When morning rolls around, I feel dead. I'm just glad to be leaving this stupid town and the stupid people.
My mom peeps into my room, "Hey, Santa left a present for you here! Come out quickly!"
I roll my eyes. I'm 18 and my mom still thinks I believe in Santa. I go with it anyway, because I can't break her heart.
When I get ready and go into the living room, Lily is already chilling on the couch. My mom hands each of us a gift-wrapped package with the tag saying it's from Santa. Lily and I give each other a look, then proceed to open it.
"OMG, mom! It's awesome! Thank you!" Lily screams and pulls my mom into a hug. I peer over and see that it's airpods. Of course. Lily has been wanting a pair for a while.
I continue to open mine. There's a plain box. When I open that, tears fill my eyes.
It's a gold pendant with the letter A engraved in it, along with my birthstone.
"Your father had made that for you when you were born. I was supposed to give it to you on your 18th birthday, but I couldn't bring myself to open the box." Her smile is sad, yet comforting at the same time.
"Thanks mom," I whisper, squeezing her into a tight hug. She helps me put it on and I admire it in the mirror.
"Wait, guys look outside!" Lily says excitedly. My mom and I rush to the window to see snow! Real snow is falling from the sky!
We all run outside quickly and see the thick sheet of white on the floor.
It's really a Christmas miracle.
We play around, throw snowballs and take lots of pictures. Lily forces me to take millions of boomerangs of her.
My mom calls us inside to help pack the car. We obliged, sad that our playtime is over.
As the last things are being packed, Clyde walks up to our cabin.
"Hey... can we talk?" He asks softly.
Lily looks over to me to make sure I'm okay. I nod and she shuffles inside.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be such an ass. I'm just shocked that you already have a soulmate." He explains himself. "I just... it's not fair. How come everyone gets one except me?"
I shrug, not knowing the answer. He probably expects pity, but I can't. Especially not after the way he acted last night.
"You're telling me you don't feel anything? Nothing after that kiss? Your heart doesn't beat when I'm near?" He asks, stepping closer after each question. "Your heart isn't beating fast right now?"
I take a step back. "You know Clyde, if I truly was your soulmate, you would never act that way. You need to get your life together. Now, get out of here before I punch you in the face."
He puts his hands up in surrender. "Okay. I'm leaving. Oh, here's your blanket from last night." He hands me the purple throw, neatly folded.
He then turns around and leaves. He looks back at me once more before disappearing into the white forest.
Just on cue, my mom and sister walk out. Lily seems hesitant, but my mom acts like nothing is wrong.
"Baby go check your room one last time. I'm not coming back if you forget something." My mom says as she finishes loading the car.
I do as she says and run a last lap around the cabin. We seem to have gotten everything.
Once I give the all clear, I hop into our car. Lily declares that she's going to be listening with her new headphones and to not disturb her.
After a very very long car ride, we finally arrive home. I'm exhausted, but text Harry anyway. I just let him know I'm home safe.
I go to shower and wash my face. It hits different when it's your own shower.
Once I'm dry, I change into pajamas.
As I get up to turn off my lights, I hear a click against my window. I ignore it, but then it happens again.
Okay, this is definitely not an animal.
I grab the nearest weapon, a lava lamp, and hold it tightly as I approach my window. I slowly peek through the blinds.
Oh my God...
Harry stands on the ground, wearing Santa overalls, no shirt, and has a bow on his chest.
Before I can scream, I back away. I quietly go downstairs and open the door. I don't give him a chance to speak before I go and hug him.
He pulls me away and delivers his dialog: "Baby your gift is here, and I have a huge package."
I burst into laughter. Harry's cheeky smile fills his own face.
Before we get caught by sneaky neighbors, I pull him inside and upstairs to my room.
He's lucky that everyone else is asleep.
"Harry! I didn't even know you're coming!" I exclaim once we're safely in my room. I hug him once again, happy to be in his arms.
He rubs my back. "I couldn't miss Christmas with my Soul."
We both lie on my small bed, very comfortable with each other.
"How was your trip?" He asks.
I smile. "It was mostly good. It finally snowed! Of course, it was the last day we were there, but we still got to play in it."
He smiles as I ramble on. "Why was it mostly good?"
I debate telling him. I figure it's best he hears it from me. "Yeah so... uhh."
"Spit it out," he laughs. Once he notices my serious face, he stops being playful.
"I met a guy there. Very handsome guy," I joke. He doesn't look amused. "Well, he claims he saw color after we made eye contact."
"What? But, that's impossible!" Harry's brow furrows.
I rub his arm. "I know. That's what I said. I told him I already had a soulmate. I feel kinda bad, he told me the last night I was there. If I had known..." I trail off, regretting that sentence.
"What? What would you have done?" He asks, his tone getting angrier. Even in the low light, I can see his eyes darkening.
I place a little kiss on his bicep. "Nothing, I would have just kept my distance. We didn't do anything... he did kiss me though." I should have left that detail out.
"He what?!" He roars. He's shaking from anger.
Okay Mr. Jealous.
"Hey, calm down! Someone's going to wake up." I climb on top of his laid-down body. He shifts so I'm sitting more comfortably. "Baby, nothing happened okay? I didn't feel anything and explained that. He knows what he did was wrong." I bend down to his face and plant a kiss on his forehead wrinkles. That doesn't seem to help. He's still angry.
I need to distract him.
While he's lost in thought, I begin to trail kisses down his bare chest. I take the bow off with my teeth.
"El..." He warns. The distraction seems to be working.
I unbutton his overall straps from his pants. He grabs my wrists.
I kiss him on the lips, which makes him release my arms. My wandering hands trail down to his v-line. He moans from the slightest touch.
"Your family is home," he groans again.
I flash him a seductive smile. "Guess you have to be quiet then."
His head falls flat on the pillow as if he's about to finish before I start.
"Hmm," I hum. "No boxers."
He's too distracted by the rippling pleasure my fingertips cause.
My hands wander to his member. It's already hard without trying... amazing.
The best thing ever is knowing I can do a terrible job but Harry will always release. I think it's a soulmate thing.
I begin to work my magic. Harry can't control his volume, moaning super loud. I start to kiss him, trying to silence him.
I only have so much breath. I need to catch up on breathing, so I decide to cover his mouth with my hand instead.
He whispers "fuck" into my hand.
He isn't loud anymore, but he squirms under my touch.
He wants to finish, but he's holding back.
I go close to his ear. "Cum baby, it's okay."
It's enough to get him going because the next minute, he cums.
Right on to my clothes.
"Harry," I groan. Now I have to change.
"You can't expect me to not finish when you talk like that." He laughs sheepishly. "Besides, you said to." He sounds like an absolute child.
Harry's P.O.V
Ellie Ellie Ellie
She always manages to make my night. I'm so glad I decided to fly back down to see her. Although, all this going back and forth can get a little tedious.
I wish she would meet me halfway. She doesn't need that job, especially when I'm here. It's bad enough that she gets to spend time with that Drew asshole more than me. I don't know if she's stubbornly trying to prove that she's not a golddigger, but I can clearly see that. If it weren't for the whole soulmate system, she wouldn't even know me. Of course, she doesn't like me for my money.
Speaking of soulmates...
Once she's fast asleep, I slowly get up from the bed and make my way over to the farthest corner of the room.
I dial a number and wait for the person to pick up. A gruff voice speaks from the other end of the phone.
"Hey, it's me, Harry. I need you to get rid of someone for me."
A light chapter for you :) Remember to vote.
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