Tonight is the night of Liam's big release party. He's celebrating his new album, which has me super excited. My first celebrity party! I'm also excited to see all the boys again, especially Louis.
I spent the last night alone, with no Harry. I'm sad about it, but he never explained why. Maybe I did something wrong? Maybe he's mad at me.
My phone rings and I check my texts.
H: A car will come to pick you up at 6 for the party.
Ouch. The lack of emotion in that message strengthens all my anxiety and doubts.
I sigh and force myself out of bed. Can't laze around forever. I check the clock and see it's already 10 a.m. I have plenty of time to get ready, and it's not like Harry is giving me actual work to do.
Once I'm showered and ready, I sit down on the couch with the contract. Louis had slipped it under my door at some point. He highlighted areas of concern, and I'm grateful. Although it would be nice to review this in-person, I have a feeling I'd be dealing with Louis' judgmental stares.
I read through each section. Luckily, the words aren't super high level and I understand most, if not all, of it.
I get to the first highlighted section.
'The employee shall not have personal relations with the employer [Mr. H. Styles]. If they are caught doing so in any way, their term will be terminated immediately.'
Okay, I already knew this one.
I keep reading until the next one pops up.
'The employee will listen to all orders the employer gives, no matter how degrading or humiliating it is.'
Okay... that's a red flag. However, I know this contract is just a formality, and Harry would never make me do something like that.
I keep reading for the purpose of making sure I know my duties. I don't focus on the other highlighted sections. I know Louis is doing what I asked, but these are ridiculous and wouldn't apply in my situation.
Once I'm finished, I sign the contract. I take it across the hall and slide it under Harry's suite door.
I go back to my own place and the boredness settles in. I decide to watch TV to pass the time. I turn on Netflix and play a show that's been on my list for a while. Nothing like a binge watch to pass the time.
Around three o'clock, I get a knock on my door. I jump up quickly, thinking it's Harry. Disappointment runs through me when I open it and it's just hotel staff.
"Hi, this is for Ms. Marsh." She confirms my name and hands me the garment bag. I thank her and she's on her way.
I have no idea what this is for. I take it to my bedroom and unzip it. It's a short black dress. Very professional, but not prudish.
I instantly know this is for the party tonight. Harry must have sent this. Why couldn't he just give it to me?
My stomach rumbles and I realize that I haven't eaten all day. Now would be a great time to explore and see what's around.
I grab my wallet and keycard and go down in the elevator. The staff barely acknowledges me as I walk out.
My gut tells me to turn left. I do as it says, and begin walking. Three minutes later, I see a Subway. Anything sounds good when you're starving.
I walk in and place my order. I take it to-go so I can eat it while getting ready.
When I reach the comfort of my own room, I begin chowing down. The sandwich tastes so good. I finish quickly and throw away my trash.
There are two hours until the party. I should start getting ready.
I warm up my hair straightener and wait for it to heat. I begin on my face routine, exfoliating and moisturizing. Then I start on my hair.
I make sure it's dead straight, not letting the ends curl. I take two strands from the front of my head and clip them back. Then I begin my actual makeup routine. Since it's a party with lots of cameras, I decide to do heavier makeup than usual.
Six rolls around quickly and I go downstairs quickly. I see a dark car waiting for me. I hop in and the driver confirms my name.
The drive to the venue isn't too bad. We arrive quickly. Maybe too quickly.
I feel so awkward and alone when I step out of the car. Many people are already entering. What if my name isn't on the guest list?
"Ellie," someone calls out. I turn to see Niall. "Glad you can make it! Where's Harry?"
I shrug, wishing I knew. He waves off my fear and links arms with me. I'm so glad to see a familiar face and become happier when he escorts me passed the bouncer.
Once we're in, I gasp. It's huge and already packed. There must be hundreds of people here!
Niall leads me to the boys, minus Harry and Liam. I'm a little disappointed that my soulmate isn't here.
"What's wrong Ellie?" Zayn asks once I'm close.
"I don't know where Harry is."
Louis frowns. "Did he send you here by yourself?"
I nod and I see Louis' fists clench. He seems pissed about my abandonment. At least someone else is just as annoyed as me. A gorgeous brunette walks up to the group and clings to Louis. His face lights up and he momentarily forgets about his anger.
"Ellie, this is Eleanor. Baby, I told you about her," He gestures to me. She puts out her hand and shakes mine. Her smile is so pretty, it can make your entire day.
"Hi, wow! I've heard so much about you! You're prettier in person," She smiles, scanning my features.
I slightly blush. "Thanks. You're so beautiful." She just laughs and returns to her boyfriend. "So none of you have seen Harry?"
They all shake their heads. Huh, so he's been MIA for everyone. That's not a good sign.
Harry Styles, what are you up to?
I linger around the group, not knowing anyone else. I wish Harry was here to keep me company.
Liam walks out on stage and the crowd erupts into cheers. He waits for the hype to die down before speaking. "Hello, all! I want to thank every one of you for attending this release party. Your support means so much to me. It's been a tough journey, but we finally made it. Thank you, and here's LP1!" Music starts blasting, I'm assuming it's from his new album. Everyone cheers again.
He leaves the stage and walks right toward the group. He frowns when he sees me.
"Ellie? What are you doing here?" He asks.
"Uhh, what do you mean?"
He looks at the other boys, beyond confused. "Didn't I just see you with Harry?"
Everyone tenses up. "Harry's here?" Louis interrogates.
"Yeah... he just went to the bathroom with a girl..." before he can finish his sentence, all the boys run in the direction of the bathroom. I stand still, nervous of what's to follow. I can't move.
Eleanor stands with me, realizing what's about to go down. "Let's get you out of here," she offers, pulling me away. I see Louis looking at me from a distance. He looks enraged, yet sympathetic, at the same time.
Just like that, all the effort I've put into this relationship is gone.
It hurt me to write this scene :( Don't hate me though!!! Comment your opinions and don't forget to vote!
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