Ellie's P.O.V
I feel sick to my stomach. How did I manage to get myself in this situation? How was I so naive?
Out of all my fears, none of them were cheating.
I guess it isn't cheating because we aren't exclusive. But, it's still very wrong. He brings me to a party, abandons me, then goes and fucks another girl? Is it because I haven't given into him? Because I can't please him like the other girls?
I thought he would be the type to talk to me first. I thought communication was the foundation of our relationship.
I pull up my leggings and adjust my sports bra. My necklace dangles from my neck. I grab my key card and water bottle and head outside.
Jogging is one of the best stress relievers.
I exit the lobby and plug my headphones into my phone. Once the air hits my face, I feel slightly better.
Gosh, I miss Drew. Things used to be so easy with him. Of course, this was before I found out he's my best friend's soulmate.
I jog down the busy avenue, looking like an idiot among the slow-paced people. It's not my fault I don't know where the nearest running trail is.
As if I'm not already mentally hurting, I collide into a stranger.
"Oof, I'm so sorry," I huff.
The man laughs heartily. "It's my fault. Texting and walking," he points to his phone. I take a moment to look at him.
The handsome stranger is wearing a suit. He carries a small work briefcase. He has a slight shadow on his face, but it adds to his youthfulness somehow. Although I can't see it, I know he has a pair of rock hard abs. He seems overall toned and fit.
"I'm Zach." He reaches out his hand. I grab it and firmly shake.
"I'm Ellie!" I chirp. My sudden enthusiasm shocks me, but I play it off.
He grins. "So Ellie, would you mind if I take you out for a cup of coffee?"
"Uh..." I'm taken aback by his sudden offer. "Why not."
"I know this cute cafe that's walking distance." He points in a direction. I nod and follow him.
We quickly arrive and I stare in awe at the cafe. It's very cute indeed, mainly filled with teenagers doing homework or hanging with friends.
"So, do you jog often?" He asks after placing his order. I nod, focusing less on him and more on my surroundings. "Well, the street is no place to do it. I can show you the perfect trails. I'm a jogger myself."
"Oh wow, I'd love that actually."
He seems a little amused. "You're American. Any reason for coming to England?"
"Oh. Right." I forget I'm the one with an accent here. "Well, I'm working here, but only for a month."
"Hell yeah! Where?" He genuinely seems interested.
"I'm a personal assistant. For legal reasons, I can't name my employer." I half-joke. He chuckles and dismisses the topic. "What do you do?"
"I'm a lawyer. Work at a firm nearby." He checks his watch and frowns.
"Oh, are you late? I'm sorry for keeping you."
He smiles sheepishly. "I've really got to run. Any chance I can get your number?"
"You'll see me around. Just look for the crazy woman jogging in the streets," I tease, getting up and leaving before he can stop me.
For the first time in days, I feel happy. It's nice to make a friend, especially one who isn't friends with Harry.
I continue my jog, ignoring the crowds around me. I lap around and find myself back at the hotel. I huff and catch my breath.
The elevator opens and I see Harry standing in the corner. I get in anyway, too exhausted to go up the stairs. Doesn't anyone else ride this damn elevator? I swear it's always us two.
I can feel his lustful gaze on me. I don't know whether to be flattered or annoyed. He stays in the corner, while I'm as far away as possible. I click the button for the floor that's two floors below mine. I can jog up the stairs for the rest, as much as my body is telling me not to.
"How was your jog?" He asks softly, almost like he doesn't want me to hear.
"It was...refreshing."
My 'floor' arrives and I hop out. I make it dramatically clear that I'm going to the stairs and not my own room so he doesn't assume. Once the doors to the staircase close, I let out a big exhale.
It's hard pretending to be harsh. I want to yell at him for being a dumbass, but I know that's what he's expecting. Then, I'll go running back to him. This, I know, will hurt him more. Maybe knock some stupid sense into his head.
Part of me isn't pretending. I get numb every time I see his dumb, ugly face. I couldn't care less about his grief. He brought this upon himself. But, I'm selfish. Every part of me wants to forgive him, just so we can be close.
But I can't.
I cried that night. Very hard. Poor Eleanor had to comfort me, a stranger she barely knew. After that night, I told myself I wasn't going to cry for him. He doesn't deserve my tears.
I reach my floor and waiting at the top is the devil himself.
"You can't avoid me forever," he sighs.
"I'm not avoiding you."
"Ellie, please," he steps towards me, backing me into the wall. I know this feeling too well. I used to crave it, but now it makes me sick. "I made a mistake. I was drunk and horny and I don't even remember how it happened."
I scoff, "drinking is just an excuse to cheat. Besides, it's fine. We never declared we're exclusive anyway. Just continue fucking random girls." I cringe saying the last part.
I see the hurt in his eyes and I soften a little. Without hesitation, he begins kissing my cheek, then my jaw, then my neck. I still, not being able to move. A tear flows down and he tastes it on his lips.
He looks horrified when he looks at me. "Fuck, I didn't mean too..." He frustratedly runs his hands through his hair while backing away. I quickly wipe the tear away and keep a stone straight face.
Before he can face me again, I run through the door, hallway, and straight to my room. I let the tears fall when I'm isolated. It's not fair that he can treat me like this. Does he not realize how much it hurts?
I absentmindedly check my emails. I see one from presumably Harry's manager, Tom. In it, there's a spreadsheet of important dates and tasks/items that need to be done with it.
This is a perfect distraction. I love organizing, so that'll keep me busy for a while.
I pull out a new planner I recently bought and begin planning. I write down dates, errands I have to run, supplies I need. The whole lot.
Once I'm done, I notice the sun has already set.
I look at the clock and see it's already 8 pm. I realize I need to eat or I'll be hungry all night. As if on cue, someone knocks and yells "room service."
I open the door and say, "I didn't order any."
"Your boss paid for it," she smiles.
"Do me a favor, just go drop it off at his room. I'm heading up there anyway. Thanks," I lie. She nods and leaves.
About ten minutes later, I get a text.
H: You can't even eat the damn food?
I don't respond, not wanting to deal with his attitude.
As I'm reaching the lobby, a familiar face is seen.
"Hey, Zayn!" I cheer. He smiles and heads over to me.
"Hey, Ellie! How are you holding up?" Sympathy is visible on his face, but I ignore it.
I shrug. "Just trying to do my job."
He nods and asks me where I'm heading. I explain that I'm heading to grab some food, and he asks if he can come with.
We go to Nandos, the iconic UK fast food. We go through the drive-thru and I agree that we can eat it in my room, after much argument.
Once we're back, we sneak into the hotel, careful not to be seen.
I take out my wrap and Zayn grabs his burger. "Don't steal my fries," I warn.
He laughs. "Fries? Don't know her."
I roll my eyes. "Okay, don't steal my chips."
He puts his hands up in surrender. "It's fine, I don't want them anyway."
We both begin laughing, him trying to steal my fries and me swatting his hand away.
There's a knock on the door. "I'll get it," Zayn says, putting his burger down. I'm still laughing my guts out, trying not to choke on my food.
Harry's P.O.V
I sacrifice all my pride and go to El's room. I want to make sure she ate something, especially after she sent back the food I bought.
Man does my smile fade when that son a bitch opens the door.
Zayn looks at me with a smirk. I hear Ellie laughing in the background.
"What do you want?" He sneers.
I instinctively grab his collar. "Leave her the fuck alone."
"Who is it?" Ellie's sweet voice chirps. I immediately let go of his shirt, not wanting to seem like an ass.
Zayn opens the door wider to reveal me. Her smile visibly fades, leaving no trace of laughter.
"Just wanted to make sure you ate," I say.
She opens her mouth to speak, but Zayn interrupts. "Don't worry mate, I took care of it."
I want to wipe that dumb smirk off his face. I can't fight him, not with her here. She'd be even more upset.
I wish she was on my side. I wish she could see what an ass Zayn was. He only wants one thing.
But I did this. I pushed her away from me, and of course, he welcomed her with open arms.
I can't convince her, but maybe one of the other boys can.
"Thanks, Zayn. Goodnight El." I say before leaving, trying to mask my malice toward him.
Once the door is closed, I text Louis.
Me: Zayn is hanging out with Ellie in her room...alone. Am I being paranoid?
Louis: I trust Ellie. I do not trust Zayn. Do what you want with that information.
Me: I can't do anything about it.
Louis: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That's barely any help. All I learned is that I'm not being paranoid. Zayn is a good friend and all, but he's also a scumbag.
I don't know what to do. As I'm walking toward the elevator, I see Zayn leaving her room.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
Zayn stops and looks at me. "Nothing my dude. Came to see you but caught her in the lobby. Thought it would be safer to drive her instead of her walking." I hear nothing but the truth in his voice. Guilt washes over me. Either he's being genuine, or he's a hell of an actor. "Isn't your job to look after her anyway?"
I roll my eyes. "I don't own her, she's her own person."
"Exactly. She can make her own decisions, so stop hovering." He smirks, basically proving my earlier paranoia about him.
He's going to try something on her...
I can't let this happen.
Hi guys!!! My views have been fluctuating. I want to improve on this story! Please please please leave your feedback! Pointing out typos can help a lot too. Much love!
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