Here I am, about to hop on to a private jet. Just like that. A day after Harry suggested it.
I told my mom that I've got an amazing opportunity, kinda like a paid internship. She was happy for me, probably because I'm doing something with my life.
I didn't tell her where it was though...
Of course, I told Lily. She deserves to know.
Now here I am, standing below the door of a roaring jet. Harry's halfway on the stairs to the door when he looks back at me. Let's just say I'm having second thoughts. He gestures for me to hurry up.
I carefully walk up the stairs until I'm behind him. I so desperately want to grab his hand, but there are too many watching eyes.
Once I'm on the plane and the door is shut, I walk into the main cabin.
My jaw literally drops to the floor.
Four handsome men are seated, each doing their own thing. Harry goes and joins them while I stupidly stare.
"Oye mates, she's here!" A blond one calls.
They all look up from their activities and stare at me.
Holy fucking shit.
"Hello love," the black-haired one calls.
My mouth is wide open as I gape at them.
"Mate, you said she wasn't a fan," another says. Harry just looks over at me and shrugs.
I'm literally paralyzed. Harry sighs and comes around to me.
"Ellie, these are the boys. Zayn, Niall, Lo-"
"That's fucking One Direction," I gasp, interrupting him.
He nods and pulls me over to the seat he was at. All four of their eyes follow me. I soon find out they're not looking at me, but Harry's grip on my waist. He sits and pulls me into his lap. Normally I wouldn't sit, but I'm so shocked that I can't move.
One Direction is reunited in this private jet. This is iconic. The worst part is that no one would believe me.
Harry pinches my thigh and I snap out of my trance. "Hi-uh-I'm Ellie. I'm sorry, I'm just very fucking confused as to why you're all together. Don't you hate each other?"
Maybe not the best first impression.
The pilot announces that we'll be taking off shortly.
Niall smiles, "Kinda. Not really. The public doesn't see us together so they assume we aren't on good terms."
They all nod in agreement. Liam adds, "Yeah, I said one joke in an interview and the whole world hates me know."
I wish I knew what he was talking about.
Zayn smacks Liam, "Well, at least you aren't known for breaking the band up."
"I have to warn y'all that I wasn't the biggest fan of One Direction so I'm not really caught up to speed," I say sheepishly. Louis visibly sighs of relief. "My sister was though, and still is," I add.
Every single boy on that plane pretends to be hurt by this statement.
Although the boys try to stay focused on me, they keep looking at Harry's legs. I realize that I'm sitting in his lap and I flush red. I quickly slide over to the seat next to him. I hear Harry groan quietly. I look over and he throws me a little pout.
He looks over at the boys and clears his throat. I notice his posture slightly straightens as well.
What a boy.
"So," Louis starts. "How did it feel?"
"Excuse me?" I ask, not sure what he's talking about.
"The whole soulmate thing," Niall chimes in. My eyes go wide and I peep over at Harry. He clears his throat and shakes his head quickly, gesturing for them to shut up.
Welp, I guess they know now.
"Let's change the subject. Niall, are you excited for your tour?" Harry asks quickly.
I pretend to listen in, but I don't know much about them. They seem to be having their own conversation, which is totally fine.
Louis looks over at me and smiles. He moves to the closest seat and offers his hand. "Louis."
I shake it and say "Ellie."
"I shouldn't tell you this, but he talks about you nonstop. He wouldn't shut up about you after his concert." He laughs, making sure to whisper. My cheeks turn a bright red but I laugh it off. "Ahh yes, that's the exact same reaction he'd have when we'd tease him."
"Wait...can you see color?"
He smiles and nods. "Yup. My girlfriend Eleanor and I." I can tell he really loves that girl by the way he describes her.
"That's so cute!" I squeal. This grabs the rest of their attention. Four heads snap towards me. Louis gives an awkward smile and they return to their conversation. "Was it a fan situation like me? Well, not a fan. Ugh whatever, you know what I mean."
He chuckles and shakes his head. "No, we met very early in my career. The band had already formed though." I notice his smile has turned sad. "I did fuck up a lot, but I'm grateful I have her."
I nod, not really knowing what he's talking about. I'm not about to pry, no matter how badly I want to.
"Hello, Lily. I've got quite a surprise for you," I hear Harry say. I look over to find himself recording a video. Out of instinct, I jump into the video and wave. "I've kidnapped your sister by the way. Anyway, look!" He double taps the screen to flip the camera. He pans on each of the boys and they all pose.
Liam begins to sing, "Reunited and it feels so good!" Everyone chuckles. Harry waves by to the camera and ends the video.
"What was that for?" I ask when he's done.
"That little bugger has done a lot for me. Felt like it would be nice to repay the favor," he says. I hug him and plant a kiss on his lips. He smiles and hugs me back.
"Thanks," I whisper in his ear.
"Okay you two, get a room." Zayn teases. I pull away, but surprisingly don't blush. I need to start getting used to PDA. Harry flicks him off.
The rest of the ride is random conversation. I don't talk much, but Louis pulls me away for side conversations.
"So, who else has a soulmate?" The nosy part of me asks.
"I mean we all do," he chuckles, "but I was the only one who found mine. Until now I guess."
"Oh wow. Are they in relationships?" I gesture to the group.
He breathes in, as if he's about to tell a long story. "Zayn is single as can be. After his engagement was broken off, he's been 'enjoying' single life. Niall is single right now. He has high hopes for his soulmate. Liam is currently dating someone, but they're not soulmates. I don't understand the point of dating if you're not soulmates. It'll just hurt when you do find your soulmate."
I tense up. He's right. But also wrong. "Well, I mean, what if you never find yours?"
He shrugs. "Soulmates happen for a reason. You'll find them eventually. It's all about the timing."
I don't know if I can believe that. I nod, not wanting to challenge him right now.
He sees through my act. "You don't believe me, do you?"
I hesitate to answer, but I do. "I don't. I don't think everyone is that lucky."
"Kudos to you. There's something you're hiding and I'll be dammed if I don't figure it out." He teases with a serious glint in his eye.
I shrug nonchalantly. I'm an open book, all he has to do is ask. His choice though, it makes keeping secrets fun.
Harry directs his attention back to me, asking if I'm okay. He puts his hand on my knee. Everyone stares, but look away when I notice.
I turn back to Louis and ask why everyone stares when Harry touches me. I get it's out of character, but it's a little extreme.
Louis laughs and explains. "Well, Harry has had his fair share of girls." I cringe but he continues. "He's never touched them affectionately in public. And I mean the way he's touching you. Usually, it's shoulders and lower back. He, especially, never lets any of them sit on his lap."
I raise my brows in surprise. Who would have thought? "There's no way," I whisper.
He HAD to have touched other girls like that. It just seems impossible to not do with girlfriends.
Louis gestures to his hand that's still on my knee. "Never seen him do that in our time together."
I push it to the back of my head. I don't want to get cockier than I already am.
The power I have over Harry kills me.
"So El, Hazzah boy tells us that you're going to become his PA?" Zayn says.
I nod, anxious about what awaits me.
Louis's reaction makes me more uneasy. He turns to Harry and gives him a look. It's like they're having a telepathic conversation with me between them.
Talk about third-wheeling.
"Ahh, you'll do amazing." Niall encourages me.
The rest of the plane ride, everyone is doing their own shit. We have about 8 hours left and I feel the sleep piling on.
Since Harry wants to be all macho man, I decide to lean my head on Louis' shoulder. I wait for his reaction, but he puts his head on top of mine.
Just like that, I slowly fade into sleep, afraid of what will await me when consciousness returns.
I know I'm the one writing this story but I was super happy to write this scene haha. I thought it was a cute little twist. One of my favorite scenes. Can't have a 1D fanfic without the boys! LMK if you like it!
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