before I turn the corner, I give one last glance. He blows me a kiss and I slightly blush.
My heart flutters just thinking about seeing him again.
I can't believe I was stupid enough to even consider leaving him.
Ahaha they broke up and got back together AGAIN. This is more of a filler chapter, so kinda bleh. Hope everyone is doing well!
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