A pale finger pokes my cheek several times. When my eyes open, I see a blond, blue-eyed boy.
"She's alive," he chirps in his thick Irish accent.
The drowsiness fades and I wake up. I move my head from Louis' shoulder, who's already awake.
"Thank God you're awake, your boyfriend wouldn't stop glaring." He whispers, causing me to giggle. Harry sends another strong look in our direction. Everyone has gotten up and moved around.
"How much longer until we land," I yawn.
"An hour," Harry's raspy voice answers. He gets up and sits next to me, pulling me into his side. Louis rolls his eyes and scoots farther away.
"Mates, are we going to meet up this visit? Harry, I know your mum wants to see us." Liam inquires.
All the boys look hopeful while Harry just shrugs. I scrunch my face. Just the thought of meeting his family makes me nervous.
He senses my apprehension because he looks down at me and whispers, "it's okay, you don't have to meet them until you're ready."
I nod my head in appreciation.
"So Harry, how's Camille?" Zayn smirks.
I cringe, knowing she's an ex. My jealously surprises me. I never pegged myself as the crazy bitch who hates my boyfriend's exes for simply existing.
Wait, did I just say boyfriend?
Harry answers casually, "She's good last I heard."
That's it?
Zayn nods, satisfied with his answer.
"Uh, excuse me!" Harry calls out to a flight attendant. "Can I get a BudLight and a white claw for the lady?" She nods and grabs them right away. When handing it to Harry, I notice she has a couple extra buttons open. She flashes him a flirty smile before he takes his can. She hands me mine, her eyes never leaving Harry.
I look over to him and he's focused on opening his can. He doesn't even notice her blatantly staring at him!
I guess that's good. He isn't catching on to girl's cues. But if every girl flirts with him and he doesn't even notice, that can't be good for me.
A chuckle escapes my lips just thinking about my new personality. Since when do I care about "threats" to my relationship?
I thank the attendant and she smiles at me. At least she's nice.
I go to open my can but Louis' arm shoots out and stops me. I give him a questioning look and he explains, "she shook it. Wait a minute for it to fizz down."
"How do you know?"
"She's done it before to Eleanor. Honestly, she's done it to any and every girl we've brought on to this damn jet."
My mouth forms an 'O' shape and I wait for the carbon to go down. If Louis hadn't stopped me, it would have exploded all over me and I'd be so humiliated.
Harry sips on his beer casually looking out the window. The sun has set and it's pretty dark.
"Hey Louis," I whisper. "How many girls has Harry brought home with him?"
He doesn't seem too happy with my question.
"Nevermind, I don't want to know," I add after seeing his reaction.
Out of all of them, I think Louis is my favorite. Right away, he tries to keep me included and seems to be honest about everything.
The pilot announces that we'll be landing soon. Everyone gets settled in. I don't even open my can, not in the mood to drink. That stupid girl ruined the chance of me stomaching any item.
I open my Netflix app and find a downloaded movie I had saved. I plug in my headphones, and Harry takes one of them, insisting to watch the movie with me.
I think he just feels bad we've barely talked the whole flight.
I lean on his shoulder as he holds the phone up so we can both watch.
The landing is smooth and I can barely feel when we touch the ground. Niall begins clapping when we land and everyone else throws him a dirty look.
He doesn't take it to heart and laughs.
It's nighttime now, completely dark outside. I don't really understand timezones, especially in England.
When we get out of the jet, I'm pleasantly surprised to find our luggage already in the car.
The boys all begin to say their goodbyes. I wave to all, and give Louis a hug. I feel like we're at that level.
Harry grabs my hand and leads me to the car. Once we're alone, he gives me a kiss.
"What's that for?" I ask after.
He gives me a lazy smile. "For being so amazing."
We get into the car. I'm anxious to see where we're going. It's actually super late/early. There's no way media would be camping out at 3 am. They're a problem for the morning.
The car pulls up near a huge hotel. I stare in awe at the beautiful building. It seems boujee and expensive.
We walk out, almost like strangers. No hand-holding, no risk for being caught. From now on, strictly professional.
I'm a little disappointed when Harry checks in and receives keys to two different rooms. Part of me hoped we'd be in the same room. It makes sense to hide our cover. Besides, I might get sick of him.
I laugh at the thought. I could never be sick of him.
Our floor is so exclusive that you need your key card to use the elevator. He hands me one and we both pile into the elevator.
I look over at him. He's tired. I can see it in his eyes. I wonder if he napped on the plane.
After a long ride, we finally reach our floor. There aren't too many rooms and the hallways are huge.
I go to my room and unlock the door.
Jeez. It's fucking huge!
It's a suite-style with a separate bedroom, a huge bathroom, and a living room. There's even a small kitchen area.
Harry chuckles at my reaction. I was really expecting a small bedroom with a bed and a TV.
"I'm going to drop my stuff in my room. I'm the one across from you," He says as he leaves.
I don't give an answer, too awestruck by this suite. I walk around and inspect everything. There's a room service menu on the table, but the prices are not cute. Probably won't order much from there.
A bellhop brings my bags and keeps them in the closet. When he leaves, I decide to change into my sleep clothes. The jet lag prevents me from being tired, and I hope I can adjust soon.
I'm a little hesitant to even get in the bed. It looks so pretty and I don't want to mess up the setup.
Of course, it's meant for sleeping. I eventually crawl in and go on my phone. Besides my family, and my boss, I haven't told anyone else where I am. That includes Audrey and Drew. They might kick me in the ass later.
I hear a small knock, but ignore it. The staff can come back tomorrow. Someone knocks again. Annoyed, I kick the blankets off me and get up to answer the door.
To my surprise, Harry is standing in the doorway.
He pushes past me and goes straight into the bedroom. He begins stripping from his clothes until he's only in his boxers. Then, he hops into the bed.
"I'm sorry... didn't realize we're sharing a room?" I joke.
He grunts. "Just get into bed, I'm tired."
"What if someone sees?" I ask.
"It's almost 3 am. Nobody's there. Come," He whines. I do as he says and get into the bed. He's the big spoon, probably getting a whole mouthful of hair. He doesn't complain about it. He falls asleep quickly, his arm getting heavier.
I lie there all night, barely able to sleep. Somehow, I manage to shut my eyes and enter the peace.
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