"I don't get why you want to look nice for a concert if you don't even want to go," Audrey calls out from my closet while I lay in my bed.
She's got a point. "It's not that I don't want to go. Besides, what if I meet my soulmate?" I joke.
"El, only girls and gays listen to Harry Styles." She yells back.
I scoff. I don't know if that's actually true. All I know is that I don't listen to him. Well, I know a few songs. Still, I really don't know him much. I barely even know what he looks like.
She comes back out with a small tight dress. It seems to be a darker shade and has sparkles on it.
"I didn't even know I owned this," I laugh while taking it into my hands.
"Oh babe, you sad little thing."
I roll my eyes and try on the uncomfortable outfit. Surprisingly, it's not as bad as I think. I actually look kinda hot.
Audrey knows what I'm thinking and nudges me with a pair of shoes. High heels to be exact.
"Hey El- WOAH. You do realize we have pit tickets right? Someone is going to pull that dress right off." Lily barges in. "Anyways, does this outfit match?" She refers to the only color seeing person in the room.
Audrey gives a big thumbs up and Lily walks out.
I groan, realizing I need a whole new outfit. Discouraged, I give up trying to look cute. I put on a dark tube top with light jeans. I throw a jacket on, knowing I'll probably take it off at the concert.
Audrey chooses a lip color that'll suit me, and I throw on some light makeup. My hair is tied back, knowing it'll be hot and sweaty.
My mom drops us off to the concert venue super early. Lily wants to stand right by the barricade. I roll my eyes, but I have my headphones and a book to keep me busy.
It seems like we aren't early enough because a lot of people are already lined up. She grabs my hand and rushes to the line before it gets any longer.
I sit down on the pavement and my sister joins me. I blast my music in my headphones and get busy with my book. My sister starts chatting with some of the other fans. I glance around as the lines get fuller.
Audrey was right. There aren't a lot of boys present. Good thing I didn't dress too fancy. I'm a little underdressed compared to some of these girls, but I don't mind. It's not like I have anyone to impress. I'm just on babysitting duty.
Time passes by slowly. I send a couple of texts to Audrey and Drew, but I don't want to risk my phone battery dying. We'll need it after the post-concert chaos.
Suddenly the doors open, and everyone stands up in unison. Lily jumps up and grabs my hand to help me.
I feel thankful for being able to sit outside because standing for the opening act was hell. I don't think I'd be able to do this for the whole concert. Since it's the pit, I really don't want to sit or I'll risk being trampled.
Lily is quick to pull me and herself close to the barricades. I hear annoyed grunts as we pass through, but no one does anything more.
There's nothing scarier than a bunch of teen girls at a Harry Styles concert.
We end up super close to the stage. I'm so proud of Lily for being able to maneuver through those people. I know I wouldn't be able to. One complaint and I'd probably start crying.
When it's time for Harry to get on stage, everyone starts screaming super loud. I join too. The opening act was good, but not my style. I can tell the crowd wasn't feeling it either.
Being in the pit makes you hype. I join into the antics of the fans, just trying to have a good time.
We get to the first song, and Harry makes quite an entrance. The crowd cheers so loudly that the floor vibrates. You can hear the star of the show chuckle in his microphone.
My heart flutters for a minute. His laugh is adorable and makes me smile.
My sister and I continue to bop to his music, following the flow of the pit. A couple of songs play, a huge variety of styles. I don't know the words to most, and I'm tempted to pull up the lyrics on my phone. Lily knows every single word and she continuously sings along, barely pausing to breathe.
Then, a song that I've heard a million times at work starts. Watermelon Sugar.
I actually know the words to this song! Excited, I start singing along. My throat starts to burn, but I'm so into the concert at this point.
Another familiar song starts to play. Light's Up.
Even more excited, I sing as loud as I can. At this point, I'm not even embarrassed about how I sound in other people's snapchats. I let it all go. I don't know these people anyway.
Harry's obviously excited about the crowd's reaction to his music. He smiles as he sings the lyrics, looking at the audience. His grin reaches his eyes and even though he's sweaty, he looks amazing.
I might just become a Harry fan...
"Light's up and they know who you are...know who you are." He sings, walking along the stage. My sister is screaming and reaching towards him, like many of the other girls.
We lock eyes as he sings his last lyric.
"Do you know who you are?"
My eyes automatically close. A wave of dizziness washes over me and I try to still. When I open my eyes, everything is blurry. My head begins to pound and my heart feels like it's going to explode out of my chest. I ignore the burning behind my pupils.
"I have to go," I tell my sister before pushing through the crowd. It takes years, but I finally manage to exit the concert hall. I run around trying to find a bathroom.
Finally, I find one and hurry in, thankful there isn't a line.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I yell as loud as possible, leaning against the sink.
I'm going to be sick. The sensation is not how I imagined it at all. My brain barely has time to process what just happened, let alone the new sense I've gained.
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