Waking up alone is gross. When the light finally hits my eyes in the morning, I'm alone. Harry isn't in sight. He probably went back to his room. I can't help but feel a little disappointed.
I look around the room to see a little folded card on my nightstand. It reads: Order a nice breakfast and text me when you wake up Xx
At least he left a note. I send a text, letting him know that I'm awake, but don't order breakfast. It's way too expensive and I usually just manage with a coffee anyway.
I decide to check out the bathroom. It's enormous. There's a big glass shower, tub in the corner, and a vanity with two sinks. The mirror even has a built-in screen to control temperature, the color of the lights, and can play music.
This place has to be freaking expensive.
Complimentary toothbrushes and toothpaste are provided. I grab one and begin to brush my teeth. Once I'm done, I make sure the sink is as clean as it was when I came in. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's dried toothpaste on the sink. It's disgusting.
There's even a towel warmer. I decide to take a shower, washing off the long flight from the night before. Once I'm done, I use two towels, one for my body and one for my hair.
Stepping out of the bathroom, I realize someone's been knocking. I open the door without thinking to find an amused Harry holding a plate. He lets himself in, grazing my arm ever so slightly.
"What's that," I ask, referring to the plate in his hand. He places it on the kitchen counter and uncovers it. French toast! "What's the occasion?"
"I know you didn't order breakfast. I just wanted to make sure you ate." He smiles and takes a seat on the couch.
"Let me go change real quick." I feel awkward standing in a towel. As I head back to the room, I hear Harry's footsteps following me. I turn around and ask, "What are you doing?"
"Coming with you."
I groan. "No, I don't wanna change in front of you."
He gives me a little pout. "Nothing I haven't seen before." Technically he's right. "Okay fine. Just dress semi-comfortable." He sighs and goes to sit back on the couch, pulling out his phone.
I change quickly, excited to see what the day holds.
When I go back, he's pacing while on the phone. He notices me and holds up one finger to indicate he's busy.
I decide to make some coffee. Hotel coffee has always been gross in my opinion, but it's my only option. I need some form of caffeine to get me through the day.
Harry sounds very mad on the phone. I listen in on parts of his conversation. "Well, tell him that we either get to book the studio or he loses our business. I don't care. He's the one scamming us."
I know he isn't genuinely angry, but more frustrated. Trust me, an angry Harry is scary. Luckily, I haven't seen that side very often.
As I'm getting the coffee ready, Harry stops me. I can't ask why, because he's still talking. I huff and sit down on the couch, annoyed.
I watch him pace. Well, I watch his butt as he paces. He's wearing tight pants, highlighting his cake.
He notices my staring and smirks. I look away, shamelessly.
I open my phone to see a million texts from everyone.
Lily: I KNOW you didn't just meet 1D!!!!
Lily: Keeping this secret and not showing off gives me so much pain. You're lucky I'm a good sister.
Audrey: Girl! Where are you? What about operation Drew?
Drew: Hey. Any chance we can talk? See you at work.
Audrey: You're so rude for not answering. I'm coming to your work.
Audrey: Where the hell are you?? Should I ask your mom?
She's only asking for confirmation because Audrey always knows my whereabouts. If she were to ask my mom, she'd unnecessarily panic. If Audrey doesn't know where I am, I'm probably doing something dumb. For example, this.
Harry's now off the phone and peering over my shoulder. "What's operation Drew?"
I shrug. "Nothing. Phone call finished?"
He nods and gives me a sad smile. Before I can ask what's wrong, he sits next to me and pulls me into a hug. "Thanks for coming with me."
"Okay, Mr. Unaffectionate. First, you completely abandon me on the plane, then leave before I wake up. I'm starting to think you wouldn't make a good boyfriend." I tease. When I notice his reaction, he looks a little hurt. "But then you go and pull cute shit like this," I add, lessening the unintended blow.
He smirks. "Not my fault you blush at every touch. Can't have the world seeing you that cute." He pulls me closer, our lips grazing, but not kissing. He's waiting for me, to make sure I'm not mad.
I decide to tease him. I pull away with a smirk. He gives me an amused grin, then pulls me in and kisses me anyway.
"Mm breakfast!" I chirp before we get hot and heavy. He groans as I pull away. I playfully slap his chest, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
The french toast smells amazing.
"How did you know this was my favorite?" I stuff my face, turning back to him.
He gives me another amused look. "I just took a guess."
"Waffles are also good. None of that pancake shit though. Hate that."
He feigns a look of hurt. "Pancakes are my favorite."
"Well, if I ever get them by accident, they're yours. But, you better give me your waffles."
He nods his head. "Deal." I finish up and wash my hands. I leave the plate on the counter, knowing room service will pick it up. He comes and stands right behind me, hugging me from the back. He takes a deep breath of my damp hair. "How was your shower?"
I smile and turn to him. He pushes me against the counter, his crotch basically grinding into me. "It was amazing." He smiles and begins planting kisses down my jaw. "Harry..."
"Hmm," he hums, not paying attention.
"Why did you get me such an expensive room?"
He stops in his tracks and furrows his brow. "What do you mean?"
"It's just... a suite is super unnecessary. I get that we can't share a room, but don't you think it's better to get me a regular room that doesn't need special access? Just a bed and bathroom would do."
He grins and his eyes twinkle. "But then we wouldn't be right across from each other and I couldn't do this." He slips both his hands in the back pockets of my jeans and gives me a kiss.
"I guess..." I say, feeling guilty. "I'm sure this room breaks the bank though. Let alone two of them?"
He groans. "Baby, money isn't an issue. Besides, I like being close to you. If I had my way, we wouldn't even have a damn hallway separating us." He whispers the last part in my ear. I let out the smallest of shudders, but he still catches it.
His phone begins chiming, playing a quirky ringtone.
He sighs and hesitantly steps away from me. Once his touch leaves my body, I instantly feel cold.
While he's busy taking his call, I decide to blow dry my hair. It'll help me warm up anyway.
I go to the bathroom and close the door, making sure I'm not being too loud. I plug in the weird looking device and start. I guess it was still too loud because I hear the door open and close. Harry left.
I finish my hair and throw it into two braids, not wanting to deal with the frizz. I even apply some light makeup.
When I step outside, I remember that Harry is gone. I let him make his important phone calls while I watch TV in a daze. I switch to a chick flick. Something to take my mind off things.
Harry knocks again, and I let him in. "Maybe you should just make an extra key card," I joke.
"Would that be okay with you?" He asks in all seriousness.
"Yeah. I guess. That way I don't have to get up every five minutes." I smile.
He smiles and nods. His floppy curls move with every head movement. I want to tug on them so badly.
"Gosh, didn't peg you for the clingy type," I tease. He slaps my butt, resulting in a squeal from me.
"Let's get some Starbucks." He suggests.
I shrug. I'd appreciate it, especially because rudely stopped me from making coffee the first time.
I grab all my stuff and head towards the door. Before we head into the hallway, Harry stops me. He leans nice and close and gives me a kiss. He moves to my ear and whispers "Remember, we have to be platonic outside."
I nod, remembering our terms. He gives me one more kiss before opening the door and following me out.
The coffee shop is right around the corner of the hotel. I keep my distance, but my hand itches to reach out to his. We don't talk much on the walk.
Once we're there, I memorize what he orders. I'm a little shocked when he waits for me to order as well. "No, don't worry about it," I argue.
He shoots me a look, as if to not create a scene. I let him pay for my coffee. This is something I'll have to get used to.
While we're waiting for our order, he turns to me. "Hey, uh, we need to discuss something." He gulps, adding to my apprehension. "We need to make a contract."
I sigh of relief. "I thought you were gonna say something else." I think about his words. A contract seems a little excessive, but what isn't in his life? "That's fine, it makes things more professional."
"I wouldn't do it but it's not up to me. My management wants to make sure you 'don't scam me out of my money'." He says in air quotes.
"I totally understand. Do you have a copy so I can read over it?"
He seems a little shocked by my compliance. He nods and tells me it's in his hotel room.
"Just trying to get me into your hotel room, huh?" I smirk.
He looks a little sheepish. "No... I-Uh."
"Ellie, I have your iced coffee and medium roast." The barista calls out. I grab both drinks and thank her. I give the hot drink to Harry and he heads over to the bar to put cream and sugar in.
We walk back to the hotel. I'm thankful I'm holding this drink because it stops me from linking our hands.
When we're in the elevator, we link only pinkies, not our whole hands.
We eventually reach our floor and Harry opens his room. I follow him in, looking around. The room is basically identical to mine, but his hands his clothes thrown everywhere.
"Jesus, Harry. We've been here for one night."
He looks a little embarrassed. "I couldn't decide what to wear," he mumbles. I nod, understanding his dilemma. It's a daily struggle for me too. Except, my room isn't left a mess after.
"Well, you picked well," I say, looking him up and down a couple times.
"Shit babe, you look so hot when you check me out."
"Register 7 is my shit," I joke. He looks at me confused. "You know... when a cashier checks you and your groceries out... nevermind it's not funny when you have to explain."
He looks amused at my lame joke.
"Okay, show me the contract." I sigh, breaking the silence. He pulls out a thick stack of papers. I skim it, making note of key things.
The most emphasized things are about having relations with my boss, AKA Harry.
"You can break those rules, I won't tell on you," He smirks as if he knows exactly what part I'm at.
"Oh really?" I say innocently, stalking towards him. I drop the contract on the floor.
His eyes darken as he lets me push him all the way against the wall. I smirk, knowing I have the power. Before I can do anything, he flips me so I'm against the wall.
He kisses me passionately. My hands wander up to his curls and start tugging. He moans loudly. I guess I still have some power over him.
I begin to unbutton his shirt while maintaining eye contact. He groans and goes back to kissing me.
I finally finish his last button and glide my hands over his bare chest. I move them to his shoulders and slip his shirt off. It falls to our feet.
A knock pounds on the door. Harry lets out a frustrated groan. "Fucking timing."
I giggle, amused by irritation. His body leaves mine and he goes to open the door.
"What," he huffs. The door swings wide open and someone barges in.
Louis walks right past Harry and stops when he notices me standing against the wall, all flustered.
"Oh fuck!" He cringes. "Ahh, I'm so sorry."
Harry glares at his ex-band mate.
I burst out into laughter. "Hey, Louis."
He looks embarrassed. "Hi, Ellie." He mumbles.
Harry runs his hand through this hair. "What do you want?" I toss him his shirt and he puts it back on, leaving the buttons undone.
Louis takes a seat on the couch. "I just wanted to stop by. Jeez, next time I'll call."
Harry grunts and goes to the bathroom. I take a seat next to him, picking up the contract on the way.
"Hey Louis, would you mind looking through this contract and letting me know if there are any red flags?" I ask innocently. I trusted the man as soon as we met. I know he would be familiar with this stuff. I'm sure he's seen them a million times.
He nods and takes the stack of papers. "You already broke the biggest rule."
I blush. "Oh... we didn't... yet."
His eyes widen in surprise. "Wait, you two haven't had sex yet?" I shake my head. "Holy shit. This horndog hasn't done it yet? Man! You have him wrapped around your finger." He teases. Harry comes back from the bathroom and slaps Louis on the head.
"How do you know it's my choice?" I ask, regretting it.
He gives me a look. "C'mon."
He's right. Harry has probably had sex with anything that has a vagina.
"Maybe if you hadn't interrupted us..." Harry glares at Louis once again. He shrugs.
"Do not disturb signs exist for a reason," he laughs. He's technically right. Embarrassment creeps in as I realize we're talking about me and Harry having sex.
The boys chat for a while and I linger around. Louis gets up to leave with the contract.
"Thank you," I call out as he leaves. "Harry will give you my number."
"I will not," Harry calls out behind me. Once I shut the door, I give him puppy dog eyes. "Fine. Remind me later. Where were we though?"
"Oh... I'm kind of tired actually. I want to chill if that's okay." I'm a little freaked out. The idea of having sex is intimidating. I'm terrified, and I don't want to lead him on. It might be better to stay away from the hot and heavy for a while.
Harry is more than eager. I thought he would be upset, but he's fine. It's probably better to not rush into things.
We cuddle on the couch and he puts on a movie. I wish we could do cuter stuff in public. It sucks that I can't even hold his hand.
I put all my focus on the moment. I'm so lucky to be able to spend quality time with Harry out of all people. Not being together in public seems like a small sacrifice to make.
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