Harry's P.O.V
My night was a blur. I remember the boys bursting into the room, yelling at me. Their voices were blurred, mashing up together. I couldn't understand what was going on.
All I heard was Louis telling someone to get Ellie out of here.
Yet there I lie, half-naked in the bathroom. My dick inside another woman.
I can barely stand up straight. The girl I'm with lowers her dress quickly and runs out of the bathroom. I don't blame her either. Who would want to be with me?
I close my eyes and lie on the floor. A brown shoe lightly kicks me in the side.
"Ouch mate, watch it," I wince. At least that's what I think I said. My voice sounds slurred and my hearing's hazy.
"Get the fuck up you bastard." Someone yells. I want to tell them to shut up. They're so loud.
I don't realize what I drunkenly did at the moment. The morning after is different.
"Fuck," I whisper as soon as I wake up. I jump out of bed and run across the hall to Ellie's suite. To my disappointment, I see a maid cleaning out the room. "Where's the girl who stayed here?" I panic, asking the maid. She shrugs, not any help.
I may not remember all the details, but I do know I fucked up.
Ignoring my pounding headache, I hastily click the elevator button to go down to the lobby and ask the front desk. It opens slowly and I do the same with the lobby button.
My body is shaking with anxiety.
The elevator stops on a floor and the door opens. I groan, in a rush to get to the lobby.
She walks in, but doesn't notice me, she's looking at her phone.
I hug her. "Oh thank God, I thought you left." She stays limp in my arms. I pull away to see her blank face. "W-what?"
"Why shouldn't I?" She asks in monotone. Her face is stone cold and her eyes aren't as bright as they used to be. I'm a little frightened at her hard exterior.
We stay in silence for a minute, I'm in shock. I have never seen her like this before.
"What's your coffee order? I forgot Mr.Styles." Her change of topic gives me whiplash. She looks through me like I'm a ghost.
"Ellie, what are you talking about?" I want to scream, to snap her out of it.
"I signed a contract and I intend to follow through. What's your coffee order? I'll write it down."
I back away from her. Who is this? Why is she acting like a robot?
The elevator finally reaches the lobby.
"Why is your room cleared out?" I ask, ignoring her coffee question.
She has no emotions in her face. "I thought it wouldn't be appropriate to be across the hallway from you, especially when you have access now. I think it's better for an assistant like me to sleep in a standard room." She walks into the lobby and I trail behind her. She doesn't stop walking.
I grab her wrist to stop her. "Ellie, why are you doing this?" I whisper harshly, trying not to cause a scene.
"You know, I really thought soulmates were a done deal. I thought that we were tied together for life, but you proved me wrong Mr. Styles." For a moment, her voice quivers. Then, the sliver of emotion is gone.
"Stop calling me that," I wince every time she uses the formality.
She plasters on a fake smile."I can't do that Mr. Styles. I'll have your coffee brought up to you as soon as it's ready." She jerks her arm out of my reach and walks straight out of the door.
I debate following her. Nothing can be done here, especially in this lobby.
Frustrated, I go back upstairs to my room. The maid is still cleaning her suite. I decide we'll talk when she comes up to bring my coffee.
Several minutes later, I get a knock on my door. I jump, ready to pull her in. To my surprise, it isn't her, but a hotel staff person holding a Starbucks cup. "Hi, delivery from your personal assistant." He hands me the cup and leaves.
Fuck, of course she wouldn't come. She isn't stupid. Why hadn't I thought about this?
I don't understand why she's torturing herself with this dumb assistant stuff. I would gladly cancel the contract for her. What is she doing?
I remember that part of the contract was obeying orders. I decide to use that rule, hoping it'll work to my advantage.
Me: I need to meet with you right now.
<3: Okay, meet me in the hotel bar, a very public space.
I cringe, knowing she doesn't trust me. The fact that she wouldn't even come to my room hurts. I deserve it though.
I pull myself together and head to the bar. When I get there, I see her brown hair in a neat ponytail. As I get closer, I notice someone is sitting next to her...
Niall, of course.
I take a seat beside her.
"Mr. Styles," she greets me. "What do you need?"
"Ellie, please don't call me that."
Her stern face doesn't falter a bit.
"Niall, what are you doing here?" I glare at the blond.
He shrugs. "I've invited him here to act as a middle man," he answers truthfully.
Now she has my own friends being her personal bodyguard. She really doesn't want to be alone with me.
"What did you want to see me about? Must I remind you that Niall is a witness and whatever you say next cannot violate the contract on my terms."
I...what? What kind of rubbish is she talking about?
"Fuck this contract, Ellie. What has gotten into you?" I snap, sick of this act.
"Mr. Styles, may I remind you that I have left my job, moved away from my home for this opportunity? Although you might be set in life with your finances, I actually have to work for the money I earn. Unfortunately, this is the only option I have." She says in the straightest tone. I can sense the irritation in her eyes, but her voice remains calm and composed.
She's right. I've pulled her away from her life and forced her to see mine. Then I completely abandoned her. I've hurt her and I deserve the shit I'm getting. I just wish she would yell, cry, scream at me. I can't stand watching her become emotionless.
"Fine, that's the game you want to play? Okay. I'll pay you for your labor. I'm paying for your room, I want you to move back to the suite." I huff.
She shakes her head. "No can do. I'm paying for my own room and I feel comfortable a distance away from you."
She's paying for her own room now? What the fuck. For some reason, that hurts the most.
I can't force her to stay close. Damn, she's good, playing the 'comfort' card.
Niall looks painfully awkward. His eyes switch from my face to Ellie's.
"If that's all, I have a lot of work to do. Just text me your manager's number and I'll keep in touch with him." She gets up and walks away. Before she leaves, she mouths a 'thank you' to Niall.
Once she's out of sight, I smack Niall on the arm. He winces and rubs it. "What the fuck, mate?" I seethe.
"First of all, she's scary when she's upset." He shudders, reminiscing whatever events led up to him acting as the middleman. "Secondly, I'm on her side. I know we've been mates for years, but what you did was so fucked up. Especially at a function she was at. I cannot believe you." he hisses.
"I was drunk!" I argue. It doesn't matter that I was. I shouldn't have let it progress.
"Harry, I could drink all the beer in the world and cheating wouldn't cross my mind. I can't believe you're defending yourself." He yells and storms out. This earns a couple of stares, but everyone minds their business when I shoot them glares.
He's right. Why am I defending myself? I did a shitty thing.
This next month is going to be painful.
Opinions?? What the fuck did Harry cheat? What an arsehole. Comment and vote! I love reading your comments!!!
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