"What the hell was that!" I yelp when Audrey finally returns to her room.
She shrugs nonchalantly. "What?"
I scoff. "What? You were drooling over Harry the whole night!"
"I know damn well he isn't your type." I cross my arms. "It's like you were purposely trying to make me jealous..."
She freezes from her undressing.
"Oh my God... it wasn't me you were making jealous. Drew?!?!" I yelp.
"Shut up."
I burst into laughter. "Why?"
"And when were you going to tell me about Harry?" She scoffs, continuing to undress.
Now it's my turn to freeze. "What about him?"
She rolls her eyes. "I know about you two. I'm not dumb. Why else do you think I invited him? Besides, I wasn't trying to make you jealous. I know he wouldn't do that to you. That's why I chose him. Not my fault you were with Drew all night."
I gasp. She knew. She knows everything. "But wait... don't you have a soulmate already?"
She nods sadly. "It's him."
"Harry?" I gasp.
"No stupid. Drew." She goes into her closet to hang her dress up and grab her PJs.
Holy fucking shit.
No way.
My mouth is wide open, even when she steps back into the room.
"You whore! Why didn't you ever tell me! Why didn't he tell me?"
She gestures for me to sit next to her on her bed.
"Basically, when we first met, he couldn't tell if it was me or you who was his soulmate. Once you guys made that pact, he realized that it wasn't you. He didn't- doesn't- like me. I've been trying to make him jealous all night." She explains everything. "Besides, you guys were dating and I couldn't break that up. We really started talking at that one party where you first brought Harry."
"Girl, why didn't you ever say? What if I never met Harry? Then you'd stay single forever?" I argue. She nods in confirmation. "You're so dumb. You're way more important than some guy."
She pulls me into a tight hug.
"Wait, what do you mean he doesn't like you?" I ask.
She sighs. "He thinks I'm stuck up since I live comfortably-"
"Rich," I correct her.
"Right, rich." She mutters. "Anyways, he straight up said he'd never date a snob like me."
"What! You're the least snobbiest rich person I've met!" I laugh. "Besides, you kissed him at midnight." I wink.
She begins to blush. "Yeah... I guess I did. Do you think he was jealous?"
"Oh yeah, definitely," I confirm.
She has a little victory smile on her face. "So, you and Harry! Why didn't you say?"
Now I begin to blush. "You know me. I don't even know what we are."
"Oh, well, he seems to talk about you a lot. Like a lot. He really likes you." She nudges me.
We both crawl into the bed and talk about our lives. Audrey seems very sad that Drew doesn't like her back.
If there's one thing I know, it's that you can't avoid soulmates.
"I would have backed off if I had known," I mumble after a long silence.
"I know," she mumbles back.
We lay in the darkness, trying to sleep. I try, but my mind is racing.
I eventually see the yellowish glare of the sun peeping through the curtains. I look over to see my best friend fast asleep. At least one of us can sleep.
Sleep never washes over me. I decide to check my phone.
H: Did you think about my offer? Xx
Confused as ever, I text back, asking for clarification.
Me: What?
H: Be my personal assistant.
He texts back quickly as ever, as if he was waiting for my response all night.
H: We'll talk about it in person later. Xx
It's as if he sensed my confusion. Honestly, he probably did.
I feel Audrey stir around me and I look down at her. She's squinting up at me.
"Hey sleepyhead," I whisper.
She rubs her eyes and sits up. "What time is it?"
I check my phone. "6:43."
She groans, lays back down, and pulls the covers over her eyes. "Ugh, go back to sleep."
I smile and pat her head. "Actually, I think I need to head out. I'll see you later."
I get up and carefully grab my stuff. I put on the outfit I wore when I arrived last night.
"Tell Mariana on the way out, she'll cook you something," Audrey mumbles in her sleep.
As I'm walking downstairs, I realize that I have no ride home. I really don't prefer walking back now.
I ask Mariana to whip me up an easy breakfast and set my stuff down near the table. I text Drew, asking if he can give me a ride home.
I don't know why Drew was the first person I thought of, but he is. This way, I'll be able to convince him to get Audrey a chance.
A beautiful plate of fruits, bacon, and eggs is placed in front of me. "Oh Mariana, you didn't have to!"
She smiles. "Anything for you Ms. Ellie," she says in her sweet Spanish accent. I thank her for the food and begin digging in. My phone beeps multiple times.
Drew: Fuck you
Drew: It's 7 am I'm sleeping.
Drew: Ugh fine. I'll be there in a couple of minutes.
I smile and finish up my meal. I thank the chef once more and she takes the plate from me. I decide to wait outside. I grab my stuff and sit on the stairs in front of her house. I see Drew's shiny red car pull up.
I need to decide how to approach this. Should I play dumb or tell him I know?
I'm going to act like I don't know. That way, he won't be suspicious of my bias and intentions.
"Hey Drew," I smile as he opens the passenger door for me. Always so polite, even when we aren't dating.
I give him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you and get inside. I see a slight blush on his face as he closes the door and walks over to his side.
Oops, maybe I shouldn't have done that.
On the drive home, we talk about the party. It was definitely amazing.
"Audrey has a gift for planning parties," I say.
He scoffs, "Yeah it's pretty easy when you have all the money in the world to do so."
"Excuse me, she's way more than her money." I huff.
"Fuck Ellie, I know she's your friend, but she's living in a delusion! How long does she think Daddy's money will hold off for her?"
Ouch, this isn't about me but it still hurt. "She has a job!" I argue.
"Yeah, we all know that's just a cover so she doesn't have to move on with her life." He mutters. "She literally has no drive or motivation in her life."
If we hadn't just pulled up to my driveway, I would have thrown punches. All I can do is scoff bitterly. I suppress my anger and grab my stuff. I open the door before he has the chance and walk past him.
"Ellie!" He calls out from behind my back. I don't turn around and keep walking. I drop all my stuff on the floor as I mess with my key, trying to unlock the door.
He doesn't approach me. He knows he's made me mad and it's best for me to calm down. How can I do that if he isn't even giving her a chance!
Once the door is finally open, I storm in with all my stuff and slam it shut.
"Ellie! Mind your manners," my mom calls out from the kitchen.
"Sorry," I huff as I walk upstairs.
I let out a deep breath when I reach the top of the stairs. I stomp over to my room and open the door. Everything falls out of my arms when I see Harry splayed out on my bed.
"Uh..." I start.
He sits up and smiles. "Hello Love."
"Wait," I put up my hand, signifying for him to stop. "What are you doing in my house... with my mom here? Did you forget what our agreement was? She's going to be sus-"
He shuts me up by walking towards me and grabbing my raised hand. He begins placing kisses on each finger. "She doesn't know," he whispers. "I snuck in."
I look at him to see his infamous smirk.
How can he go from being such a sweet angel to such a douche? A hot douche for sure, but also very intimidating. Not something I'd usually go for.
"Okay... and why are you here?" I huff. Granted, I'm still a little upset.
Actually very upset. Who does Drew think he is?
"I wanted to see you," his face softens at my sudden anger. "What's wrong baby?" He leads me to the bed and gestures me to sit.
"It's Drew..."
He tenses up and I can smell the jealousy from miles away. "What about him?" He asks with clenched teeth.
For some reason, this gets me more pissed. "No, you know what? What the hell was going on with you and Audrey?"
His jealousy shifts to fear. "N-nothing baby."
"It's not 'nothing', you didn't stop her. I was right there. What the fuck?" My voice gets louder and I have to remind myself to be quieter.
"Hey wait a minute..." He looks at me in confusion. "We're talking about Drew. Don't change the subject"
I sigh in defeat. I don't want to start a fight right now. "You're right. I'm sorry I'm so stressed and tired and I didn't sleep a drip last night."
Harry takes this as an opportunity to pull back the covers and force us both into bed. He lays on this back and my head rests on him like a pillow. He strokes the back of my head.
"Go to sleep. We'll talk later."
Eeeeek, so now more people know! Opinions? Don't forget to vote and comment!
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