I wake up earlier than I intend. Since the night is going to be long, I prefer to sleep in much longer.
I look over at the party invite. The theme is going to be the Roaring 20's. Everyone will be dressed extravagantly. I need something that's fitting. There's only one place I can get something as such, quickly.
Once I'm ready, I hop into my rental car and drive to the mall. I go straight to the store, knowing where it is by memory.
I walk in, and to my surprise, Ellie is already working. She doesn't notice me walk in, but her eyes go wide when she sees me standing in front of her.
"Excuse me, miss. Where could I find the men's suit section?" I smirk, trying not to give myself away.
"Uh..." she trails. "We don't have a whole section, but the men's section is there. It has suit pieces." She points to a corner.
I squint. "I can't seem to find it. Do you mind showing it to me?"
She lets out an exasperated sigh and leads me to the area.
"Oh, your shoe is untied." I point out. Without checking, she squats down to tie it. I do the same, and plant a kiss on her lips. Then, I hop up. We were covered by the racks, so there's no way anyone saw us.
She takes a moment to realize what just happened but blushes furiously. She stands up and smooths her clothes over.
"Well, if you need me, I'm at the register." She walks back like nothing happened, but her cheeks say differently.
I can't tell where we stand. I know she's still annoyed, but she doesn't seem mad at me. Maybe this is a good thing? Maybe she's just going to blow up later.
I smirk, watching her butt as she walks. She must feel my eyes because she throws a subtle middle finger back at me.
I begin my search through the bland coats. It's funny, I can definitely afford nicer stores.
Part of me thinks I came here with hope to see her.
There it is, sticking out like a sore thumb. A purple silk suit. It comes with a jacket and pants. I already have the perfect shirt for this. I hurry into the fitting room, praying it fits.
It's a perfect fit!
I walk to the registers only to see an older woman working it. I smile and hand her the outfit. "So, where's the cute girl that was working here?"
She cringes as she rings up the suit. "She went on break. Your total is $31.97." I hand the lady my card and wait. I'm a little disappointed she left. At least my outfit will be a surprise.
I grab my bag and thank the lady.
Ellie's P.O.V
I'm so excited for this party tonight, and I'm even more excited that Harry's going to be there. I don't know why or how Audrey invited him, but I don't question it.
Once my shift is over, I run over to another store in the mall and pick up my outfit for tonight. It's a very fancy gown, something like what you would wear to your prom.
It's definitely over budget, but it's the end of the year and I deserve to splurge a little. Hopefully, next year's tax return will cover it.
I rush back home, wanting to nap before getting ready. Once I hit my pillow, I'm asleep.
An hour passes when I wake up. Audrey texts me, confirming if I'm coming early. Since I'm her BFF, I always show up early to help with decorations and setting up. Of course, she already has the staff for that.
I'm getting ready at her house. It'll be easier, especially because she can pick me up.
I pack up all my stuff in a bag and wait for her outside. She pulls up in her white BMW. I quickly climb in and toss my stuff in the back.
"Girl, I am so excited! Lord knows I need a good party." I smile as we drive back to her place.
She smiles in agreement. "Oh, I invited Drew. I hope this isn't awkward. I also invited Harry..." She trails off. "What can I say, I live for drama."
I roll my eyes and playfully nudge her.
We arrive at her huge mansion. "I will never get used to your house," I say in awe.
It's a classic mansion, similar to what you'd see in the movies. It definitely fits the Gatsby theme.
She laughs, "I know. You say this every time. Come on," she drags me into the house and signals one of her servants to grab my stuff out of the car.
Yes, she's that rich.
We run up the grand stairs up to her room. It's huge, probably half the size of my house.
Her parents are filthy rich. Her dad owns a company (which I cannot disclose) and her mom runs a boutique. She's an only child so she's very spoiled. I hardly see her parents, which is why we spend so much time together. We both grew up without parents, so we connected.
The servant trails in behind us and puts my stuff on her bed. I smile and thank her.
Audrey shows me her dress while I begin to set up everything.
Her dress is a beautiful red gown with golden gems.
My curling wand heats up and I wait. Audrey is straightening her hair next to me.
"So, what made you want to invite Harry?" I ask nonchalantly, not wanting to sound suspicious.
She smirks, but keeps her eyes on the mirror in front of her. "Oh, you know. Just texted everyone in my phone. Wasn't even sure he was in town," she says innocently.
Part of me is worried that something's up, but I don't ask. Ignorance is bliss.
I curl my hair carefully, trying not to burn myself. Music is blasting through her speakers and we sing along as we get ready.
Once hair and makeup is done, we put on our dresses. I have a purple, slim gown. It isn't too fancy, but I love the fit of it.
"Bitch, you look amazing!" Audrey coos when I walk out. I fake a model pose and she hypes me up. "Okay honey I see you!"
We both laugh and take some pictures. I throw on my silver heels, even though you can't see them with the dress.
Once we're out of her room, Audrey turns into serious mode. If there's one thing she's good at, it's planning parties. She takes that shit too seriously.
She inspects every last detail, down to the confetti on the table. The music starts blasting in the main hall.
When everything is confirmed to be perfect, she turns to me and smiles. "So, who's your midnight kiss?"
I shrug. "Who knows? Maybe some stranger?"
She lifts her brows. "Not Drew?"
I scoff, "I don't think he would want to. What about you?"
I see a glint of mischief in her eyes. "We'll see."
Oh gosh, please don't let it be Harry.
The party gets busy super fast. Many people have arrived, and there's still 2 hours until midnight.
I keep my out for Harry, but don't see him among the guests. Where could he be?
"Hey!" A voice calls out. I'm hugged by a very dapper Drew. "You look beautiful."
"Wow! You look so good!" I compliment back. We make small talk and head to the bar. The bartender fills up 2 shot glasses and hands it to us. Audrey makes her way over and asks for a glass too.
We all take our shots together and make a face after. We all laugh at each other's reactions.
"Hey El, Harry is looking so good!" Audrey yells over the music. I don't know if she's trying to start something with Drew or imply that she likes Harry, but I nod.
"I haven't seen him yet," I reply.
She makes a face. "Aw, what a shame! He specifically came over to greet me!" A little bit of jealousy washes over me. "Oh, excuse me." She leaves as fast as she came.
What is she trying to do? Drew looks a little hurt too. This Harry stuff must be hurting him. I don't get why, he's the one who broke up with me.
"I need another drink." I sigh.
Drew laughs and agrees with me. "Something stronger."
Glad we agree.
We order another drink and sip on it as the night goes on.
I don't want to be drunk tonight. I'll do something stupid and it'll fuck everything up.
Drew meets some friends and I linger around him. One even asks me to be his kiss midnight kiss. I joke around, telling him that he can be my backup.
One hour until midnight and still no sign of Harry. Maybe he's avoiding me? Maybe he's with Audrey...
No, he wouldn't do that to me. Would he?
Speaking of, where is that girl?
I look around and find her red dress standing out. I look in her friend group and I see him... Harry. We're both wearing the same color. What a coincidence.
I tap Drew and tell him I'm going to meet Audrey. He excuses himself from his friends and joins me. I get a little nervous, considering Harry is there.
It's fine, they're both adults.
I walk up to the group and say hi.
His eyes scan my body, and a very subtle smirk forms. I blush at the intimate gesture. Audrey notices us and grabs Harry's arm, faking an obnoxious giggle.
What the hell?
"Oh wow, Harry. Didn't even know you were invited," I say innocently. Both have looks of confusion, but play it off.
Drew flinches when he sees Harry.
Right, Harry broke Drew's nose.
"Harry, please tell Ella the story you were just telling me!" Audrey laughs, playfully touching Harry's chest.
I'm about to beat this girl up. What is she doing? She's never this obnoxious.
Then again, she doesn't know about us. Maybe she's being genuine?
"Uh, yeah. Later. I'm going to grab a drink. Anyone want one?" Harry asks, staring at me.
The 3 of us all raise our hands.
"Alright then," he nods and heads to the bar.
Once we're alone, I smile at Audrey. "So, is Harry going to be your midnight kiss?" I ask through my teeth, hiding my annoyance.
Without looking at me, she says, "I don't know. Is he?"
Who the hell is she asking?
Drew walks off and now I'm even more confused.
I look over to Audrey and she shrugs. I go to follow him but she grabs my arm.
"I'll go talk to him," she nods in the direction of which Drew stormed off.
She leaves me alone. The group she originally was chatting with has now dispersed.
Harry comes back, skillfully holding 4 glasses. When he sees me alone, he lets out a half-annoyed sigh. "I literally carried all glasses and they're gone."
I take one of the glasses and chug it, then grab another and stack it in the used cup.
He smiles and puts one of the cups on a nearby table. "You look so beautiful."
"You look even better," I smile. He does a little curtsy in his spunky suit. "What's going on between you and Audrey?" I try not to sound jealous, but I am.
He shrugs. "I have no idea. I thought I was being paranoid, but you noticed it too?"
"Noticed? I could see the desperation from across the room! What did you do?" I hope he hasn't led her on. It'll lead to nothing but awkwardness and heartbreak.
"Nothing!" He exclaims.
Audrey comes back and drags me away from Harry. I follow her to a corner.
"What?!" I ask, a little annoyed. There's half an hour before midnight, and I want to be with Harry... unless she messes it up.
"Go find Drew for me. I'll keep Harry company," she says before skipping back to my man.
The nerve!
It's not her fault... she doesn't know about us. Still, it's kind of rude.
I spend a good amount of time looking for Drew. I find him in a hallway.
"What's up with you!" I yell, annoyed at his childish antics.
"Nothing... I just... Is it me or is Harry being super flirty with Audrey?" He sighs.
I get defensive, "Excuse me? That girl is all over him. It's so gross." I should defend my best friend, but I'm only speaking facts.
His fists clench, then unclench.
"Ugh, come on. I know you and him have your differences, but let's go back. Grab a drink on the way, I drank yours." I link arms with him and drag him to the bar, then back to our meeting spot.
Once we're all together, we have a small conversation. Audrey's hand keeps reaching for Harry's bicep and it makes me sick.
Five minutes before midnight and I really think Harry is going to kiss her instead of me.
What is he going to do? Say no? With what reason? He can't look like an asshole to my friends.
"I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back. Happy New Year," I give Audrey a hug and kiss on the cheek, and then hug Drew.
I run to the bathroom, sure I'm going to puke my guts out. The thought of Harry kissing anyone else makes me nauseous. I can't bear to see that, even if it means I have to hide in the bathroom.
I look at myself in the mirror for a hot minute. I'm so pathetic. I can't even claim what's mine in front of everyone. What have I become?
The countdown begins. I step out into the hallway so I can hear everyone.
My prince charming runs into the hallway with his purple suit. "Be my personal assistant," he says breathily.
"What?" I ask, very confused.
He grabs my face and smashes our lips together.
Cheers erupt from the main hall. We ignore it all. At this moment, the only thing that matters is Harry and I.
We kiss for a long time, desperately. We don't care if anyone sees us, but they won't. Not in this isolated corner.
Confetti erupts and the screams get louder.
We finally pull away and stare into each other's eyes. I have a goofy smile on my lips. He really made it. He found me and kissed me at midnight.
We walk back to Audrey and Drew, hand in hand. We release each other's grip once we're close.
Audrey hugs me. "You poor baby! Are you okay?" She asks.
I nod and look over at Drew.
No freaking way.
He has red lipstick smeared all over him. Who else is wearing that shade? Audrey!
I peek over at Harry and thank the lords that I chose lip stain instead of lipstick. I try to hide my giggles, not wanting to embarrass either of them.
I'm just happy I got to kiss Harry.
He stands across from me, smiling. He then gets pulled away by some friends.
I didn't even know he knew anyone.
I'm in a daze for the rest of the night. Everyone disappears and I'm forced to mingle with acquaintances.
I can't get this silly smile off my face.
I'm facing some friends when a hot breath touches my ear.
"Happy New Year," he says in passing, not drawing any suspicion. His breath causes me to shudder.
I pretend that ordeal didn't happen and continue chatting.
When the night is settling down, I get a text. He tells me to meet him outside.
I walk there and find him and his purple suit glowing. He gently grabs my arm and pulls me behind his car, hiding us from the world.
I'm pinned against the door, fighting to catch my breath. He smiles and goes in for a kiss. I happily oblige and kiss him back.
I make sure to keep my hands limited to his face and hair. It's not fair to him.
He lets out a small moan every time I pull at his curls. I smile through my kisses.
"Happy New Year baby," I whisper. He says it back between kisses.
We pull away when we hear a couple of people walking past. They all mind their business, just wanted to go home.
I giggle when they pass, putting my head on his shoulder. "That was close."
He lifts my head up and gives me one more kiss, this time on the forehead.
We hug our goodbyes and I head back inside. I'm spending the night at Audrey's house.
I head to her bedroom to see a pair of silk PJs laid out on the bed for me.
It's going to be a long night.
One of my favorite chapters! LMK what you think! Comment and vote :)
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